God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
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364 Reviews sorted by

moonflower rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c309
I tried to rate this but it wouldn't let me but I like the story. It has a nice plot line and interesting characters. It annoys me that the author is strongly sexist. But I like that the author shows the dark side of humans and the chaos that would most likely happen if this were to happen.
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zarex97 rated it
May 30, 2016
Status: --
I Totally agree with "leedalys".

The premise was a bit interesting but then the MC degenerates (actually maybe is not a degradation as it is very possible that he was like this since the beggining)

I was reading hoping for something at least like Highschool of the Dead, but I got hi*ler (now rapist too) in a zombie apocalypse (surrounded by jewish people). Pardon my the bad taste joke but hard not to feel the attemptof brainwashing by the author

Returning to the MC he is scum, and not the good... more>> kind that actually knows it itself, or just thinks he is not by his moral values, but instead you find someone raping a dog and try to teach you why, at doing that, he is beneffiting the dog and society.

Is sick, really, if you want some action in the NSFW sense then you are better reading the all s*x no plot novels, if you want action, survival and horror you may prefer something along the lines of Terror Infinity. But for your mind's sake, only read this novel as an example of how to write badly.

Of course, this just my opinion, I respect the tastes of the author as much as I respect the ones of a cannibal, as long as it doesn't involves me... <<less
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Liv rated it
March 1, 2016
Status: --
Very good start, but it quickly degenerates when the MC starts setting up his own faction.

The racism-sexism combo is indeed a bit of a bother, since it’s often presented through authorial voice, rather than through the characters themselves, but I can still bear with it (it’s annoying at first, then disturbing, but then it gets so blatant it becomes almost funny).

What really kills it for me is that the story is just too damn repetitive.
Apart from two or three arcs, which bring a few breaths of fresh air to the series, it’s often just the MC being transported to a new country and rebuilding his faction from scratch in that country, and then being transported somewhere else and rebuilding his faction there, and again and again and again.
It gets boring pretty quickly.
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Marunikyu rated it
November 12, 2018
Status: Completed
God & Devil World: How to appreciate:

  • Keep in mind this starts as a zombie apocalypse horror & LVL Up story, but very later on (half the novel later, 600 chapters) evolves into a Chinese cultivation horror-ish novel.
  • Keep in mind that the author does self-insert into the protagonist, that he does forget characters & story elements that stay in unanswered forever, especially random girls that got harem'ed.
  • Keep in mind this novel is intended for young adult males. r*pe & gore do not lack. It even gets overused.
  • Keep in mind that certain arcs are worse than others, boring even. Also that the author had health issue towards chapters 1000+ and that the novel ends quite quickly.
Now then, if you can get through that, read next to see the novel's good points.

  • The setting at the very beginning is one of my favorites ever: "realistic" game elements zombie apocalypse. It's done well. You get into it. You dream about it. You want to live it (a part of it lmao).
  • Although everyone knows the MC cannot ever die (definitively that is, at least till the last chapter where that can be possible), there is BIG tension. Battles (a good number of them) have real consequences.
  • The setting & MC's perspective constantly expands till the end of the novel. He becomes cold-blooded when he needs to, Yue Zhong rhymes with 'I'm bad-ass, you are now BTFO'.
  • The conclusion does not really tie all loose ends. But it does answer everything about the setting & what happened to Earth, and why.
TL;DR Is the novel a masterpiece? No. It's far from perfect. Just like my review. It was written quite hastily as well. Is it entertaining? YES. That's all it needs to be. I'll give it a 9/11. A novel I won't forget.

PS: At present times, to read everything first go to Translation Nation's website then Qidian's Webnovel. com.... Stop... more>> posting about "where do I read the first chappies!???!" all over. <<less
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Kagutsuchi rated it
April 5, 2018
Status: c59
Dropped, I can't with this.

The plot is FORCED, there's no character development, the MC is completely prepared for the apocalypse even though he is just a student, it was good at the start but the "Tragedy" and "True side of humans" was FORCED, there's no way that 5 minutes after the apocalypse began, +50% of the humanity died. There's no way that in less than a week, there's already r*pe, killings everywhere (towards humans) and everyone targeting everyone.

It would be interesting but this is really forced. Things that could have... more>> happent in more than 5 years due to stress and tireness of trying to survive (r*pe and the "true side of humanity") happens too early. Women are view as nothing but meat holes. The personality of the MC is that of a person that has survived for more than 1-2 years. Forced. IN LESS THAN A WEEK! <<less
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zen2451 rated it
March 14, 2018
Status: c588
This is the type of novel where you turn your brain off and just coast along the river of ridiculousness without stopping to pay attention to the demoralizing scenery. At some point it just gets so crazy that all I'm here for is the action and I could care less about the horrible things the MC is doing and how racist the author is. Every time I think about what kind of author could make this type of story I get the feeling that the author's soul is not his... more>> own and its actually a persons soul that was transmigrated from the past during the era where china distanced themselves from foreigners because of all sorts of reasons. <<less
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Vistarion rated it
February 7, 2018
Status: c796
People below in the comments emphasize the problem with the radical nationalism of the author.

However, the problem of this book lies in the never-ending cycle of the duplicated conquest scheme that differs from each other by: place of action and women.

In this moment I am on chapter 796 and I feel like vomiting reading a recurring scheme of recruiting an army from small scattered forces conquered by full domination forced by Yue Zhong in to one...
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Estatica rated it
January 8, 2018
Status: c762
Worst novel I have ever read, an endless cycle of the same plot even more recycled than other cliche novels. The worst part is the fail on army building, the extreme racism and the mc's approach to s*avery and women in the new world
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Afxarr rated it
November 24, 2017
Status: c355
The beginning was great. An interesting premise that hooked me and I thought I’d found a gem. Turned out to be a stinking pile of poo... and that’s being wildly generous. The translation team is excellent, make no mistake. The story however is definitely not for everyone. Why would you want to read about a main character whose probably equally, if not worse than the worst villains out there. At least the villains wont be as hypocritical in their morals I believe. Full of blind nationalism, misogyny, r*pe and rehashed... more>> plots over and over with little to no permanent side characters. Full of revolving door of never ending s*x s*aves. Conquer one region and before one can take a breather you jump into another region and repeat the entire process. I personally feel like anyone who can turn a blind eye to all the nasty stuff the MC gets up to and rationalizes it all away and enjoy this novel definitely has some crazy tastes. Much better novels out there. Save your time and sanity and look elsewhere <<less
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dan7cor rated it
September 21, 2017
Status: c550
I loved this story in the beginning and liked it a lot in the middle, but dropped around the 500 chapter.

Why you may ask? Well the world itself is actually cool, with the level up system kind of generic, ... more>>

but the class system was awesome in my opinion, especially his class which we never saw again. Also, I liked the pet system, and the skills were also a nice touch.


I get the sexism in the story, I understand that since is the apocalypse and the weak bow to the strong, but it lacks a strong female lead, which leads me to a point that annoyed me to no end in the story. Anyone that is not the MC, you best not care, because after 50 - 100 chapters, you won't seee them ever again, except for maybe a radio call here and there. There is no relationship development of any sort with any girl who becomes his women, is like "conquer, forget, repeat", and I hate that because is way too unrealistic and shows that the author lacks a basic understanding of how human relationships works. Even the worst kind of human keeps around his women after having them, either for having fun or torturing them, but doesn't forget them that fast.

Also, I tried to endure but failed with the nationalism of the author, everybody who is not chinese is a pig who better lick MC shoes for not being killed right away. I get that china has suffered with other nations, but you can't have that amount of hate for other countries, is not healthy and is kinda creeping me out.

I liked the potential of the story and the world it had built, but the personal views of the author ruined everything, and so, 2 stars, no 1 because the start is really good. <<less
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Lynx rated it
September 19, 2017
Status: --
I'm giving this novel 1 star not because its not good. Its quite good really. Until he got out of town... r*pe, women trade, s*upid illogical nationalism. The author is basically a sexist, racist, and all around grade A a-hole... If they're not chinese men, leave them to die. If the women are not beautiful, leave them... Seriously, reading this novel is is like mentally torturing people (as long as they're not chinese)
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March 8, 2017
Status: c507
I was really looking forward to reading this novel as the premise was pretty cool. Post-apocalyptic world where most of the people turn into zombies, animals mutate and become really powerful and there is of course magic introduced into the world by mysterious god and people are desperate to fight for survival.

Start of the novel is mysterious and raises many questions like:

Who is the god who caused world apocalypse?
What is the purpose of the apocalypse?
Is there anything more than fight for survival?
Is it possible to visit more worlds if person becomes strong enough?

Who wouldn't want to read novel like this?

Well prepare for the disappointment as it seems like none of those questions is going to be answered. Instead of focus on MC and his personal growth, growth of his power and personal achievements the novel is riddled by focus on generic military fights between factions using mostly modern weapons and on killing monsters and zombies using modern weapons. I don't mind MC conquering factions but the novel is so poorly written that MC is hardly doing anything besides that. MC goes to some place and conquers it, then he goes to another place and conquers it, then he goes to another place and conquers it, than racism, then he goes to another place and conquers it. In the mean time nothing is explained about his system that his faction is living by as he is giving women left and right to his subordinates so I don't seem any difference between behavior of MC and any random faction so reading it becomes tedious and boring.

Swarms of characters are introduced only to be dropped and never mentioned again after couple of chapters. There is basically no normal human interaction between characters in this novel or character development... What happened to his parents after they were rescued? How did his family reacted when they discovered that he is local tyrant/warlord? I guess we'll never know as they too were dropped after few chapter interaction.

This novel is terribly written and repetitive and I am giving it 1* out of 5 as if you end up stranded on some uninhabited island and you'll have only this novel to read it's better than nothing I guess...
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A4_S rated it
February 13, 2017
Status: c264
I find this Novel extremely good. The MC is a great written character and I think he is the only one till now who has the greatest vision for this zombie infested world. Sometimes I think that it is a rushed story but the fast past keeps it interesting and the new challenges for the MC and the ever growing power (lvl and people) he gets does not make him too OP for the zombies and monster but he nightmare for the people who oppose him.

... more>>

I just hope that soon he will have the chance to go back to the beginner village or that some "NPCs" show up.


I "only" have nearly 200 chapters to go till i`m "up to date". I would recommend this novel for all who also like "Everyone else is a returnee" and that kind of storyline. Hope the author and especially the translators and the other staff keep up the good work and comment on the little "errors" the author puts in the story (by accident or on purpose I do not know).

So thats it from my side. If you have the time and like the genre come and have a great read.

(Hope the God and Devil will contact the MC soon :D) <<less
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Terano_Rex rated it
February 4, 2017
Status: c337
This is as honest and unbiased as I can write for this novel. The premise of the story is great, and the first 200 chapters of the novel were done well despite some glaring flaws. Past the first 200 chapters, however, it becomes exhausting to read on as the author continuously uses the same plot devices over and over again.

As an example, immediately after the MC finishes an arc and he's established a good foothold for himself, his base is all set up and his army is stable, the author, as of chapter 337, will always send some sort of mutant beast that the MC will have to fight which will conveniently separate him from his group, throwing him in some new area. This forces the MC to once again go through the whole process of starting another base, establishing a new army, etc etc. Once everything goes well, another mutant beast will come in to rinse and repeat. As of chapter 337, this has occurred four times.


This repetition is one of the biggest issue most have with this novel. Another issue is in the characters. At the start, the novel does a great job showing each character's personalities. One girl is brave and valiant, fighting along side the MC. Another is naive and compassionate, while the other one scheming and conniving. Unfortunately, at some point the author no longer puts much effort into doing this.

Instead, the author begins to introduce so many other new characters so quickly that there's hardly any room to develop them. With the exception of a few handful individuals, it feels as though there are no real long term side-characters that are worth caring for. Most of the time, once they've submitted themselves to Yue Zhong's tyrannical might and become part of his team, they're forgotten and are rarely ever mentioned again. Characters that seem like they should be important to the story, such as his many lovers and his best friend, aren't spared from this.


Take for example, essential characters like Chi Yan, his supposed only best friend and second hand man. After his first base is set up and gives him the second in command, for the next 200 or so chapters he only ever makes an appearance 4 times, each time only a few paragraphs long. Lu Wen, the 13 year old girl who he supposedly treats as his sister and becomes his first lover, stops making an appearance after the second time he gets separated due to a mutant beast.


There is a strong sense of MC plot armor going on behind the scenes as well. Right before a strong enemy appears, he'll always receive some sort of new weapon, armor, or skill upgrade that'll let him deal with it. His army starts off with ragtag civilians without any military training whatsoever, but only after a few months of training the author starts telling the reader they've suddenly become elites. Meanwhile, Yue Zhong, who starts off as your common college student, becomes a seasoned general and his skills at diplomacy grow to such heights that he is able to hold his own against career politicians who've been doing it for years before the apocalypse, all in a span of a few months.

Even more notoriously, the author makes his apparent sexism known throughout the whole novel. With the exception of some of the MC's own women (or should I say lolis), the vast majority of the women are treated as commodities, where even the MC takes part in trading with them. In almost every area, the women are helpless as every male besides the MC seems to only be interested in raping them (I can understand that r*pe will happen in an apocalypse, but I mean come on, everyone is doing it?) Personally, I don't care if the author is sexist or not. What throws me off is that this limits any sort of potential interesting female character, as the vast majority of them are only interested in being by the MC's side because it's the only place they feel safe and secure.

The author's excessive patriotism is also apparent and might throw off a lot of people in the later chapters. Many of you will definitely start of liking this novel, as did I. But unfortunately, what could have been a five star novel can only be rated as 3 stars at best.
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bananeeg rated it
June 20, 2016
Status: c316
At first I really liked it, it's a zombie apocalypse with a game like system, the MC is rather likeable because he's a nice guy but not so nice that he just wants to save everyone no matter what. It was nice seeing him change as the story advanced.

But it has big cons, and they get more prominent the more I read.

Firstly, there's this huge gap between men and women. I admit I don't know ANYTHING about the culture in China, so I might be wrong about this, but... more>> in this story every woman except one is depicted as just a s*x toy, an object, that isn't able to do anything other then sell herself to a "strong man" (which happen to always be the MC of course), and readily do so to survive rather than try to fight the zombies. I don't think that's realistic at all.

Even though it's lessened purposely by the translators, there's the nationalism. At first I just thought that the authour thinks Chinese a great people, and that's fine. But no, we can see how much he thinks they're inherently better then everyone else. Everytime there's a not chinese person, that person hates the chinese, then the MC beats him showing the might of the chinese. But that's not all, he really clearly always says things like 'The chinese are the best at this and that.'

Then there's also the luck of the MC. I mean, sure it wouldn't be a nice story if the MC got killed by a stray bullet in chapter 1, but heck, how come every single new ability or rise in power is immediately followed by a situation in which he would have died had he not obtained said ability...

So even though it started really well, at the 316 chapter, I've now decided to stop reading. <<less
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Overclock rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c309
Great action that becomes repetitive, no story, and interesting system that falls apart.

I dislike that they name every little minor character even if they die the same chapter they appear. Mainv Character becomes more of a tyrant as times go by. He can even kill steal from hard working people he's never met before, kill someone who's done him no harm, ens*ave without blinking a eye, and is very racist. Author more so with his views, especially with the Japanese who he says are educated to hate the Chinese and... more>> would not hesitate to throw rocks at the MC five seconds after meeting him.

I loved the beginning chapters, but its too rotten to endure. <<less
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The Law of K
The Law of K rated it
February 3, 2016
Status: --
Overall, I have enjoyed reading this novel. The concept of this novel is pretty innovating and different. The cons I have noticed: the MC goes off tangent from his original goals, but there is some reason to his logic where he tries to make decisions based on his current situations. In the more recent chapters, the story telling becomes a little redundant where the author continues to reiterate some obvious changes with the characters' abilities. These two issues aren't too much of an annoyance, so I would recommend this to... more>> any looking for an apocalyptic, zombie story. <<less
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moondream rated it
July 14, 2020
Status: --
Ok I started reading this years ago and I did give it a second try, I'm just gonna give ye a heads up if you are not Chinese or posses half a brain don't read it.

The author is one of the most sexist, racist, lazy, simple minded person on the planet. The concept of the novel is not fresh but it was really interesting on how he approached so I was willing to forgive plenty of mistakes but it's just impossible to read this, I understand that some are nationalist... more>> / racist to the core but apparently some of the Chinese take the concept to a whole other level in this novel if you are not Chinese you are a ungrateful c*** for all they did for ye and should just bow your head to them, you are also the worst, most evil, racist, disgusting abusive and everything that's bad in the world. I understand the concept of nationalism, I don't care for it but I understand it and I don't mind it in novels up to a certain point, this was horrifying though my eyes were bleeding nobody can be that brainwashed or s*upid to take nationalism on this level more so that the MC is in a apocalyptic world where no society is supposed to have survived and he himself is a revolutionary or some s*** but it's ok because he is given a reason for all he dose, that being one dumbass decides to piss him off or abuse power this novel is so full of holes that it could be cheese and so lacking in plot that it could be a commercial to China, the mc's plot armour is so thick a nuke couldn't pierce it and the other characters are so bland that you don't know/remember any of them after 2 chaps but don't worry they won't be mentioned again anyway. I KNOW THE WORLD IS MESSED UP but you can't justify the messed up world world with the constantly interest for children that mc/author got and virg*ns or something, you can justify cannibalism, r*pe and all the horrors up to a certain point but the author passed that with the speed of light.

I didn't have a account and I'm mostly here to browser novels and such. In general I don't comment or stuff I don't have a yt account even though I browser it for over a decade and last time I logged in on fb was 2y ago, but I felt the need to make a account just to comment on this. I'm gonna repeat IF YOU ARE NOT CHINESE OR IF YOU ARE A CHINESE WITH 1 NEURON WORKING DON'T WASTE TIME ON THIS. <<less
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Andeetected rated it
May 21, 2019
Status: --
This started really good. But went downhill really fast as well. The racism is abundant but still barely edible in the beggining.

It's when you reach the 500+ chapters, thats where sh*t really hits the fan.

Hidden behind this poor excuse of a fantasy post apocalyptic zombie story is just a novel full of racism, chinese nationalistic propaganda and communism at it's core.

I feel utterly disgusted and will never touch any of this authors' work ever again!
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introparadox rated it
September 30, 2018
Status: c65
I dropped this novel long ago because the MC morality kept on going downhill until I couldn't take it anymore, two absurd thing at the same time, how can I root for an immoral MC. The MC met with an evil leader who ens*ave his followers especially females and it look like the MC get inspired.

... more>>

Hungry children : "Beautiful big sisters, please give us something to eat! We're Hungry!"

Seeing these children, MC's eyebrows wrinkled.

MC's best friend standing by his side pulled out his 54 pistol and pointed it at the children, coldly saying: "scram!"

The girl : "Chi Yang, why did you do that? They are all little children. Frightening them is okay, but why did you have to bring out the gun?"

MC's eyebrows wrinkled, he walked forward and slapped the girl across the face.

The girl : "You hit me! You unexpectedly hit me."

"Correct! I hit you! If not for your kindness bullshit, we wouldn't be bothered by those children. You generously gave our things to other people just like that. I didn't tell you to do that. But my brother helped you out of this situation, and you said things to him you shouldn't say. Please watch your mouth! Next time I hear you speak like this to my brother, I'll ask you to leave our group!" MC thought his brother helped with good intentions yet she still spoke indiscriminate remarks. He couldn't stand by.

I understand the reasoning behind this, but he could have just reject nicely like any normal human being would do. And why the slap he could have just give her a choice between leaving or following mute his dictatorship.

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