I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius?


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Arakawa Kouki is reincarnated to a Japan with a different history than the Japan he knows with the memories of his previous life still intact. Kouki was discouraged, “Aren’t reincarnation stories supposed to be at some fantasy world filled with swords, magic and elves?!”

But one day, his random scribbles leads (his mom) to the discovery of a certain formula, which as a result, leads him to be mistaken as a genius by the entire world.

For that achievement he is sent to the school of prodigies, the State Technology Academy, where he meets the Canadian girl, Alice, and the robot engineering genius, Shingo. And even at such a place, he is still mistaken as a genius?! Every time Kouki shows his knowledge from his previous life, he is mistaken as a genius, and everywhere he goes irregularity follows.

This is the comedic life of a genius reincarnation loaded with misunderstandings.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Isekai ni Tensei Shitandakedo Ore, Tensai tte Kanchigai Saretenai?
Me, a Genius? I Was Reborn into Another World and I Think They've Got the Wrong Idea!
Ore nanka kanchigai saretenai? (old title before the author changed it)
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Comedy recommended
  2. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  3. Interesting reads for me
  4. Other World-Easy Going
  5. Novels I like

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/27/18 owntranslation c29
04/20/18 owntranslation c28
04/14/18 owntranslation c27
04/05/18 owntranslation c26
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03/08/18 owntranslation c23
03/05/18 owntranslation c22
12/25/17 Endofdays42 c21
09/01/17 Endofdays42 c20
05/31/17 FraiziarTl c19
04/07/17 FraiziarTl c18
04/05/17 FraiziarTl c17
02/09/17 FraiziarTl c16
01/23/17 FraiziarTl c15
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84 Reviews sorted by

ResidentialPsycho rated it
June 18, 2018
Status: c9
Thus far, the story is only based on misunderstanding after misunderstanding, and no one is making an efforts to validate their conclusions. The reasoning behind the technological insights provided by the MC doesn't make sense. The simple solutions provided by him for various modifications to machines are obvious, making it surprising no one ever thought of them before. This is definitely more of a gag series that one cannot take seriously. However, the jokes and gags become redundant and are no longer funny after the first few chapters. Even while... more>> ignoring the "science" present, the redundant illogical misunderstandings and lack of interesting plot or characters eventually tuned me out of the series, and I'm dropping it. Perhaps it becomes better later on, but it's not entertaining enough to make me be patient until that time. It's not funny, and I can't see any redeeming traits for this series thus far. <<less
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HunterGeorge rated it
August 10, 2016
Status: v1c7
A good reincarnation novel, good for anyone needing a bit of a break from heavy reading. Forget the science and enjoy the plot armour. Any of the hardcore science people, don't expect miraculous explainations. This is a novel meant for regular people have fun and enjoy the "laymaness" okay thats that and I hope they release more soon. Love it guys, the name Jenpress is genius, haha.
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GabeZhul rated it
July 19, 2018
Status: c26
The protagonist is a high-schooler who reincarnates into an alternate modern earth in the 2100s. The main premise is that, due to contrived coincidences, his accidental doodlings and tinkering lead to inexplicable scientific breakthroughs, which then leads to his parents and the world at large mistaking him for an impossible genius. In other words, this is a misunderstanding comedy, and while it is extremely absurd, at first it was fairly entertainingly simply because it wore its premise on its sleeve and embraced the over-the-top nature of the genre.

However, there is... more>> only so long one can stretch one's suspension of disbelief before it starts wearing thin.

-The MC's drawings at the age of 3 inspiring his genius mother to come up with a new theory in quantum physics, and she is convinced he did it consciously even though he cannot even speak or do algebra? Hilariously absurd.

-The protagonist and friends accidentally discovering the cure to a virus that nearly wiped out humanity it the past? Well, accidents are the bread and butter of the genre, so let's roll with it.

-The MC unknowingly drives a drone into an intercontinental ballistic missile by banging on a terminal, saving themselves and everyone in the vicinity? Eh, a bit too contrived, but fine.

-Him coming up with the idea of "if the mecha doesn't have enough space for these systems, just make the mecha bigger" being treated as some kind of amazing, out-of-the-box thinking? Erm... okay...

-It turns out that there are ruins of an alien civilization on the moon, and no one have managed to open them up because they could not translate the alien language... until the protagonist looks at them, realizes that they are not letters but pictograms (something no linguist have ever noticed...) and figures out that they are written diagonally, then smugly states that he could realize all that while no one else could because he has a different common sense due to being a reincarnator.... What?

So yeah, while this story started out fairly amusing, it is entirely based on a single joke repeated ad nauseum, and the longer it goes on, the less justifiable the misunderstanding becomes. You can either have every other character being a genius who can somehow turn the protagonist half-assed and/or misinterpreted actions and comments into reality on the spot, or they are complete idiots with zero common sense who are really bad at their own expertise. You cannot have them both at the same time. <<less
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Mnotia rated it
April 5, 2018
Status: c25
In my opinion, this story is the most hilarious thing out there currently and it doesn't make me want to punch the monitor.

The misunderstanding tag is correct like no other, the characters are unique especially the MC's mom, and the plot is pretty solid....... but there'e one thing screwing it all up......... THE TRANSLATOR!!

Yeah, you didn't expect that did you? The translator uploads the chapters in the wrong order, structures sentences like a high school graduate, and then some times I just wonder if s/he can really translate Japanese to... more>> English.

I can probably understand if there was 1 translator and to be honest I don't even know who's translating this but all I want to say is........... please.... please.... PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME TRANSLATING MY COMRADE! I know I just shat on his style and all but I can honestly say that if there was like 1 chapter a month I'd even accept that as long as the upload order was better.

Like one of the chapters was getting intense but then the next Chapter skipped the whole thing bringing up a different issue. You all might be thinking "Jeez, this guy must hate this translator!"..........I don't its just that I feel hes dwarfing the quality of the story but I'm happy he at least uploads chapters..... cough man picked up by the gods cough. <<less
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mainzer45 rated it
March 7, 2018
Status: c22
Quite a fun novel, mostly a silly slice of life comedy that requires a bit of suspension of belief. I see a few undeserved reviews saying "this novel sucks because it downplays science" or things along those lines.

This is a sci-fi/fantasy novel. Not non-fiction or realistic-fiction. The title literally says it even, he was REINCARNATED which isn't scientific in the first place. It's like going into star wars and getting mad that they didn't explain the science. It's like reading a magic isekai novel and complaining that magic is unscientific. It's like reading a xianxia and expecting them not to fly because, well, you get the point. It's a review that literally holds no meaning because they go into a novel that's very clearly going to be unscientific and expecting it to be so. Don't read fiction if you only like non-fiction, or if you do, don't complain how fake it is, because it just falsifies the reviews of a novel for no reason realistically related to the novel itself, just the genre. If you ever write a review, write it about the flaws of the novel in the context of the setting.


Literally wrote a big complaint, mostly about how people review novels poorly for reasons that "I don't like this genre so this novel is bad because its in this genre" and why that's ridiculous above, but to move on so you don't have to view the rant above, the novel itself is quite interesting. The MC a bit of a mary sue, but in kind of a fun way. He seems to be in denial of his genius through the series, which we sort of see throughout from the POV's of other characters, while he thinks he's just a normal dude. The series itself plays out kind of like a slice of life comedy that feels like it was written for a 4-koma format where the MC does something rediculous

Invents a virus that could kill the city just to kill some weeds, makes a nuclear missile for fireworks, etc

and then its up to the people around him to react to it. It's surprisingly charming, though the translation speed is on the slower side. It has this whole silly quality about it where all the characters are much kinder than they should be, but it comes off in a fun, and quite amusing way. I'd recommend this story for a shorter read (as of the chapters available in this review) that would pull some laughs out of you for all the ridiculous things the MC gets in to.
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Whatif rated it
June 6, 2017
Status: c19
This is a great book and I laughed a lot reading this book. Not really a spoiler but

It seems like he may be a genius and not realize it (mistaken as not a genius) or I the reader am mistaken him as a genius

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Scyferine8878 rated it
May 5, 2020
Status: v3c75
This is really a good story and I really like it.. The MC got misunderstood as a genius but as the story goes on with MC invents new things I don't that is just luck.. While the MC doesn't know or remember about his past life I think he is really a genius in that world.. I think He just invents something by his instincts without thinking about anything and BAM!! He just invented an artificial black hole.. But seriously I need more chapters!!.. Why does this stops at vol.3... more>> for 7 months?!! <<less
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emphie012 rated it
January 10, 2019
Status: c57
This is one of those stories which I myself was confused at first why I like it.

But right now, what I confirmed are:

I'm waiting for someone to figure out something. Whether MC notices that he kinda is gifted (atleast with an insane luck) or somebody else does.

That was my first thought, but in time the story grew on me, I got attached to it and really wait for the next chapter, thinking "what are they gonna do next? :) " To the author and translator, thank you and good job. Please... more>> continue bringing such gifts to everyone, we really do appreciate it. Don't be disheartened by negative feedbacks. <<less
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BlackElite rated it
July 20, 2018
Status: c38
After reading 38 chapter, I can proudly say that our MC, kouki is a real genius, in imaginative way, while the people in the world is not creative anymore. Technology has gone too far that it limit human imagination...

That's what I think...

Also, this is comedy book, why so serious
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takoy4ki rated it
May 12, 2018
Status: c9
I stopped reading after 9 chapters because the misunderstanding humor of this book is either way too forced OR the TL might be missing the subtility of it. I can't read the raw so I am not sure but I feel like I am missing something when everybody find it hilarious but I can't even smile.

All the misunderstandings comes from the MC inability to say things in a way that would not be misunderstood or all the characters jumping to the most ridiculous conclusion before even speaking a word. How... more>> am I supposed to think that their society has progressed so much when ALL the people are incapable of thinking straight for 30 seconds...

On another note the POV switching every 20 lines doesn't work for me, too much random characters and no depth. <<less
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pillerhikaru rated it
April 14, 2017
Status: c18
So when reading this people need to remember that it's meant to be comedic, and to be honest it highly resembles a crack fic. There's no serious plot and thus many plot holes, but its obvious that its intentional. The whole concept revolves around the fact that a moderately intelligent airhead ends up reincarnated and through a series of unintentional events becomes considered a genius. I consider it well done for a side story to be read while your waiting for the other shoe to drop in a more serious... more>> novel. And tbh I like seeing how many tropes can be fit into a story line. <<less
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March 15, 2017
Status: c16
5/5. Glorious misunderstandings, and just with that the story is superb. The MC is not OP nor genius nor has any superpowers, but whatever he does, by means of coincidence, is misunderstood as a prodigy. And that what makes this novel great.

... so stop reading and this is not for you if you want to read a mind-breaking hardcore ultra-nationalistic novel, because this one is full of loopholes (and to one review made here, you just shown that you never understood nor read the genre of the novel, stop... more>> fooling around, this is a "misunderstood protagonist" kind of novel, facts are just a matter of coincidence). <<less
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Sinai rated it
January 4, 2017
Status: c2
Hilarious send-up of the overpowered reincarnation.

Differences from normal:

1) Reincarnated to vaguely normal Earth
2) No apparent superpowers
3) Oblivious MC fails to realize he's responsible for changing the world, thinks it's all his genius mom.

The situational humor is that it is deliberately unclear whether or not it actually is the MC who is the genius, or his mother, or a combination of the two. As the series progresses and he goes to school, it becomes apparent that he's the central cause, but from his POV it is apparent that he's is unable to tell what he is doing, for whatever reason.

Probably only has a shelf-life of about 50 chapters before the joke wears thin, but until then, enjoy the ride.

Low reviews are, generally speaking, people who don't realize that the situational humor is, in fact, the joke. And it seems completely obvious the author knows why there's a misunderstanding, it's merely not revealed to the MC, the reader, or the fictional world at large at this point in time.
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captain crunch
captain crunch rated it
December 30, 2016
Status: c17
Rating: 2.5 - 3 stars, Translation: 5/5

(My reviews may sound negative, but I'm just listing reasons why I didn't give 5 stars.)

[[5 star = almost all readers will enjoy. 4 star = large majority of readers will enjoy. 3 star = 50/50 of readers will enjoy. 2 star = a niche audience will enjoy. 1 star = maybe portion of niche audience will enjoy.]]

[[5/5 = Infrequent minor errors. 4/5 = Frequent minor errors or infrequent major errors, no difficulty to read. 3/5 = Frequent major errors, some... more>> difficulty to read. 2/5 = Difficult to read. 1/5 = Unreadable.]]

MC is reincarnated into an alternate world/timeline (slightly more advanced than our own). He retains partial memories, and appears to have above average intelligence. Inventions and accidents are attributed to MC's actions, and people think he's a super-genius, but MC (in first person POV) claims everything is a misunderstanding. First several chapters concern his birth to high school. Afterwards is about high school.

Story includes reincarnation, comedy, misunderstandings. There's a hint of a romance developing, but not much has happened yet.

It started off seeming like there was potential, but my expectations have now lowered. Firstly, the central theme of misunderstanding doesn't make sense to me. Most of the inventions are the mother's own work, and the MC (son), according to his POV, made very little contribution. It makes no sense how the mother can get confused about her son being the inventor. Other times, it seems like MC really is able to invent things, but the POV makes most of them sound like accidents. So it seems like the mother is wrong a lot of times, and at the same time the intelligence of the MC is uncertain. Other issues: very little is said about MC's past life, so reincarnation doesn't play much of a role. The content is mostly random episodes of misunderstanding, and a little bit of slice of life when MC goes to high school. There doesn't seem to be an overall goal or progression, making the multiple misunderstandings feel repetitive.

The episodic misunderstandings might be amusing enough for maybe 50/50 of readers to be entertained by this short series. But I think the lack of direction might cause it to be less than 50/50, hence the 2.5-3 star rating on my scale.

It may still be early, as only 17 chapters have been translated. I'm not sure how many there are, as the NU info says there are 3 volumes. Thanks to the translator, but new chapters are sometimes infrequent. <<less
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OfficePony rated it
November 19, 2016
Status: c11
This is that good-good stuff. Like getting a hit of some illegal drug while watching some thriller-mystery-comedy.

Grammar: 3/5 (Formerly 2/5 before Fraizar)
Story: 3.5/5
Writing: 4.5/5

Grammar isn't anything special, it has it's occasional awkward wording/phrasings (What's strange though is that though the grammar is pretty bad, it still flows fairly smoothly. I mean the tenses are a mess, the word choices are strange at times, and the translation is usually missing some rather important sentence structures, but it's still readable xD). The story is kind of generic, but what makes up for it is the author's writing style and sense of humor. I'm loving it, in all seriousness. The writing style and humor are enough to offset the ratings I gave it and make it one of my top picks.

I'll be following this closely. It's another drug like series.
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miss xu
miss xu rated it
July 31, 2016
Status: --
Very refreshing. I really love this novel. The misunderstanding is hilarious! You should read this.

This should be rated as 5!
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nj rated it
July 13, 2016
Status: --
Different as well as funny. Although only 5 chaps were released at this time I enjoyed reading this a lot. I seriously hope that the story will remain this entertaing even in the future and the translator will pick up speed and give us more chapters to enjoy.
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icecream rated it
July 10, 2016
Status: c5
This is amazing! Super hilarious with the misunderstandings!!!
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December 16, 2021
Status: c75
It is mostly a comedic misunderstanding with the plot seemingly going somewhere but also nowhere at time. Mostly its just the MC either bluffing or being lucky. The best part about this is not the MC's PoV but the people around him. They make a lot of assumptions, MC either goes along with it which ends up with him digging further into it or is entirely unaware. MC seems like a person who truly didn't what to do anything in particular, just do what he feels like doing at the... more>> time and go with the flow. Its just the misunderstandings and incidents inevitably drag him to at least try and do thing sthat drive the plot forward. If you're looking for a driven and strong type of MC with a goal, this might not appeal to you.


from what I can tell, the reason why the world is technologically advance was because MC's mom's experiment which malfunctioned and trapped MC in alternate world had scattered some high tech items in the past. It caused a divergence to what would have been similar to earth's history into what is now current timeline. This incident caused a sudden jump in tech as well as increase in warfare. In a way this is a reason why the UN is highly scared or critical of one genius, they've seen the bad side of what happens when there's too much technologically advancement with such a small time period. Another flaw caused with by sudden boom in tech is that culture and creativity was stifled by wars and the would have been fiction writer poineers were nver was. Things like anime, or ironman, comics, story tropes and even games medias are missing. The era of couch potato seems missing. Basically they have all this tech and science but lack certain type of creativity. Its what makes the misunderstanding more plausible because MC is definitely on a different wavelength with most people. So all the "new" tech MC did is essentially just him giving inspiration or applying a bit of creativity like him understanding alien language which is a pictogram (comics like art).

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Tatzuu rated it
May 31, 2020
Status: c19
In these misunderstanding comedies it's normal for the MC to have lots of luck to keep the misunderstandings going. However in this novel the luck factor is really over the top. The MC has so much luck that it can make other characters idiots, just so that the misunderstandings can keep going.

... more>>

The MC did a random scribble as a kid and because of that his mother got inspiration and managed to solve a really tough formula. It's later explained that this formula was some kind of quantum physics theory. Note that the MC was just a normal high school kid before reincarnating, so I have no idea how his random scribble managed to help his mother in any way

Other time he needed to pick some weeds from his backyard and because it was too much of a pain, he went inside his house, got a few supplies and he did his own weed killer remedy. The weed killer remedy was so strong that just the small amount that he made was enough to destroy his whole city. I have heard that you can make mustard gas by using stuff you can find in the household but to accidentally make something similar and a lot stronger than that is kinda forced. Also because of this the whole UN believes that this kid is some mad scientist that can destroy humanity if he's bored enough. And btw they haven't done any kind of psychology test on him so they all believe that he lacks morals and does whatever he wants. This is what I meant when I said that his luck is so strong that other people turn dumb because of it. Just do the test and you can see he's just a normal kid...

Then when he finally got to school and made a few friends, they needed to make a group project about something and they decided to make some kind of medicine. The MC puts wrong stuff and wrong amounts of it in the medicine but it turns out that the medicine he accidentally made was a cure for a deadly plague that killed half of the world population a hundred years earlier.

Then some terrorists wanted to kill the MC because they believe that he's too dangerous to be left alive, so they launch a missile going mach speed towards a building the MC is visiting that day. The MC gets informed that the missile is going towards the building and that they don't have enough time to go anywhere safe. Now when everyone is panicking the MC goes to the nearest computer and tries to use it to call his mother. He's typing something on the computer trying to make it work when suddenly it's revealed that the missile has been destroyed. It turns out that somehow the MC launched his own missile and that the missile hit the original missile that was going towards them.

There are lot more problems just in these first 20 chapters alone that if I had to listen them all it would be enough to write a book about.

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