Black Summoner


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Losing his memories, the curtains of the story of alternate world transfer of the MC rises. After the transfer his name changes to Kelvin. While steadily levelling, he adds new subordinates by mastering his skill. And by the time he noticed it, he had obtained overwhelming power. Where will our MC be heading off to?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Black Summoner ~A combat maniac's ascension~
Kuro no Shoukanshi: Sentoukyou no Nariagari
Kuro no Shoukanshi: The Berserker Rises to Greatness
黒の召喚士 ~戦闘狂の成り上がり~
Related Series
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The Sole Monster Tamer in the World ~I was Mistaken as the Demon King When I Changed My Job~ (1)
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) (1)
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11 Reviews sorted by

Cryarc rated it
November 17, 2016
Status: c335
Hmmm, subpar series only read if you're bored. It's not bad/atrocious but it also don't have advantage with it's peers on the same genre. It's... forgetable, to be honest I'm just reading it when I'm bored and I often forget the storyline and characters since it's not memorable...

The title is a sham, even if the MC is a summoner, it never becomes anything important. When people hear summoning skills pretty sure they will expect the user to summon various creatures to do the attack, but in this series the MC... more>> just whacks the enemies with meele weapon... plus he is SO MUCH STRONGER than his 'summons', what's the point of 'summoning skill' then...? To make things worse, the MC making contracts with normal humans as summon so they're basically never being summoned at all since they're always materializing like normal party members. The MC almost never "summon" anything in the whole series lol, scratch that, he only used summoner skill once in the whole 300+ chapters... <<less
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BaramII rated it
January 16, 2018
Status: --
If I could, this would have ranked 1 out of 10.

The idea was great, cliche but, it sounded interesting.

What made me rank this so low, is that it's so boring. Plain and simple. Boring.

No character development, and in the description "steadily" leveling, that's a lie. He was lv 1 then 2 one moment, then few chapters later, suddenly he's like 17. The writer didn't even bother writing about his leveling progress. Did not even bother mentioning how many days has passed or whatever, you'll be reading "Slime quest done, level... more>> 2 now!" then next chapter "MC lv 17 meets typical arrogant adventurer". You have no idea what happened in between, cause the writer never wrote it.

Do not read it, unless you're really bored and don't mind reading something boring. <<less
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Danthefanokaku rated it
May 11, 2018
Status: c21
I'll make this review short and sweet, it's pretty bad. The main concepts of this story are really great if we're being honest here, it's the execution that's problematic. The translation is pretty bad (for chapters 13-18 they had a real translator working on this series, but now they moved to machine translation or something like it without a proofreader/editor), and the translators website is rather annoying (since they don't have a link to the next chapter which means that you have to go back to novelupdates to go onto... more>> the next chapter). Both of these issues make it really difficult to continue to read this series, as it becomes a huge amount of effort to understand even a single sentence. If you're going to use a machine to translate, you better have the best dang proofreader working for you so that they can make the translation readable. <<less
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antiger2612 rated it
January 11, 2017
Status: --
MC is not strong willed and easily getting manipulated even though he is OP. The story is pretty fast paced. If you want details on character's background, plots, world building, etc. This novel is not right for you. This is just another one of many ordinary novels about OP otherworlder. This was written by an amateur with no unique ideas to attract the readers.
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Nvelist rated it
April 5, 2018
Status: c24
The translation starting to come back and I'm glad to that.

Although need more work on editing. Its a promising story that carries around.

Actual goal for protagonist is just like others that want a peaceful days but plot gets thick. As this story revolves around troublesome countries and troublesome people.

... more>> The series of this novel in LN Illustrations is super cool and awesome than other isekai stories I have seen.

This is where it goes where Summoners is presumably weak in other novels but here ridiculously strong. For MC that is an exception since he's from Earth and received cheat-like abilities upon coming to another world.


There are otherworlders like him since those seated in official position or have a skill that can identify a person stats. The protagonist was not careful on his first day in a town/city, a beginner town/city and he was identified by the Guild Chief/Master. Abruptly the guild head is not all about power/corruption but wants a peaceful security and state so he made a deal for the protagonist and he accept it without incidents of his identity being exposed.


Skills as it is beneficial and potential danger.


Comparing to Heroes that recently summoned by your usual type of Empire that does work on influence and power. MC is incredibly far stronger than them since unlike summoning. His present situation is reincarnation and given acquired skills and power that far beyond of Heroes norm. An illustration demonstrate that a Summoner like him can dealt 1 on 1 to a silver-haired female swordsman that seem an elite or maybe a Hero via summoned. His Summoned creatures given time that increasing is in comparison as a total sweeping disaster on the whole continent he is. Especially Melfina, the first one as his subordinate is a goddess that can unleashed power beyond.


Like I said need more work on editing. This is a promising story in another world adventure! <<less
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whitecrow90 rated it
October 28, 2016
Status: c9
i was kind of looking forward to this, considering that the synopsis promised a battle maniac MC which is an uncommon sight. I am however disappointed and had proceeded to drop this from my reading list. Overall: It is too lax. The descriptions and story writing in general are not fleshed out. The plot skips and dodges forward momentum of a story, with not even a glimmer of foreshadowing. It gives you stereo-typical RPG world logic and expects you to accept it. (Like say an angel being promoted to a... more>> guardian deity of sorts). Not only that the story explicitly reminds you that not only is the MC a cheat, the rest of the world is nerfed into noobness with no chance of parole. Unlike "Overlord" in this regard or the other Strong from the start novels, the author mixed in Weak? To strong elements in the story. This not only ephasized the MC's OPness but makes him even more OP later on. Final say: Don't bother <<less
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huizizek rated it
March 10, 2018
Status: c1
Good plot and some nice ideas, we just need someone to go and clean some old translations ant it would be a 4 star, besides that its a good read
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Grimreaper1 rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: c104
Technically the name is correct for the series. but not exactly accurate. having ur summons always out and never having to unsummon them is...... not exactly summoning.

Other than that the series was excellent so far. it was like any other isekai harem plot. All the regular chiche's were there in the plot. The comedy part was ok.

Overall there was nothing new in this plot. but if u like such plots it will be a must read
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Seregosa rated it
March 24, 2023
Status: v1
Read the entire volume 1 before deciding to drop this, not sure how much that represents in the web novel but probably a fair amount of chapters. Enough to get the elf, the knight. the goddess and the slime in the team and that's not even halfway through the volume. Also introduced to some heroes or whatever, the demon lord's daughter in a side story, yada yada. Basically more than enough to judge the novel and see where it's going judging by the author's writing style and apparent writing skill... more>> or lack thereof. There's no excuse about translation being bad since it's an official quality translation.

Well, it's incredibly dull. To be honest, that's all that really needs to be said but I'll elaborate a bit. First of all, it reads really slow and boring, like there's no tension whatsoever, nothing fun or interesting going on. I don't mean that in the way of "oh, I want drama", I mean it's just not engaging, nor is it funny at all. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly what the worst offending reason for this is, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's the characters having zero personality. I can certainly see some attempt at giving them one.

The s*upid and happy-go-lucky slime, the knight that always chuckles and is high strung in a weird way and the elf that is the typical "I was saved, now I'm a passionate fanatic fan of the protagonist" kind of deal... I'd say the protagonist has zero personality however, he just feels completely empty of humanity. Gotta say the goddess also strikes me as a similar case. They have only this one character trait and it's hardly even showed. They're soulless, boring and fake, I don't care for any single one of them. Their dialogues feel off, it's painfully obvious that this is just one person randomly writing a script without any real thought put into it, one of the first things an author should do is to bring a character alive and create a believable character for themselves with things like strengths, weaknesses, personality traits and so on and then adhere to that, "what would this character do in this scenario?" is something they should ask themselves every sentence and write it from that perspective. This author fails to do so and it really shows, because all characters have the same tune every single time and there's no spice in their dialogue, it just flows without interruption, without considering potential outbursts and quirks from each character. That makes this incredibly, amazingly dull to read.

Then the complete lack of build up. I hate overly mysterious novels and things dragging on forever, but SOME build up is completely essential to good and interesting writing, the balance between build up and climax is essential in any story. In this story, things are resolved almost instantly and there isn't preparation enough to let us follow the story properly, it just jumps all over the place, with one development after another, never properly telling even one of these stories.


He gets summoned, after a short and dull dialogue, he's teleported to a city (not literally, just terms of time skip), then he sees the s*aves and the elf, but just moves on with no thoughts, plans or ideas about it, making the event boring. Going into the guild, he signs up so quickly I'm hardly even sure how it works, same with getting an identification, it's barely even touched on. He accepts a quest, story teleports to killing a blue slime, or rather instantly getting another underling, then he goes to the inn with no real dialogue worth of reading and time skips until he ranks up and gets a new quest and some idiot antagonists, after a boring dialogue and some inner monologue, he warps to the castle in another time skip after gaining some gear, where we find out various new skills he seemingly gained before but we were never told of. Then he quickly contracts the black knight in a super short battle and some dialogue and boom he's back to town to complete the quest, talks with the guild master that somehow knows his identity but really nothing happening here, then he buys the elf and in a few paragraphs he has solved her curse right after buying her and she breaks down and is now an instant fanatic of him, then teleport to the inn and talk a little with the elf, this is how this story seems to go and keeps on going all the way


Notice how DAMN little information is actually given? The main story is treated like a side story, the main character provides us no info, the author gives no build up AT ALL, things just happen and then we get some slight info afterwards. Even bad writing should have its limits. How can people enjoy a story where we don't get to follow the protagonist's journey? Where the reader feels uninvolved and all achievements lack impact. I'll no doubt be able to write something better myself, and I will soon enough. Even inexperienced, I can't see myself possibly writing anything at this quality or below, because if you put some effort into creating the character settings and considering build up, climax, comedic relief and just general pacing, the biggest issues wouldn't be there. To me, this feels like lazy newbie writing.

The concept isn't bad but the execution is horrible. Seems the author's other novel got a slightly better reception, so maybe they improved after 3 years, but this just isn't worth reading and I will not be reading the other novel either, I have a feeling the only reason it got a better reception is that the setting of that novel suits this writing style a bit better but that doesn't mean it's good in any way.

Do NOT read this novel. There are so many good novels out there, why torture yourself with something that is clearly really badly written when you can find something better by just a short search? I wouldn't even read this if I had nothing else left to read. <<less
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Concealed Chair
Concealed Chair rated it
September 3, 2022
Status: v5
Honestly, if I had more experience in reading light novels before reading this, I would have stopped reading after the first volume. There isn't anything that really makes it stand out from all those other generic isekai and even when it comes to generic ones, there's definitely better ones than this.

1) Isekai Bingo : This novel probably gets at least 2 BINGOS on every Isekai Bingo out there in the Internet. That's how generic it is and how little effort was used to make it stand out more.

- 1 stars

2)... more>> Misleading Title : It may be called "Black Summoner" but the relevance to the story is almost negligible.

He may be summoning entities sure but I don't think only summoning 3 entities over the course of 5 novels is good enough to be called a "Summoner". In fact, it should be renamed to "Black Warrior" since the author is so hellbent on making him a "battle-junkie".


- 0.5 stars

3) Unnecessary Side Characters : This doesn't apply to every single one of them but for some of them, with or without them, the story would still be the same.

The Heroes may be presented with status and all but in the end of the day, they don't even need to be introduced. All they amounted to was a punching bag for the MC and if you consider all that is happened prior, they aren't much different from other characters. Seriously, just change their status to adventurers and there would be no difference.


- 0.5 stars

4) Harem : Even though I'm not a fan of harem, I find it acceptable if it was written well. And of course, since I'm writing it down here, they didn't do it well. Simply put, all of the relationships between the harem members were too rushed.


Reincarnation Goddess : Literally falls in love with the MC due to some corny confession during the reincarnation process. Disregarding the corny confession, the number of conversations they had amounted to very few.

Elf Girl : Due to finally being bought despite being a cursed half elf, she immediately falls in love with the MC and bangs with him not too long after.

Demon Girl : As a sheltered girl for the majority of her life, she quickly falls for the MC's charm after being taken in by him.

Reincarnator Girl : After receiving a helping hand by the MC, she develops a brother complex not too long after. And obviously because she's a young teenager, the MC treats her as an adoptive sister so he's not a pe*ophile.


- 0.5 stars

5) Edgy Outfit : Take a look at the image cover and take a moment to see how the MC is. Let's see... he's wearing a black breastplate, black greaves, black gauntlets, black pauldrons, black... everything. Although his personality isn't edgy, you wouldn't know that if you hadn't read the book already.

- 0.5 stars

6) Name : Pretty minor and I'm only nitpicking this because I don't like this book but the amount of thought placed into the MC's name is minimal. In case you didn't know, his name is "Kelvin Celsius". That's right, the MC's name was named after two types of temperature measurements. If he was from the USA, his middle name would have been "Fahrenheit".

-0.5 stars

Although some of my comments may not be entirely accurate since I have forgotten some of the details, it should still be mostly accurate. Just don't bother reading this and invest your time in something else. <<less
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minitiative rated it
March 21, 2022
Status: c60
Made to chapter 60 before I got fed up with boredom. It's a painfully bog standard OP MC isekai story complete with generic cheats, generic encounters, a boring MC and even a s*ave elf waifu.

He isn't even a summoner, which only makes the minuscule effort in reading this a tad more insulting. The author couldn't even put in an effort into making that a bit more appropriate. He barely even does any summoning and his real strength comes from his isekai cheats which allow him to learn skills at a... more>> ridiculous rate, quickly turning him into the generic master-of-all-trades MC in barely a few chapters.

Two star junk food. A McD 89c cheeseburger of a story. <<less
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