Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School


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When I cleared the final chapter of a game that was a national failure, I became an unnamed side character in it.

A non-standard, unmeasurable, EX rank side character.

Associated Names
One entry per line
EX Rank
EX Rank Side Character's School Replay
EX Rank’s Replay
명문고 EX급 조연의 리플레이
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Are you going to sacrifice yourself ?
  2. Academy Novel
  3. fantasy
  4. To Be Read
  5. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (KR On-Going)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/01/24 Library Key Translations c180
04/01/24 Wuxianxianxia c801
03/29/24 Library Key Translations c179
03/29/24 Wuxianxianxia c800
03/28/24 Wuxianxianxia c799
03/27/24 Library Key Translations c178
03/27/24 Wuxianxianxia c798
03/25/24 Library Key Translations c177
03/25/24 Wuxianxianxia c797
03/22/24 Library Key Translations c176
03/22/24 Wuxianxianxia c796
03/21/24 Wuxianxianxia c795
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57 Reviews sorted by

Diabolos rated it
September 22, 2021
Status: c151
This novel is one of the best novel I have read with such well written characters and plot. It was slow in the beginning but it become interesting and addictive as the chapters goes. It could have become one of the greatest novel but mtl translations ruined it. It has the potential to become a masterpeice
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Asteroit rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: c559
The rating should've been higher. This novel is a hidden gem. There are a lot of things that I like in this novel.

1- Main character: I like the MC (Jo Eushin) a lot. He's a kind of character that everyone can rely on. He's also pretty fun and caring person. He likes the world he's in and is trying to protect it. Edit~ He has a lot of monologues. It is hilarious to see his tolerance for his playable characters.

for example his playable character acts like he has eighth grade syndrome and our MC cringes everytime he hears/sees him but still love him a lot.


2- Side characters: There are a lot of Side characters that I sometimes forget their names (remembering after a while) They have different personalities and abilities. Some are pretty unique. There are weird ones too. I like the fact that we get to know other class students. Like our MC is in year 1 class 0 but we get to know other classes and years and more than that

3- Story: It is pretty good. I literally fell in love with it. I wasn't even a little bored while reading it. It was enjoyable. Story flows like river that I didn't even realize I've read all the chapters available.

I can say a lot of praise words for this novel.

The only bad thing is probably the translation. First chapters are kinda hard to read. You should first read from waffles then you can continue from novelmultiverse so you can get the general idea. Those chapters are a bit hard to read but not unreadable. The New translator does a pretty good job now. I'm satisfied and thankfull to the translator-sama. I've read up to 500 chapter thanks to you ♪

Edit~ I felt like I should say this. Well It might not be entirely correct but this novel also has World building in it. I saw a comment saying that the author keeps cutting the story to explain some things so they just can't read it as a whole. I dissagree w this comment because in my opinion The author-sama deepens the story and helps us understand the world better. Well this novel is not only about action like some others. I can say that It's a bit like TCF. I mean the main focus is the story not the action but worry not bc there is action and I've written a lot again.
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NabilaR rated it
March 14, 2023
Status: c435
JUST GO READ. 5/5. Although the translation in the middle are kinda bad (would improv later on), but don't give up reading this. Me for example, not regretting going through all these lol.

MC really started as a realiable brother and then... we know this man has the same tendecies as dokja, cale, yoojin, and gongja (sss su*cide y know) sacrificial basta like y know. The "i have to do this so that my (insert protag/playable chara/friend/comp/dll) can be happy/survive"

Dont get me wrong. I love them all.

This novel has many mysterious... more>> plot that we have to unravel. And every character has their own stories? Like literally no one was a side character or cannon fodder. That one kid who provoke MC later will be on his own path not just getting killed suddenly or smth.

Everything started to link and making sense. Although has many character, you can't help but subscon remember them one by one because every chara has important plot.


One I waited the most was his hoobae back in "not game world" stories lol. Cheon sungheon. Like, I though he just a side chara at the prologue and then there was no mention of him but voila. Spoiler, he is actually the silver tiger, someone say that he has yandere vibe lol I kinda get it. Not yandere but obbsesive? Like who the hell chase your hyung by playing hell like game to literally another world with some kind of erorr. If you have a man who love you enough to chase you to another world even it caused him harm, go marry him. I mean immedietly. XD.

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seekingsnow rated it
September 13, 2021
Status: c142
The story is really good, however the translation is not.

The names change so many times and the pronouns are all over the place.

Although it gets much better for a few chapters, it goes back to how it was.

... more>> The storyline is interesting. The characters are written well and I'm very curious about the other students in class 1-0. The MC is OP in the sense that he pretty much knows everything that's going to happen and can prevent them. He's smart, except when it comes to Snare he becomes an idiot...

Overall, a 4.5/5 for the plot and 2/5 for the translation. <<less
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Velaine rated it
August 22, 2023
Status: c588
To be honest this is a slow paced novel and normally I don't like it but especially this novel is fantastic, the plot is very beautifully constructed.

Especially the MC oh my gosh Eunshin is the only MC What I want to protect, he's a fresh MC with a very good nature but not naive.

Its a shame that the translation at the beginning wanted to make me nauseous while reading but it was a lot of fun When it comes to the end. Read it if you like an MC who... more>> has the characteristic of sacrificing syndrome, even though sometimes there are slow sessions but it's still fun. <<less
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silveradvertisment rated it
January 16, 2023
Status: c378
This story is very well written. You can tell that the author has put a lot of thought into the plot, the characters, and even the world. There's a lot of foreshadowing sprinkled throughout the chapters and a small detail casually thrown in at the beginning of the novel can easily become relevant later on.

The main character has a very likable personality as well. He's very considerate and genuinely cares about everyone around him. He's an absolute fan boy to the point where if one of his playable characters stabbed... more>> him, he'd thank them. He's also a bit reckless with his own body and doesn't take that good care of himself, which often brings him into conflict with other characters.

The only downside of this novel is the translation, which really hurts the story. The first 100 or so chapters move between barely legible to completely indecipherable, with character names and pronouns changing 5 times within the same sentence. If you manage to get past it though, the current translator is doing a pretty great job with the translation. <<less
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December 8, 2022
Status: c389
As much as I love this story, the translator is so painful that I wanna cry. For those that want to start reading it, I strongly suggest you to read this without any break or stop especially at the beginning because you won't understand anything with how the term change so often. The writer had graciously add description when one name or term are brought up but it's useless when you don't even remember those that always appear.

Edit: Adding a piece of my thought.

The thing I really love about this... more>> novel was the respect the characters show for each other. The tigers, especially Hwang Jiho, despite being a powerful figure never disrespect Eushin or even question him like any other novel happen with influential figure where MC had to struggle with their arrogant pride.

They respect Eushin as their benefactor and never look down on him despite him being a human, moreover a young student.


Perhaps their arrogance was that they're confident of their evaluation that Eushin is a good person, which is actually true, and had view him as 'interesting'. It's also rare that character like Hwang Jiho to have much character development but in here, as the second person to always show up, his development was admirable for a person so old. He's very flexible. Most character in this novel is very flexible when it come to people they love/respected even though all of them are distinguished people. As what Eushin would say, "as expected of my playable characters and NPCs."

Which make this novel really loveable unlike usual novels where the characters could be very annoying that just want to make me shake my head and wish MC or just anyone to tell them off. The lack of arrogant prick is something but perhaps that's because the first thing Eushin do was to remove these disgusting roots so the school for his beloved playable character to be enjoyable and untainted. Way to go Eushin. <<less
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onlydanmeis rated it
September 4, 2022
Status: --
Considering this novel has so many good reviews I thought it would be a mindblowingly good read but no, it's not.

It is certified MID

the flow of the story are all over the place and I'd say the world building (with the way the author writes it) is not captivating me to continue reading. For the reviewer who said this could be as popular as tocf, orv, or the s class I raised, I would like to say get yourself to be a guest in the tr*sh taste podcast because your... more>> take is garbage.

This novel is surely not terrible but just like read something else first, especially since the tl are getting reworked. This is seriously overrated

Lastly my review for this novel is not because of the mtls since I'm used to reading mtl (2.5 stars) <<less
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QinQing_Chen rated it
May 19, 2022
Status: --
About the tenses or grammar, I have no comment, as I read too many MTL just to get my daily dose of good novel. The story itself is one of good ones. It have good world building that is interesting. The plot also good. Though the story follow MC, Jo Eui Shin (some maybe found the name different due to translate problem), it also change POV to other character that MC might or might not know. The plot and character will grow due to various factor not only MC.

Also, I... more>> quite like the redemption and the change to good things that happen to the people around MC. Well, not really redemption, but how people can be good and bad due to a factor or another. How they, themselves, grasp the chance to be better just because of character growth due to their social situations or other factors.

There's also the interesting way how being in the story world can open many unseen plot and conspiration as what happen to MC. As more event is prevented, more and more mystery is seen, which in this story, only make people see that there's something that is happening but they (other character or even MC) don't realize.

While my review seem heavy due to the focus on plot and mystery, in actually, there is quite a lot of slice of life too here. It is especially important too in character growth of people in the story as you can see various people try on their own way to life happily and the happiness they gain in everyday life become their reasons of trying harder and better through the trials of their life. <<less
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Pamey rated it
May 31, 2021
Status: c105
Okay. I binged all the chapters. I honestly couldn't wait to post my review, because I have so much to say.


It's interesting, something right up my alley. I also enjoy the protagonist and other characters. This novel has the potential to be far more popular, and the rating could be much higher - no doubt. If you are looking for fantasy, action themed novel with no romance and annoying characters - you might like this one.

... more>> Translation:

*exhale* well, well, well... First 66 chapters? Like many people have said already - looks like mtl with minimal editing <sometimes it even looked like the editor didn't really read the story and just skimmed through looking for more eye-catching errors; if it was not the case - I apologise, but also you can't blame me alright, It was really bad and some of the things could be easily edited hence my doubts>. The most annoying parts of the translation - inconsistency. The switching between names (with Cho/Jo Ui-shin/Eui-shin, Lena/Irena/Lenna, being one of the two examples) or mixing up the povs (using "I" and "he" one after another, sometimes I wasn't sure from whose perspective am I reading or maybe the character was talking about someone else, who knows).

BUT even though I compared it to mtl, it is still more readable <it still doesn't make it a great experience>, that is why I was able to power through the poorly written chapters (1-66) to the properly edited and translated ones.


If you are someone who is not familiar with reading mtl or it's your first time reading a novel within this genre, then it might be hard, however if you are willing to power through - good luck and from the chapter 67 onwards it's going to be a smooth sailing.

If you are someone who is just unable to read poorly translated chapters - let's hope the first 66 chapters get properly edited or just re-written <manifesting>

If you are familiar with these types of settings and are quick-witted enough to read the first 66 chapters with just a tiny bit of difficulty - then proceed. After ch67 it's exponentially getting better, I swear.

The rating is mainly for the plot and to reward person who is tl-ing 67+ chapters. Kudos for that. <<less
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ZeroA2 rated it
March 16, 2024
Status: c293
Extremely good story and the description does not do it justice in my opinion. If I were to give it a shot, it would be something like, MC finds solace while growing up and dying from cancer in a universally reviled game where all of his beloved characters end up dying tragically. Upon beating the game and succumbing to cancer he is given the opportunity to live alongside his beloved characters to try and ensure a fluffy and happy school life for all of them as they fight off otherworld... more>> enemies and traitorous beings from myth and legend.

It is saccharine sweet and the love and care the characters show for each other is incredibly touching.

The only detriment is the vastly different translation qualities. Some translators adapt it more to English and translate Korean names of myths and some locations while others maintain more of the original naming and some go back and forth presumably without a great editor or relying heavily on machine translations. The waffles translator was extremely solid for 40 chapters or so but they were the most adapted to English and I think a lot of people would be lost going from their translation to any of the others I've seen. The Library Key (?) translations was great from what I read, 40-170 or so, but they mostly kept with Korean naming so it got to be a struggle to keep up with some of the names that were very similar as someone who has never taken a Korean lesson. They're overall my pick to read if you have a choice and they have a pretty good pace and I plan to keep up with their translation as I re-read. The wuxia n xanxia (?) translators were the most inconsistent and I switched from them to waffles when the reading became less enjoyable. After 170 and at least through where I am at 290 they're fairly solid and enjoyable to read so I hope that gets maintained from here.

If you understand some basic Korean words (specifically different colors and animal/mythic animal names), I think you'll have a lot more success with the inconsistent translations as they go back and forth between saying things like "Yellow Tiger" and whatever that is in Korean. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 25, 2023
Status: c896
I really enjoy reading this novel, something I don't feel much lately since I feel today's novels rarely give refreshing storylines or plots.

Just like the other reviews have said, starting with the MC finishing the national mang-game and being transported to an alternate world where the game took place as a reward, he then try to save the people in the game, especially his 'playable characters'. The story is very interesting, there are many surprises and very importantly for me, the characters are well thought of and fleshed out. Readers... more>> can know their aspirations, worries, fears and perspectives and can see how they grow bit by bit, so watching their interactions is enjoyable (and that includes the villains and people with obscure affiliations). I applaud the author for this aspect (although sometimes I want to smack Cho Eui-Shin when he's being a stonehead).

The translation itself at the beginning is not good, one review said it's better to just use google translate and unfortunately he's right. But later the translation got better and I hope the translators keep the good quality so the novel can be enjoyed properly.

Now I've read to the latest chapter and am sadly waiting for the author to update the novel... <<less
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bllbblblblbl1123 rated it
April 2, 2023
Status: c322
Everything was great. The pace of the story is quite slow.
The best thing for me is the emotion that the story conveys.
Our main character is gorgeous, amazing, unique.
He's OP but not alone. He always tries to find people who can help to solve the problem.
There is no obvious power system, however his blessings seem to be the most powerful in that world.
The special thing about our main character is that he is a 'mother ' (in my comparison)
If Kim Doja gives me the feeling of a trusted companion or 'hyung', 'oppa', or 'ajussi' then Jo Euishin/ Jo Uisin or whatever the MTL refer to this protagonist, he gives me a feeling of a mother.
A mother who always cares, wants to take care of her little babies. Be proud of the achievements of your children, suffer when they suffer and do not mind the sacrifices.
The relationships of friends, family, and colleagues in this story are prominently written. Their interactions are worth reading. People can feel long and bored. However, it's sad that each character has a sad story in it.
However, this is also a funny story, not dark, there are lovebirds that can't be speak, lol.
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thecyanide rated it
October 8, 2022
Status: v1c278
I've been reading this novel since it's been recommended to me, and I was shocked to see the reviews here that I had to make an account and give my own opinion. I'm new to reading light novels, but this novel really hooked me in. The MC is brilliant, the plot twists make actual sense, and the relationships between the characters are well-drawn. It's a lengthy novel so if you're unconvinced that the story is worth a read, check out c278 to change your mind.
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forgetdrunkenmoon rated it
May 1, 2022
Status: c53
It's a good novel, the character development isn't only for the MC but the rest as well. I feel satisfied to see the villain get what they deserved.

Actually most novel with no romance in it despite the MC being male is always good.

The translation are confusing but since I'm used to read in MTL, it's tolerable
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Baldingere rated it
March 12, 2021
Status: c75
Starting point: a nationnal korean game became a well-known failure, booed by the whole gamer community. MC is a hardcore fan of the game, played it again and again, played all the characters and tried every playroute, but it always ends tragically. MC did his best in life, but after finally getting a job, learns he has a terminal disease and holes himself up to play the game until his death. After ten years of playing the game, the final chapter is uploaded: everybody is dead. MC is very frustrated,... more>> dies then wakes up in the game, as a side-chara, one destined to die that day due to a monster. He will do his best to save all the characters of the game and change the ending, with his suspiscious cheat skills and narrow knowledge of the future tragedies.

The story is very cool: it totally owns up to it's tags, it's funny, there are fights and school life like studying and making friends, the science-fi elements don't really matter but the fantasy elements are interesting and complex, it makes for good world building. The side-characters have a personality.

MC is OP, which is necessary because he has to deal with many schemes right off the bat, but has room for growth and the info he has can only help him at the beginning. His personality is a good responsible smart guy. He loves the game and feels a responsability for all the characters, he loves them and wants to help them. <<less
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Gigz rated it
August 25, 2020
Status: c5
It is far too early to give a decent review but here are some of my thoughts.

The story has a strong start, which kept me invested and immersed. I could actually feel the emotion behind the MC, who was left struggling and hopelessly dedicated to a failing game. This particularly appeals to me as I’m always playing failing games like the MC did.

The transfer to the main plot was executed more beautifully than most other world transfer stories.

His presumable death was slow, painful, and depressing. It felt amplified further with his neighbor attempting to save him. The use of dreams as a transition made me feel a little light headed, which somehow made the experience more wild? I can’t tell if I was just too immersed or I drank something awful earlier.

I can’t describe it well, but it’s better to just read it firsthand.

However, when the main plot with (a lot of) game elements begins, my immersion was kinda broken because I was heavily confused with what was going on. The MC seems to know what’s up, since this is apparently just a rerun of the game’s plot, but I’m still confused with the setting, the surroundings, and the people. There is little description to imagine off of. The story tells that it’s a middle school or something, and there’s a test going on. But the only person we know at all is MC. I just nodded through the rest of the chapters thinking, “Yeah so MC is doing this and these other people want to survive and are doing stuff. I think.” This would probably work better as a manhwa so I can get a better sense of the surroundings and characters. Despite the current plot being confusing, it also feels a bit predictable right now, and a bit cliche. Honestly it kinda feels like the Novel’s Extra.
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emperorpanda003 rated it
April 8, 2024
Status: c100
I don't want to be that guy who fusses over translation quality but goddamn did it ruin it all for me. The first 70 chapters felt like a slog to go through and I found myself creasing my brows all throughout just because of how some things just doesn't make sense with how it was initially translated unless you use a good amount of your brain juices to fill out some things by yourself.

While it is certainly not Google Translate quality, it's quite close to that (at least the first... more>> 70 chapters). I guess it also doesn't help that things in this novel are hard to exactly translate, especially the skill names lol. What the heck was that mouthful of a skill name, anyway?

Overall, I think I'd give this novel a chance some other time but as of now, my brain is too tired trying to interpret stuff, what with things changing names almost every chapter and etc. They say 1st impressions is important and this novel botched its first impression off rip lol. Looks good but the first 70 chapters needs to be revisited cuz goddamn is it atrocious. <<less
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October 18, 2023
Status: --
too much exposition which breaks the flow

... more>>

MC raids an illegal auction house, all fine and dandy, author explains some background on another character the MC is impersonating to get into the auction, he continues the auction story, the next moment is an explanation on some coin mechanism and the entity who created that coin, the entity's background and lineage lmao, then continues the auction story but the next moment theres another exposition


kinda hard to follow when its like that, besides this doesnt happen only once, flow breaks every so often that I got tired of reading

im a fan of fantasy and sh*t its a pity I cant enjoy this story when a lot of people rate it so high smh <<less
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Novirp13 rated it
September 16, 2023
Status: c626
Unfortunately, some chapters still have a very bad translation. They say they'll fix it alongside the daily update tho, so don't worry. Beside that, this novel is awesome as heck! It's a story about Isekai, where the main character, Euishin, get transported into a failed game (they called it failed because the game don't exactly have a fanbase with how crappy their story is, hence no one want to use real money to gacha. Or even play the game itself) and he decided to help this world reach a happy... more>> ending instead. I like how the author foreshadowed things from way, way back then and always remembered every single details that turned out to be important in latter chapters. Everyone is important. If author give em a name, then they'll play a role sometimes soon. All the characters have a unique personalities. Even Euishin acted like a clown sometimes. He's definitely a fanboy, always on his 'playable characters' side no matter how cringey they are lol. This novel is still ongoing and per chapters is actually kind of short. My suggestion is that you should wait till this novel updated for, like, 10 or 20 chapters before you continue on reading. Because some of the cliffhanger are kinda mean! Will edit this review when the novel is finally complete <<less
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