Everyone Else is a Returnee


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Yu Ilhan was always the one left behind. Left out of cliques in school. Left out of social invitations. Just…always left out. Except now he’s been left behind for real.

When Earth’s future is threatened, Yu Ilhan stays behind while the rest of the population flees to other planets for safety.

It’s up to Yu Ilhan to save our planet before it’s too late!

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Last On Earth
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379 Reviews sorted by

Indivian rated it
September 13, 2018
Status: afterword
A good concept and an interesting world, a story who like overpowered MCs who are still faced with challenges. The kind of story that leaves you interested in what's coming next, and has a highly satisfying ending and epilogue. The Characters were interesting but usually flat, however, and the romance... was interesting, but wasn't developed much in the story itself. Having read other works of this author, it seems that the MCs don;t have to put in any effort to their relationships because they happen to be strong.



... more>> Setting ****

Tension/Pacing ****


Concept/Plot *****

Translation *** <<less
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Renaxan rated it
August 14, 2018
Status: afterword
One of best KR novel out there, of not atleast its for me. I've read this like 3 times, just forget to leave review so im gonna do it now. The story talk about MC who always get left behind then get left out behind alone ... more>>

for fkin 1000 years

, while rest of humanity accustomed to monster thats gonna come after invade earth. Then MC start off train him self.

As MC development, he is always improved himself as plot helped him, become something like god of blacksmithing and best conceal ability ever. Dont minding much about "why" and just ride to the end.. Some mystery has answer in the end. Thats how you would enjoy the story.

For other character dev, its mostly about his battle and harem. Got else in this story, its about his item and the drop. Else more, then comes comedy and romance. Its in order, and neatly mixed that make story itself feel light and enjoyable.

World dev, you could say interesting enough talk about MC hunting in another world. In certain aspect of how MC always have a way, its because he is MC and theres a time he have strunggle too. For pacing, they arent stable.. Bit too fast toward end but I feel it was okay.

Overall im certainly 5/5 enjoying this, good example how you should do fantasy harem novel, instead novel who started being tr*sh human being who suddenly get op. <<less
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HesoHandsome rated it
July 15, 2018
Status: epilogue
This. This is honestly one of my favorites now. It was fun, funny, serious and epic. Very epic. The balance between comedy, action, and mystery was well done. Do read.
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Kuromori rated it
July 10, 2018
Status: afterword
Alright, finished reading some time ago and now is the time to review.

Firstly, it's good. Not massively great or mindblowing, just good, just a bit above average. There are parts that can be boring if you don't like grindy novels, but if you're fine with it, then it's your jam.

... more>>

It's a nice read that has a fast pace. Of course, it has an overpowered protagonist, and therefore, there is no tension, you always know that he will succeed. Fortunately, however, this isn't a problem in this particular novel, as it is more of a comedy than an action, although the action isn't bad.

The characters... are weak in most part, and easily forgetable. One of the main characters, Kang HaJin that appears frequently, is easily forgotten. The main characters have some developement, so you will remember and like them if they are your type of character.

The main character recieves critcism, for some reason, even though it is clearly explained how and why his personality changes drastically, and why he didn't go mad. However, that doesn't mean that the MC is bad, on the contrary, his personality is really good and likeable with his moments between the badassery.

The plot is solid, with no holes and a whole lot of foreshadowing, on which is a nice part of the jokes are played on. It is, however, as I mentioned, fast, and reaches a satisfactory ending with some extras to give extra satisfaction.

And finally, the comedy. It's good. Even though this novel isn't perfect (meaning: Dareau arc), it's a nice, re-readable little novel that is considered short to mid lenght, and you will enjoy it if you don't mind some cliché. <<less
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July 9, 2018
Status: afterword
I loved this book.

I'll say this, the ending is more than perfect for me.

there is training, taking, dragons, wolves, little romance, blacksmithing, kingdom building, and many other interesting things.
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aristocrat613 rated it
June 21, 2018
Status: Completed
I love this novel as it shows the protagonist becoming OP through his hard work and genius, rather than just a "here you go". The premise is merely the opportunity he's given to work hard and shine. The comedy was much better in the beginning than the end,

until Lucifer decides to start commentating. Best tsukommis ever.

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May 25, 2018
Status: --
To me it was the best KR novel I have read till date. Well I haven't finished reading lazy swordsmaster but I think this is still the best
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ThePandamanX rated it
May 25, 2018
Status: Completed
this is with some bias but if you’ve got time to kill then your going to enjoy this. I read, then I read, and by the time I finished I thought it was too short. It might not cater to a lot of people’s desires but I am an absolute sucker for crafting and while they’re short enough to not be boring, they’re frequent enough to stay very relevant. Good if your the type of guy or girl who gets super hyped every time you get an item in a... more>> game. The audience that will enjoy this is probably a lot smaller than something like LMS where you get to feel sophisticated but I personally loved it enough to finish in like 2 weeks. School weeks. With homework and shat. <<less
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Naeddyr rated it
May 10, 2018
Status: c32
Gave up around chapter 32 after seeing the writing on the wall.

Our MC, the supernaturally-unnoticeable loner background character Yu Ilhan, is the only person who is NOT transported to some sort of fantasy world as God prepares Earth to turn into an RPG-world of levelling up and fighting monsters.

Accompanied by an angel and unable to level-up on an Earth that lacks the required mana and "Akashic records" system, he trains his body and learns martial arts.

Then the promised wait of ten years keeps on stretching and stretching, so after a... more>> *thousand* years of waiting, our non-catatonic, perfectly unchanged and unaffected MC (sic, this is not sarcasm) has read all the books in the world and knows even f****ng Finnish (though the author got the single word he spoke wrong; should have been "hyvä", not "hyvää", which is the partitive form).

The tutorial period finally ends (ten years for everyone else), so the world is reset and the people return, with knowledge that soon sh*t is going to hit the fan with monsters and misc. Things happening.

What ensues is a blatant and boring power-fantasy without a seeming point as our perfect MC easily destroys monsters X levels above his own, has nearly zero interaction with people other than his exposition fairy, wows the angels with his magnificent powers of blacksmithing and creating magical equipment and fixing God's mistakes. So much potential down the drain. <<less
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General Tanya
General Tanya
February 10, 2018
Status: --
Is a decent story I guess. A pushover and naive (idiotic) MC like most novels. Would have been better if they didn't force the comedy into it. And they are really pushing it with the invincible character. How in hell can a almighty God not notice to transfer him and then still notice he was left behind. And the kindness is ridiculous. Transfer humanity away to train for them to survive. And because he feel sorry for the MC he left him a guardian to watch over him. There is... more>> a limit to god grace. Any god from another novels would have smite that MC and humanity along with it. If God is that kind he might as well just select the elites and grant them power, instead of going through all the trouble. Where is the thrill of humanity challenging the apocalypse through sweat, blood and fire? <<less
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KingLycan rated it
February 6, 2018
Status: Completed
Every thing about this novel is a masterpiece, be it's characters or story. Even though there are many Wtf moments it's makes this Novel more interesting.

MC is overpowered comparing to people in his level. The only thing irritating me is Exp need to Lvl up. MC can kill lvl 4 being in his lvl 3 stage due to him being overpowered due to blessing, items and skills but other can't lvl up like him, Why? They are not so overpowered...I really hope there is a way to Lvl up other... more>> than killing being for Exp or the whole world should have practically no 4th lvl being with them or 1/2 maximum and those 4th class being killing billions and trillions lifes to lvl up to 4th stage. MC kills literally thousands of 4th class monster in 3th stage before he is going to Lvl up 4th himself. It's really f*cked up logic. With here and there logic which is better of dead it's not a bad novel to read.

4 starts from me and a recommendation to at least try this novel before giving it's review.


There were times when I nearly dropped this novel due to some reason but am glad I completed it. It really is a great novel and would like to thanks both Translator and Author for this great work.

I really enjoyed it and would really recommend you people to try it.

9/10 prediction you do of MC behaviour is this novel will incorrect as there is so much twist and circle in this novel, I have to say there are some but very few plot holes in this novel. I recommend this novel to everyone. <<less
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Centrophy rated it
January 23, 2018
Status: Completed
This was a fun read with an OP MC that gets an end goal and an epilogue that shows what happens to the characters after the adventure is over. The use of time stop is great. It allows the protagonist's party to level up without having the world move on like those Chinese cultivation novels that involve ludicrous time scales. There's never much tension because you know the protagonist and his cohorts will come out alive but that's fine. Side characters are mostly cardboard cheerleaders for the MC and while... more>> in other stories that would piss me off it's fine here. The reason it's all fine is simple, it's a silly story with RPG mechanics. That said, it does suffer from some writing issues that bugged me. For example, the characters are always talking about how the character's equipment is OP or his stats are OP but we never see normal people's stats and equipment to compare so we just have to take the cheerleaders' words for it.

Translation is good too with only minor hick ups, though the site does have a tendency to go down a lot. Thankfully, internet wayback machine exists. This is a popcorn story like the Transformers movies. Just sit back, enjoy the ride, and read the 4 extras at the end. 4/5 <<less
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Soundguard rated it
January 20, 2018
Status: afterword
Of the many stories that I have read so far (web novel, light novel, or good old English literature), I would rate this as one of the better ones that I have read without a doubt. It's also one of the first that I started reading and what lead me to start reading more novels like this.

Anyway, Everyone Else is a Returnee, or EER, does not need to necessarily be good but fun to read. I would say that EER checks both. For this reason I would recommend it to... more>> someone who is just starting to read web/light novels. <<less
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December 29, 2017
Status: Completed
This novel is not perfect, true.

But due to my bias I gave it 5, and also because I can't give a 4.5 rating.

To really enjoy this, you should probably a fan of too OP MCs, a casual turn of events due to the OPness of the MC, and repetitive but hypey types of things.

It was a fun read, and not certainly the best novel out there, but at the very least it was able to satisfy most of its fans, right? Well, I'm satisfied, I hope if you are thinking... more>> about reading this novel, you should give it a chance, ignore all what every review says about how bad or how good it is. In the end I think it's up to one's own judgement whether or not a story is good or bad.

(story, not the grammar and stuff, in published novels, the editors take care of it mostly, the authors are pretty much told to focus more on proper storytelling.) <<less
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Oberon06 rated it
December 12, 2017
Status: afterword
Ok, I have to admit that this story is very generic, really nothing new here. However what sold this for me was the crafting, I actually really enjoy the crafting even though it was extremely op.
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deadLights rated it
December 5, 2017
Status: c150
I don’t know what took me so long to read this. But this is f-king hilarious! A true treasure; full of nerd and otaku pop culture, with a side of almost-third-wall-breaking humor. I’m enjoying every moment of this!
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Novel.a rated it
December 2, 2017
Status: afterword
One of my all time favorites it's not a master piece but it's close (at least for me) its a fresh breath from oher generic pu*sy mc's I love the story progressin but his friends level up was a little forced... more>>

they were sent in to another world and spent a year or 2 leveling up in like 2 chapters

recommended if you want a op MC who keeps f*cking everyone else and theres a harem if you like that kinda stuff (it makes no diffrence to me).

This is my first review and english is't my first languege sorry for any errors <<less
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December 1, 2017
Status: Completed
I recommend this for anyone wanting a simple short read. The story is fully translated and isnt that long. Also in case you didnt notice, it is tagged as a comedy novel, so take it with a grain of salt. If you use mobile there might be some issues tho, on my phone the site KCDS tend to freeze a lot due to the ads loading. If only I can block ads on android.

If someone asks me to describe the story in simple terms, I can only laugh. The whole... more>> novel is a mish mash of Chinese Wuxia/Xianxia (closer to xianxia imho), Korean fantasy themed novel (ss necromancer, breaker, etc), and mostly Japanese style webnovel. Author is heavily influenced by Japanese manga, anime and game. There are tons of references he used, without permission I assume. Most of them are old, and author probably grew up with them too, so some young readers might not understand them without AN or TLN.

Story pacing is close to a short xianxia novel (id say similar to Wine God/Magic Chef by TJSS), events and MC growth happens at a rate that is basically what you see in an ordinary xianxia novel. The world is close to what you would read in most xianxia and japanese novel. The korean part of the novel is simply the fact author is korean and he wrote it in the way most korean novel goes.

I have to admit that the translation does have a lot of issues on some chapters. Ive seen missing words in a sentence, wrong spelling and grammar. It does goes down in the later chapters (100+) but some leechers might be offput by that and quit reading. The editor/proofreader did some work. Translator is korean, he reads the original perfectly, but obviously will have issues translating the raw to english, since I assume it isnt his native tounge. Consider an englishman (from england obv) having to translate from english to korean an english novel, with only learning basic korean language in school (which probably isnt taught there). <<less
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facuelfacha12 rated it
October 29, 2017
Status: afterword
I loved it. I loved it. I really liked the comedy I had in some parts and the jokes about the games, the difficulties, I found all that quite interesting.

As for the development of the people I found it interesting how they progressed through the course of the story always improving little by little, the characters around the protagonist always progressed never got stuck which in my opinion is the best possible for the development of a story.

I'm not a critic anyway and I haven't read many novels either but... more>> in the end if you're looking for something to read this novel you're definitely going to love it so much that you want more as I do right now. <<less
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DaBomb rated it
October 15, 2017
Status: afterword
Fun, fastpaced and thrilling. Plenty of action and a little bit of rom-com. Recommended for those looking for something lighthearted to read. The plot isn't especially deep but there is "plot" nonetheless.

Fairly MC oriented with very little side character point of view.
Not a lot of world building since the story is based on the geograpfy of earth.
A tiny bit of character development overall

and a happy and funny ending

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