Kill the Hero


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In a game-like world where dungeons, monsters, and players appear.

In that world, only I knew the truth.

“Let’s save the world together. Let’s put an end to this game.”

The secret that the man who’s idolized as the “Messiah who will save the world” is actually trying to rule it as its emperor.

Only I, who experienced his betrayal. I, who was mu*dered by him and returned to the past, know the truth.

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78 Reviews sorted by

jklm rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a good reborn modern dungeon story. MC is an OP troll who is powerful, focused, and really good at scamming people.

This is a power level fantasy, so you should definitely expect rapid leveling, constant acquisition of new skills, and plenty of plot armor making sure the MC always wins.

The parts that make this stand out are:

  • The main villain is very compelling (a guy pretending to be a savior, with lots of public praise and influence, who truly betrayed the MC's devotion in the first life).
  • Good side characters:
... more>>

They don't just immediately side with and serve the MC (and they aren't all good guys). One is a villainous guy who betrayed Korea to Japan in the previous life. MC essentially uses him by pitting him against his enemies. He thinks the MC is working for him but in reality the MC is manipulating him and using him as a shield/distraction (and ripping him off).

Others are people who were his enemies in his first life... but only because they were enemies of the the guy who betrayed the MC (the now main villain). They are a funny and quirky group and I like to see the MC get closer to them (he doesn't just go forever solo just because he was betrayed once).


  • Secret identities:

The MC, with the help of his allies, creates an alternate identity who essentially competes with the main villain in the public sphere. It's hilarious when he uses that identity to trick people, making it seem like he negotiating with him, challenging dungeons with him, selling things to others so they can gift it to his other identity, etc, when it's just him all along! And he does all my favorite things, like plotting against himself with others, attempting to assassinate himself, faking his death, etc.


Another pro is that the story isn't too long. So even though it's full of power leveling, it doesn't drag on forever.

I do have to mention something though: there is definitely some anti-japanese sentiment. It's not as bad as it could be, and to some extent the story just needs a villain country and so Japan is not an unnatural choice. (And there are real historical and present day conflicts between Japan and Korea, including Japan having done Bad Things). Japan in this story is cast as very imperialist, the villainy is pretty black and white (every Japanese person in the story is a devout imperialist with a burning desire to take over Asia, starting with Korea).

At the end of the day this didn't bother me that much, in part because it felt so exaggerated that it was almost cartoonish? And it's not the only focus of the story (the main villain is Korean). But it definitely has some offensive bits. And, fair warning, there are some other countries and groups portrayed in less than flattering lights. (Muslim terrorists come up in passing several times, and the author wouldn't know nuance if it hit him in the face).

Honestly, this story doesn't really deserve five starts (more like four-ish). But I enjoyed reading it. And isn't that what we're really here for? So disregarding all the finer details, it gets 5 stars from me just because I liked it. Even the ending. You could say it was a bit anti-climactic, but at the same time that was almost satisfying. The MC got what he wanted. There's still a bit of mystery to it, so keep that in mind if you like everything all wrapped up. <<less
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February 26, 2021
Status: Completed
The webtoon comic season 1 (chapter 53) ended at the middle of chapter 85 in the novel. (For anyone who wants to read right after they finished the current webtoon chapters like I did)

Highly recommend this novel if you also loved Solo-Leveling! I read everyone in one go right after reading the web comic. (Sleep is for the weak, am I right?) When you are around the last 50 chapters, the story would feel kinda rushed but the story will still be smooth. The ending was very funny.

Because our... more>> Main Character have lived through the events right before clearing the Level 9 dungeon (last dungeon), the whole story goes super smooth for him. Basically everything is within his calculations, except for the "unexcepted" legendary items that so happens to just magically falls into his hands while he was stretching. (Not literally but you get what I'm saying lol)

No lie, I quite enjoy how he kills of all the hunting dogs that his enemies sent in an attempt to kill him. And how he makes the enemy thinks they've got him in the bag when it's him whose playing them like a puppet. Very satisfying. And it will not be exaggerating to say he is an One-Man Army.

I low key felt bad for Park Yong-Wan. (Phoenix Guild Master and the dude with the scar on his nose shown in the web comic) Our MC (Kim Woo-Jin) made Park Yong-Wan into his little b*tch but still made him (Park Yong-Wan) think of himself as some big brain alpha. This is in vengeance of Park Yon-Wan selling out his country prior to Kim Woo-Jin's return.


Last Chapters

The top Five guilds of the world joins hands in a level 8 A+ dungeon raid as the last attempt to kill Isaac Ivanov.

Kim Woo-Jin massacres Lee Se-Jun (the hero) and his lackeys (997 players) in the last level 8 dungeon. Then proceeds to announce to the world, in his disguise as Isaac Ivanov, that the players who died in the dungeon were nothing short of being heroes and he (Isaac Ivanov) will fulfill their dream dying wishes of actually "saving the world by clearing the game."

(Direct copy from translation)
‘Because the Lee Se-jun whom I gave my life for was a hero who wanted to save the world.’

And it was the moment he regained the meaning of his existence that had been denied.
(end of copy)

The epilogue hints of clearing the "last dungeon" (level 9) in the up coming future and what Oh Se-Chan and Kim Woo-Jin plans for the future.

Oh and you will finally find out why Oh Se-Chan was such a cheap stake and money grubber. XD

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Jewellia97 rated it
February 6, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is awesome, that's the best way I can describe it. And I even prefer it to solo leveling, that's how awesome it is. Some people judged the author for the racist elements and some anti-religious terms but he's not exactly wrong about any of it, these exist in reality and it's even worse than what the author portrayed. So y'all should just ignore it, read the book and enjoy it.
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rhea4765 rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: Completed
This story relies a lot on people's preference and moods. I like this story, a satisfying read for me, but I also understand why it might be disliked by others. What I like the most about the story and what you can expect from this story (which might also be your dealbreaker) :

    • fast-paced, linear plot: it was a step-by-step progress how the MC gained his powers, especially since everything can be structured with levels.
    • no romance: man, I can't believe how lucky I am to find one revenge story without any romance--at all. None whatsoever. Nada. There were only two notable females and they were against the MC. The MC has laser-like focus and that is to kill the hero, no one can take his eyes away from that goal (and that's why the plot is linear).
    • comforting/wish-fulfillment/OP AF: as in, the MC will always come out on top, no matter what, so there really wasn't any lesson about hardship and all that. You can take comfort that the MC is invincible and just enjoy the ride.
    • straightforward ending: many will say that the ending is rushed/abrupt, and it wasn't totally wrong. The main bad guy appeared for real for 10 or fewer chapters before he got killed off, and I think how it happened was very much in line with the MC's personality and he didn't dawdle with asking why or revealing his true identity or such things. And notably, the ending focused on how the hero was finally slain instead how the world turned out after that so the epilogue was very much to the point. I was hoping for a more drawn out ending but this was good enough.
    • MC's interactions: is great--more specifically with his teammates, the sidekick (Lee Jin-ah) and the wingman (Oh Se-chan). His interactions as he made everyone danced in his palm were awesome too.

If you're currently looking for stories in the opposite with the above values, then you'd surely be disappointed with this novel. A lot of K-Novels has the same formula (rebirth, revenge, OP etc.) so this isn't unique or that amazing, but most K-Novels I read has that point where things turn weird (spiraling somewhere) either in the plot or the relationship department, so Kill The Hero is definitely a story that I appreciate with its straightforwardness and no romance.
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HoloH rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Very good. I rarely finish novels anymore on this sight, and yet this one kept my attention for its entire run. The ending was quite poetic in a funny way, breaking the mold of most novels on this sight. Its a power fantasy/revenge story all the same, w/ any and all politic maneuvering, character development, or psychological aspects being lame or underwhelming. So why did I give it 5 stars? Because I don’t read polygamy or harem novels and get pissed when the MC is a heartless, lustful piece of... more>> s***. This novel is maybe one of the best mindless power fantasies I’ve ever read, taking place right next to Warlock of the Wizarding World & Breakers in my heart. The translation team did an outstanding job, w/ regular & steady updates for their entire run. So many props are due to them for the hardwork and quality shown.

As for an actual, “Should I read this?” Meh. If you get off on revenge stories or can suck up above decent power fantasy plots through the straw connected to your proverbial semi comatose brain, go for it. Otherwise, how tf should I know if you’d like it? Pce. <<less
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russss rated it
December 10, 2020
Status: c75
I actually stopped reading just to comment about this.

The translator's side comments are pretty annoying. IDK for others, but for me, it changes the mood when I see some interruptions between or at the end of the paragraphs like 'T/N:Duh...' etc.

Nonetheless, the translations are still good. the plot's not that new to me, but it's still a fun and interesting read.

EDIT: The issue has been addressed around chap 80+. I dropped it at chap 100+. Definitely not one of the best KR novels out there, but if you're new to... more>> this kind of genre, you might actually enjoy it? <<less
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Drunk Moon Resident Scholar
Drunk Moon Resident Scholar rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: c26
[I dropped this novel after 26 chapters or slightly over 1/10th of the way through it]

The worst dungeon novel I've read.

The writer relies heavily on the reader being familiar with similar novels and instead of explaining anything about the world leaves you to assume its the same as in those other novels.

... more>> The main character is a Gary Stu and faces no difficulty from anything.

And, finally, the writer repeats themselves every few chapters.

It's not unreadable but you can do better: go read something else, e.g. Any other korean dungeon novel; they're normally well written. This is the exception. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
August 5, 2020
Status: Completed
I feel like biggest reason this novels rating is below 4 is bevause of the original translation site or at least the link for the first 30-40ish chapters. This is because their are somewhat a lot of editing mistakes especially with repeated double chapters / paragraphs. This likely annoyed the majority of reviewers giving them a negativr bias and view of the book. Personally I like this book. It is a revenge story of somewhat who got a rebirth and is looking to kill the #1 hero of the world... more>> when rest of the players are viewed as villians. The Mesiah guild is the true villian however. The MC is an op necromancer who also has op luck. Reason I gave this a 4 was because the small events were all somewhat repetitive since everytime it happened a couple of paragraphs were used as filler as why he needs to get revenge etc. Characters also somewhat lack depth but at least has more than isekai/harem novels. It's a good read/timepasser but not the best book.

I liked the MC and plot a lot. Zero romance in this book, I wish there was a little but often times it ruins the story so maybe for the best. The ending could've also been better <<less
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heminasti rated it
December 9, 2023
Status: Completed
I am fascinated by how this author writes. I have also read BJ Archmage and the author has a very distinctive way of plotting. It's incredibly focused and does exactly what it says it's going to do. Everything happens exactly as required to move to the next step. Yet this story trolls the reader at the end. This can be described as a perverse genius.
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JustMeReading rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: Completed
Not too shabby, worth reading even though people give this quite a low rating. Took one star off because the ending will leave you hanging.

It is fulfilling bullsh*t like others say it is, as the MC had no obstacles at all in this, which would make sense in real life if you think about it. It would piss me off more if he was still struggling when he knew almost everything.

I read it for fun and I got fun. No romance at all.

F*ck the author for the ending though (No... more>> ending). <<less
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IrisBay rated it
September 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Over all it was good, im kinda disappointed because it was an open ending, but overall in the novel open ending was good.

About MC, he became OP, after all it was understandable after his previous life experience which also stated in the novel dialogue, so it was common he gained better in how to do and decide things, which is flow good novel. Just imagined a MC had a second chance to back in past then doing s*upid things and not taking advantage of the future knowledge... I read some... more>> novel like that flow and it was horrible that you wanna knock the author head of where is his/her common sense, in the end you drop reading it for the reasons that you feel that your IQ had drop (i had experience it).

The event or story flow in this novel was fast, some detailes had it. For me, it was good, because to much information make novel complicated and it may cause complexity in the overall flows. For example how detailed the fighting scenes had. So it was common same skill will be used in very battle, it much better to explain it at 1st and no need to explain it again in the next battle scenes. Reading same thing again and again will only makes reading annoyed or bored.

I read the manhwa of this 1st before the novel. The manhwa was good. <<less
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Kedluben rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: c275
This novel definitely isn't one of the best out there. But it's still very good nonetheless. Whole story goes from A to B, there are no stops or corners just straight way, which is bad in the way, that we would expect any hardships for MC, but it is good, that we can see development of the story immediately. But there is practically no character development, only one character which develops come to mind, but there are certain surprises. Overall it's average.
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April 5, 2021
Status: c275
It starts off as your typical korean betrayed, regressor MC in a LitRPG dungeon apocalypse world.

It just fails at expanding on nearly every part of the novel that could make it good.

The numbers are meaningless, and the system is broken as hell. You get 3 stat points on level up? Here, have an achievement that gives you 60 total stats. And have another one in every single dungeon! Have a super legendary item in every dungeon, which would be fine if it was just regressor knowledge, but he stumbles on to these things constantly. His halo, which sponsor players giving them boosts (never actually elaborated on who or what these sponsors are, the extent of their abilities, or even anyone other than what his own Halo is), is rightfully called... more>> by the other commenters 'Sugar Daddy' giving him unique skills for his class that are now unattainable by anyone else in his class, with pretty much every level up. In the first few chapters we talk about the Inventory limit, only to basically ignore it henceforth.

We never even really learn what the numbers thrown at us mean. Okay, so a normal Player starts with around 10 constitution. By the end he has around 1, 500. The difference? Who knows, but apparently players are still vulnerable to guns and such, so even 2 orders of magnitude don't mean much. However this also would imply the scaling of monsters isn't that large, but regular blades can barely scratch orcs in D tier dungeons... I don't know how else to explain it other than the author just pulls numbers out his ass.

Also, there are roughly 0 obstacles for the MC. He was not challenged once in this novel. Well, perhaps once, but then the fight happened offscreen (which occurs quite frequently). This includes the final battle, which like all others, is just 'all according to plan' and then the enemy dies. Seriously, the final battle starts in chapter 274, and is over by the halfway point of 275.

Positives: Se-chan and Lee-Jinah are decent supporting characters, who are usually one note, but I didn't dislike them. MC does have a bit of a plan, but the foundation is usually such bullsh*t it doesn't make up for the rest of this garbage fire.

Although at the end of the day I still was able to finish it, I'd say don't waste your time if you have anything else in your list of things to read. <<less
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yume_desu rated it
March 7, 2021
Status: Completed
This gets an extra star just because of the ending scene.... more>>

Oh Se-chan talking about starting the game over and Kim Woo-jin basically being the New Game (+) was great because sometimes authors give some damn cliche reasons as to why protags get sent back in time. ALSO I DIED WHEN THEY LEFT LEE JIN-AH THE BILL HAHAHA


Like others have said, it isn't anything new and MC is a OP (he gets whatever he needs handed to him sadly). If anything, Oh Se-chan and Lee Jin-ah is what carried the story for me. I wished we had something outside of their comedic routine, maybe how the two met and all. <<less
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PsyOrg rated it
March 7, 2021
Status: Completed
Regardless of what you think of the book it was all worth it for the ending.

I won't give any spoilers but it was one of the best webnovel endings I have come across. It would have been a good ending for a fully published and ended American novel.

Ha I finally created an account here just to leave this comment.

Anyway, the novel itself is alright and it's worth reading it for the ending.
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SpitLikeALlama rated it
March 7, 2021
Status: c31
Okay so, I like this story but that's not an indication that it's a good story because my taste has often been described as 'tr*shy'

I don't know if it's a translation issue or writing issue but there tends to be a lot of repition - the main character will think something and the next line will be the exact same thought but written in narrative perspective - it's tedious

Also it feels like there some structural issues or like there isn't an editor - there's no clear distinctions for scene change,... more>> everything just blurs into the next. There are issues where dialogue is sometimes hard to distinguish because they've decided not to use speech marks and I don't know if it's a copywrite issue or a censoring issue but certain words are written like t.h.i.s without explanation.

As for the story itself, its a good time waster - the pacing is good and the plot itself is your typical modern day gaming becomes real life type of story. There aren't any unique tropes or any thing new so I mostly just skimmed through this on the bus, it doesn't need too much concentration to keep up.

Some issues lie with with the explanation of stays and skills - we just get told the stat numbers without any real indication of what's high and what's low. Dungeon ranks aren't really explained e.g. We know that the more floors a dungeon has the more difficult it is but there's no real comparison for it - it's like the author just assumes this isn't your first time reading this type of novel - which is fair but if this was the very first novel of its kind that you read you would be very confused.

Overall its a low concentration, mediocre time-wasting type of novel that I skim through when I'm bored. Not amazing but not awful, just kind of there. <<less
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February 13, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is a masterpiece! And I could say this after I have read most of the Korean novel on this site. The MC is strong but it's not like he can just brute forces through anything he want. (Even though he can) This novel focus more on politics of the world and how the MC play them within his palm with his plan. I can say that it is the most interesting part of the novel. He's a scum and suck the benefits of his enemy down to the... more>> bone marrow.

The action in this novel also is great, MC always plan his attack so the fight always end in 1 or 2 chapter. It's a short fight as it would be unlike other novel which just extend the fight to 10 chapter. There won't be any bullsh*t like the enemy dodge every attack or assassinate attack by saying "instinct" even though they don't detect anything.

The other thing I like in this novel is that unlike other novel, the modern weapon like gun still functions and can still kill monster just they cannot bring those weapon into the dungeon. It is s*upid right? If high velocity bullet cannot hurt monsters but a punch from player that did not have as much force can hurt the monster.

Well, that's why I love this novel. <<less
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huneybomb rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: c96
Okay, this is not bad but also not good story. The plot is too fast! How the MC obtained the skills is too easy, its like you can buy skills at mini market or some random people give it to you lol. And I found some plot holes, ugh im so disappointed with the author because this novel can be much better but like she/he/they too lazy.

If you are bored and doesn't have any novel left in your reading list, you can try this! I swear this novel is still... more>> readable, but not that amazing. <<less
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HallOfGlory rated it
February 10, 2021
Status: Completed
Just completed this series. Rated it 4/5. It's pretty good if you like op characters. I feel like it was pretty repetitive since the MC became op really quickly. If you like these type of stories where the MC bulldozes through enemies you might enjoy this. There wasn't really any moments of tension since the MC gained power really quickly and had all this knowledge from the future. It could have been better if maybe the mc's knowledge at some point became useless since he changed the past so much.... more>> Overall I'm fine with this series since I just wanted the op MC. <<less
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JamesMcavoy rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: Completed
Not the greatest, but still pretty fun. Just don't go into this with high expectations.

The MC is a Marty Stu and has it pretty easy all the way through the novel and ends up getting whatever he needs with no real difficulty. There's no Romance or Harem at all in the story (which is a + for me) and his allies are tolerable, and enjoyable at times.

If you're looking for a WN with good character development this is not for you, almost no character has any kind of development they... more>> pretty much stay the same all the way through. <<less
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