Feng Yin Tian Xia


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For the wine to be drunk on her wedding night to actually have been a cup of poison and for the one to poison her to be her husband, who would believe it?

But such a thing had happened! And that was just the beginning of her bad luck.

On her wedding night, she goes from a new bride to an abandoned wife, and in the blink of an eye, she became a princess married off into the wilderness of the frigid North.

Though she is still a bride, whereas previously she was envied by everyone, now she only receives pity.

To preserve the life of another beautiful woman, she is exploited and becomes a dispensable pawn.

But she is not a weak person to be at anyone’s mercy. She will control her own fate!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Phượng Ẩn Thiên Hạ
World of Hidden Phoenixes
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  2. Chine female protagonict
  3. (WUXIA) My Recommendation
  4. Second Chance Romance
  5. My Novel list

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44 Reviews sorted by

Gavella rated it
May 25, 2018
Status: Completed

It's so complicated. At first, it looks so promising. But later I don't know what MC is doing. I read the ending and unexpectedly, she got together with her first husband.I thought she got together with Xiao Yin.

The translation is good. I would not recommend this novel for you.

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Stripes rated it
May 4, 2018
Status: c82 part2
Finished reading the machine translation. This story turned out to be a waste of time considering its potential at the start. Sad cos the translators do a great job.

There are so many plot twists that by the end you don't really care what happens anymore. Everybody has a secret identity and characters 'die' only to respawn with a new position.

The supposedly clever ML and MC lose IQ points exponentially as the plot progresses. The author makes them frail noble idiots for maximum heartbreak. I was really hoping for them to... more>> die by the end, but didn't even get that small satisfaction. <<less
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Vanna rated it
March 9, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel was an enjoyable read. There wasn't any dull moment because the plot is fast paced as it took you on the journey through our FL, HZY and her struggles to seek revenge and unravel all the secrets that led to her fateful marriage night to be poisoned with a cup of wine. You will find yourself with lots of mix emotions of hating and loving certain characters. There will be lots of misunderstanding but I won't delve into that in order to not ruin the plot. You need... more>> to read till the end to unravel the misunderstandings. What I like about the FL is that she is strong and smart. She knows when to stand on her own ground and when she should fall back down. There are two potential man who could be the ML. As you read further into the story the ML starts to become known to the readers. Read to find out. And lastly, I appreciate the translator for translating this novel. I definitely can re-read this novel again but found out it was taken down. If anybody knows where I can read the complete English translation anywhere please DM me. <<less
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SuongUyen rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: Completed
I actually gave up on this story about a couple chapters in due to some of the reviews on this page but I'm so glad I came back to it. It's not an epic romance and it's not fluffy at all. At it's core it's a political story with a girl caught in the middle. And very intense, probably the most I've read. The MC just doesn't get a break, it's just one thing after another, being poisoned at every turn, every guy trying to possess her.

There's so many subplots... more>> that I found it very hard to keep up with. But at the end I really enjoyed it, it kept me up most nights wondering what happens next. It's a great break from all the rebirth/transmigration/OP that I've been reading, but in saying that I need something fluffy to offset all the angst in this one. <<less
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Sambazhad rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: c123
MC is struggling from beginning until end, worse than dog's life, which is really not impressive to read. Story is ok to read
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rosesakura95 rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: Completed
Edit: Just found out there were some missed chapters from the 1st version I read so I am off to read them in another website! Will edit later if I missed something important. Just finished reading the 2nd version of this story and I have to say that it is WAY better than the 1st one I read! There are so many small acts and revelations that were added to it that this story makes much more sense now!!

I made some changes in the spoiler!

OK so first things first if... more>> you don't like stories that have misunderstandings don't give this a try because you will end up giving it up!

If you still want to give it a try, don't judge any character from the first impression they give you and don't simply look at things that are happening from just the point of view of the MC because there are a lot of things that she doesn't know so that plays a major role in misleading you into believing what she interprets.

I already knew who she will end up with before starting the story because I read some spoilers this is why I tried staying as open-minded as possible as to not end up annoyed with the ending and I suppose I can say that helped.

There were many events that happened where you will meaninglessly hate a character because you don't know the whole story. The Following Spoiler is very spoiling in a negative way so Do Not Open It Unless You Want To Know Some Really Important Facts.


I know that a lot will not like who she ends up with and I personally would have preferred that she ends up with XY but what can we do, the author chose to end that ship way too early T_T

There are probably a lot of things that I didn't like about how the author dealt with some events but the worst are:

--Seriously, what did XY do to you author, to cut him off that way after you made her spend so much time with him? Poor XY, first the author makes him fall for her hard, then he is to believe she is his sister, then he has to completely forget about her existence, and finally he abolishes his martial arts to remember her but when he regains his memories it is already too late for him to fight for her. This kind of second male lead is just too pitiful... I am not saying that XY's decisions are right but just look at it from his point of view and you'll understand many of his decisions. For example: when he sends her to the prostitute camp, she is a kind of "shame" to him since he is the crown prince of his dynasty but another empire fooled him into marrying someone that he has no interest in when he clearly chose someone else, at that time she has a really bad reputation, he also knows nothing about her side of the story and in his eyes the fact that the southern empire tried to kill her means that she is a pawn that was used to provoke his empire. So even if it was any other man, he wouldn't have sided with her nor treated her nicely and if he actually did that would be a miracle!

--Lan Bing, that **** should have been punished for the aphrodisiac WAY MORE than how he was punished, because the r*pe was entirely his fault. If you pay more attention to that scene you'll understand several things, I don't want to side with JFL but it was not his fault that our poor MC suffered that night. He had already fallen very hard for our MC by the time that night happens and he is the type who wouldn't want to betray his love in any way so the way he dealt with the "unknown women" that night can be understood. Of course understanding doesn't mean accepting!! In the 2nd version he is punished by JFL at the end, so I will reluctantly dismiss my dissatisfaction for this issue.

--I hate how the author disclosed to JFL that our MC was the "unknown women" he used that night to deal with his aphrodisiac, there should have been more to that, so I find that the author rushed that part. Seriously that was one of the most important things in this story but it was resolved like it was nothing. That I CAN'T accept!!! The author made our MC agonize because of that night and the loss of her child and made JFL agonize because he thought she loved someone else and lost someone else's child and when he finds out it was him the issue was brushed off as fast as it was mentioned. THAT is just irrational! The 2nd version is so much better since it deals with this point in a way that left me satisfied and happy about how the author disclosed this thing through that letter our MC left him in that sachet!

Anyway all in all even if I preferred XY, the hatred the author showed us between our MC and JFL was a bit too reliant on fake facts so there aren't many things that we can fault him with. The real sinner in this story is none other than her "father". When I found out about that I was like ????? All the things she suffered were either directly or indirectly caused by him. He certainly wins the award of Worst Dad Ever!!!


I liked the MC in this story: She isn't just beautiful, she is strong, talented, resourceful, has charisma and a unique character that made her MLs fall for her.

Even if there were many things I didn't like about this story I still give this story a rating of 4.5 because it kept me interested until the end which is definitely better than other stories! (The reasons for my dissatisfaction are in the spoiler)

All in All, this story has a lot of misunderstandings which means it has to a lot of drama and I personally find stories boring if they don't have a lot of angst so I enjoyed this story! <<less
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sris rated it
June 21, 2019
Status: c1
I loved this novel. It was a little hard to like it in starting and felt angry at ML. However, it picked up the pace for me around the 40ish chapter. I went from hating ML to liking him. In no way, I agreed with his possessiveness many times, but something kept me going, especially the execution scene. Did not like father much and the prince, despite the fact that they tried to redeem themselves later. However, I felt for Xiao Yin a lot and was kind of regretful that... more>> he did not end up with FL. <<less
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Vermilion_S rated it
February 18, 2019
Status: --
Lol I thought that finnalli found a good story plot but I end up disappointed at the ML for all the stories I read this JF IS THE WORST actually I liked XY still she end up with that JF anyway at firdf I really liked it but seeing how it ends I couldn't afford reading the rest, and yes my favourite male character is XY not That JF
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twotwo rated it
December 2, 2018
Status: c103 part1
I think this MC is just one of the unluckiest FL. She is strong but she is just so unlucky. The whole time reading I was wishing she would just run away with that Rui Wang who wanted to marry her.I don't know how that character will unfold though but he is still clean as of now. XY and the ML are both bastards and unforgivable in my opinion. But I will give this five stars because these bastard MLs are new to me. Hehe (not so new)
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abigail_res rated it
June 23, 2018
Status: --
This is honestly one of the best novels these days. It was a pleasant surprise that I ended up reading the raw via machine translate. The MC is strong minded and independent regardless of what happens to her. The ML is endlessly devoted. Stick with it and you will like it. Even machine translation can’t take away the beauty of the novel
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PaperWing rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: c12
I am extremely disappointed and here’s why:

1. ml- it’s true the ml’s are insufferable even at only c12!

2. The mc- is actually somewhat annoying in my opinion and not at all strong (altho I realize this probably changes I don’t have the patience to endure her excuses of “oh I’m soo weakened” and “if only”....)

3. Plot- it’s actually not very interesting as I thought. The only reason things are going the way they are is because she lives with a family of idiots who kiss the emperors ass (even... more>> for this time period it’s annoying they - her family- don’t even try to secretly gain power like in other similar books in order not to be pushed into these circumstances)

4. Reading level- the wording, sentence structure and descriptions are barely average. It is non engaging and to a degree childish

in conclusion the only reason I give it 3 stars (2.5 irl) is because I did not read the whole book and will judge it too harsh or recommend you not at least try reading yourself <<less
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April 9, 2023
Status: --
After 50 or so chapters, my interest slow down. I cotinued it for my XY and then the plot seem not quite right and I have to check the spoiler. So yep I dropped it. It's not because of the wrong ML but the plot is not reaching the traget point. FL enter the palace as eunuch to investigate abouth the death of her father but the plot fail afain and again even after the half, there's no explaination of the current misunderstanding betwen FL and ml. And I lost... more>> interest. And I can't stand the misunderstanding. <<less
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Twingkle_82 rated it
September 27, 2022
Status: Completed
It's been a long time since I last read this novel but I remember that I enjoyed reading it. The MC is very resilient. She is not a weak type of MC and can injure torture. There are also some plot twist in the story.
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mercipourleslivres rated it
December 18, 2021
Status: Completed
3.5 stars... like this was extremely well written and the translations were great but too much drama and not enough romance for me. Also, there were so many "possible" male leads...

I couldn't stop reading because I kept hoping things would finally go well for the FL but she was pretty frustrating at times with the decisions she made.

It also has a super rushed ending that made me go "ehhh???"

Idk. I'm torn I want to give this more stars but while the writing was beautiful there was just too much... more>> going on. Like twist after twist after twist to the point where I am numb to plot twists. <<less
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AnOddPerson rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: c7
I find that rather than being intriguing, the complications of this story are more annoying. It's also a level of bleak that I personally dislike. That's just my personal taste though, and the translator does a good job trying to keep things straight so if you like this kind of bloody drama this could be a good story for you.
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ikitty03 rated it
August 5, 2021
Status: Completed
I give 4 start bcuz it doesn’t tel l much how they fall in love. What mean it doesn’t show how they love each other is like. It’s mainly like story is force for guys. The story is unique like eternal love. There’s action, love, melodramatic, and tragedy. There no other novel to compare it, too.
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Lazyhazy rated it
July 20, 2021
Status: Completed
I would rate 4.5star. At the beginning I wanted to give full star but it gets too complicated and dramatic with misunderstanding between ML and FL after chapter 100 so I changed my rate. I loved the novel but I will never reread it again because there is so many sad moment full of angst
but its a happy ending. MC is good at everything like martial art, war strategy, dancing, singing and playing instruments but she gets really unlucky even though she makes a smart moves and some times she makes dumb moves and sometimes she made choices that was out of order without any purpose. So even though author wanted to show MC as smart I think she is ok. To those people who want to be on safe ship to our MC remember ML is "Ji Feng Li" her husband.

Her plan to investigate who and why her family was blamed for treason also failed many times. She was even led under other peoples scheme to believe on wrong person. Her reason to stay at the palace as eunuch becomes a joke as she slowly starts to really work for the prince like a s*ave. That really confused me, she as a dignified general worked like a maid. I can understand her reason at the beginning but later it felt like she doesn't have any purpose so she is ok working as eunuch. Even when she becomes pregnant she thinks she should leave the palace but she doesn't. She knew it was very dangerous inside the palace, her child was nearly poisoned to death but she insist on staying there and eventually this dumb decision of hers killed her child.

All the potential love interest starts off as a bad guy but eventually everyone falls for her. In the beginning arc MC gets involved with 2nd ML xiao yin. I really liked him. I even thought he should be the ML but as the story progress my love for ML raised higher then xiao yin lol. ML doesn't make appearance untill chapter 50. He appears very mysterious and deep and MC really hates him for so many reasons. I loved loved the interaction between them. At 1st ML is shown as cold and ruthless but later after everything was made clear I liked him even more. His love for her is too deep and it pained my heart when they separated because of misunderstanding created by others to separate them. There is also another love interest of MC and he is my least favorite. In terms of story and plot, it was really good with so many twist near the end. My only complain is there was so many misunderstanding between main couple which could be solved by a mere communication but author tried to make it too dramatic. Overall its a really good novel without same cliche story of op MC. I wish there was more extra chapters about there family cute moments. I just want to say dont give up on this novel because of ml's bad review. Many reviewers are hating on him but he is redeemable. I also hated him at the beginning but trust me there is so many inside story to everything that happened to MC. He is not that worse like he is shown at the beginning.
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October 27, 2020
Status: --
This is a serious novel with less fluffy stuff, go for it if you are into a lot of plot and conspiracy and all.

I just can't anymore so I stop at chapter 88... in which the FL and ML aren't together yet.

Good luck to all that will go further :)
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Nikik rated it
September 24, 2020
Status: c162
The FL is a utterly s*upid women who often falls in other people trap. Man she is such a fool in the starting of the story it showed she was such a capable general. But when u reach the end u realise she is soo foolish. Man come on u don't give f*ck for any of the guys feeling then when they move on or stop thinking about u feel sad. How f*cking greedy.
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Meihua88 rated it
August 6, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel frustrated me so much and gave me so much whiplash, especially in regards to the male lead. But it actually made me cry, no exaggeration, tears slid down my cheeks. The misunderstandings made me want to drop this so many times, but I couldn't. Thank goodness I stayed.
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