Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School


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When I cleared the final chapter of a game that was a national failure, I became an unnamed side character in it.

A non-standard, unmeasurable, EX rank side character.

Associated Names
One entry per line
EX Rank
EX Rank Side Character's School Replay
EX Rank’s Replay
명문고 EX급 조연의 리플레이
Related Series
Trash of the Count’s Family (8)
The Novel’s Extra (6)
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (5)
The S-Classes That I Raised (3)
What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up (3)
The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Are you going to sacrifice yourself ?
  2. Academy Novel
  3. fantasy
  4. To Be Read
  5. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (KR On-Going)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/01/24 Library Key Translations c180
04/01/24 Wuxianxianxia c801
03/29/24 Library Key Translations c179
03/29/24 Wuxianxianxia c800
03/28/24 Wuxianxianxia c799
03/27/24 Library Key Translations c178
03/27/24 Wuxianxianxia c798
03/25/24 Library Key Translations c177
03/25/24 Wuxianxianxia c797
03/22/24 Library Key Translations c176
03/22/24 Wuxianxianxia c796
03/21/24 Wuxianxianxia c795
03/20/24 Library Key Translations c175
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03/18/24 Wuxianxianxia c794
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57 Reviews sorted by

icarororo rated it
June 30, 2023
Status: c925
i've only been reading with mtl but so far everything is good. The main character, Jo Euishin is very level-headed and calculative, albeit having little flaws here and there. That's normal, and honestly those little things are what made him an interesting character. The characters are also overall very distinctive from each other (some stories have very similar characters bcs the author doesnt know how to write multiple roles).

The story is fleshed out really well, the background and setting of the novel is okay, not that hard to understand, and... more>> there is also character developments of multiple characters. The narration of the story is smooth, and the development of the story of each arc gives room for the story to expand more.

If you like self-sacrificial characters (eg tcf cale, orv dokja), and also comedic side characters who banter a lot, good fight scenes and unexpected expected plot twists, give this a try. <<less
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skylightrainbows rated it
May 21, 2023
Status: c912
....I just really like this novel.

1. There are numerous characters I can think of. All of Euishin’s classmates are eased into being introduced, we have 2 out of 16 left.

2. Euishin (MC) plays favorites. Like most people. However.i believe he does it because he spent some time fighting against lung cancer and this game was his will to live.

3. Euishin has Self sacrificing tendencies.

Like.... more>>

Stabing himself in the stomach to take control of a weapon (HJH witnesses this. Or considering stabbing himself to hear the sprirt of said weapon speak at Joo Suhyuk's boat party lol.

Or even giving up sleep and one of the most injuries. Injuring his left eye.

All of the characters who saw Euishin harm himself have a very... interesting... reaction.


This novel approaches transmigration differently. Although Euishin may seem like a basic op MC. He reveals his Identity to people. Or gives hints. The foreshadowing is also done really well.

Honestly. I just really like this novel since it has a slice of life style because Euishin has to not only ensure that his playable character's mental welbeing is good. Their skills as well. <<less
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Ihartkimchi rated it
October 26, 2022
Status: c50
Pretty good but I decided to drop it. The story, characters, and the flow is pretty good is just that the MC is too OP, there's barely any tension or build up cause you know MC is gonna deus ex machina his way around it. I know 50ish chapters is too early to decide but from the way the story is flowing I can already tell what kind of story it is and it's not for me.

... more>>

MC has this power called "Player's Vestige" wherein he can pull out a character card and borrow their power (and appearance if he so wishes). It's just such a BS power since it solves every problem in the story, build ups and tension is practically 0.

PV also scales differently than his actual skills so he doesn't even have to train, he just pull out these OP character cards and be done with problems. To give credit, MC still trains his innate talent but knowing he has PV just cancels it out for me.


Also the translations is quite bad, it's literally just MTL and not even edited. Waffle did an amazing job but so far they've only done up til 40. <<less
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questingwolf rated it
April 19, 2024
Status: c577
This Novel is well worth the slog through the first few chapters with bad translations!!! Don't let others turn you off of this hidden gem please! The characters are well thought out and the story is fantastic. If anyone is interested in found family tropes this is a story for you as well. I love how well the author uses small key details to foreshadow certain events throughout and it's actually quite impressive how they keep track of it all. There are some hints and moments you catch along the... more>> way but there's also some that can catch you by complete surprise. Overall I absolutely adore this read and look forward to reading more in the future. <<less
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Arina-chan rated it
November 30, 2023
Status: c711
You just need to tough through 100+ chapters or so then the translation becomes great and let me tell you the novel world building is great!

The little details you thought is just fillers will be explained later on that it blew my mind how the author has already prepared everything.

Most side characters are not one dimensional and makes you want to laugh at their antics. All in all it's a fun novel, give it a try!

... more>>

It's also funny seeing Hwangho developed to a mother hen character, but my heart breaks for him in the original universe

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tsumtsumu rated it
August 19, 2023
Status: c996
12/10 I love this novel so much, pls read you won't regret

Although the pace is a bit slow sometimes, it really feels that the author really think through every part of the plot. Every conversation, every passing mention of past events is full of hidden clues of the mystery that surrounds the whole tragedy inside the game that MC played. The characters and their interactions are also well fleshed out and interesting, each one has their own story and roles.

Also Eushin-ah 😭😭😭 Our smart, humble, helpful, observant, quick-witted, a bit... more>> of frustratingly a lovable idiot sometimes, super kind MC. I love how he sounded really like an otaku whenever he rambles about the OG game in his heads, and how weak he is to praises.... so cute... I just hope everything will be HE, I really really want him to be happy 😭😭😭 <<less
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Mr. White Tower
Mr. White Tower rated it
September 23, 2022
Status: --
I had high hopes for this novel, but unfortunately it did not live up to my expectations. The world building is lackluster and the characterizations are shallow. The author seems to rely heavily on the main character's thoughts and feelings, leaving the other characters underdeveloped. Additionally, the constant inclusion of unnecessary and irrelevant details makes for a tedious reading experience. I tried to push through and continue reading, but ultimately had to give up after only 30 chapters.
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Lightkaitou rated it
February 9, 2022
Status: c189
The story and world building for this story was great. But like everyone is not wrong about the translation doing this story dirty. I thought I was reading a google translation until I remembered I was reading the actual translated chapters linked on novel update. Like you need strong abilities to get context clues as sometimes people's names just randomly keep changing or something. Along with the typical evidence of google translation where someone went from a girl to a guy every now and then. Still I highly recommend people... more>> giving this novel a chance.

The main character is pretty overpowered due to his abilities. But not perfect as he is often reckless when it comes to his safety. There is also a lot of funny moments involving everyone calling him suspicious or commenting on his extremely silly dog loving behavior.

The best part of this novel is that each character in the story feels real as they each have their own concerns and preferences. Also they don't just suddenly disappear never to be seen again after being saved. They still show up as friends that congratulate or worry for the main character with each new event.

A few downsides to this story besides the translation is that the main character still treats it too much like a game. He will often let things slide for his "playable characters". And the annoying part being guys getting jealous over him for having a friendly relationship with their crushes.


Personally, I am more worried about the main character getting together with the dog over any of his female friends. XD

That is how much it is only friendship between him and any female. I have doubts that their will be a female lead in this story.

Furthermore, it is really amazing how villains in this novel don't get killed. While their punishment may make them wish they were dead. They do get to keep their lives so far as of chapter 189.


Overall, it is a good novel with something constantly happening in a single day. Filled with plenty of comedy and heartwarming moments as well. <<less
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Vandille rated it
February 8, 2022
Status: c20
The premise is great. BUT the novel slacks off when introducing characters, it barely gives you any idea of what a character looks like, it only bothers to give you stuff like, "He had white hair" and such. The amount of characters which lack detailed or atleast general descriptions of their appearance is just baffling. (Spoiler, it's every character). The vague explanations of the events/battles doesn't help either, they've so far neglected elaborating on it. The fights feel stale and lacking as it doesn't give you a sense of danger... more>> since the battlefield seems like a plain empty field. (There's barely any effort on describing and at most only one or two words are used to describe the whole place and that makes it difficult to imagine the fights). Honestly I love the premise, but I feel that the story is moving far too hastily, we've gone through several events which showcase the protagonists abilities but so far we haven't been given a proper measure of his abilities (His limits, what his ability requires to activate, etc.) nor have we been given a proper technical explanation as to how exactly it works. So, it's enjoyable, but it's currently overrated! (I don't believe the people who compliment the character writing when they've read the Multiverse translation.. But to each their own). <<less
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vhiyxy rated it
January 28, 2022
Status: c180
This novel is good, but the translation was atrocious before waffles saved us. You can read the other team like it's MTL (likely one) my brain can't take it any further MTLs chapters, so I'm gonna place this Novel on hold and stack the waffles releases. That's all for the TL issue.

For the plot itself ... more>>

the MC is someone that has the power to perfectly use all the playable characters that he is already nurtured. When he is use it, he can use all their power, and the original character is still there in the same world. It's like a perfect copy but at the same time, it's not since the replicated was nurtured characters.


The world-building was using the Korean with all the magic and replacing some structural for plot-wise, since rereading the novel when the new decent TL team takeover this novel I can't say much. I'm gonna update this review after reading more new decent TLed chapters. <<less
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mxtt10589 rated it
March 7, 2023
Status: c127
The initial story was enjoyable at first with the setup and getting to know the characters, but by the chapters in the 70s the quality and grammar of the translations began to noticeably decline along with the names of the characters becomes less and less consistent as they go on.

The later on the story arcs also kept getting dragged out. The earlier chapter arcs may have been wrapped up in about 3-4 chapters each, but the later ones may end up being even more than double that with the pacing... more>> of the extended chapters feeling like a drag. As for the MC's personality:


The MC's personality also felt like it was becoming less and less proactive as the story went on compared to near the beginning.

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Grandorus rated it
February 22, 2023
Status: c100
This novel starts strong, fast and puts the protagonist in a desperate situation, then goes slow. If it had more of those encounters then it would be a 4 or 5 star from me. There are some fun moments while he fights underground organisations.

The protagonist has an incredibly wide range of abilities, however, he rarely uses them due to lack of combat situations. There is so much slice of life that I wonder why the main character even needs his powers. There are many animal clans that take over the... more>> story for their clan meetings, filled with child like conversations. If I had to compare to a similar work, I would say the early chapters of Novel’s Extra did a slightly better job using the same premise by having a more vulnerable main character, acting as an extra, thrown into more frequent challenging situations. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
March 5, 2022
Status: c62
Not sure about this one. The TL is a somewhat readable MTL, but I think I read enough chapters to give an unbiased review.

The base idea is cool ("I know the plot, and I am going to change it, because I am OP"), but the execution has a few flaws. The MC is a passive-loner-gamer-nerd without social skills before his death and then suddenly turns into a charming, scheming, well-spoken schoolboy again who makes deals with all the other OP characters. There is no character-development.

Same with the world/abilities/items/rarities: It is... more>> a game world, and the MC sees everything from the game perspective (levels, numbers,...), but very quickly the whole system becomes a mess. Most of the times the numbers play no role, everything gets glanced over. Why even bother? Especially the rarities: There is really no feeling that something is SSR (super-super-rare), stuff is like cabbages.

Still, there are a few cool ideas so I give this a tentative 4. Could have been a 3 as well. Novel shows potential, but if I continue then with a good TL.

Stuff I really liked:

  • bread shuttle
  • picnic cloths // class 0
  • the personalities of the twelve zodiacs
  • ...
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Titan LLS
Titan LLS rated it
January 25, 2022
Status: c168

The name... the author writes the name, like a guy who has written these stories before or at least read enough to the point to competently write what he has said in attempted better form. Why then did he give this novel a name that reeks of a first time attempt by newbie author. Besides that this story so far is pretty solid if you have read the genre before you have read this before. It does not offer anything new, but at the same time it is good enough... more>> with an overused troupe that I could see a first time to the genre reader picking this up and calling it the best novel.


What is going on... this thing started really great. Had the powers, the intrigue, the action, the plot. It had it all, and yet now. It is just bogged down with filler content. I feel like I'm reading something like the text script for "Boy meets world" a random middle school episode. This thing digressed so much Ive lost so much enthusiasm trying to just push past. However, it is just so much unnecessary filler nonsense. This is like reading "My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending" and it focus on Harold stokes making friends and maintaining his friendships, 7/10 of the story. With the rest being about solving crisis. It is absolutely supposed to be the other way around. I don't want to read an entire chapter, with the biggest highlight being a boy and a girl had a silent argument. Resulting in them doing chores in separate parts of the house. While classmates stand around befuddled as to if that means they are in a romantic relationship. (Too many chapters like this) This is bordering on shoujo which is a good genre but I started this novel with an action series based premise. Not even something like Natsume's book of friends where you from the get go understand OK action is not even so much secondary as much as it is back-burner.



Then it is back again at the original pacing after at least a rough 30 chapters of filler padding this novel could be cut down alot still a good story just unnecessarily padded. <<less
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enkiros rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: c6
I'm sure it gets better down the line but, from what I read, this is pretty bad, not just tr*shy bad, but genuinely awful (not talking about the translation). It features one of the most contrived conflicts and "plot twists" I've read in a long time. It's really annoying because it goes against everything it was established for the sake of shock value, again, for the "plot twist."

I don't know if I want to wait until the sunk cost fallacy kicks in to start enjoying this.

Also, friendly reminder to never... more>> read from NovelMultiverse, just find an agreggator site. Don't even bother clicking on their site. <<less
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October 31, 2022
Status: c302
Its a good read. Easy to follow even with poor translation. The characters are lovable and have a good plot.

But sometime I feel like there is just something out of the blue that come out. Maybe it because I don't do game that much but sometime I was confused by what was the plot of the game. If it was a novel, it has a linear narrative from beginning to the end, but its different with games and this is where it gets confusing for me.
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