Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic


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Though he received the skills necessary to teleport across worlds, the king who performed the summoning ritual attempted to trick him into wearing a s*avery collar, this annoyed him so he kidnapped the princess and returned to Earth.

While traveling between worlds with the skills he received, together with the kidnapped Princess and his little sister, they lived happily ever after?

Associated Names
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Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Travel between worlds
  2. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  3. Read Books
  4. Easy Going (The Quickening)
  5. the culture entertainment of isekai

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Sheep rated it
June 13, 2016
Status: c176
If you like to be blue balled and abused this is the novel for you! But here is why you should read this novel/sarcasm!

1. There is no plot in this novel (fair enough its part slice of life)
2. The main guy is 30 year old doutei (read: virg*n) who has godlike power but still accept abuse from his sister (read: imouto) without reason.
3. The main girl wants the D but due to the existence of imouto and the fact that the MC is a giant balless male species he never go on!
4. Fight is basically, I use Thunderbolt! Pikachu fainted due to using thunderbolt. gg.
5. Character progression a lot of them!... is not present at all..
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
May 11, 2016
Status: --
I'm not going to lie. Having several 15 - 18 year old girls fonding over a 30 year old middle age man is disturbing... Its true that the Main Character doesn't even act his age.

the only girl is Nancy whose in her mid 20s. The author could had made her main heroine and really used her character... but instead made this Novel really weird.

Don't let the Synopsis deceive you! I thought this would be a heart warming fantasy. But there's no plot or character development. The Sister was impressive at first but then suddenly turns to 'love' for him. Honestly there are better stories to translate out there so why this? I don't mean to sound like a jerk. Sorry but that's the truth.

I do admit there are entertaining parts when there's Slice Of Life with Magic in the Modern day society.. but the Author could had made used of it better.

This Novel will end either 2 ways.
1. He will go live in the Fantasy World and takes all the girls and make them his wives. Due to having no laws and having a lot of freedom. (The sister in*est and young girls who fall for him)
2. He will send the Princess back to her world and lives his life without Magic and goes back to his Normal life. He has already caused many disturbances with Magic in both Worlds. I Can't see this ending any other way.
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Water rated it
February 13, 2016
Status: --
Honestly at this point I feel like there should be another tag called "herbivore protag" or "protag has no balls". Which takes protagonist mindset into account rather than actual abilities/powers. My personal preference is that I hate this kind of protagonist. 70 chps later and there's literally no character development, protag is still mentally still a shrimp and can't even call out on others for their shit.

Tags says "protagonist strong from start" but well, a pu*sy with cheat powers is still a pu*sy in the end. I can't recommend... more>> this story towards anyone else but well... other herbivores who wants to read some guilty pleasure selfwank fantasies for herbivores. <<less
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jgfenix rated it
April 19, 2016
Status: --
A total waste of time. The idea could be interesting but nothing happens. The character development is inexistent and the little sister is annoying (there are annoying little sisters characters that I like but I can´t stand this). Dropped.

Not exactly the same but if someone wants a slice of life with fantasy and action where there is actual plot development read "The man picked up by the gods".
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That1guy rated it
April 1, 2016
Status: --
No action no epic or cool moments well how should I say it... It’s boring, there is no romance MC is dense, MC has no motivation or interest in the other world other then profiting and going there as a vacation.

Read till 121 and I’m tired of his I do this cuz of Elena and his little sister is annoying... btw r-15 is s*upid no use of profanity or any thing for that rating in all I am dropping this cuz I thought he would change or at least do... more>> something cool and epic that gives flair to the story but no such thing happens only small skirmishes and light battles <<less
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A name is useless
A name is useless rated it
December 24, 2017
Status: c203
In the top 3 of the worst novels i've ever read, everything is bad in this novel but the worst in this novel is the character "Aya" the MC little sister, introduced in early chapters, around chapter 10, and sadly stick with the MC for the all story, she's the most annoying character ever seen in a novel, it's insane, she's a spoiled child who have 18 years old but act like a 12 years old kid, the MC will listen an follow every orders from her (yes orders because... more>> she don't ask, she order) like "buy me this, buy me that" or "cook me this, cook me that"...

The MC don't have a personality, he's just an idiot who did everything that spoiled annoying reatarded sister tell him to do. The fights are bad written, the world building sucks, the magic system is truly s*upidly thinked. Well when you read this novel you will just be bored and annoyed, the plot is missing, every characters are complete idiots with lack of common sense. I don't know why I read 203 chapters of this but I drop this immediately.

This novel can be resumed in 3 words: s*upid, ANNOYING and BORING.

A little advice from me, don't waste your time, DON'T READ THIS SHIT, you will just become an idiot by reading this novel, a novel wrote by 12 years old kid will be better in all than this crappy novel.

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SeventhTale rated it
May 20, 2016
Status: c156
This is more like a slice of life type of fantasy-harem story. This is not like other series, which has a wider plot. The description says, "the 3 happily lived", so it's better to think that the whole story is more like an epilogue about how they are spending their daily lives in the other world and in earth.

Though the character's personality doesn't match their age like the MC and his imouto. This novel is very relaxing and fun to read. This is not a type of novel that has... more>> a serious atmosphere and lot's of conflict. So it's better not to read it if you want a wider plot. <<less
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Domar rated it
April 19, 2016
Status: --
I don't know what it is about this series, I can't get enough of it, every single chapter leaves me wanting more, even when I look at it objectively and see the flaws, 130+ chapters in my excitement to read each chapter hasn't vanished. Though, I could really do with no Aya, she dropped in so randomly and seems to be there entirely to annoy and block the fun of everyone.
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skycat rated it
October 17, 2016
Status: c279
The start is nice, though cliche but I enjoyed it. However after like 100+ chapters, I have felt that the story has suddenly lost its sense of direction. It doesn't have any goal or specific plot. It just flows as is like a normal slice of life story without any direction. Although it's still a nice a relaxing read if you don't hold really high expectation in the story.
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Maracas rated it
March 15, 2016
Status: --
Honestly idk why this is rated r-15... because of the kidnapped thing? Well if you take it at heart it should be r18 because MC is 30 and kidnapped girl is 15 xD

r15 tag is wasted, there are not even bad words.

I couldnt continue reading after random sister introduction (i did read some random chapters to verify if there are bad words, blood or implicit s*x scene nothing xD)

It seems people compare this with death march, that one I hate (MC more than anything) this one is bearable (MC... more>> is interesting)

And death march is a world of lolis (below two digits year old) at least here there are people of random age.

MC and party (idk if harem but I seriously doubt it) have a rather easy life considering he kidnap the kingdom’s princess and there may be some movement of the demon race (like come on even if the demon race is just a group of sheeps a wolf have been summon to kill them)

The lack of plot with that introduction is really bad :/

I cant say it is a casual read because most of the time the reader will be pissed and that is not casual xD

All in all if you dont care about plot or wasted tag read this, if you dont care MC and want decent plot read death march xD <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 13, 2019
Status: c428
I started out enjoying this story. The powers were fine and most of the side characters were interesting enough. The conceit was also cool. I liked the idea of the ramifications of being able to transport back and forth between worlds. The main character was mostly a good guy and I was fine with people liking him.

The unsavory part about the main character is that he would constantly have pe*verted thoughts but then be 100% oblivious to reality. Also, there's no age restoration/rebirth or anything so there is an age... more>> gap equal to the age of the primary girl.

But what became completely absurd and distasteful was the main character's devotion to his job. To the point that he would avoid natural disasters in one world because he had work in the other.

His sister is also a jerk and they introduce an even larger jerk later in the form of the president's granddaughter.

Then at the very end, it just cuts off. There's no resolution or advancement. 428 chapters of bait. I'm bummed I finished it. I would have rather left it when I still had a good opinion of it. <<less
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Cryarc rated it
September 2, 2016
Status: --
The beginning chapters of the series feels charming, it was pleasant to see an actual adult as MC in an isekai genre but then suddenly the MC acts like wimsy teenager. It goes from refreshing theme into cliches/tropes. Sometimes even the Japanese readers are questioning the author's intention for the series as the series becomes dumber and dumber as it's going on. At first the joke is quite fun, though it's not the laugh out loud type jokes but a smile inducing jokes, but at the latest of the series... more>> it becomes cringe worthy; I still can't fathom the author's intention in creating terrorism scenes with laughable villains that just suddenly popped up in public without clear purpose, and the ninja jokes... <<less
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aldrinkhan rated it
May 17, 2016
Status: c153
A good time killer. Nothing special. Nothing hateful. More of a slice of life with magic and a meddlesome naive MC. Probably the fact that MC is in loli land (not in a lovable Death March kind) is a turn off.
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GluttonGirl rated it
February 13, 2016
Status: --
Casual teleportations, potions, job cheat, pretty much a story about someone level-headed getting a fantasy cheat. But I love it all the same.
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BQDJ rated it
December 4, 2015
Status: --
I’m writing this at c35. The lack of action is real now.

Why the useless sister ? I mean... why... It pretty much messes the whole LN. The guy and the princess are supposed to have some romantic moments sometimes but the sister is a huge downer. She wastes skills too because he ends up giving her what he should have. Ridiculous...

I’ll stop reading it. But for casual reader, it’s okay. it can pass the time. Pretty much Death March (that I don’t like so much, it’s okay though)... more>> but ten times worse. <<less
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Cactiii rated it
January 11, 2021
Status: c428
I don't understand why so many people gave this a 1 star, I saw a few comments talking about how this is one of the worst novels they have ever read which only makes me think they haven't gone down the rabbit hole yet since this novel is amazing compared to some of the sh*t I've read. Another thing is people seem to think this is a fan service type novel, there's a little bit of it but overall this is supposed to just be a feel-good slice of life,... more>> not a dude making a massive harem. That1guy was complaining about how there are no epic and cool moments when this isn't an action novel and he was also saying " btw r-15 is s*upid no use of profanity or any thing for that rating" to be fair this is an r-15 novel. There are a few s*xual references and content that isn't suitable for 14 and under, also why are you complaining about the fact that its rated r-15... did you really search for r-15 novels because you wanted profanity? If you went to an r-18 novel wanting s*xual scenes then I might understand why your complaining but r-15 is basically them trying to avoid getting in trouble for having people under that age reading it.

Anyway, people really hated this novel for no reason, it's not the best but it's by no means a terrible novel. <<less
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Mnotia rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: --
This story had the potential to be the best thing anyone could have read on novelupdates in my opinion but the only problems I guess most people have is that the MC is too dense or the story is just a circle of


That's pretty much it for the plot.

The characters (mainly females) are all 1 dimensional. THEY HAVE NO PERSONALITIES!! Once the MC saves a girl she falls for him..... the absolute hell?!

I couldn't continue reading after:

... more>>

main character saved a noble girl who was kinda prideful. They meet again she blushes while looking at him or whenever he calls her name she perks up.... very cliche.

One time he was trying to check how everyone was doing so he checked his cameras (A skill for stuff) and when he checked the pyramids of gyza a bat had flew towards the camera and died then he heard whispering so he shut it off and the author never brought it up again..... THE HELL?! That could've been like a whole arc on just curses and stuff.


Yea, if you read the spoiler you finally get it. This story HAD potential built then every last one was cut down by the author.

So all in all, the story could've been good but the characters are stale and plot repeats itself.

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LittleFox21 rated it
October 4, 2016
Status: c268
Slice of life OP party which alternates between worlds. Adding real world touch is a refreshment for all isekai fantasy theme.

There are balanced amount of actions, comedies, crisis. Not brilliant, but worth your time if you like casual reads.
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g1aciem rated it
August 27, 2016
Status: c254
This novel is mainly slice of life genre. No drama. No Horror. No plot.

At this chapter, the only thing I could call plot is the mystery of Yurie's summoner.
The Devil-kin seem random to me.


I recommend this to anyone who want a relaxed read. There are some things irritated me though.

1. MC's personality: He's 30 years old working man not an unemployed shut-in. Why does his mind process like some teenager boy? What is the definition of life experience? At this point even if the author just replace all the text "30" with "15" I wouldn't notice something goes wrong except he's a salary man.

MC started with childish mind is not necessary a bad thing considering we could see some differences after character's development. Well, that is what I thought at first. As of now, he is still the same...

2. Little Sister: She is unreasonable, hot-headed and selfish.

She know her brother is almost pass marriage age but still obstruct him instead of support his relationship with women. I understand in case of Elena or Hilda that they are too young but what about Lela?

There are some hints that she might has a feeling for her brother. It's okay if the brother is a 18 years old boy and she doesn't want him to have a girlfriend, but in actually, the brother is in the state that he should consider making a family already. Anything she does now is just selfish action.

3. MC got kicked by little sister: There are many series that MC got punched when they involved in R-15 stuff and I enjoyed them. But I think the violence in this one is handled badly. Maybe it's because my bias feeling on the little sister.

To sum it up, just remove Aya and this novel would be a very great read.
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April 10, 2019
Status: c355
It was interesting at the beginning, but after the devilkin arc MC starts to show weakness. He has magic but does not use them. He is still hiding his lightning magic. He does not even want to use appraisal when he feel something's wrong when back on Earth like during the karate match in Rio. He felt something's wrong with the russian contestants then he should just use appraisal. It does not cost a huge amount of mana. Im still reading because I am waiting for the moment when MC... more>> will really let loose because if the novel finish without the MC doing that, than the author is a piece of shit. <<less
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