Close Combat Mage


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A young boy genius, Suo Jia, is a water mage who dreams of being a warrior travelling the great and dangerous trade routes to find his lost father that set off on them before Suo Jia was born. Having to look after his sick mother, Suo Jia manages to find a way to solve all their problems, as well as make a name for himself. He gathers nobility, vast wealth, items of great power, knowledge lost to the ages, and exceptionally talented females around him as he plots and plans – preparing to set off on an epic journey that will go down in history as a new legend. However, will others that depend on his powers so much be willing to let him go on such a dangerous journey so easily?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jin Zhan Fa Shi
Related Series
Chaotic Sword God (1)
God and Devil World (1)
Great Demon King (1)
The Portal of Wonderland (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Fantasy/magic novels in my list
  2. Cultivation ML
  3. I cant even read, but if I could
  4. Garbage
  5. FML! Im done this!

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/21/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c83
07/20/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c82
07/19/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c81
07/18/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c80
07/17/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c79
07/15/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c78
07/15/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c77
07/14/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c76
07/13/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c75
07/12/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c74
07/11/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c73
07/10/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c72
07/09/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c71
07/08/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c70
07/07/15 ~Taffy Translations~ c69
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61 Reviews sorted by

August 30, 2016
Status: --
I've read this novel for so long and so much appreciation to writer and translator but it just like other commend with 1/5...i would really give it 1/100 its just like a heaven crashing down, an earth shake that cause supreme tsunami upon land.

1-200 chapter was fine, very fine which I'm talking about the flow. many op power, royalty companion, scheming trick, beauty cosmetic operation and etc. little like harem with well plot butttttttt...

200-250 it just little suspicious feeling of someone will betray you. story turn seems to have... more>> surprising.

250+ yeah.. now it is a story of the a child running away from trouble, betrayed and don't want to face reality. chap 1-250 just like none existence. MC was superior now -> an average mage, MC has fateful companions-> now has no one, MC is rich-> now a common, MC has supreme magic power that can kill thousand now producing and cover himself in robot, he's making Gundam. where's the mage?

Then I quit. it's like a fart in your face, the fart that contain so much rotten shit. <<less
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Redo rated it
November 17, 2015
Status: --
Yeah, stop reading right at the other fat noble arc or something-something. Humiliating and tricking people is the trend of this story. There is no sly or cunning main character, just a cruel little boy that makes me want to slap/hit in the face. Ugh, what even...

Deceived by the awesome-looking cover.


Come back and read/skip some chapter...

MC is still a little shit.

Good mood destroyed. F*ck.
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makenai89 rated it
October 15, 2015
Status: c145
Interesting plot, but awkward story-telling with very slow development. The fat-shaming and vain-concentrated arcs are not easy to swallow either. Nevertheless, there are interesting intrigues and surprises await for those who do willing to follow the story.
Edited on May 15th, 2016. Revised rate from 3 to 2.

Actually, if not for NU's New Review System, I'd likely forgotten that I have read this novel a long time ago... because it's been gathering dust in my "Dropped" list since c145 (if my note's not mistaken). Some things are just too hard to swallow, including this one.

The author probably has good ideas, but many of those ideas made the characters became unrelatable and the world construct turned too much illusionary. Consequently, it became more and more inconvenient to read Close Combat Mage while we questioned every surprising turn of story and the author felt like he had to justify every plot he had written. So, that's that.
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float99 rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: c23
Dropped it at the point where the author literally had to explain himself to detractors. Author tries to say, "I'm building up to something", but if after 20 chapters you have to explicitly say that... It's just poor writing.

One of the chapters I read repeated the same point over 5-6 paragraphs. "Fire-wind girls are ugly... fire-wind girls are ugly..."
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NeaxD rated it
January 1, 2016
Status: --
after reading the reviews then trying the story for 20 chapters I see why people call this a pretty badly written novel. The world behind it is not that bad of a fantasy world but the power system and the MC is pretty bad. Esp. The way you can just wear / equip items to be strong sounds like a really bad mmorpg game where there is not limit to how many accessories you can wear. Realistically you should be able to wear as many rings as you want but... more>> I do not read novels to read about a rapper with the biggest amount of bling run around pwning ppl and being a general annoying person. (Starting skipping chapters to get a better general idea on the story)

PS - edit: I just realize this a pretty good example of how f*cked up the Chinese culture can be over in china sometimes.

tl dr I would avoid this story unless you just have nothing else to read. Even then I would probably start looking for tv shows or video games to waste time on or go find more work at my job then waste my time on this. <<less
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ArgosYesu rated it
November 9, 2015
Status: --

10-year-old getting a handjob from other 10-year-olds. Oh, and the author tries real hard to justify his writing, but all I see are mistakes he's trying to knit a story out of.

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Thousandswords rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: --
This novel was tr*sh 4 years ago, this novel is tr*sh now and it will remain tr*sh in the future too. I mean, it's just that bad. Just look at the other reviews. Even the legendary "Invisible Dragon" will seem like a piece of literature compared to this. But, I must express my respect for the translator for having the endurance to stick to this for so many years.
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Drake888 rated it
March 30, 2019
Status: c53
An earnest effort by an inexperienced writer. This is a fantasy story with an MC who gets ahead by thinking outside the box. The logic is flawed, which leads to some annoying explanations about the MC's strokes of 'genius'. But the author clearly cares a lot about the world-building, so it sort of balances out.

Sadly, nothing balances out the side characters. This is yet another story where every other character (especially female characters) has the mind of a child. The type of story where the motivations of side characters make... more>> sense, but don't really hold up under scrutiny. It is like the MC is the only one able to fully think and react like a human, while the others are two dimensional. This is made worse by the fact that the MC is supposed to be a child yet frequently thinks and acts like an adult. Even worse, a huge part of this novel rests on the unshakable fact that all women are obsessed with their own appearance. It gets obnoxious reading about these various women being moved to tears or driven to su*cide over there appearances, and the author's commentary only makes it worse. The worst part is: the author is clearly obsessed with this perceived obsession.

The first few chapters made me genuinely angry at the MC's father.

The MC's arrival at school introduced a very powerful pet and an upcoming tournament.

Yet all the author delivers is nonsense about beauty. Dozens of chapters about using water magic for weight loss and skin restoration. Why? The title is "Close Combat Mage" so why do I need to keep reading about this beauty nonsense? This could have been wrapped up in ten chapters, but the author keeps dragging it out for no reason. And to add insult to injury, he drags it out by constantly describing how fat and ugly some characters are. Or how nobody can bear to look at a fat woman. Or how women need to look beautiful if they want their husbands to love them. I'm not a feminist, and I have no problem reading novels where women are treated as less than men because the author is sexist; but when the author keeps delaying the combat and adventure he had promised in order to stuff his views on women down my throat, I can't help but get angry. There is an interesting concept here and some parts are enjoyable, but my patience has limits. I can put up with bad pacing, flawed logic, or bigotry. But I refuse to slog through all three. <<less
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July 7, 2018
Status: --
It's been a pretty long time since I read this so take my review with a grain of salt. I really enjoyed the premise but I gave up on the story when the characters personality started to turn a lot darker. I remember thinking that it was a sudden shift but don't take my word for it. Based on the other reviews the MC got a lot worse after I stopped reading. If you feel like reading it anyway I have to say that I did like the early magic... more>> system in this fic. I thought about rereading it b/c of the reviews that said it eventually becomes reminiscent of one piece (Which I love) but the similarities seem superficial and too far in to be worth it. <<less
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Hitexh rated it
September 16, 2016
Status: c280
I know that people disagree with how OP and can't accept the betrayal plot. For me the fact that the plot didn't go linear like Martial God Space, or get bored with the way to only getting strong, this novel is already have its own value. I like how story just about to begin after the betrayal plot. Because I like avenger.

For those who haven't try this, please neglect the negative comments. It might not suit some people interest, but if you are like me who like story that building... more>> clan, getting rich, getting revenge, this might be for you. <<less
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Johan rated it
March 4, 2016
Status: --
Review made at chapter 257:

The series is different and refreshing from the usual xianxia plot. The story portrays the MC really based on his behaviour because, as young as he is, he is mature due to his past but also 'slow' due to not having any experience in life. The beginning may look like the MC is having too much of an easy time but the author justifies it well enough. Plot twists came as a surprise. It is a novel that gets better as it goes. I'll change the... more>> review as the story progresses. <<less
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LagDeath rated it
February 17, 2016
Status: --
I feel like the first 250 chapters were a really long drawn out prologue. It had plenty of world building, explanations of how things work, and the set the foundation for the MC. Sure it has some weird parts of a child discovering his sexuality, but it’s so minor that you can skip over those parts. The translator eventually starts giving warnings to even help with that. My only con is how the personality of the MC changes, but I like to view it as that he was reborn. It... more>> influences him, gives him way above average intellect, and his old personality slips out without him knowing it. <<less
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Little Dragon
Little Dragon rated it
February 11, 2016
Status: --
Review at 248:
In the beginning I saw great potential in this novel, it seemed like it was going to be an interesting concept: Close Combat Mage. However it started to become too political and too much about finance which was fine for a while but the title alludes to action, something the novel is lacking. Everything seems to easy, however, that is all changing. The novel appears to about to go under a huge change and is showing great potential, and many of the problems I had with the novel were cleared up in a non-bs way. Hopefully it won't disappoint in the future!
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archigoel rated it
January 1, 2016
Status: --
Seriously most unrealistic and idiotic book I have ever read. Usually MC is reincarnated so has knowledge of previous birth so his exceptional growth makes some sense. But here a normal 8 year old gets and does things which is absolutely “ILLOGICAL” in the story framing.

Some people point to lack of fights. I am fine with it and even initially enjoyed it when MC developed Beauty magic. BUT as soon he gets money and power, he gets full blown Machiavellian. All the schemings and disgusting stuff. And he is only... more>> 8 -10 years old at this time.

Frankly I have read 1000+ western novels and in NONE of the series/books does MC goes on power trip or become egotistic and ruthless. BUT in most (except very few) of the xianxia, all the MC as soon they get the POWER, become incomparably ruthless and egotistic. Frankly most of MC are even worse than villians in western books.

Why does chinese authors have such mentality? <<less
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Reqq rated it
December 19, 2015
Status: --
The worst novel I had a displeasure to waste time on. Anyways when u get further in the story when he starts out-scheming emperors, empresses etc starting reading MCs lines in a your best 8yo voice, shouldn't take you long to stop reading...
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chinese reader
chinese reader
December 8, 2015
Status: --
after the "kingdom arc" this becomes a typical xian xia story where the MC just adventures. Villians calling MC tr*sh-->gets killed-->looks for treasure-->repeat-->??-->first 200 or so chapter is a stand alone story more or less. Once adventure starts, feels like the foundations laid upon has nothing to do with the plot.
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justmehere rated it
October 6, 2015
Status: --
20 words or less:

You can prob name this novel close beautician mage, or micromanagement sim mage, or business sim novel, but it is not close combat mage. Too few battles in this novel, and 90% of them are not close combat
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walutpetir rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c392
Great novel

I like story and MC

Backstory is easy to understand and fokus with MC, does not like another novel's backstories are difficult and fill novel with many backstories
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FrankTank145 rated it
January 13, 2017
Status: c292
A very good series that changes over the story. The change between arcs latter on seemed a little hurried but wasn't to bad. Latter on the series it becomes a lot like One Piece where you can see different characters

You have a female thief, a swordsman looking to become stronger while carry multiple swords, a cook that fights with his feet and legs and refuses to use his hands, and the main character has a spell that stretches and retracts.

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July 7, 2016
Status: c304
I used to like a lot initially but I kinda got disinterested at my current point. It basically becomes one piece on land.
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