Exclusive Rights to an Online Voice Actor


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To Producers, the two of them couldn’t be more drastically different voice actors.

One of them had an easy-going personality, was eloquent with his way of words and hard to pin down.
While the other was aloof, hiding in the safety of the tall walls he built and was difficult to read.

In a clash of voices, the real interaction between them had only just begun.

“Can I… have the exclusive rights to you?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Four O’Clock Flower (4)
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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star (1)
Intergalactic Era of Gossip (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Showbiz/Celebrity/Streaming (Ongoing)
  2. Read *** or **** Part One
  3. Entertainment industry goldmine
  4. Novels i have read 2024
  5. Chrysanthemun (Translation Completed)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/06/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c138
04/29/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c137
04/22/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c136
04/15/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c135
04/01/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c134
03/25/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c133
03/18/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c132
03/11/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c131
03/05/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c130
02/18/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c129
01/28/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c128
01/14/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c127
01/07/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c126
12/31/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c125
12/26/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c124
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36 Reviews sorted by

cookiesArDaBest rated it
September 3, 2023
Status: Completed
The summary really does not do this novel justice. At its core, this is a story about healing through each other and facing yourself and the scars you've hidden away. The author is exceptionally good at drawing out the characters' emotions. (Props to the translators too!) They felt very real in that aspect.

I appreciated how the gong and shou dynamics were a bit ambiguous, or otherwise not there at all. Of course, it was kind of present with the MC acting in a BL drama/CD, but I think that part... more>> simply just mirrors real life. I, myself, have participated in these kinds of "fujoshi" spaces, and the author's rendition of the fans wasn't too far off.

The pacing is done spectacularly. I never felt as if the story was forcing it, rushing it, or that it was too slow. I was so immersed in the story that I did not care for that, I just wanted to keep reading more and more. I really liked the author's views on life that they expressed through their characters. I cried at times. I laughed (a lot). And I smiled, too.

This novel is truly an unforgettable experience. It's relatable and has such an attractive storyline.

(Well, I'm deducting point off the painful first time where they were legitimately not prepared at all??? Like Shen Yan obviously cared for Qi Jing, but he didn't bother to research gay s*x so that it wouldn't hurt so much for Qi Jing???? I'm so salty about it. It's a trope that I very much dislike. Plus, there are some parts that read like an exaggerated dog blooded novel, but it's tolerable).


But besides that, I did like the voice acting descriptions and the room the author put for character growth. They're not perfect. Even the MC still has a lot to learn, but that does not subtract from the beauty and utter sweetness of this story. So wonderfully written.

Update: So I finished the novel, and I really loved it! It's all kind of idealistic, but I feel as though novel don't necessarily have to be "realistic" all the time. Just face slap those antagonists, dude. I did end up liking the drama and how it was resolved in a way. I loved how it was a HE, and I think I'll carry Qi Jing and Shen Yan's story with me for a long time. This is one of the few novels I've read that center about voice acting, so if that strikes your fancy, this novel will definitely be up your alley. Kudos to the author and translators, who did such an excellent job. 10/10 <<less
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allegna rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: c19
I absolutely love this! I really am a sucker for slow burn and fluff, and this really hits the spot for me! The way it was written (and translated) is just so calming, and sort of melancholic at the same time.

I haven't gotten far yet, but I plan on reading MTL for this one! I'm curious as to how their relationship would bloom! Despite the tone being more serious than the dog blood novels (my guilty pleasure) I've been reading recently, I seriously enjoyed this! It had a touch of... more>> humor, and the interactions of the MC and ML are just toooo sweet! <<less
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September 15, 2020
Status: Completed
What a Great story! Really100x great! Even by MTL, this novel can still moved me!

It is a story of two broken people who filled the holes in their hearts with each other. They're each standing on cracked floor but they're able to standing upright by supporting each other.

I'm a voice-con and love to listen to audio drama so this story really intrigued me especially at the ML-competition part. It was sooo touching!! The ML is such an incomplete, broken but tragically beautiful person! And he is so caring & considerate... more>> towards the MC, relieving the MC anxiety and insecurity, helping him to overcome problems in life without the MC need to tell everything. He is sooo understanding! Plus I love to read the part of ML working as vet.

And I also want to say that all the confession parts between ML and MC in this story is so heart-touching and beautiful! <<less
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periperi rated it
June 14, 2020
Status: c108
4 stars

This is a really long story and I really like it! There's a bit of hidden identity plot at the beginning that unravels quickly and it's a sweet slow burn-ish romance (but looking at the actual timeline, it's actually going pretty fast). The synopsis may pin the easy going person (MC) as outgoing and the aloof person (ML) as more cold but it isn't the case as ML is the one who is more active at the beginning. They both have issues to work through and it shows (I... more>> get a bit frustrated at certain points where just that little bit more communication would have helped but I understand that they might not have reached the stage to comfortably talk about such deep-seated issues yet).

There's a nice mix of real life and voice acting drama mixed into the story and the focus is very much on MC and ML.

MC's issue

is coming out to his family and subsequently leaving his family due to it. They aren't on good terms but there are hints that there may be a chance of some form of reconciliation. Also, in uni days he got together with a scum who eventually broke up with him and married. So he's reluctant to start any new romance. Hence ML being more active at the start.


ML's issue

selective mutism due to his mother forcing him to be quiet when he was young. He was born out of wedlock and his father didn't want to marry his mother. Suffered abuse from her. Eventually she remarried and his paternal grandfather took him in and raised him but he later passed on. He's a vet and I thoroughly enjoyed scenes of him and animals and his daily log of animals recovery.


I found the CV fandom a little irritating at times, especially those of the bigger stars and tend to gloss over them. Maybe it's because compared to entertainment novels, I actually listen to audio dramas IRL so I'm not sure how to feel about the novel portrayal of the fandom but I've never been in one before too.

However, the real reason why I removed the one star is because

the plot brought back ML's mother and ML somewhat forgave her? ML is taking care of her (she's sick with some brain stuff at the hospital) as of chapter *looks up* 108? I can't? Maybe I've read too many face slapping novels, too many revenge plot. Maybe I need to look into myself and grow up and learn to forgive but I just can't? She nearly killed him when he was young? She gave him all his trauma, nightmares, tells him how his father doesn't want him and how not to speak cos no one will listen to him. Sure, MC made him a better person so he can't find it himself to be angry anymore (he said so, MC is so proud of him). But I rather she didn't exist anymore then be back. My blood boils. I can't let go of MY anger. Even if they had a heart to heart talk later on, it won't erase what she did. I just needed to rant this. As I continue this book, I'm just going to skip any part with her in it. So I guess what this book lacks is any face slapping.


But otherwise I really do enjoy this story and the best part of it, at it's core is MC and ML's relationship. Just need to keep in mind to consume it really slowly. <<less
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mazeoflife28 rated it
April 4, 2024
Status: c68
Not many stories I read make me feel as single as EROVA. 100% recommend if you like healing stories with relatable problems that the main CP are mutually supportive and work on their issues together.

... more>>

I actually find it refreshing that it didn't take too long for them to get together so the huge focus of the setting is during the relationship and cohabitation; with its sweet as well as their rocky moments. The mutual respect, consent, and trust. I don't say this about a lot of stories in general but I want what they have!! TAT

And there's this one cheeky side character. You know the one, that makes you laugh whenever they show up at the same time want to punch. I am only halfway reading but. Yea. I think I like him. LOL.

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hiddenvoid rated it
January 5, 2024
Status: Completed
If I'm to be honest, I think my review may be a little biased, as I did leave [reading] this novel for a few years to wait for it to finish translation (was at c83), and so can only comment on the end half of the novel.

Despite that, all main characters and prominent side characters were highly engaging and enjoyable to follow along with, and even smaller side characters still had well-written scenes that made them realistic and unique in characterisation. The relationship between the main leads felt natural, and... more>> relationships with them and other characters were also highly entertaining, without taking away from the intimacy of the main couple.

Plot points were nicely placed in my opinion, and linked up well to form a coherent timeline that was enjoyable to watch as characters together/against each other. Descriptions of the voice acting premise was both well written and well translated, being able to keep lines engaging although they may be repeated (voicing the same scenes).

Overall, it's great, would reread, would recommend to irl friends :)) (sorry if some parts of my review are confusing, first time reviewing). <<less
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EzB33 rated it
October 19, 2023
Status: Completed
Loved it. Definitely had not read a healing romance novel before but it very much was. Maybe a bit slower pacing but I really enjoyed the novel so much so this is my first review despite all the other good reads prior. Hope you all give this one a chance.
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Iahsha rated it
September 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I have been in a reading slump recently until I found this novel. It hit all the right spots. The characters are so well fleshed out and the plot was very engaging. The translation was also done very well. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a nice healing novel with characters you will fall in love with.
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June 4, 2023
Status: c22
The vibe, the mood, the characters, and the plot are all on point, especially when handling emotional scenes, I can't help but go along with the emotions. I cried, and smiled with the character I empathize with.

The pacing and the settings, though, they just ruined it. It's like the climax you almost achieved, but it fell short.

    1. Chapter 17 The car crash accident is very abrupt, and it feels like it just happened to show the MC's bad relationship to his family. Like, are you f*cking serious? The car accident was so abrupt that when I saw the chapter, I want to make sure it's the right chapter I'm reading. I double checked it, I triple checked it, even quadruple checked it!!!
    2. And what's with the voice actor circle? If this is gonna be a minor thing, there shouldn't that much drama in it. It feels like the voice acting thing was the focused of the novel when it wasn't.
    3. The title was very misleading, the voice acting circle was too loud, and the first thing to introduce in the chapter 1 was the voice acting. Why didn't just the author make the voice acting the focused of the nocel instead of the real life trauma matters? The not handled well of shifting the perspectives make it looks like a two timing bastard.
It feels all very manipulated. The car accident = existed just to show his trauma to his family. The voice acting circle = existed for him to meet the ML there, and for him to fall in love with him. I'm really super sensitive right now so I'm quite irritated by how this was handled.
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ThisisJust2Good rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: c65
I don't know why I was reluctant to open this novel after reading the blurb; maybe I thought it might be one of those opposite-attracts fluff pieces. But it's not. As the CG's translator noted, "it's a healing novel at its core." So far, really well written.
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September 9, 2022
Status: --
Romance 4/5

While the romance was cute it still lacked something. The author built it up but somehow the momentum didn't persist to the moment they got together. So if all felt a bit lackluster.

Plot 2/5

Maybe it's because of my bias but novels where most of the story is from the pov of an online forum bore me. I usually try to avoid 'showbiz' novels for this reason but when you're bored and looking for some entertainment you have no choice. The drama between the voice actors wasn't very interesting imo... more>> and by 40% into the novel I was over it. I was more interested in the back story of our leads.

Side characters 1/5

That 1 is for 'king' only, he was cheeky without going overboard and you could clearly see he caredfor shen yan without doing too much. Xiaoxiao came across as childish and pushy. I think the author wanted the image of a cute junior×yielding senior but it didn't work at all lol. The ex was gross (for obvious reasons), the co-worker was an absolute a**hole, the producer & director for the project that started all the drama were cowards. All-in-all the side characters were meh..

Overall it wasn't a bad novel but definitely not re-reading material. Most definitely could've been shorter by cutting down the online forum content and developing the chemistry between the leads more <<less
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October 18, 2020
Status: c17
Soft, heartbreaking, healing and utterly wonderful!

I couldn't stop myself from binge reading the mtl on JJ. Now that my obsessive side is satisfied I can slowly enjoy the legit translation as it rolls out.
Will definitely be reading this one. Going straight to my favorites.

forgot to click the stars.. 4.5 stars.
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Adlt_1226 rated it
June 16, 2020
Status: c8
I've only read up 'til chapter 8 (since that's the only available translation so far) and I'm already liking the story. The MC and the ML are quite relatable. It is definitely a slow-burn. One must be patient enough to savor the unfolding of events between the MC and the ML. Looking forward to reading more of this and I'll most probably stick with the 5 rating until I read the novel in its entirety.
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September 11, 2023
Status: --
This is not a a love story but a story after love... honestly I don’t really read this kind of novel but this one! I read till the end. This book was like a warm cocoon which makes you will feel comfortable all over.

The only complain is that is 2 happy go lucky thing going on for ex Shen Yan mother did so many bad thing but he still has hope that really made me angry meaning the forgiveness was so easy to come
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