Everyone Else is a Returnee


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Yu Ilhan was always the one left behind. Left out of cliques in school. Left out of social invitations. Just…always left out. Except now he’s been left behind for real.

When Earth’s future is threatened, Yu Ilhan stays behind while the rest of the population flees to other planets for safety.

It’s up to Yu Ilhan to save our planet before it’s too late!

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Last On Earth
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379 Reviews sorted by

fangyuan rated it
February 3, 2020
Status: Completed
I re-read the novel and I must say that my impression of this novel got a bit better. The translator did a good job and I find the some of the jokes in the novel rather fresh. However, I still stand about my point that the hero-worshipping syndrome in this novel is rather severe. Nevertheless, the novel in overall is rather enjoyable except the last two books (which are horrid, in my opinion).
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Gymgym rated it
January 9, 2020
Status: Completed
The first Toika story that I read, the humor is good and a fun story. The MC isn't s*upid.

  1. The only problem
MC talent is almost like a plot armor though. His skill is inhuman as it's almost impossible to master so many skills without getting frustrated or hitting a wall, there is no teacher to help except for sparring. Only reading from internet and watching video doesn't make someone a pro. It's really hard especially no other people to consult with. Self teaching is really hard as I

Overall, ... more>> this novel is good. I enjoy reading this novel and found it satisfying. <<less
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Satandonkey rated it
December 26, 2019
Status: Completed
Read the entire completed Series in ~3 days.

The author's notes at the end of each chapter are almost as important as the story itself since it gives background information in how the universe works and teasers with how the story will play out in the future.

What I enjoyed:

... more>>
  • The author seemed to enjoy readers reactions as much as writing, so he changed the direction of the plot based on what his readers liked (i.e. He knew his audience)
  • The universe was consistent with no dangling plotlines or useless foreshadowing
  • "If a gun is described in the first chapter, you better use it by the second or third chapter? This line was mentioned by the author in the near beginning of the story, and he was true to it
  • Plot twists and character twists were clever and foreshadowed pretty heavily but with just enough doubt to keep them surprising and enjoyable
  • When you get the XP, you won the fight. There is no s*upid trope where we think the MC killed the bad guy but was just "playing dead" for a surprise
What I didn't like/could use improvement:

  • The power creep was linear and predictable with the next enemy tier literally labeled with a league number
  • In the last few chapters it got dangerously close to crediting his rise in power to the "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP."
MC summed up ability:

  • - Can somewhat predict the future by breaking the 4th wall and reading the foreshadowing (similar to Deadpool)
  • - Superhuman concentration / stamina
  • - Superhuman desire to continue pushing "limits"
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Saronin Jayhart
Saronin Jayhart rated it
October 26, 2019
Status: c32
It's been about three and a half Stars until now slowly ebbing down to two.

There's two big gripes that I have, which are getting more annoying as the story goes on, to the point that I'm dropping it here.

A. The main character is upset about being a loner, but turns down every opportunity he's given to change that. It's quite annoying when he keeps complaining about being a loner but doesn't do anything about it. This is only mildly annoying and isn't why I can't bring myself to continue reading.

B.... more>> He's a master craftsman, which I love, but the way he treats his work is so frustrating that I want to hit him. Whenever he crafts something new to replace his old equipment, he throws them out using the excuse that he doesn't know anyone to give them to. The least he could do is sell them, and he never uses his crafting skills for anyone but himself. Those skills are wasted on him and it's so infuriating that I can't continue reading.

If he starts using his crafting skills for others in the next five chapters, someone who's read them please tell me, otherwise I'm done. <<less
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FSZero rated it
October 17, 2019
Status: c29
The writing is nice and the characters are likeable but the only purpose of all the characters except the MC is to tell us how great, handsome and strong the MC is.

This combined with no actual challenge for the MC makes it a meh story at most.
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raphael525 rated it
August 21, 2019
Status: c348
One of my favourite novel so far. I've truly enjoyed it. The plot twist, the comedy, the character development and also other characters.

Do give it a go :)

9.5/10 for me.
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Oshibo rated it
August 17, 2019
Status: afterword
I loved every second of it but I have to say don't believe the pregnancy tag, sure he is a father of multiple children but it completely skips the pregnancy period and we only find out he is a father after their birth.... more>>

Mir being an obvious exception but no one was pregnant with him in the first place as he was hatched from a mix of incubation and mana injection so literally anyone had the potential to be his father it just so happened than Yu Illhan was the one to inject his mana into the egg.


I also really hate that I even read this series as I don't want it to be over, I know series go wrong after an author milking it to death, but it is depressing when finishing something so good. <<less
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dbzfan82 rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: afterword
I have completely read through this novel 3-4 times and it is such a joy to read. Love the characters and the story. I wish this had and English print run as I would definitely add it to my collection. Maybe we will get a Manhwa one day.
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DragonLordADN rated it
July 23, 2019
Status: Completed
First the bad points

1. MC is op just without magic already after training his body like a crazy cultivation guy from murim and on top of it he keeps getting stronger and stronger.

2. the main heroine whos 10000s of years old falls for him just by being with him for a 1000 years, alone just the 2 of them, so maybe its slightly justified but the rest are for no good reason from the human girls who go "he's strong so he suits me " to angels with no reason... more>> but spending a few months with him


main heroine appears dignified and amazingly mature but slightly clumsy during his lone time, however after seperating from him for 2 months she becomes like a child and clingyly sticks to MC and acts spoiled... Too much character destruction


3. all human characters are mostly left saying the usual "Amazing ""no way" "is he even human "shit.


4. brainless top brass admins in the heaven faction. They abandon him for a temporary truce with their enemies despite him making items for them which was superior grade to their own. And like idiots expecting him to be loyal even after


basically whole faction is fanactic cultists who think nothing of killing billions of children below 3years just for the greater good because god said so


5. continous incompetence of the heaven faction where without MC the world would be destroyed over and over.

6. weird choices of MC where he will sometimes let ppl of a world become his subordinates while other times killing off entire worlds. Also condeming someone who has different opinions from him while forgiving a traitorous lover who was willing to kill him and then marrying her

7. total throw away of character development of anyone not in main cast of the story (sadly the main villain is also the same With only his backstory shown)

8. really and extremely retortable explanation sometimes used in world building eg. Troll sleeping peacefully and getting rest skill which evolves into an op skill for no freaking reason

9. over anxious and over careful MC to avoid flags and clinches so much so that some nice events are spoiled


The main villain's plot is ruined even before he can use it


10. savage and gory stuff happen


killing higher beings isn't just beheading them, its crushing their spine, powdering their bones, tearing and mincing limbs destroying their skulls etc only then do they die and sometimes MC eats these guys for more power


Really good and rare novel with some amazing fight scenes for MC, harem building a bit acceptable compared to most ones, ton of references thrown by MC and his over working to avoid clinches is amazing. The way he predicts future stuff and plans is funny like he builds this and that which seem useless but somehow endup having nice uses. He has an unconventional fighting style and weird weaponry.

Worth a read for those op MC lacking common sense harem ends in harem fans <<less
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July 17, 2019
Status: afterword
First off, this is my opinion. Second of all, its not yours.

The story has, I will admit, a few stuff that just makes you wonder, but its the author’s style and everything gets explained eventually. Its a great read for people who’s looking for a ‘different’ story, but not much if you want one that’s fast paced. Its got a slow progression that might feel fast but its really not.

I’m giving this a five because overall its a great story with great plot and just an amazing read for me.
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kingelias rated it
June 21, 2019
Status: afterword
Pretty fantastic. The plot is well thought out and keeps a pretty consistent pace, which is the usual failing of Chinese and Japanese webnovels that try to stretch out for as long as possible. The game/system elements were very interesting, and I enjoyed all of the misdirects in the story. Highly recommend.
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solemnnoise rated it
June 2, 2019
Status: afterword
The story is amazing, the pacing is great and the supporting cast is great for the most part (though some characters like the elves, beastkin, and a few other residents from different worlds aren't really fleshed out) the MC is different from most in the sense that he's a static character (like Goku or Saitama) he doesn't necessarily grow besides some changes in his personality and him becoming more trusting to others. Rather, the MC is more or less taking the role of a messiah in a way. Though he... more>> doesn't save everyone, he just feels responsible since he's the strongest. This was the driving factor in the beginning and is even used to flesh out other characters later on.


One of the heroines do something that even God himself can't do (which I believe is ripping a hole through space and time using nothing but mana) in an effort of becoming useful to the MC due to her own fear of not being able to catch up with him and ultimately being left behind.


The only real issue I have with the novel is the fact that much of the story doesn't really begin until you get deep into it. (This is mainly due to the fact that the author is easing the reader to the plot twists later on.)


The reason why God can't sense or find the MC at the beginning of the series has to do with his bloodline (so the argument of the story's explanation of why he was left on earth isn't a plothole.)

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kingkevv rated it
April 13, 2019
Status: afterword
This is the first novel on this site that I ever finished so I felt the need to give a review. It was a fun, fast-paced read. Even though there is a harem it is balanced and well developed. The plot is good and so is the character development. If you are looking for something dark or grim I say look for something else as this novel is pretty lighthearted. Finally, while the MC is op af and this fact can make it sometimes boring, the way he solves his... more>> problems is very interesting and makes up for the tinge of boring brought about by his op-ness. Overall an excellent read, yall should definitely give this novel a try!!! <<less
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Peanutonaboat rated it
April 9, 2019
Status: afterword
This book is basically your standard VRMMO sent back in time book, but without the time travel (well, you get what I mean) and the VRMMO, and it's great.

It's fun, surprisingly funny for a web novel which I always find to be weak on humour (especially when they try). The characters are decent (Erta 4 lyfe) and all in all it's just a fun little read. Oh, and most importantly it's actually fully translated. Horray!!

This is not a masterpiece, but it's damned close. If it wasn't for the drop after... more>>

the bit where everyone gets sent to other planets again

for a few chapters I wouldn't have any complaints.

Okay yes, this is a haram. Yes, the character is OP. Yes, his name is annoying to read and yes, the plot makes no sense at times but really, so what?

If you want a fun read with surprisingly good plot twists at points, although I find it hard to believe they were planned ahead of time, as well as a satisfying enough ending, then read this book. <<less
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Iamkeiron rated it
April 1, 2019
Status: afterword
Amazing read. Great character development, Comedy in the right places without being cringe and a satisfying ending


The Main character becomes the God of all creation, marries his harem and has lots of kids

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ScotlandForsythe rated it
March 29, 2019
Status: --
The premise was good, but the MC became ruthless, shameless, has a harem, and can literally ko anyone. OP MCs aren't usually my thing anyway I guess.

It's a good story though, just not my cup of tea. :/ I liked the idea a lot. Being left being while everyone else goes to another world.
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March 19, 2019
Status: --
This novel is a 1.5/5 for me.


Overrated. How the hell did people give this a 4.4/5.

Bland. No character development, basically just cardboard cutouts.

The comedy doesn't suit my tastes, can't say about you guys but for me, it just makes the reading experience worse.

MC is as dense as a rock.

Overall, this novel is as generic as those others on NU like ATG, MGA, incredibly popular but lacks actual quality content.
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lophis rated it
December 8, 2018
Status: c141
Like every other xianxia type novel, the author attempts to make the novel unique with the circumstances of the main character being left behind and handicapped by not being able to use magic at least initially, but eventually the novel just follows the generic template of other novels.

I think originality is overrated most of the time, if a genre is done well enough then I really don't mind, but reading up to ch 141 the series goes nowhere. All the characters aren't unique or charming enough to carry such a... more>> formulaic series and the battle scenes aren't either.

There are some funny bits and there are numerous references to pop culture like Pokemon and videogames which made me chuckle a few times, but the whole series overall is uninspired. <<less
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SuperHeavenlyDao rated it
December 4, 2018
Status: afterword
This is one of the best and my favorite novel. The MC and everyone is funny. The MC never take a lose everything gives a satisfying ending but I felt a sense of lose when it ended and I bet you will to if you are immerse enough in it and don't listen to all the negative comments to make you lose those good feeling about it. =)
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ZeroBlink rated it
September 14, 2018
Status: --
Here to answer One Simple Question: Is it Shit?

YES! which is a shame, because it could have been good.

2 stars because of the potential, love the setting and intro the WHOLE idea is good.

... but that's just about it

The humor ruins it for me completely I can't tell what this novel wants to be.
A serious post apocalyptic, hardcore adventure?
Or a mediocre comedy making fun of mc's v**ginity 99% of the time.

I like the setup, the celestial lore, the invasion of monsters.
It's like "YES YES give me more of that" and then author does "the comedy".

Protocosmic virg*n HAAAAAAAA... oh grow up
The author is a 5 yr old, I know, because I read all of his cringe sidenotes.
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