Four O’Clock Flower


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Life is mysterious. Even when the difference is as vast as that between the sky and the earth, a relationship can be formed and a love can come into existence.

University teacher x Hairdresser

Zheng Siqi x Qiao Fengtian

Associated Names
One entry per line
4 O'Clock Flower
Mirabilis Jalapa
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  1. Older Gongs/Tops
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  3. Of the Elect (*BL/BG)
  4. Danmei // Soul Healing
  5. To Be Read

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61 Reviews sorted by

New sephliria rated it
September 7, 2024
Status: c7
I had to write this review because even with all the trigger warnings, I didn't expect to dislike the MC so much. The reviews were all 5 stars and I went in with the highest of expectations, and at the beginning, it was going along well. Then comes the side story of MC sticking his nose where it isn't welcome.

... more>>

MC hires a 19 year old kid at his salon, finds out that the kid faked his name and ran away from home. MC guesses it's because the kid is gay and his family couldn't accept it. But instead of talking to the kid, he assumes that he can make decisions on behalf of others and contacted the kid's family. The kid's mother shows up with a story of how when the kid came out of the closet, his stepfather beat him up and she allowed it, so he ran away from home, but now they regret it and want him back.

Without fact checking, and without giving the kid a heads up (EVEN THOUGH HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO), he lured the kid out to eat with him to meet his mother. The kid sees her and freaks out and tells MC that his stepfather was s*xually abusing him and his mother let it happen because she has a kid with the stepfather and didn't want to divorce. So what does the MC do after learning this? HE STILL FEELS SORRY FOR THE MOTHER!! WTF!! AND HE'S STILL TRYING TO HELP HER RESOLVE THIS. I get that he's trying to help the kid have the family that MC couldn't have. But for a mother who watched the stepfather s*xually ab*se the kid and then still feels sorry for her? Just NO.

Then he goes to find the kid and finds out that the kid ran away again. And after leaving the building where the kid used to live, FOR SOME EFF-ING REASON HE'S SUDDENLY FEELING h**ny?????!!!! WHAT THE F---??!!


I had to stop after this; it was too rage enducing. I couldn't get on the MC's side. I'm done. <<less
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RajaAntara rated it
July 16, 2022
Status: Completed
I dare say I have read some of the greatest love stories. Romances I felt envious, contented and wished for their happily ever after after. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, RanWan, Fenxiao and Cui buqu, Yu Lanchuan and Gan Qing to name a few. I can say I've read all sorts of couples.

But this is the only novel that manifested the kind of love I want for myself. The kind of love that I can see myself having. It's very realistic, burdened with the trivialities... more>> of life, social obligations and selfish desires. Reaching a nice equilibrium between your personal wants and your duties and reality and none of those sacrificial love, possessive love and fairytale love, you know the cliche.

I love the frank and sensible nature of their love, the way they build each other, being each other's comfort and happiness in this world.

Zheng Siqi and Qiao Fengtian, they loved within reason.

That's my best summary. <<less
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Potatoteeth rated it
June 24, 2022
Status: Completed
It's not for nothing that this novel starts with a whole page of trigger warnings. Being Chinese, I find that the people of my culture tend to be much more afraid of abandonment than ab*se, which allows elders to ab*se as arrogantly as they want -- with their fists, with their words, with their silence, with every conceit and entitlement, because it is all that they know. And after the dust settles, the battered victim crawls up to the wretched old monsters who raised him, and pleads his guilt for... more>> having caused THEM harm.

The novel portrays all this with overwhelming density, so you absolutely must not read it if that is a trigger for you. Beyond that, the malice and filth and ignorance of humans forms a powerful backdrop to the fantasy of meeting a gentle friend, caring for two gloriously loving children, witnessing one's horrible elders grind their gears to just open their ears once, and having a happy ending amidst innumerable compromises, in persistence and hope.

This story is like a musk, an incense. It meanders and deepens. Not for people who want to relax. I got trapped by it and became useless until I finished it all the way through: it's heavy going but worth it for the view. 5 stars. <<less
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SugarBunny rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: Completed
I feel like this story has shown me what love truly is. Or at least, what it can be. At some point a few years ago, I came to the conclusion that love is a choice. Beyond all the raucous emotions, the pounding of hearts and the fluttering of stomachs, inevitably, it all boiled down to choosing whether to accept the other party in all their entirety or not, whether to persist in your emotions or not, whether to stay or not. But after reading this, I've come to believe... more>> that, perhaps, there is something more.

This might be a bit of a spoiler, but I just love the way the ML fell in love. His emotions and words and actions might come off as, 'I'm not gay but I'm gay for you alone'. But I believe what truly happened was, 'I have no fricking clue whether I'm gay or not, but I just so happened to come across you. I have seen your pain. I have seen your joy. I have seen your hope and despair and all the lovable things about you, even the parts you think are unsightly, and I fell in love with all of it. And even if this means that we will be slapped with a label and disdained in all four corners of the earth, I have no intention of letting go.'

And I think that is just so, so beautiful. I have no other words to describe the emotions this story evoked in me. This must be my favorite romance story till date. My deepest appreciation to the author for baring their heart and soul through it; many thanks to the translator & editors for preserving it to the extent that they did. Overall summary: 10/10, will read again.

On a side note, I love how beautiful and vivid the writing and descriptions are. As a writer myself, this is the kind of work I aspire to create. <<less
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AdventurousKat rated it
July 18, 2022
Status: Completed
This book really touched me and I find it difficult to put my thoughts into words. Truly, my heart aches for Zheng Siqi and Qiao Fengtian. The more I read about both of them, the higher I hold them in my heart. I think they are each other's one true loves, they are soulmates, they compliment each other perfectly. I wonder how they would have lived their lives if they hadn't met, if chance encounters hadn't brought them together. I'm almost convinced that both of them would have stayed single... more>> for the rest of their lives, maybe not unhappy but carrying the burden of life alone on their shoulders. I'm very happy that they met.

In my life I'd wish for such a love as theirs, steadfast and unyielding.

My heart also aches for all children and adults growing up in a traditional family whose parents cannot accept their personality and sexuality. All people who are denied a fundamental right, the right to love. I myself live in my country's capital, a city with a large, open and flourishing LGBTQ community. And still, people here have to be afraid of being attacked and marginalized, albeit less than elsewhere. Maybe I've lived here too long, but it always shocks me to read that parents can be so inflexible, so persistent in their world views, so judgmental and stubborn. I hope that all of us who are reading this book, we are all doing a part to make a difference. That we all teach our kids it's okay who you are and who you love, that we can be accepting and not force old norms on them.

I hoped for extras about

Du Dong and Li Li's family life, how far Qiao Liang would recover, and about Xiao-Wu'zi and Zheng Yu's life as adults.

But I understand that the story has to end at some point, it's just hard for me to part from it.

The writing style is very beautiful and poetical, the story flows naturally and fills you with warmth and sadness at the same time. I feel like the author must be well versed in literature and poetry, as they use many well thought out metaphors and allegories to convey feelings.

For me, as a non-chinese speaker, it was sometimes hard to connect to all those metaphors and sayings. Maybe it's because their deeper or hidden meaning can't be conveyed through a translation (don't get me wrong, the translation is extremely well done), or maybe it's because I don't know Chinese poetry and literature well. Still, it was captivating to read, it gave me a glimpse of something new and wonderful.

Thanks to the author and the translators, you did a great job. <<less
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peppergum rated it
June 30, 2022
Status: Completed
Amazing translation work ahhh

This was a beautifully profound romance that depicted multiple facets of love. Romantic love, platonic love, familial love, you name it.

As charming as the relationship between Qian Fengtian & Zheng Siqi was, this novel wasn't an escapist piece where everything fell perfectly in place. QFT's turbulent relationship with his mother may not be easily understood by Western readers, but it was a heartbreakingly meticulous examination of Chinese motherhood. How could violence and venomous words be forgiven? Yet how could QFT forget a childhood that revolved around his... more>> beloved mother? QFT was an embodiment of sacrificing the self for the collective, as per Chinese values went.

Imo, the key theme of this novel was the concept of tolerance. Rather than viewing discrimination as an inherent evil of the human mind, the story suggested that one's acceptance of foreignness is mostly dependent upon one's environment. Entrenched in tradition and outdated values, those in QFT's village simply didn't have the means to understand him. He Qian, QFT's foil, didn't even have the capacity to accept himself. The unbiased were far and few in between, which made me appreciate Donggua's character so much more.


I was also impressed at how the author depicted her main characters. From idealistic first impression to personal flaws hidden between the lines, our perception of QFT & ZSQ slowly changed as they revealed more of themselves.

If one thing though, the prose tended to run long-winded. Though insightful, momentum got lost through paragraphs of contemplation on the human condition. There were also a ton of literary references, enough to make you think 'yep, I'm definitely not cultured enough'. <<less
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UsaYuki rated it
March 24, 2022
Status: Completed
As another reviewer has written, I want what Zheng SiQi and Qiao Fengtian have. I have never been in love, but I hope that the love that I will experience, can be as strong as theirs. It’s really heartwarming. I love their little warm moments, their conversations, just... seeing them happy makes me happy ヽ (;▽;) ノ


... more>>

MC and ML meet while MC is chasing down a guy on University campus, to beat him up (it’s really reasonable, if I could, I’d do so as well.) Since ML was a University teacher, and saw this, he had to intervene. Afterwards, he drove to the hospital to visit the patient who was there bc of that guy. On the way, they had quite a deep talk ayeee (Before getting to know each other, when they meet, MC often asks questions... that you have to think quite deep about. Teacher Zheng... well I don’t know if his answers are right or wrong, but I agree to them, and the answer he gives, is just the right answer that MC needs.

MC, though strong, thick skinned and confident on the outside, also really... I think he looks down upon himself a lot. When he was 16, things happened, and he was “out of the closet” “forcefully” (so, he didn’t tell anyone, but was discovered by others) since MC lives in a small village, with ppl that despise others different from the norm, they’ve been raining down curses left and right, and really... cut MCs young and vulnerable heart deeply. Even his own mother has hit him, and cursed at him... aye I won’t talk too much about it, but really, it’s sad to think about.

So, Major Events in the novel

  • First, MC and ML meet and get to know each other, through coincidences ^^ also, MC gets to know MLs daughter~
  • MCs brother and nephew move to the city, where MC is, so that MCs nephew can go to primary school there (They don’t live with MC, have their own house). MCs brother works, so asks MC to pick up his nephew to eat lunch together. The nephew has a Deskmate with whom he shares the snacks, that MC made. Later, MC saw that the deskmate is MLs daughter, things happen and he takes her with him, and they’ve been eating lunch together. ML finds out, finds his daughter, they talk it out, and MC get to know each other more once again (closer) :)
  • Another major event. MCs brother has a heavy traffic accident, is hospitalized, and MCs bears all the burden... very heavy, especially since everything costs so so much. Ge had to sell his home for treatement, his mother also found out somehow (he didn’t tell them, since he didn’t want his old parents to worry). She came, they quarrel, etc etc.
  • An incident with his mother, that stuck in my mind, was that, after coming home, he found out that his room was cleaned. He looked into the drawer, and found that his stuff (lotion, “toys”) were gone. He asked her and she... well it was another cursing ah... it really hurt to read. And what MC thought... hurt even more. He thought, why, the “lustful and shameful things he did” (according to them) we’re only in his own room, within his own four walls. Why couldn’t he even be free in his own home (I can’t remember completely, and it was mtl, so I’m not 100% sure, but that’s how I understood it) and... he squatted outside, searching the tr*sh... It really hurt ah... and, yeah, why can’t he even do what he wants, in his own room. He didn’t let anyone know, he didn’t disturb anyone, why can’t he be free there...
  • Ok, so with ups and downs, they move MCs brother back to the village, and MCs mother will take care of him. She want to take the nephew back too (so that he’s not a burden for MC) but MC doesn’t want to agree, but also can’t say anything against her... long story short, ML helps with moving MCs brother back, and when MCs was gone, had a talk with MCs mother. She didn’t say anything afterwards, but basically reluctantly agreed to let the nephew go to school.
  • another major thing... ML CONFESSES! Bc of MCs insecurities etc. he runs away (ML understands) but does agree quite fast. I forgot what happened, but ML asks to live together, until MCs moves into the new house.
  • Another big hurdle was probably MLs family. He told his sister, who gave him a big slap. Later on, she didn’t agree, but also didn’t do anything to oppose. I guess, just accepts reluctantly. MLs father... well it was said that he found out later in the extras. He was... calmer than the sister :)

Yeah, many things happen, they have their ups and downs, so many things happened to MCs and he really didn’t deserve all that (nobody does) but, their love persevered and that’s great.

Little things that were stuck in my mind

  • MCs nephew once said: “Who Uncle likes, is none of our business” and yeah. Who someone likes, is really none of my business, nothing that anyone can judge or give comments to. It’s their business.
  • Quote from MLs letter to MC (no worries, nothing happened, he just wrote a letter haha)

    But if there is only one time, only you and me, no one is there, no one will criticize the rationality of our being together, no one will stand up to accuse you and me, what do you want to do when there is such a day? I want to brazenly hug you in the sun. Hold hands firmly, go to the mall, go to the cinema, go to the supermarket, go to the park, go to school.》 (mtl)

And I... it made me think, and feel... so emotional. The wishes that he had, to hug openly, and all that? It’s like we’re taking it for granted, that everyone can do so, but it’s just not true (you can, but then there will be judging eyes, ppl talking behind your back etc). It’s like, you can’t hug, hold hands (romantically or maybe as friends) in public, without other ppl having wild thoughts, judging what they see and all that. It’s sad, when thinking about it. Something so ordinary as giving a hug, can also be a lifelong dream, that others can only wish for. It’s saddening but also often reality.

Beim alive is already hard as it is, why make life difficult for others and yourself. I hope there will be a day, when everyone can accept others as they are, their hobbies and their preferences, the people and things they love (within moral boundaries) Live and let others live. I hope everyone can have a happy life


I really, really, realllyyyy liked the way the author wrote! There are so many moments, in this novel, that really overwhelmed me, emotionally ah...

I really liked

how the author ended the main part of the novel. It was a letter written by ML to MC and... just think about it made me tear up. I admire their love, their strength, and hope they will forever and ever be happy together.

Another thing, was that the extras ended with MLs daughter winning an award in a „composition competition“, in which she wrote: „I am the most fortunate. It's me who has two dads I love the most. Bit by bit, bit by bit, very happy.“ (mtl, part of it) and yeah, I teared up again.


And the translator did (and does) such an amazing job ahhh thank you for picking this up and translating this! It’s amazingggg <3 <<less
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keighlysays rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Still reeling from the withdrawal of completing this novel. How dare it end. How very dare.

I knew I’d be in for a treat the moment I saw Chai begin translating this as this translator has a knack for choosing novels that deeply resonate with me (An Accident in Broad Daylight, Guomen, Joyful Tidings at Nan Home). This is another gem that I’d rank high on my list of favorite modern danmei.

Slow-burn, slice of life novel about our MC and the way he navigates life after having been forcefully outed as... more>> a teenager in a closed-minded country village. He leaves and makes a life for himself in a big city, but his heart always craves home, and never once does he ignore or treat his family poorly even after all the ab*se he suffered. Very realistic portrayal of finding love and falling cautiously with mature and doting characters (MC 29, ML 35). MC is gay, the ML widowed with a 7 year old daughter, so the MC falls in love silently, afraid that the ML would be disgusted by his unrequited love. The ML falls slowly, and is conscious and deliberate about his feelings and whether or not moving forward and expressing his feelings is the correct path. It’s rare to find a novel where both characters equally love, respect, dote and treasure the other. The kind of attention to detail the MC takes when surreptitiously caring for the ML, from the kind of food he likes to eat to knowing when the bottle of his eye drops are getting low, to avoiding spicy food when he gets a canker sore, are equally reciprocated by how much the ML also cares for him (making sure he keeps his hands warm, caring for Xiao Wu’zi, supporting MC during his tough times). They have the kind of love that is precious and doting, where they constantly treasure one another and are always putting the other person first. An Accident in Broad Daylight is another novel I can think of with a similar relationship dynamic, but really, it’s rather rare to stumble upon a love like theirs. <<less
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Yakinori rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: Completed
This is that kind of novel that makes you want to fall in love. The kind that makes you want to have what the characters have, specifically their love.

Their love progressed slowly but beautifully. It wasn't perfect but because it wasn't perfect that it made the strings of emotions in my brain more pronounced. I love how their love nourished their character growth and how their character growth nourished their love in return. I love that their love seems like it knows no limits and at the same time it... more>> also knows to draw clear and healthy boundaries.

The novel tackles lots of things — mainly toxic mindset passed generation to generation, parent-child relationship issues, h*mophobia, and etc. Some of the characters' words sound unpleasant and I think it's because we've heard it in real life. A lot of us read fiction to temporarily escape from reality. Speaking for myself, seeing something that somehow makes me remember ugly things irl just kinda make me feel an unpleasant feeling and also an undescribable sense of belonging.

The terrible things that the characters went through especially the protagonist and a side character always make me ask the heavens, "Why?". I admire the two of them a lot. They went through a lot and they're still able to be where they are at now. I, a person who easily crumbles even with the slightest poke of misfortune, could probably never. Although not totally, Qiao Fengtian embodied the person I aspire to be.

Anyway, my favorite extra is the last one. I found it kinda bittersweet and very that I was laughing and crying at the same while reading it. Also, I really love that there many citations of quotes from different books here. It's like the author giving recs of books every chaps lol.

I especially like novels where the antagonists and protagonists of the story are the characters themselves. It's wonderful.

Also, chai (the translator) really did a good job in translating this novel. The beauty and the soul of the novel remained despite using different wirtten symbols and words. I like this kind of tl so much. <<less
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June 22, 2022
Status: --
At times, it felt too literary for my taste and I even skimmed several paragraphs because I couldn't really take the author waxing on about a character's life philosophy or whatever.

But it can't be denied that it was beautifully written. Their relationship is truly something to aspire to. It's definitely not fluffy and heart-tickling like other novels, but it had a mature, steady flowing sense to it. Like a timeless song from some forgotten year that always finds its way to the radio every year.

I also have to applaud the... more>> translator. I don't know the quality of the original work but I sure can tell that the translation truly brought up the level of reading experience. <<less
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Yukaa rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: --
Heartwarming, Pure Love, Innocent Love, Beautiful Relationship !! All moments of life is here 💟
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sbob rated it
March 27, 2023
Status: Completed
Beautifully written. At its root a great love story about two people brought together fortuitously but just go so well together.

A lot of the introspection and thoughts on life, living and interpersonal relationships that resonated quite a bit with me.

The pacing and progression is great. Their love naturally grows and how they interact with each other is lovely to read. Mature couple so no angsty unnecessary misunderstandings, just support and care and feels for each other.

A great balance of sweet and sour, and just angry moments (why is obvious physical... more>> violence so prevalent and widely accepted) throughout the novel.


But I really hated the mother. Like even though I get where she’s coming from, dude you’re hitting his neck?? With full force? And whacking him when he’s down? Also all the poisonous toxic things said?

And ML’s sister hitting the ML with the rolling pin too?? Assault no?? Writing this gets me angry again.


All in all a very enjoyable read. <<less
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Queen_of_Chaos000 rated it
January 25, 2023
Status: Completed
It's over. I didn't want it to end. I wanted more of their mundane life, the trivialities they experience every day, and then as Du Dong mentioned, to witness their life filled with peace and small waves, without huge tides.

This is a very ordinary story of a university teacher and a hairdresser. Their love too was very ordinary with no tremendous upheavals or grandness—just two people so in love.

QFT had quite a hard life before and after the story began, unaccepted by society, and family at a very young age,... more>> driven to survive alone, and plagued with layers of hardness and loneliness life had pushed him into, he truly makes one marvel at the strength he carries. Being so nice a person under all that show of strength and stubbornness. Meanwhile, ZSQ is the exact opposite of him. A smooth life, with no extreme hardships, just lessons and moments that made him grow up to become the mature person he is.

They both fundamentally were very different, yet together so perfect. The way the author dives into their lives and characters makes you laugh in joy and cry in sorrow with them.

If I say for myself, out of all the novels I've read with great and ordinary romances, I'd wish myself something like theirs. To accompany me throughout my life with little joys and worries.

ZSQ and QFT truly make one envious yet at the same time wish them the best from the bottom of our hearts, because they truly deserve each other and the love they have.

Very much recommended. This is truly a beautiful story. <<less
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bhuntuk rated it
July 1, 2022
Status: --
Wonderful Translation. A beautiful novel that doesn't glorify gay relationships. It meets the trauma of upbringing and how it manifests in everyday life in minute forms head-on, threadbare with no attempts on romanticising - though ironically every character's dynamics with one another - be it mother-son, brothers, friends, main characters, children, even just two acquaintances - is just so romantic. It is a refreshing read.
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July 1, 2022
Status: Completed
wow. This is officially my favourite danmei now. Such a shame not many people seem to know about it.

this love story is, unlike many others, realistic and tackles a lot of things gay people have to face in real life. Yet it is also extremely heart-warming, giving off a strong sense of hope.

all the characters are really well-written, their motivations understandable even if you don't agree with them. I especially loved the protagonist. He's badass when he needs to, he's kind always, he's down-to-earth. I also loved the he wasn't... more>> the only gay character in the story, and we can see various troubles the members of gay community have to face through the characters.

the love between the MC and ML is so, so sweet, yet the progression of their feelings felt very natural and realistic. I also loved the s*x scenes. They actually contributed to the development of the story and were really hot at the same time. The s*x scenes here were the definition of "smut with feelings". I loved how consensual they were, as well. Btw, the communication between the couple was always very clear and mature, without pointless dragged-out misunderstandings.

all in all, if you want to read a realistic, heart-warming danmei with well-written characters and mature romance, please please give this a read! I loved this danmei so much I was extremely disappointed when I found out this author has only this one novel 😔 <<less
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Michelle-08 rated it
August 27, 2022
Status: Completed
A MUST read for BL and non-BL fans.

Very realistic and beautifully written without pretense. The author shows the real mindset of people around those who doesn't conform with the norm or that was deemed "different". They were ostracized and laughed at to the point that it drives the person to the edge and do the unthinkable and pushed them to withdraw from the society or worst, to their own demise.

Those who loves to read danmei/BL's where the main couples were applauded, readily accepted by those people around them and were... more>> freely flaunting their relationship, is in no way a reality, it's all FANTASY! If you want something authentic where the emotions are raw, this novel will give you a wide range of perspective. It will hurt your heart and you will sympathised with the characters. Their reaction to the couples outing their relationship is in it's truest form.

The main couples love for each other is heartwarming. They dote and respect each other's opinion, they are each other's true love. ♥️♥️♥️ <<less
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comixmcj rated it
May 7, 2022
Status: c20 part3
This story is both bleak and sweet. Normally I wouldn't read this sort of story but I am glad I did. The translation is so good, really top notch and the story grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I can't wait to read the rest. Translator-san thank you so much for your hard work! Highly recommended
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Tinytofu rated it
December 14, 2022
Status: extra 1-3
A meaningful read. This isn’t a fluffy kind of romance. It’s the mature, slow paced gradual progression sort of romance (not that we don’t get some cute fluff but yeah). Prepare your tissues before reading this because the sort of things the MC goes through because he’s gay will have you crying.
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Little Cloud
Little Cloud rated it
August 20, 2022
Status: --
At this moment where I finished the novel, I have to say that.. My feelings are pretty complicated. I cannot let go and I feel like I am parting with an old friend. This may be little too dramatic to say, but I really feel that way.

When I first started this story, I never thought that this journey will be longer than I thought and the more I proceed, the more I got attached. I got addicted. The characters, mountains, lakes, villages, cities.. Everything.. I love them so much.

Story is... more>> very well written. Characters are well developed. Story line is amazing and so nice. The rush of emotions is very hard to come by. The healthiest relationship I have witnessed in reading.

Translations are really nicely done. Thank you dear translator for the hard work!

Highly recommended! <<less
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stpotato rated it
June 30, 2022
Status: Completed
Realistic, heartwarming, tragic. Very well written and translated. Definitely a story that deserves to be read by more people.
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Ouryane00 rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: Completed
It’s really beautiful.

A love that flowed naturally, there were times when I really got teary eyed because it touched me.

I love how they didn’t fall in love instantly but rather, they slowly integrated into each other’s lives and before they knew it, they needed and depended on each other already, they already fell so deeply ♥️
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