Four O’Clock Flower


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Life is mysterious. Even when the difference is as vast as that between the sky and the earth, a relationship can be formed and a love can come into existence.

University teacher x Hairdresser

Zheng Siqi x Qiao Fengtian

Associated Names
One entry per line
4 O'Clock Flower
Mirabilis Jalapa
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Unique bl
  2. Next Reads
  3. Older Gongs/Tops
  4. to be read
  5. Of the Elect (*BL/BG)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/18/22 chai translations extra 1-3
06/18/22 chai translations c34
06/18/22 chai translations c33
06/18/22 chai translations c32 part2
06/18/22 chai translations c32 part1
06/17/22 chai translations c31 part2
06/17/22 chai translations c31 part1
06/12/22 chai translations c30 part2
06/12/22 chai translations c30 part1
06/11/22 chai translations c29 part2
06/11/22 chai translations c29 part1
06/11/22 chai translations c28
06/10/22 chai translations c27
06/06/22 chai translations c26
06/06/22 chai translations c25 part2
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61 Reviews sorted by

thecrivens rated it
August 16, 2022
Status: Completed
It's realistic in its portrayal of people struggling to live and find their place in conservative society where conforming to norms is the default. All the characters were well-rounded with strengths & weaknesses, shaped by their perceptions & experiences, sometimes frustrated me to no end, but I could understand their actions.

The best part is, it is HE, and they're very sweet, so I can finish with a smile on my face
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