I’m Back in the Other World?


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My name is Fujino Sakura. It seems that I have a “past life” and “knowledge of it.” However, that knowledge or whatever was basically useless to me, and actually got in the way as I grew up. This is a story about how I ‘tripped’ back into the world of my old life.

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Isekai ni Demodori Shimashita?
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31 Reviews sorted by

chamchaworld rated it
December 4, 2016
Status: c66
I adore this story and I ship the MC and the prince. Even though this story is kind of isekai one, if you want to read some action, I advice you to go back before you're disappointed and bashing this novel. But if you're looking for cute fluffy slice of life with magic rom-com, you come to the right place. The heroine is cute and no matter what she says, she's not a loli (according to the novel's picture). The characters relationship is nice and the romance is cute too.

well, she's get kidnapped easily but that's okay since it's makes her normal human. Even in shojo manga like Akagami no Shirayukihime, the heroine need the prince to save her sometimes

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Yoshiwa rated it
January 19, 2024
Status: extra 42
I just finished reading this even though I started reading when it was first being translated. It generally is a good read and the story is enjoyable. The problems I have with it are how little depth there is for solving real deep issues that come up, and how the author pushes misunderstandings past reasonable limits.

That and don't read past the extra 36, maybee there was supposed to be something further but with how it ends at extra 42 the story ends on an unpleasant note. I would happily never... more>> have read after extra 36 and considered it well enough. The few chapters after add nothing in story/world/character building but instead destroy the known character of one individual and that is where the last chapter ends. So don't read past extra 36. <<less
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avyvanja rated it
October 13, 2023
Status: c43
My biggest issue with this kind of novel and the plot that it follows is this very unpleasant manner in which the romance progression is conducted. This happens, I think, irrespective of language media. The way the plotline works is, boy meets girl, girl is emotionally/romantically dense, boy falls in love first, constantly hangs around her and demands (emotional/cooking/care) labour of her and eventually she ends up falling in love with him because she was taking care of him and well he was pretty nice to her.

I say it happens... more>> across all language media but the current biggest culprits are Japanese, Chinese, and Korean stories, especially Chinese stories where this is one of the most common ways in which a romantic relationship develops (another very common way is through s*xual a**ualt which is of course more f*cked, I don't have to explain it here).

The reason I dislike it is it truly demeans all characters involved in this situation. The man comes across as sly, cunning, and manipulative (under his sweetness), or he comes across as unreliable, dependent, and burdensome. The woman comes across as naive, s*upid, and completely situationally blind, or a complete sucker who is eventually worn down enough to accept the man. It's a pretty toxic way of writing a relationship, even if after this part it's the goddamn sweetest and most healthy relationship in the world. Furthermore, in a lot of these plotlines there tends also to be what ranges from a subtle to extremely overt stalkery behaviour that gets recast as "attentiveness" or "I'm so taken by you that I can't stay away" which completely ignores just how creepy this behaviour can be. Honestly, I've yet to see a novel both properly address how terrible the man is acting while also resolving the relationship into a pairing in the end because of character growth. It assumes a post hoc ergo propter hoc position on the relationship - because this man is the male lead, his actions are justified and romantic; because another man is not the male lead, his exact same actions are overboard and creepy. Not to mention how braindead and dense they have to make an (usually) otherwise intelligent female lead to make this plotline work. In all other things, she's generally astute and has her wits about her; in this one aspect, her brain has zero braincells left to process just what is going on around her.

Overall, not a complete critique of the novel, more a critique of the genres and archetypes it leans into that really puts me off reading these kinds of novels. I simply don't like these kinds of developments. Perhaps it's because I'm also a woman, but as much as I enjoy the dominant/submissive power dynamic that runs through a lot of these heteros*xual romantic relationships, there's a point at which it becomes repulsive instead. I love a certain amount of romantic and s*xual pressure from the man towards the woman, a certain amount of chaser/chased that always arises, but when the woman is depicted as having no agency - when she can never win against his advances, when ALL she does is submit to his methods, when there's very little equality in the extent to which they can lead each other around by the nose - that's where these plotlines lose me. It feels very disgusting to see a female character presented as essentially a plaything in a male character's hands, no matter how much it is dressed up in the heavy makeup of love and affection.

For this reason, I got really excited when Sakura was getting upset at the second situation in which she got drunk and ended up in bed with the prince, because he was fully responsible for that. He knew she was weak to alcohol, and would expose an extremely vulnerable and humiliating side of herself, and he did it anyway. Sure, she could have drunk less and refused more, but he created that situation in the first place, knowing full well what it would/could lead to. And then... it got disappointing. She just... allowed him to lowkey move in with her and bum meals off of her every single day, when he's a goddamn imperial prince. The agency and self-assuredness that she demonstrates against the King is completely and utterly non-existent when she's interacting with the prince. And he's clearly working his way through a plan that will allow him to completely ingratiate himself into as much of her life as he can, so that when she turns around and looks back, all she can see is his presence. It makes my skin crawl, because it feels really manipulative. I won't deny the purity of his emotions. He is clearly also a relatively young man with a somewhat innocent and sweet approach towards her. But the way it is written warps a lot of that into a kind of gradually laid trap for her to fall into, and she doesn't react to his behaviour with any kind of vigilance or resistance.

Idk, these kinds of plotlines just grind my gears a lot and my heart burns with humiliation for these female characters who suffer so many unjust and unnecessary defeats at the hands of these kinds of male characters. Because- it is a form of humiliation that they can only keep falling for the tricks and maneuvers of the male leads, and I would be okay with that building humiliation if there was a proper payoff for it. If there was some kind of proper outlet for this humiliation to be externalised, expressed, retaliated, or resolved somehow, it would make for a much better emotional resolution to this kind of storyline. But there isn't, and these female characters just take it, and take it, and take it, and then they get together and the initial humiliation they suffered just gets written off like it never happened and it's all okay now because they're together and love each other. <<less
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NoEl123n rated it
April 27, 2020
Status: extra 18
After I got at this point, I agree that this novel is short in story development and the MC herself is self-aware that she is 100% female that just having past memories as a male mage ... more>>

(so there's no usual TS development like having male thought in female body)

, but I think this is one of the novels that I found enjoyable and fun to read, and because she herself having a self-awareness as a girl, the love development is also not that bad too. Overall, this is a good novel to read. <<less
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josh72ebp rated it
February 5, 2020
Status: c96
Going to be short and simple.

Classic dies born in different world then goes back so nothing to review there

Quite short read imo as I got this far and nothing really good happens just like ok ok get to the good stuff.

... more>> And somehow now after waiting over 2 years for it to get enough chapters and good turns out it ended in a couple of chapters after. And I can't even read it as somehow the site isn't there.

All and all its a ok I expected this and I will read if I got nothing else but I wouldn't recommend going out your way to read it <<less
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darkclouds rated it
December 29, 2017
Status: c57
I’d actually give 2.5 stars if it was possible. This was an interesting premise, having the MC return to a world instead of being transported to a new world. And conveniently, she still retains all her skills from both worlds.

It was alright. No big surprises, no scary villains, no complicated thoughts or plot (?No plot?). Mostly bland and at times cute, but not enough fluff to sustain the story on just that. Nothing stands out. And the long paragraphs tend to bore. What can I say? I had too much... more>> on my plate and no will to clear it up. Hence, this light novel. <<less
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just-lacey-ok rated it
January 21, 2017
Status: c80
Cute fluffy story plenty of humor and a little drama without having any convoluted story arcs that drag on forever. So far so good, looking forward to the rest of it.
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WoolyMarmot rated it
May 9, 2016
Status: --
The story starts out with an interesting protagonist: a high school girl who, because of experiences in her previous life, has taken an interest in the culinary arts and martial arts. Because of who she is, she excels at both. Once she lands by accident back in the world of her previous life, she shows herself to be very capable with these new skills (refreshingly though, not overpowered), and to have a forceful personality that makes things go well for herself and for the people who are her allies.

And then... more>> around chapter 35 things take a different turn. The plot leans more toward romantic comedy and our previously very competent MC loses all dignity on several occasions. Sometimes through her own mistakes, and sometimes at the hands of members of the royal household. Warning: your western sensibilities may tell you that there's a teenage girl here being sexually abused. However, if you're one of those who can set those mental habits aside and read this as a Japanese story about a fantasy culture, there's humor in those chapters. The situations are played for laughs, and the MC isn't traumatized.

Hopefully MC will be able to escape from the RomCom arc (still going as of chapter 47), return to adventuring or another activity where she can show her abilities, and be in control of her life again for a while. <<less
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han2xiah rated it
May 5, 2016
Status: --
it is fluffy and good though I am a fan of fluffy things, she seems to forget that he/she has the advantage of previous memories.


i mean while she is being toyed with the royal family/ taken advantage she doesn’t to use her previous memories to avoid such things. I mean sure not using it sometimes is okay but if you don’t use it to the point that it seems like it never happened it is useless to say that she has memories from that world right.

it kinda ticks me off because of that plot hole/MC forgetfulness/ not caring to use it when she needed to use it. So minus points for that.
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Promethean rated it
April 8, 2016
Status: --
Its really average and generic. For that, I give it 3 stars. The premise behind the story doesn't really add much of anything to the story. The story proceeds slowly, and spends most of the time talking about cooking. Yes. Cooking.

This is one of the 99% of japanese webnovels that are about cooking.

There isn't anything special about it that I would recommend reading it. But if you are looking for the usually another world fantasy story, than this is your thing.
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Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ rated it
January 14, 2016
Status: --
Ordinary story, not that amusing but not that bad either. So somehow in past life the MC is an old man with magician as occupation, now MC strive as a cook?
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