Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai


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On that day, due to the outbreak of an unprecedented and abnormal event, 41 students from class 2-7 of Shiromine Academy are summoned to a different world, one full of magic.

Separated and summoned inside a vast dungeon, where the only way to escape is to head to the deepest area, they are given the power of a Divine Protection 『Vocation』 as the only means of survival.

While some of them are brave, some just do whatever they want, and some harbor treacherous intentions, they all aim to capture the dungeon.

In this place, one person gained a 『Vocation』 whose skills are unsuitable for combat, attendance number 19, Momokawa Kotaro.

A boy with a small and lean build from the Literature Club wasn’t blessed with a physical ability, swordsmanship, or strong magic, rather he only had the 『Shaman』 vocation to rely on.

After being driven out of the group and left behind by his powerful classmates —– his survival instinct starts running at full throttle!

Pushed to the limit of survival in the different world’s dungeon, what starts with trusting and loving each other soon ends in killing and betrayal.

The most beautiful and gruesome battle royale has raised its curtain.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A thaumaturge can't be a brave
The Shaman that Couldn’t Become a Hero
Related Series
Kuro no Maou (Shared Universe)
The Dungeon Seeker (2)
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Prince Kurobuta Who Reincarnated as a Villain Character Remembered His Previous Life and Was Changed, He Would Be the Strongest if He Escapes From the Death End~ (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Unironically Well Written
  3. Comedy, reincarnations, ghosts (non-lethal)
  4. The best novel that I've ever read
  5. pls remeber ''

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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05/10/17 Lion Mask c32
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50 Reviews sorted by

JackB rated it
February 18, 2020
Status: c92
I have really been enjoying this but only in the parts that pertain to the MC. I just end up skimming the chapters about irrelevant classmates. The only real shame is I had to read it on a pirate site because the original work at wn404 is a god awful website that kills my phones battery and makes it hot to the touch. This is the only WN site that does this and for simple text it’s inexcusable. I try and support translators but not at the expense of damaging... more>> my property. <<less
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Graboid_42 rated it
July 5, 2020
Status: c75
This pile of garbage is just boring and tiring. This will probably have spoilers (I guess?) but I am not even 100 chapters so how much of a spoiler could it be. STFU and move alone if you're so sensitive about it.

You might think, "Oh look the MC has weak skills so he has to be resourceful this might be an interesting read!" but you'd be 100% wrong. Most of this tripe is just the hack who vomits it out setting up how basically pitiful and utterly useless in every... more>> sense and meaning the MC is. It makes zero sense. Why would literally every single other person in this summons of seemingly thousands of other people, at least it feels that way with the way things just dddddrrrrrraaaaaggggggggggggggggggggggg on, get supremely useful abilities? Because the MC was so conveniently pushed out slightly ahead of time? Meh GTFO with that. I mean not even one. Even the one ability that seems like it would be useful the MC spends what seems like 750 chapters talking about how it doesn't mean much because literally everyone else can also make his 'potions' or whatever if they just mix the crap together. There's no cleverness involved either its all basically sheer dumb plot armor that resolves situations.

That aside the nitwit who inflicts this horrifying mess of sheer inanity on existence also submits the unfortunate victims who sit down to read its sublimely worthless writing to entire thesauruses full of description for EVERY. SINGLE. LITTLE. THING. If you thought the sentence you just read was long wait until the bastard who spews this filth out at you describes any mundane one sentence deserving scene at you over 1.21 gillion chapters.

How this thing has more than one star is beyond me. The web novel community seems to have the standards of a Trump supporter when it comes to their novels apparently. <<less
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Imortal ZoD
Imortal ZoD rated it
October 29, 2018
Status: c86
Pretty good read. At times it get's a little slow, especially when the POV changes from the MC but overall a satisfying experience:

  • believable characters
  • no plot holes in so far I can tell
  • well maintained mystery and
  • well written suspense and gore.
Definitely give it a try
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Kiyoraka rated it
June 21, 2018
Status: c56
The story give different since MC has the weakest job but quite sly in which he will use every single around him to survive through the story. as the story progressed, the MC will grow along with trusted comrade... Hopefully the translator will continue from the chapter that are stopped.
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Minarett rated it
January 26, 2018
Status: c56
This is a pretty good story. It's written by the same author as Kuro no Maou which is a story that I definitely enjoyed. Although the plot is not the most original it executes the plot really well. The MC is not overpowered and there is actual tension in the story unlike a lot of other isekai stories. Although the tags might make the story seem edgy it is definitely not, the MC is a normal person who is neither evil nor heroic but he is overall a decent person.... more>> Another plus to the story is that it is more descriptive than the average novel on this site. You can form a pretty good picture from the text. The translation is great although this story has now been dropped by the translator. Overall I think that this story is entertaining and well written enough to deserve five stars. <<less
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Sunele rated it
August 23, 2021
Status: c303
The main character is seriously under powered in the beginning, and there are a lot of low moments. There was crying, shame, and desperation, but you need to tough it out.

You need to stomach the beginning, and this is not to say it's bad but there is much struggle and it churns your stomach. But I promise you, this is a great LN, the story and journey of the MC are amazing.

This is so good I couldn't help but read up past the translations. Point is read this, stop suffering... more>> through endless bad CN novels. <<less
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l2aYz rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: c298
At first, I thought it was just another Kuro no Maou aka MC got suffer theme Isekai but this time we got a trap MC instead.

But I was wrong, instead of Isekai, I'd say it's a dungeon survivor + battle royal theme. The whole class is stuck in dungeonlike forever (I catch up latest raw yes, they're still in). Because of that MC's skill which looks weak as f*ck becomes extremely useful later. I don't disappoint though the conflict between classmates is fun to read.

In Kuro no Maou be got... more>> cursed weapon background but in this novel, we got a classmates background (some of them will leave a bad taste in your mouth). Well, you will figure it out real fast. Those who got a flashback chapter are gonna die soon.

MC is still weak though, most of the time he has to use his wit to overcome a situation. Since, We got those who have a real cheat like Hero, Saintress, Sage, King compared to them. MC is just a fly but he will get stronger later (not in a direct way).

I'd recommend this novel for those who like to read some correct human emotion and have some personality in a heavy stressful situation. Minor spoil: even Hero wants to kill MC as f but He has to cooperate with MC cause his own justice "all classmates survive together". <<less
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OffCentred rated it
April 25, 2021
Status: --
Seriously don't understand how people can knock this novel. It's one of the few summoning light novels that actually has a compelling story and has realistic emotional tones. People are used to OP MC's living carefree and just being willful. This story is not that (at least not for the protagonist). He's weak yea, but he grows and not with some random POWER UP bs but with grit, ingenuity and experience. My only complaint is the ever common cowardice regarding love interests in Japanese light novels but that's just a... more>> reflection on the culture as a whole (Declining population there is a real thing) I'm caught up with the RAWS and I've yet to be disappointed on where the story is going. <<less
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Titan LLS
Titan LLS
July 21, 2020
Status: c259
I'll try not to spoil as much as possible, the thing is this is a brilliant work I can not stop applauding but it is really for people who can stick things out and carefully observe. The same way many people complain, say, One Piece is s*upid and childish. Failing to see how Oda is always setting things up in his writing. Even though they are seemingly trivial and glossed over they are present I promise you especially if you read Kurono Maou. It is not required, but if you... more>> are up to date in both for the raws you should be seeing much more than the average reader. That said the story is good as a standalone as well but excellent viewed as a connecting work. I want to take a bit of time to talk about the story, but not spoiling as possible. Ill say if you are looking for that atypical story, where the protagonist is Hurt goes crazy, awakens a badass superpower, goes on a killings spree and spends the rest of the story masturbating on the notion of killing everyone who is not an ally but strong. "This story is not for you!" This story is a beauty put together with elements that really speak to the fact that people. People are not glorious stories, they are petty, they are vengeful, they are loving, they are fearful. For example here heroines are not being rescued. And sidelined as boring character that just comes out to cheer. Rather the Main Character is more of a cheerleader, as he is not the hero. He is the personification of the "Stubborn Human Will" that brings about miracles of a near divine nature. He uses that to grow others, he inspires others not in that Shounen Naruto "I'm on the front line fighting the hardest, taking the worst hits and it makes your blood boil to support me!" Way but in that way that he will set up a stage for characters where they shine along with him as equals. Instead of making himself a hero to be venerated and relied upon. He is making heroes out of guys who did not see that potential themselves. At the same time never disregard the MC himself, even though till date he can truthfully be considered the weakest character alone. The beauty is he is the type that can turn a flock of sheep into a herd of wolves and when pushed to the corner on his own he can show you miraculous comebacks that leave you in awe. Chpt 239 is such a comeback that leaves you in awe. The truth is I initially read it and thought it was a really good ending. Then re-read it to see there was much more going on in that scene then I initially thought and the more I read the more freaked out I was by the genius of the author and how he can show a great example of human effort and preparation meeting fortune. I urge people to not try to see this story as anything else as opposed to what it is on its own don't look at the regular story of Isekai where people adapt right away and thrive and view it as normal. Here you see a very realistic transition in mentality to a dog eat dog world, without losing oneself in hatred and irrationality. The main character is not dense in the least bit merely lacking confidence in the start. The MC is not the typical MC for Isekai tall growing an incredible physical body as the story progresses. He is small and dainty and even catches animosity from women stemming from jealousy, because they feel inferior in appearance to him. These are not traits that right of the back make someone feel they are masculine and heroic. So when a girl (Arguably a better hero than the actual hero) that even the should be Hero (Souma) of the story thinks is incredible. Is attracted to you and not the hero. It makes sense that one would feel hesitant. At first that they may be making a foolish misunderstanding. (Very much not an issue currently) like I said before this is a story trying to be as authentic to Isekai as possible in that people do not just go to a magic world and magically become different extraordinary people but start much who they are and have to grow to adapt. The MC is not the greatest general that has all the answers and does things perfectly but he takes and gives from and to everyone. People going on about and saying this guy is a wimp or he is a beta you do yourself a disservice, to not understand that characters grow. Even Kurono Maou that most love in opposition to this one you take for granted that the MC there is the way he was it is not a natural process that made him adapt as the MC did in this story we see a more natural character development that is all. <<less
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UdonNoodles rated it
November 14, 2019
Status: --
It's not your typical MC gets weak job but then gets really overpowered and edgy. The MC gets a weak job and he makes the most of it. The MC is not that weak but he would get one-shotted by most of his classmates. He's basically a glass cannon but the cannon is a bunch of versatile weaker weapons.

People complain that the MC is "beta" but that's because he undestands that his classmates could kill him at anytime without batting an eye. It's also why

... more>>

[He doesn't try anything with the heroine because if he loses her trust he is sure to die because the heroine is one of the strongest classmates. (At least Top 3)

He also says that he'll confess to her if he ends up leaving the dungeon.]


Its good read overall but I won't lie the beginning chapters are pretty slow and I could see why one would drop it in the beginning. <<less
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tallrice rated it
September 18, 2018
Status: c56
Okay, where to start.

I don't really recommend reading this one unless you like semi-realistic scenes breaking down into anime-esque chaos.

It's complicated though:

... more>> The first 30 chapters are a grind

Chapters 30-55 are actually really good

Chapter 55-56 start down the Author's yandere obsession and break down the realism considerably

I did give this 3 stars, originally, mainly because of the weak writing style (lots of gags that break the 4th wall and destroy the atmosphere)

I have now further demoted it to a 2 star rating because of the yandere insistence, particularly since it was used as a shock factor without foreshadowing. Just breaks the characters and logic.

Setting up hard mode

The first 30 chapters were setting the scene and were hard to read through.

They set a very bleak scene but fairly good characterisation. The author both shows that there are certain handsome, smart idol boys in the class, while not making the MC come off as a total creep or anything either. The MC tries to help his classmate, has some friends, he isn't bad at studies, he's not considered ugly either. He's just very average and has low self-esteem.

The early chapters are about how the MC discovers his abilities, copes with dangerous situations, foreshadowing the tactical intelligence that the MC displays throughout. The author is careful to show this intelligence, not just say it, which already puts this novel above quite a few others.

The great heroine

The most depressing thing is that I liked Futaba. She really breaks the mold and she's no average Japanese light novel heroine.

She's also another reason why the first 30 chapters are a grind.

Futaba is the fat girl in the class. She's not hero material, she's a crybaby. Anyway, you'll see all that play out, but she develops, which is part of why chapters 30-55 are so good. She actually becomes a strong character, there's a bit of before-after appearance magic going on and she seems to have an interesting slightly bipolar but still honest personality.

Then the author takes it another step and turns her into a yandere violence queen. That in itself doesn't break character, it was her blatant and sudden ignorance of social norms, such as 'beating people to a pulp totally won't be a problem to our party' that seems odd and unaccounted for and is the reason all her inhibitions suddenly disappear.

Magic system

Another strength of this novel is the magic system.

Of course, it follows the standard Japanese light novel RPG template. The author is not trying to create a new magic system. His commentary is more on the grit and unfairness of what happens to the MC, not about trying to be original in worldmaking.

Anyway, what does count as a plus is how he distributes the skills, his MC's 'class' as the curse mage, and how he develops curse magic.

All his curses so far have been creative, and have various uses that the MC puts together to stay in the fight. He also gets one of the more interesting 'gods' to explore as well.

I'm not sure if I'd say it's a plus or minus that the skills all seem to be the type that scale really well. I have a feeling that by chapter 100 or 150, the MC will be typically OP, but I'll hold out some hope for the author who has managed power levels well so far.

The hero

There are also a number of scenes from the 'hero's' perspective. These are another grind to read through, but again, not badly done. They are both the contrast to our MC's plight, there to nag at the reader's sense of injustice and to be a satire on other Japanese light novels that we all know and hate- err love, as well as a foreshadowing (or so I expect, since I haven't read that far) of the reversal of fortunes later on.

And the writing style...

With a plot driven so much by its characters, heavy moments of betrayal and tragedy, monster-dungeon atmosphere and action, the slapstick comments that break the fourth wall, constantly - like every couple paragraphs constantly - are exasperating.

Of course, when it turned out going down the anime trope path, perhaps it was not so out of keeping with the plot.

Unfortunately, I can't see the ultra realism and bleak early chapters as being popular with the same people who would like the heavily anime fandom catering series it develops into later, and none of the story really went well with a gag filled writing style.

I might continue reading, so I'll update if I change my perspective on anything. <<less
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Edamh rated it
July 22, 2018
Status: c149
I will rate it 4/5 but there is something that always bother me about the novel, and I can resume it like this, the POV of the hero and his harem is so boring that I always skip it but the worst of this, is that drags a lot of the plot to point out, I read till 69 the start reading the 146 and I didn't miss a lot for all the boring fillers.
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PIKECHAN rated it
December 2, 2021
Status: c157
It's everything I wanted from a survival/isekai story. Nothing is easy for our main character in this novel. Some characters are a bit outlandish but the main casts are very interesting and realistic, especially the main character (he is someone who is actually weak and not just a person gifted with gimmicky bullsh*t asspull ability that is actually OP like some other isekai stories) It's obviously not perfect but It's not your ordinary isekai story either.
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Heimdall rated it
November 30, 2021
Status: c160
Decided to write this review because out of all "classroom summoning" isekai I've read, this was my favorite by far.

The setting is extremely simple, but also effective. The classroom is summoned and thrown in an survival battle royale dungeon. Thus, the story is a mix of struggle against the monsters and interactions between the students, including alliances, betrayals and battles.

The MC is well written, we can see how his personality changes throughout the novel. He feels believable, since he is neither a cunning cutthroat bent on revenge, neither a people... more>> pleasing beta. He makes his choices with survival in mind, and engages in battle using strategy and preparation. He is weak for a very long time, this is not one of those insta weak to OP that we commonly see in the genre. As a reader, a lot of times I felt the same frustration as the MC for the imbalance between his power and that of his classmates, but this only helps make the victories more satisfactory. Regarding his power development

up to where I read (c160), he is still not on the same level as the top tier classmates. However, he has a good arsenal, and is able to deal with a lot of them using his own resources.


No harem is a great positive imo. Many novels have interesting premises, but are completely butchered later on because of an exaggerated focus on harem girls. The relationship between him and meiko, although very slow paced, is well explored in the novel, both when they are exploring the dungeon as a duo and when they are entangled with other parties.

Side characters are essentially his classmates. There are chapters with their POV, either showing the backstory of a character/group that will interact with the MC in the near future, or showing the hero party side. Now, I do admit that some of those feel like a hurdle when we are focusing on the MC, specially the ones with the hero party. However, due to the nature of the novel, with the battle royale for survival as the main drive, most of these chapters are important to give some depth to the characters.

It is a very good read, the only downside is that the translation is progressing quite slowly with chapters broken in 2/3 parts for weekly release. <<less
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XilentZeta rated it
November 5, 2021
Status: c321
This novel's MC is not a protag type MC, hes rather like a side mob thats crawling alive through every battle, so hes forced to mature and develop strategy faster than the protag of the story which is hero I like this a lot. Though the current volume's fighting is dragged out by quite a bit
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MyRAMEN rated it
October 5, 2021
Status: c158
This story had its own load of problems. Despite what I rated this, I enjoyed it enough to keep reading on. There are many plot holes, dumb moments, et cetera. Many things in this novel honestly aggrevated me, or were just blatantly annoying. Fight scenes eventually became too repetive and overused that I started skimming/skipping chapters due to me starting to care only about the plot developments rather than the writing.

This story does have its good points, which is the reason I surprisingly haven't dropped it before I caught up... more>> to translation. For an isekai harem novel, especially a highschool student one at that, I am so glad the author didn't make the MC generic with no thought. The best part is, he actually has bad feelings towards others. You can tell that the author actually cared about the story, rather than just writing for the sake of having their imaginary harem world flushed out by words. The MC developments were interesting, I also liked the conflicts he has to resolve. Although I did like this novel, it's share of negatives outway the possitives. <<less
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ojamayellow rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: --
im sorry, I was tolerant at first but chapter 30 onwards, it became very annoying. Not only is the MC incredibly week, he doesnt even have the guts to have the commitment to be strong! He's just a big wuss not even striving to be strong. That's not even the worst part, what's worse was the story! What the heck is this story? Is this even the MC I feel like the author kept pushing the MC lower and lower getting bullied, judged and everything. There was no point where... more>> he showed growth. There was no detail to what kind of world or place their were in, no goal in place for the character. I guess I expected too much from the synopsis but this is rather incredibly disappointing. To LN fans with love for isekai stories dont bother reading this trust me it'll only make you irritated. <<less
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Fanservice_Kun rated it
May 17, 2018
Status: c56
I am just a newcomer in novel in such so my review might be really terrible

I like fantasy novel and such like Grimgar/l and No game no life where characters are quite lovable in my opinion. The way it start is cliche where there is already main character decided before the story began but something happen and blah blah blah. They need collect something to pass or return back to their world or something.

The characters has quite the cliche where it could convince the readers its their action and reaction... more>> were realistic

such as when the MC and her Yandere fought together with 2 of classmates. When things got bad, the MC told them to retreat and started running and because of that, 1 of their classmate thought he was gonna abandon them but that's not the only reason that I liked that part.

I like the part because (I interpreted it this way) the guy was stress after losing a classmate, fear of death, etc and after receiving hope (His Girlfriend) he thought "I could trust this girl" and because the MC is not important to him or her, the slightest suspicion can turn into the act of betrayal


But the writing was good, it was really decent compared to other novels and the way characters were introduce and developed is really understandable and reasonable (For me). The story's pacing was also fun and easy to understand to me

It's like BNHA but with a bit more content, brutality and magic?

So I hope more readers would read this

I can't read the raws so please someone translate this amazing novel

PS for those who complains about having way too much character at the start, I'll give you a little advice. Don't try to remember the character, just remember the story. For an example, instead of remembering their name, it's easier to remember their roles <<less
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Emiyamanu rated it
December 7, 2018
Status: Completed
100% plot. No plan. Only plot. In early story he has betrayed, he almost dead and dead reaper come for his divine protection why he got saman not dead mage or whatever And for plot he can kill bear whit fever and poison. You fail to be reader. Bear have nose, for what? If He cann't smell poison musroom. He must dead long long ago. Also protagonist is hero and no saman. Because I like hero story. If me to be saman. I'll climb tree. And made trap. Yes you... more>> must. And for heroine she is chosen to be knight but she dont have catagories to be knight. Please someone can you answer me! To many caracter dicribs in early story.

I think Author Only write plot progessing. Kuro no maou is better than "this" very much <<less
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HentMas rated it
February 6, 2024
Status: --
Second time I've tried to read this, couldn't remember why I didn't read it if the premise sounded intereting, I wanted to post the reason of why I can't go past chapter 1, too many TN and ED notes, the story is written as a monologue and having the translator and editor goofing around at the end of some verses really broke the immersion.

I generally don't mind those kinds of notes, sometimes they are even fun or quirky, but this felt way too excessive, I genuinely couldn't finish reading the... more>> first chapter, you're getting a sense of immersion and it's constantly broken by these notes.

"Then don't read the notes"

I apologize, I don't do selective reading, especially if I'm getting immersed in a book, I just lose myself in the words, which is part of what I enjoy when reading a story, suddenly two other people are commenting on what I'm reading and it just breaks that immersion, which felt really annoying, if you can endure that, go ahead.

Again, I generally don't really mind those notes, but here, there are just too many.

It was an immersive read till those parts btw, so maybe you'll enjoy it. <<less
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