Close Combat Mage


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A young boy genius, Suo Jia, is a water mage who dreams of being a warrior travelling the great and dangerous trade routes to find his lost father that set off on them before Suo Jia was born. Having to look after his sick mother, Suo Jia manages to find a way to solve all their problems, as well as make a name for himself. He gathers nobility, vast wealth, items of great power, knowledge lost to the ages, and exceptionally talented females around him as he plots and plans – preparing to set off on an epic journey that will go down in history as a new legend. However, will others that depend on his powers so much be willing to let him go on such a dangerous journey so easily?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jin Zhan Fa Shi
Related Series
Chaotic Sword God (1)
God and Devil World (1)
Great Demon King (1)
The Portal of Wonderland (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Fantasy/magic novels in my list
  2. Cultivation ML
  3. I cant even read, but if I could
  4. Garbage
  5. FML! Im done this!

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/07/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c68
07/06/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c67
07/05/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c66
07/04/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c65
07/03/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c64
07/02/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c63
07/01/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c62
06/30/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c61
06/29/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c60
06/28/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c59
06/27/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c58
06/26/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c57
06/25/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c56
06/24/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c55
06/23/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c54
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61 Reviews sorted by

June 26, 2016
Status: --
This novel at the beginning is interesting, but overused.

When you start reading, you will find a very understanding kid, but his growth is too fast.

For example he only needed a year to be the strongest in the school, like by a lot, im not saying this is ridiculous but the fact the author wrote it like that has already f*cked up the story making me think this is not a hard working badass protag novel, but that is fine because I treated this novel as a spice of life after... more>> that.

There where also times where it just gets weird like when he was just a kid his little girl frie... Actually he only has women as friends played with his pee pee.

I understand this part is supposed to be funny but when the author change what I thought to be a spice of life story into a darker kind of story just for no reason, it just feels kinda weird. And please understand, these weird moment come up quite often in the chapters

Then when I finally thought it was a darker kind of story it ended up completely into a spice of life. Like seriously what the f*ck

Furthermore this novel reminds me of one piece like alot.

For example: in one piece there is the red line which means the separation of weak fighters, and truly strong fighters of course unimaginable dangers and ever changing weather.

In ccm: it's called the greater trade route exactly the same but minus the ship and sea, and add ground and carriages

Hell the funny thing is that some of the crew members are actually the same in the novel.

Cough (i lied everyone are somewhat in this novel)... Yea continuing on.

Overall it's interesting but somewhat sh*t at times but you can ignore it if you continue to think of this as a spice of life even though it doesn't have the tag.

I give it a 3/5 <<less
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yonna rated it
June 25, 2016
Status: c304
Its an absolutely good novel as for the fact why the MC is wise beyond his years is because he had to rely on himself he had a sick mother to take care of and no father plus most of his plots came from one of the employees he had help from the prince as well who later betrayed him the MC is strong smart and rich and I absolutely like him and the action the comedy and everything else exept a few flaws
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June 2, 2016
Status: --
The first 100-120 chapters are a bit slow and boring but once you get through that it gets better. Its not too bad nor is it very good. Its an okay to good novel. If you have enough free time I recommend you read it. But it will never be on the top of your list I can guarantee that.
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aldrinkhan rated it
May 17, 2016
Status: c295
The initial 200+ chapters are a pain. Aside from the power up moments and tournament part, everything else is quite ridiculous or can be shortened to a few chapters.

Current story arc seems to be a reboot and it is shaping up to be real good.
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ioustosh rated it
February 16, 2016
Status: --
Although I agree that there are many s*xual uh "accidents" and the plot as well as the story was boring and unrealistic at some parts, the story starts to pick up again in later chapters cough* 249ish cough*. Also the author gives an explanation for most things around chapter 249 and 250 so the story isnt actually that bad if you can endure past all the bs in the first 200 or so chapters.
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Aruzu rated it
January 18, 2016
Status: --
It's slow paced, weird ans has a lot of flaws as a novel.

But.... It's really interesting has some twist here and there and some descriptions seems so real it definitely keep your imagination busy
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Fred7gold rated it
January 3, 2016
Status: --
Hi everyone,
I really like this novel because is a very casual and got a really slow pace is sometimes good in the beginning and it gets more lively later.

- The world is like any xianxia world and is pretty well describe and pretty big world.

- in the beginning I did not expect much fight of a Child and I dont understant people that think that there is need to be reicarnated or space travel to be a genius, this MC is kinda cool for a brat and it s good for once not Being from another world.
By the way in this kind of world dont expect a stellar transformation start where the MC is good enough to kill higher level martial artist right from the statt, Suo Jia experiment and discover how the world works step by step.

- Suo Jia live in a ruthless world and got great mind, so it s only natural that he got ruthless the more he grows, his growth is narutal, so dont put occidental value on other cultures.
Sua jia got corrupt by money by the saying : absolute power corrupts Absoluptly.
Using his capacity to earn money, hell its everyone who try it and try to gain more. - The plot is not complicated, the MC want to get rich and strong, to have the best life for him and its family, and prove to be as strong as is father is dream to be a warrior even if he is more suitable to be a mage.

- the mage and warrior system is pretty simple, same for the equipement parts.
I did like this part some people might things its too op but he got the best equipement so its Normal that its op. He might have it too soon but doesnt have the set yet. Nevertheless the ranks are good.

- The fighting are also correct, and get better later even with potions. That remind me a lot of rpg and I liked it

- Some part in the story where Suo jia and other kids discover their bodies is also okay, there is no adult with them so they dont know yet if it was shamefull are not I think it s still pretty innocent.

In a nutshell, if you want a casual story with some funny parts I recommand this story,
I give a strong 7/10
Ps: I did read 200 chapter before giving the review and was force to give 5/5 because people dont really read but only look at the novel.
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inclement rated it
December 2, 2015
Status: --
It has an interesting start but then goes downhill fast. It has some really creepy themes (young MC getting handjobs when he is like 10 years old) and the story is just bad. Some other people already elaborated so no point in repeating that.
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Sansome rated it
November 20, 2015
Status: --
It leaves bad taste when you keep reading until 100 or so.. The main character is ash in another parralel world.. Idk why 8 y/o kids could act like "i'll kill you" I can't digest this logic at all while the fact this novel is xianxa.. Author really forced his logic to the audiences. The main character is op but it lacks something.. If you don't mind the logic about the fact op 8 y/o kid and smart male lead. Then this is for you!
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Screed rated it
November 5, 2015
Status: c388
This is about a mage who wants to be great at close combat. However as the novel progresses it copies One Piece. The MC in that novel has a team like Luffy with the same characteristics[cook who uses his feet (Sanji), swordsman who wants to be the strongest swordsman (Zoro), thief who cares a lot about money because her siblings are kept captive (Nami) ]. This novel has been really disappointing because of how much the author has ripped of One Piece. There are even fruits that boost a single... more>> ability of the people who eat them. Only one type of fruit can be eaten by a person in his entire life. <<less
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Lachiel rated it
October 16, 2015
Status: --
While there is a few combat scenes in this novel... its mostly all about keeping some women pretty and schemes and making money..

While the bits of combat were pretty cool, it left much to be desired. Things come to the main character extremely easy and they just end up landing in his lap. While the author of this novel stated that it would eventually not be all fun and games for the MC you can't help but notice that theres no end in sight of this. While a few bad... more>> things do happen to the MC, it usually ends up with him coming out on top some way.

Do note that there is a few.. "pedo-y" things that happen in the current translated chapters and the translator did "nsfw" them out it doesn't change that while it was "innocent" due to their age is around 10yo's and really shouldn't of happened anyways.


Overall.. I would most likely not recommend this novel to any of my friends just due to the fact that theres no real combat in the story.. and a combination of other things that happen during the novel. <<less
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Takokings rated it
September 17, 2015
Status: --
The real synopsis: little kid has a dream, mom: screw your dream your my puppet.
Little kid has another dream: teacher. F*ck your dream your a puppet! Then the rest of the story is about a puppet who was shaped.

A better name would be story about a guy with no guts personality or unique traits at all!
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OP_Female_MC rated it
January 18, 2023
Status: c26

I should have read the reviews, as apparently it only gets worse with more chapters- racism, under age s*x, MC random personality etc. I read up to Chapter 24 - and the fat shaming is real, like being fat is a death penalty crime! To the point where being fat also means you are s*upid, ugly, unable to marry, and death is the only way out. Like really, is it that deep? I mean our 8-year-old MC will develop a miracle weight loss mage technique (because why not?) but this... more>> author is just too much. Smh. <<less
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Swes9r rated it
August 23, 2016
Status: c74
This story is good but it has slow development, until c74 there's no fighting scene so the MC is having easy life. When I thought the MC might be the God of beauty I just find it funny cause until now the MC is helping the girls gaining their beauty and losing their weight isn't that creepy it's not what a 8 years old boy would do ??
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February 20, 2016
Status: --
Though I do enjoy this novel, it still has many flaws:

- There is intelligence, and, there is wisdom. It's fine that the MC is a genius, but it's not fine for him to be wise beyond his years. He is too wise for a countryside kid.
- The MC is a kid not even 12, yet he has the emotional maturity of an adult, he has almost no proper kid reactions.
- The MC gave life and love advice to someone 5 times his age, well experienced in life and love.
- The MC is too cunning and scheming, like an old fox. There are things that are just not believable without proper life experience.
- The beloved mother was quikly put aside after the money came in, she disapeared from the story.
- s*xual curiosity between children? Fine once in a while. But it was hinted that the girls regulary played with his junk, while it was said that the girls were becoming aware of the difference between boy and girl (started hetting embarrassed when naked with a boy).
- Abuse against the pet dragon, who even got completly forgotten
- Lack of close combat mage training
- Many infos dumps

I give it 3/5
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ScotlandForsythe rated it
February 9, 2016
Status: --
I have to say when this novel firs started I loved it and it had so many high rating and people telling the translator to translate faster.... now... this novel needs serious help. I didn't mind it being slow, because in my opinion a novel being slow means nothing, but he undergoes a huge attitude change that ticks me off. I stopped reading somewhere in the hundreds and for people who know what I'm talking about can understand why I did so.

I hope you consider reading it but only... more>> for the beginning though... <<less
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LtlYodA rated it
January 28, 2016
Status: --
I'm reading this by batch of 20 or + chapter, there aren't lot of combat, but lot of character development. It's good but I hope that the new arc (ch200+) will have more battle in it.
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Suoh95 rated it
December 7, 2015
Status: --
Keep it simple as I can.

This series has some major flaws and inconsistencies.

1) The MC’s age & accomplishments are absolutely ridiculous and not at all believable even for a made up story. The author should have decreased all his accomplishments and used up the 2-4 years to better effect. The vast majority of his accomplishment took 1 year and all at the age of 8. If he spread his accomplishment over the 2-4 years then it would have been much better.

2) The MC is either a cold, tactical, cunning genius... more>> or a clueless simple child. He is always portrayed as cunning, cold and an intelligent MC doing things that you never expect a kid or an adult to do but then when the NSFW scenes appear, he turns into a simple minded child, clueless about s*x and the do’s & don’t s between male & female. This inconsistency in the MC’s behaviour could be the author f**king up or the authors comical sense. I’m leaning slightly towards the latter.

That’s the only flaws I see.

There is another flaw in that, the fights occur 100+ chapters later. Add to the fact that 175 chapters in and everything still feels like a set up, which I don’t find to be an issue at all because I think so far this has only been a prologue and if so then that would explain all the build up and all the foreshadowing. Some people love set ups and some don’t, to each his own.

I can’t say this series great because as I said everything feels like a prologue or a set up to the main story so I don’t know how its going to be but the potential this series has is something which interests me a lot so I will continue to read.

I’d give this series so far a 6-7.5/10

5/10 as neutral point


1 For Character development. (A Loooong character development. -_-)

1.5 for the foreshadowing and the potential it has. (I believe the first 230 chapters is prologue, so I will write a 2nd review once those chapters come out etc.) <<less
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Ravenbrand rated it
December 4, 2015
Status: --
Understand when you read this that this is a novel. Most people who expect combat from the very beginning will be disappointed, however all good novels that have been translated so far have had the characters start from nothing and train their powers up. While the MC in this novel does the same how he goes about it is entirely different from what people are used to. This is a problem for them. They are not used to a novel that doesn't follow the MC becoming ultra powerful quickly.

This novel... more>> is about a genius. Pure and simple. Well how can someone who is 8 change? Because he isn't solidified in his believes and the character is literally a genius this helps explain how and why the MC acts the way he does.

There is NSFW context however it is light and while it may seem to be content that isn't crucial it proves a point about the MC and his relationships with those around him. Not many people will understand however, this is relatively minor content. Currently at chapter 175 and the battles that the MC does partake in are for lack of better words.. Flawless in a sense that people who oppose him literally are killed in a very peculiar way. Different but different in a good way 5/5 in terms of character depth, relations and overall intelligence that went into this novel so far. The life of a genius child and how he views the world is interesting to say the least. BTW, no one can say that the MC started as an idiot. <<less
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Alpcake rated it
December 4, 2015
Status: --
Okay all y’all a ton of these reviews are complete garbage and I feel like it’s my job to give this novel a review that is more than 2 sentences and actually points out the good points

The story is about a water mage named Suo Jia

Initially the story starts off very slow and yes there is a lack of combat for the first 160 chapters

For most of the first 150+ chapters or so is about making money and going to school and is relatively “boring” by many peoples standards.... more>> As the translation moves forwards let me just say that a very game changing event is coming up and that the story will pick up the pace after that

The main character is OP and very intelligent whilst being very young (which disturbs people although this isn’t that uncommon in stuff like reincarnation novels) Making new spells he outclasses all the people around him. For now

This is harem and has lots of underage s*xual interaction but it plays a very minor role in the overall frame of things

I enjoyed this story quite a lot and I think that you should at least give it a chance because a lot of the reviews here aren’t justifiable

I only gave this a 5 star to even out the ratings a bit

Overall in my opinion I would say this is a very solid novel that is sometimes a little awkward

4/5 and you should also read this to support taffy <3 <<less
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