Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know


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In a Mary-Sue novel, the readers all liked the Devil Venerable, the second male lead who devoted himself whole-heartedly to the female lead. However the female lead only loved the male lead who abused her physically and mentally.

Readers: Why doesn’t the female lead like the Devil Venerable?!

Devil Venerable: This Venerable also wants to know. But what I really want to know is why I even like the female lead at all.

In order to understand why the female lead wasn’t attracted to him, the self-conscious Devil Venerable brutally interrogated the entire cast of characters from the novel.

Background characters: I have so many things I want to say but I don’t dare to say it to his face!

After obtaining the book, the Devil Venerable discovered that the book described the world he lived in. This book said that after he sacrificed himself for the female lead, the fourth male lead, his silent and loyal subordinate Yin Hanjiang, blackened and attempted to kill her as a sacrificial offering for his lord.

Devil Venerable Wenren E: Yin Hanjiang, this Venerable wants to know why you wanted to kill the female lead.

Yin Hanjiang was silent.

Wenren E: If you refuse to speak, this Venerable will cut out your tongue and have it with alcohol!

Yin Hanjiang: …

Wenren E: What the hell are you blushing for?!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ma Tôn Cũng Muốn Biết
Mozun ye xiang zhidao
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei I've read part 1
  2. Historical Setting TBR
  3. Excellent Reads!
  4. Danmei: historical/xianxia/wuxia
  5. danmei

Latest Release

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244 Reviews sorted by

Alta rated it
August 10, 2021
Status: c59
Really good so far!

Definitely recommend mourningcrow's translation since it reads with more literary sense!
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a190619 rated it
July 22, 2021
Status: c33
Really, really enjoying this so far. The characters are pretty likeable, and the translation is very smooth (I'm reading mourningcrow's version). I basically have no complaints.
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Unestel rated it
September 3, 2020
Status: Completed
I read the story in another language, but am very glad someone translating it to English so more people can read this witty and unique story.

The story is truly very different (in a good way) from any damei novels - or in fact most novels in general - I've read. It is successfully in making fun of Mary Sue and stallion novels in a very clever way. The main couple is cute, but to me what really shines is the supporting characters (including, but not limited to, the "supposed" heroine,... more>> the other "supposed" second male leads and other female characters) - they are extremely hilarious, sweet, lovely and multi-faceted. I haven't laughed so hard in years!!! Highly recommended!!! <<less
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Leviathan.James rated it
November 12, 2022
Status: Completed
I picked up Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know because I was looking for something light to read after a couple of pretty heavy novels. I honestly wasn't expecting to like the story as much as I did. Of all the novels I've read, this one is particularly outstanding. If I absolutely had to find something to critique, there are a few minor inconsistencies in the story. However, my tolerance for plot holes, inconsistencies, landmines, and other flaws directly correlates to the tone of the novel and my enjoyment... more>> of the story. (That being that I'm less tolerant of these issues in serious novels and more tolerant of them in light, comedic novels.) So, in the case of Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know, the issues that I did notice (and there were only two) didn't bother me.

Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know is a truly stand-out novel that balances comedy and angst in a way I've never encountered before. In fact, all the emotions presented in the story were perfectly balanced to make you laugh, cry, worry, and cheer. It was a rollercoaster ride with one of the most satisfying endings of a book I've ever read. I especially want to congratulate the author on creating such spectacular characters. Not a single character in the novel was forgettable, not one single-sided or one-dimensional. The main supporting cast were especially wonderful and I always enjoyed the time we spent away from the main CP.

As mentioned in other reviews, this is a "shounen-ai" novel so there is no graphic s*x. However, I felt that this fit the tone of the story very well and was not at all disappointing. The allusions the author uses to tell us that people are getting it on made me laugh more than once. The story definitely does not shy away from intimacy (heck, one of the main supporting characters cultivates exclusively through dual cultivation) but the author chose to focus on emotional intimacy instead of physical intimacy and the novel is better for it, in my opinion. I honestly feel like I gained a better understanding of what a health romantic relationship is from reading this book. I don't think I need to point out how rare that is, in any form of media.

The love depicted in this novel is inspiring. The characters are inspiring. The story is humorous while also being surprisingly deep. And for once, we have strong female characters who stand on their own and don't need a man to carry them through. A large part of the plot is the female lead breaking away from her fated romance with her d**chebag shixiong and I went from rolling my eyes at her brainless, cliché character to supporting her through her struggles to cheering at her victory as she finally kicked that d*ck to the curb where he belongs! Strong emotions were awoken within me.

If you're looking for an inspiring, uplifting, empowering novel with strong characters, strong story, and strong emotions, look no further. You can't go wrong reading Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know.

For those wondering which translation to read, I read mourningcrow's and not only was it a phenomenal translation (probably the best translation I've read on NU so far), but the reader comments on the chapters were also a joy to read. I will never not agree with the reader who compared a particular group of supporting characters to your standard D&D party.

5/5 Stars. <<less
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XianYiXi rated it
February 28, 2022
Status: Completed
IT IS WORTHY OF 4.8 RATING. I f*cking love it.

A good and solid world building with engaging plot and laws as well as concept of governing, nice side character written so vividly that many author fail to give even with dozens of chapters, Different and Fresh perspective on conflict, disaster and compassion.

I love the way the story was written. I like how author made MC clear plotholes on the novel and managed to not let this novel have plotholes too. (I mean most story like this end up having plotholes... more>> while trying to clear inside novel plotholes).

I like how there was talk on how perspective and POV can change people opinion and perspectives.... which is true. It changed my perspective on the perspectives

I have seen people hate on a character for the bad thing they did or their bad personality or character but when it switched to Main Characters with similar personality or character or had done similar things, people sympathies or try to understand them and try to make other understand it too....... which is so unfair for the other character who received hate.... just because they weren't a MC or ML.

I know this sound so Hypocrite from someone who do that too.


I love how author gave a valid detail/reason reason behind all those Demonic and righteous War and why it exist. it was new and unique.

MC character was so well written for me. He ain't perfect yet he seem so perfect to me. Calm and mature (The reason why I love Gong/Seme MC), Cold and Cruel yet so Gentle and Kind. Master of setting up (LOL). He's bold and daring and like to face problem head on. A demon cultivator who took path of slaughter yet stands as a protector. He make me want to worship him. And his backstory just make him even more impressive.

And ML with his crazy obsessions yet selfless love just make me want to sell MC to him. He deserve MC.

And all the interaction with side character was interesting and entertaining, plus lovable Female characters. It's been so long since I read novel with good females and not use as villian for MC and ML relationship sake.

Overall the story is a bit fast pace but still good and ended where it should be without dragging out (although I would love to read more). It worth giving a chance.

Thanks to the translator for translating this wonderful novel ❤️. <<less
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Lonely_Person rated it
January 7, 2022
Status: Completed
Good reviews, good rating yet I feel like there’s stuff left to be desired. I...I just couldn’t connect with the story. I felt like the end was lackluster, the whole thing felt just... all around lacking. Honestly, this novel has a great concept and there’s certain characters I love, but there’s just so much I don’t like that’s here. There’s just a sense of Indifference if you know what I mean? I also really wanted Shu Yanyan and Zhongli Qian to end up together but yeah that didn’t happen... Anyway,... more>> compared to other novels I love like Little Mushroom, The comedic Novels from You Qian and such I just feel that this novel doesn’t have the ‘it’ factor. In little Mushroom the world yanked me in, In You Qian novels there’s this sense of light hearted fun and here I just can’t find anything. Anything at all. And that’s... that’s just a shame. Yeah, I’m sorry I couldn’t enjoy this story, but maybe you folks will. <<less
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RaymondTale rated it
September 15, 2022
Status: Completed
This author never stops surprising me with her (his?) versatility. Every one of Cyan Wings' stories is different. This one didn't win my heart at once because I started reading it expecting BL romance. Well, eventually the relationship is there but it really takes the second place to the amazing world building and fascinating secondary characters. Once I got into the cool, ironic way the story is written, I loved it. Is it what is called post-modernistic? Not sure but it was fun. The MC is extremely cool as well,... more>> and the ML... there is something very touching about him. All in all, it was extremely refreshing. I'm not tired of xianxia and other tropes, I enjoy them, but still, the originality was very appreciated. <<less
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narinim rated it
August 19, 2022
Status: Completed
The characters are good but it is a bit boring. Not much up and downs as you would expect to make it interesting.

I loved MC's character at the beginning, he was portrayed as one of those gray characters with questionable moral codes, but as time went by, he became a white righteous character, it wasn't that his personality developed, I think the writer just changed his/her mind.

I had a high hope for ML and MC's relationship, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted, it had high potential, but... more>> it turned out to be just as boring as the rest of the novel.


ML is MC's subordinate, he is oblivious to his feelings toward MC, then suddenly he hears literally a single sentence about love, and enlightens, and realizes that he is in love. He doesn't show his feelings because he is just a subordinate. Then MC dies for a while, ML starts having delusions of him, then MC comes back from death, but ML thinks he is just another delusion, kisses him, confesses to him while thinking he is a delusion, MC doesn't reject him, and in less than few minutes decides to reciprocate his love, then goes through lots of troubles to prove that he's still alive and not a delusion and to cure ML's madness

This is why I didn't like the romance, because there was no development, one day they were subordinate and master, and suddenly they were lovers. Nothing interesting happened. I wasn't a fan of demon heart plot either.


I have read some danmei books with absolutely ridiculous plots, this isn't that bad.


This is Shounen Ai, so don't expect anything except for sentences like they kissed, or they wanted to dual cultivate

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Raizel_Pendragon rated it
October 27, 2021
Status: Completed
What a beautifully written piece! I loved the characters, the plot, the world building and the pacing. This is more of a adventure/mystery xianxia novel with elements of BL than the other way around. So don't go in expecting heavy action romance. But the way they both care for and protect eachother is all the more clear and heartwarming because of this.

I really loved how, in their relationship, MC went from -"he (ML) is a sharp blade meant to protect me but one I'll never need cause I am the... more>> strongest" to acknowledging him and go "yeah this is my sweetheart so in future we're both equal when in agreement and if we disagree he (ML) is right"

While ML went from- "he's my idol and my raison d'être who is like a God and can never go wrong. I'm not worthy of ever meeting his eyes" to "this is my man. If you slander him I'll burn you alive." and be able to put out his own opinions and ideas instead of blindly following orders.

The side characters too are beautifully written and vivid with their own distinct and endearing characters. I really loved how the Demonic sect remained wild unlawful and unrestrained while never really becoming truly deplorable.

It's a beautifully written and well translated work. 10/10 recommend a read. <<less
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Ouryane00 rated it
September 14, 2021
Status: Completed

Ahhh I love this novel, definitely in my Top 3! This is the kind of novel that I want to forget just so I can read it fresh all over again waaaaah I’ll miss them so much
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Dooka rated it
April 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Beautiful. An absolutely fascinating take on cultivation, and a heartwarming relationship. And AWESOME FEMALE CHARACTERS. I love elder qui and protector Shu so much, they’re so. Freaking. Domineering.
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EggDogg0 rated it
September 4, 2020
Status: Completed
I already finish reading this story a few months ago so I already forgot some of the plot and it's twist. But I must say, it's quite enjoyable that I finish it in one go. To anyone who want to see the rating or reading the comments before reading this novel, I totally recommend this if you think the plot is your cup of tea!!
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Mocharoon rated it
April 6, 2023
Status: Completed
I just finished it. I can only say: it's amazing.

The story has a great pacing, not too fast, not too slow. It's just right. The characters are well fleshed out, even the side characters feels so vivid. This story also has very satisfying character developments.

WRE, the MC, is a well written character. He may be a Devil Venerable, but he's not truly evil, nor is he a saint. Throughout the story, we can see that he's a great leader. He truly deserved that position.

MC's thought process through the story... more>> are often very hilarious, but they are actually logical. WRE was someone who value strength and competence. He also didn't understand love, and so this creates some comedic moments like when he tried to stop BQM (ori!FL) from brainlessly loving HWZ (ori!ML).

About YHJ, the ML, he is someone that is very dedicated and loyal to MC. He would be willing to go through hell for his Venerable. Inside, he is actually someone who needs a hug (he's also a cutie). It's very sad to see when he truly thought that he will have no purpose in life if MC doesn't need him anymore. I'm glad that later WRE would heal him, and accept all parts of ML, including the ugly parts that YHJ wants to hide from WRE.

The relationship between them grew in a realistic way. They didn't just suddenly love the other without any reason.

Even after ML confessed, the MC takes the time to truly understand, what is love, how he feels, and how to respond to the feelings of ML. The feelings between them actually has taken seeds from long ago

You can feel their love and dedication towards each other. I also love that after MC realizes his feelings, he made ML his equal.

About the side characters, I unexpectedly LOVE them. Like the ZLQ, QCX, BQM, SH squad (they're hilarious), Shu Yanyan, and the other altar masters. At first I was like WRE, frustrated with BQM's brainlessness and how she always forgive HWZ in the end even though he clearly wronged her too many times already. But I really love her character development near the end. ZLQ, as one of the few braincells in the story, he had worked so hard. Let's pray for his falling hair. All in all, the side characters in this story are very well written. I love them

Such a good story, it's indeed short, but after it ends, I actually feel like the author ended it at the right time. All the matters are wrapped up, the origin of the story explained, the characters problems are resolved (like ZLQ at the end. He truly deserved freedom after supporting Xuanyuan with his braincell and falling hair for so long). I would be very happy if there's more extras, like about the main couple bcs I need their crumbs, or about ZLQ and BQM bcs I love their relationship (not romantically ofc), but even without them, I already feel satisfied with how it ended.

I actually regret not reading this sooner. Encouraging others to read it because it's so good. Definitely will reread it in the future. <<less
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y1zhen rated it
March 2, 2023
Status: Completed
strategically structuring this review like a compliment sandwich so that by the end you forget I had any complaints (just like I did by the time I finished this book)

you know how some people rec their fav novels by saying "read it you won't regret it!" and then the work is a trauma-inducing trauma-dump and the only reward you get for your tears is a se

scene that finally edges out of the dubcon territory? Don't worry, this novel isn't like that in the least, but I'm still not... more>> confident enough to give such a bold recommendation, so read this if you:

  1. have a day or two to spare for something that won't break ur heart
  2. like it when there are more than two characters whose have personalities (no, a backstory isn't a personality)
  3. want to read a xianxia novel that really goes in detail about what cultivation entails
  4. are tired of reading stories that need to be defended by stating technicalities and rationalizing of problematic plot points and characters
first, to get my complaints off my chest: I wish this novel was longer. It's on the shorter side when it comes to xianxia (around 230k words) and it's so easy to read that you can just finish it in one go and then be like "now what?". Even if this may be a praise for its pacing and how gripping it is (and also the translator's amazing work!), it honestly left me longing for just a bit more (and the fandom is barely existent, so you can't fill that with consuming fan content bc there just. Isn't much of it right now). I feel like if this work was at least 300k words long it really would've hit that sweet spot where the plot is detailed, yet not dragged out into dozens of arcs and filler subplots. This novel's 60+ years timespan will barely make you feel the passing of time, and the larger timeskips are followed by only a short explanations of what happened in the meantime. At times I wished it wasn't like this bc that's just missed opportunity for ie character building (not that they're in any hurry to reflect on themselves, considering the fact that pretty much everyone is immortal). Also I really wish there was just more filler content of characters chatting and bickering because those parts brought me immense joy but alas.. Moving on to the good stuff now!

though i've seen people call this is a xianxia novel with a romance subplot, i'd say it's more evenly balanced than that. Contrasting with the well-developed worldbuilding and detailed cultivation lore, the romance parts are sporadic but also subtly ever-present, as well as unpredictably sweet. It's not only because of the MC & ML of 'devil venerable', but also because of the book-in-book premise of the novel. As the summary says: our MC, wenren e (the most level-headed demonic sect leader you'll find in this genre) receives a tr*shy, reverse-harem romance novel called 'abusive romance: you are the unchanging one in my heart', in which he is apparently the second out of five male leads. This novel also contains the comments of the unsatisfied readers, and he is assigned with fixing the plot, a task which he takes very seriously. Unfortunately, even though he is a highly capable, intelligent person, he is also pretty much clueless when it comes to love. He sets out on a mission to figure out not only why the female protagonist of 'abusive romance' is so set on the toxic first ml, but also why he, wenren e, would get himself involved with the girl in the first place. And then the best part comes: he gets everyone of importance in his sect to help him on this quest.

i loved the ensemble of characters so much that I wanted to reread it the moment i'd finished because I just. Couldn't. Get. Enough. Of. Them. The MC is really a breath of fresh air: capable, decisive, rational and strong, humorous in that ridiculous straight-faced manner of his. the ml, his right-hand man yin hanjiang, is chill on the outside and on the verge of an aggressive mental breakdown on the inside. Then we have our 'abusive romance' protagonist, baili qingmiao, who is as powerful as she is foolish, shu yanyan, the self-proclaimed smartest woman of the demonic sect with sky-high ambition and plotting skills of a telenovela writer, qiu congxue, a living skeleton whose mouth is faster than her brain (and that's about it for her organs), zhongli qiao, the only one with emotional intelligence, and he wenzhao, the ML of 'abusive romance' (he's not physically violent though, just overall scummy, as men often tend to be). I really like that the author chose to have a relatively larger group of fixed, relevant characters rather than switch them out arc by arc and insert passerby's all throughout the novel (though with this word count, that probably wouldn't be very plausible). Something that pleasantly surprises me is the fact that a lot of the characters are very likely aromatic and/or as*xual which stood out to me in a sea of popular novels where (implicit) demisexuality is commonly just a plot device to further push the 1v1 agenda wherein the main cp only feels love and lust when it comes to each other.


on that note, this novel doesn't have any explicit s*x scenes, and though they are hinted at at the very end of the novel, I still stand by the headcanon that wre is demiromantic and ace


a fair warning to all those who enjoy stories with a lot of drama, tragedy, and high-stakes scenarios: this novel won't be leaving you at the edge of your seat and holding your breath to find out what happens next. I'd call it a page turner because it's so damn enjoyable, but I can see how it wouldn't satisfy those who are willing to read a million pages of angst in order for the happy ending to feel deserved. For me, this story is everything I didn't know I needed and I adore it. The plot is satisfyingly dealt with and the developing relationship of the main cp made me screenshot every other dialogue they had because they are just so, so good together, I can't imagine anyone complaining about that aspect of the novel.

also, a big thank you to mourningcrow for her fantastic translation: it flows super smoothly and it really increases the reading enjoyment when a tl is this cohesive.

now I'm just crossing my fingers that many more people discover this novel and give it the hype it deserves (i'll be waiting in the meantime, ao3 open and twt tags refreshed). <<less
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September 2, 2022
Status: Completed
This is my first novel that I feel truly annoyed reading most of the time. I almost give up reading. But I think it gets better at chapter 50 till the end.

Plot was unorganized. Author just dumps in information, explaination like it just suddenly thought of. Generally the plot and story is quite interesting but it needs further and better development. It feels like the author is just writing whatever comes to mind as they like it without really planning earlier.

Writing style was awful too. Kind of boring explaination style.

I... more>> do like the characters though. They are refreshing. But they could be better with better writing.

Sorry, but I don’t understand why others give 5 stars. 😅 <<less
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saphire8626 rated it
March 27, 2022
Status: Completed
I really liked this one. I appreciate that a part of the romance storyline was about Wenren E recognizing what he had before him (Yin Hanjiang's constant loyalty and love), and Yin Hanjiang maturing emotionally and moving past his blind idealization and adulation/adoration of Wenren E. So, growth from both sides, which is rare in romance, and it is something I like a lot. I am also SO relieved that the female characters are NOT written hatefully.
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RuiMei rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: --
I just had to come out and write a review for this baby because it was really such a joy to read. Thank you to mourningcrow for the translation!

I need to first say that this story is really not super heavy on the romance (I wish it had more, trust me, but it's all good). The romance is a little subtle but still very sweet; the bits of fluff here and there really made my heart ache. So, yes, it was a bit of a slow burn but that also... more>> made the romance and relationship well-founded in the end and not feeling like a stretch. And now that I'm thinking about it, I appreciated the distinction between admiration/idolization and infatuation vs. Love and how all those things differ and interact with each other. And just the idea/realization of humanizing your idols.

Overall, everything in the story had logic behind it. The characters were all quite well-developed and had personality, and it's just a good "fix-it" story without too much face-slapping or large-scale heavy-handed changes but instead, you have a character really trying his damn hardest to understand why everyone acted the way they did.

Also, you have some interesting (at least to me haha) ideas about the Dao and chaos and conflict and different sects throughout the story, which I found fun to read and think about, so there's that too.

But yeah, badly organized review aside, I just recommend it! <<less
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FarihaAhmed29 rated it
October 2, 2021
Status: Completed
The main difference between this novel and other novels is that even though the ML came to know that he was just a cannon fodder in a novel, he didn’t become hostile to the FL immediately.

He analyzed the situation logically.

I am really glad that the FL wasn’t ruined at the end of the story. ^_^
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Nyaa.23 rated it
August 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Pros :

It's a refreshing read. The MC and ML characters are okay. A kinda cute couple.

I definitely like the side characters, they are soo funny. They are from the demon sect afterall, kinda weird if they're not eccentric.

... more>> I don't know why but when BaiLiQingMiao first appeared, I thought the author will pull out the 'scum man backyard is on fire' aka FL ended up w another girl of scum ML's harem. So that was weird.

Cons :

The pacing at the end.. Ugh. It feels rushed. There isn't a lot of lovey dovey moments like I thought it would.

It's not a bad read while also being not a great one either. But I still finished this in one day. So it's a good one to past the time. <<less
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Lighthouse Snail
Lighthouse Snail rated it
February 19, 2024
Status: extra 2
I was expecting another cliche "MC has to fix a bad story in order to live", but ended up flooded with feels and a lot of reflection.

The plot isn't anything new. Our protagonist suddenly receives a book with the story of his whole world and, after reading it, is decided to change a lot of things that make no sense.

I was fully expecting him to just fill the plot holes by taking advantage of many situations and then kicking some jackass to depths of hell. However, what made this story... more>> so great for me was that instead of just going along with the book plot and trying to change a few things here and there, he undestood many things about his own world and was able to have a different take on the people around him.

I can't say I liked it, because I LOVED IT, HONESTLY. One of my favorite things in reading is when a cliche premise actually becomes deeper and overthrow your expectations, not necessarily in a mindblowing way, but in a way that makes you reflect on many details of the story. That's exactly what Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know did for me.

The level of attention the author gave to write and develop secondary characters is a breath of fresh air. I was able to find most of them very interesting and was really engaged in their respective moments.

Some of them at first seem to fall into overused archetypes and tropes that usally give them one-dimensional characteristics, but this novel was able to turn these archetypes into something deeper and actually refreshing to read. Being good, being evil, being s*upid, being obsessed, all of this details are overturned as the story progress and show that people are not as simple and superficial as some stories try to picture them.

Things were rarely as simple as they appeared. The surface of a still pool hid innumerable secrets, and few people were able to see through to its depths. (Chapter 44)

I can't even get started on how funny this novel is. Most of its comedic undertone comes from the demonic cultivators in Xuanyuan Sect, as they're all unhinged badasses full of hidden intentions and yet so likeable that you find yourself enchanted by their personalities. There are lots of entertaining moments that are just my type of comedy.

Gladly, it isn't just comedy, as the story takes a more serious tone when it needs and doesn't try to be funny when is not the right time. I had my fair share of fun, tense and heart-warming moments.

When it comes to MC, the first thing that come to my mind when I think of him is "Greatest of all times", because that's what he is. Once again I was able to see another example of how accompanying the """villain""" (though he is only a villain in the perspective of the righteous sects) can be really refreshing when well done. Wenren É is a mature and a very down to earth person. His manners are calm, he's thoughtful and he doesn't have time to cause unnecessary and pointless trouble just because he's a demonic cultivator. At the same time, he isn't all that caring, mindful of others suffering and good-hearted. Not evil, not good, not neutral. He does what he wants and needs to do without being over the top and going around like a psycho madman. Like he himself stated, he can accept anything but inefficiency and hasn't a single care in the world for reputation. This personality reflects a lot on how he command his sect, as he actually finds it great that his subordinates have ambitions and always try to get his position as sect leader, as long as they do their job well in the sect. At the same time, he's heart is completely moved in face of the true loyalty that comes from his Yin Hanjiang (our ML). I don't remember ever seeing a character like him in any novel I ever read and was immediately drawn to him.

At first I was reluctant with the romance dynamics for this novel, as I prefer both leads being in similar status as each other, and am not a big fan of master/disciple or master/subordinate tropes. Boy, thank goodness I didn't let that stop me from continuing to read this novel, because the master/subordinate relationship here had me on my knees. It truly isn't anything mindblowing, but MC and ML interactions are so beautiful and meaningful I was overwhelmed with emotion, even if the romance is really really subtle here. I felt like I was seeing two people learning how to not be alone in the many years of this world, and that's exactly what is. Seriously, IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL.

But I have to warn any person who came here expecting to read a lot of romance and cute moments between the leads. This novel focus A LOT on the story (I repeat, A LOT) and takes little time to focus on the leads being lovey-dovey. I can almost say it is 1% romance and 99% percent everything else. As some people said in the reviews, the romance really is a subplot here. BUT don't let that stop you from reading it, because Wenren È and Yin Hanjiang's relationship is not about kissing and flirting endlessly. Their connection is something deep and heart-warming, as you can see from the way the regard each other throughout the story.

I love how the story takes some time to show that the world we see is only our own perspective on things, and if we take as if it was a single person's stage, disregarding others for our own sake, then the only thing left in the end will be endless loneliness. This theme is nicely explored in the two characters Baili Qianmiao and Hè Wenzhao. Baili Qianmiao, who at the original Mary-Sue novel wasn't able to get past her love for her Shixiong and it led to the suffering of many people, only because she'd always choose the scumbag over the ones who cared about her. And Hè Wenzhao, who was so infatuated with his own image and path in life. I can't say anymore of his fate, because that'd be spoiler. But I can say one thing this novel I grasped from observing these two characters: to truly change, it comes from one's own will. <<less
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