Before My Withering


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“Nobody likes an old plaything.”

“It’s not like, it’s love.”

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Before It Shrivels
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  1. incomparably the best
  2. danmei ive read part 2
  3. Sad danmei
  4. Sick/Hurt MC
  5. Chrysanthemun (Translation Completed)

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Xiu_er rated it
January 24, 2022
Status: Completed
F***ing gosh. I cried so much I got a headache as a result of it. So much dog blood... So much dog blood compressed into such a short story...

There is not any real world-building or descriptions of surroundings so you are free to make up your own background images. The novel is more plot and character driven so you don't necessarily notice the lack of descriptive details. Well, at least I barely noticed it since I was busy bawling my eyes out.

There are some minor inconsistencies that bothered me a... more>> bit which is not really important perse, just a bit confusing. It might also just be a translation mistake. I mean, in the beginning it is mentioned that the MC majored in the qin, but then ended up playing cello for an orchestra? Both may be string instruments, but are far from being the same thing.

I was also confused about his roommate's major after that, especially when the roommate sang during that New Year performance thingy. But the still went back to painting so the singing bit is still excusable as a hobby, I guess.

Either way, I am glad that the MC got together with the gentle and doting ML. The broken MC really needed someone like him to help recover from all the past trauma and physical problems.

As for the ex... Qi Shu... My feelings are complicated. While I understand his reasoning and motives after getting his pov, I still don't like his actions. His reasons were never and will never be a good excuse for being abusive. So his ending is quite fitting imo. He got to experience mental and physical pain. Karma did him good.

Summing up, if you are into experiencing a dog blood festival and/or a masochist, you are at the right address. <<less
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CrossMyHeart rated it
January 12, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a story of knives so if you're looking for an easy, smooth ride, this story definitely isn't for you. However, if you like angst and can handle triggers (including gaslighting and manipulation, abuse, r*pe, miscarriage) I would consider reading this.

Summary: Xiao Yu (MC) is a beta who fell in love with a rich boy at a young age but knows that this person is in love with an omega. As a result, he allows himself to be a physical body for this person to have s*x with which... more>> eventually turns into abuse. He spends years with this scumdog and even undergoes surgery to become an omega. However, it turns out he is not compatible with the omega glands and his body is rejecting it so he is slowly dying. Regardless, he decides to stay by this person's side and he even becomes pregnant and wants to have this child as proof of his love. During this time, he meets a doctor, Zhou Chen, (ML) who turns out to be the abuser's cousin but wants him to get better. The CP heal while dealing with the abuser and other people who don't want them to be together.

But even with the abuse, things get even more dogblooded and dramatic throughout the novel which is why I would only give this story a 4/5. There were certainly many moments that are sweet between the CP, particularly with the ML taking care of the MC's feelings and the MC growing a backbone (even if it doesn't seem like it at times).

The aspects I really enjoyed about this novel include the discussion of the MC being a beta and becoming okay with the idea of that. He spends so much time longing to be an omega thinking that's what he needs to be loved and his time with the ML allows him to realize that he deserves love regardless of that. I also think that the author did a good job of exploring many of the MC's thoughts. The gaslighting and emotional manipulation he went through affected many of his actions and while I wouldn't make those same choices, it gave me insight into someone with this kind of mindset. He's really tragic and doing his best. But the ML is pretty great! He's probably the best character in the entire novel.

Plot spoilers:

  • The MC has a miscarriage (caused by the ex) and the ML is super sweet in that he saves the fetus' ashes and keeps it in a locket for the MC. But the scumdog ex actually has the audacity to throw it away in a fit of jealousy! This part made me cry a lot because although the MC didn't love the ex anymore, he loved that child and he couldn't even keep the ashes. This was actually the part of the story that hurt me the most
  • Something that doesn't quite sit well with me: the scumdog ex seems to actually like the MC despite the absolutely awful way he treats him? The 'moonlight' he had was actually just a friend who didn't want him at all and the scumdog truly always wanted the MC but in an obsessive manner. The author tries to give him a redemption with the ending as well as some diary entries in the extras but it left a bitter taste in my mouth because I just couldn't see him in a positive light. Still, it gave him some emotional depth. My biggest issue with him is that he's actually surprised that the MC wants to leave him when it's pretty clear that he treats the MC like less than a human being. He has no EQ and is a very selfish person (though he kinda improves)
  • ML has actually always been in love with the MC and went away years ago because he couldn't bear to see the MC with his cousin (knowing that the MC was madly in love with him). He's very considerate and always tries to allow the MC to do what he wants, supporting him in his decisions. However, I did notice that despite him being a doctor, he doesn't actually do that many medical things in this? There's more issues with him inheriting the company so he's more like a businessman for the majority of the novel which threw me off considering how he is supposed to heal the MC.

I had very mixed feelings while reading this novel as it's very dramatic and dogblooded, but I did enjoy looking at the MC's mind throughout everything. And of course the CP are great (though in reality, we don't actually see them together for very long with all that happens) and I enjoyed seeing the trust grow between them. This story is not for everyone, but if you're into angst, you should check it out and gather your own thoughts. Also much thanks to the translator! <<less
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RedMochI rated it
January 6, 2022
Status: Completed
this is not a review done well. Just my pent up emotions regarding this novel.

I have read many angst but nothing has made me cry like this.

My heart ached not only for the MC but also for the scum.

... more>> They two were in love, unlike what they thought of all these gold digger and worthless stuff. But they just didn't know how to love.

MC loved so dearly and blindly that he completely disregarded himself at the beginning.

Scum loved too. But his obsessive nature only showed him a side of the story.

We were able to see the character growth of all character and a hidden side to all of them, adding in flavour to the book.

All of them deserve love.

Although there should not be any justification for the scum, I still hope that Qi would be able wake up in a different timeline before anything major happens and show his love properly.

Love is defined and expressed (not giving excuses for the scum at all, he should be alone for his whole life) in many ways and they were just a couple who met at the right time with a wrong start. <<less
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December 10, 2021
Status: --
This so dramatic

Like telenovela dramas but 12× times worse and it draggs on so much

The pro is this story is a Beta and Alpha one


Beta are able to get pregnant and also surprise the gong isnt the ML

The ML is the Doctor

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damnmei rated it
February 9, 2024
Status: Completed
I think I've read this before but never wrote a review? This novel definitely delivers on the dog blood. MC has a good character growth arc and I liked how he slowly opened up when he found someone who would actually respect and take care of him. Bonus points to this novel for not having the usual wife chasing crematorium.

What annoyed me:

... more>>

Too much time trying to explain the scum gong's shitty behavior. Qi Shu's reasoning for treating MC like sh*t was ridiculous and I have no sympathy for him. Thinking that MC liked someone else isn't a reason to treat him like that. The extra in his POV actually made me feel sick. Author tried too hard to make Qi Shu sympathetic and it just made me angry instead because he deserves no explanation.


The amount of times I wanted to shake some sense into the MC cannot be understated, but I stuck it out for the HE.

About ML:


I feel like having the doctor be ML was such a good move that it makes this novel rating higher just because of the unique premise. Their shared backstory was also very cute and I liked that ML didn't just start liking MC out of nowhere.

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hycave rated it
December 17, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm so glad I didn't know who the ML was going into this novel. It makes reading much more fun when I had to keep guessing who the ML was and I was so happy when I realize our ML is the ML. The novel is full of angst. Make me cry a few times. So, I was so happy the MC finally get the happiness he deserves.
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Potatoteeth rated it
September 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Full marks for realism, especially the part where the abuser is served no legal consequences. The happy ending is the miracle. I am happy for this appropriate dash of unrealism. In light of the vivid emotional realities being depicted, the random dog blood can be forgiven. Don't read if you like light, cute stories. 5 stars.
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Vanlatte rated it
June 5, 2022
Status: Completed
First of all, the translation is top notch. Thank you so much, translator.

As for the story itself, at first I thought only Qi Shu is mentally ill. But around chapter 20s, I realized all of them are (except side chars who aren't related to plot). Although subtle and not as extreme as Qi Shu. Why I said that? Because as I read, I sense a kind of incongruity with the characters' actions.

... more>>

Imo, MC is not lovable at all. But ML has this kind of patience and willing to hurt himself because of MC. It's too sudden and the author fails to make me understand / see why ML did so until the end. That's why I said there's a sense of incongruity.

MC is also weird. He came back to Qi Shu, then suddenly grow an unprecedented courage that never happen before to fool Qi Shu and he succeeded. My question is, 'Really, MC? What're you doing this whole time even though you can actually use your brain?'

But then again, this hurt ML and actually not a wise decision. Also, OOC. Author never mentions this again btw so I think ML never knows that MC is actually deliberate.

When you read this novel and get to know the characters, I think you'll sense the oddity of their actions and choices.


** Minus one star because of MC.

The author fails to make me see what's so good about MC. Everyone loves him and takes care of him (except Qi Shu, of course), but why? I don't even feel pity towards MC (sounds cold, but MC made his own choices soberly. No one force nor fool him).

As other reviewers before me said, MC has no back bone. He got ML but dangled him with every reason that's just reason (yeah, he had trauma but his behaviour really really really made ML hopeful). And those behaviour in turn also hurt ML. Then when ML backed-off, MC suddenly realized he loved him after he found ML's secrets. MC is too fickle imo.

** minus the other star because too much (unnecessary) drama

Can't say much because it's too big of spoilers. It's cliche. And makes me more sure that almost all of them are mentally deranged.

To be honest most of the story doesn't make me feel much. It's only the part of Qi Shu and MC's interactions that made me ache.

The rest has a feeling of 'unreal-ness' that's too glaring in my eyes. Maybe you can call it plot holes. Especially when MC and ML got together. It's not like I don't accept they become a couple, but... *sigh, I feels like I'd be attacked if I said "..., but it's questionable".

Anyway, maybe it's because there's no built-up interactions between MC and ML as ML's love is too sudden and MC's acceptance is questionable even though there's this line in MC's mind, "Is this love?" (might not be the exact words). Or maybe it's because their personalities (in my wording: 'not right in the head' as I mentioned before). Or maybe it's just my subjective stance.

That's why I don't minus the star for this case. Because it's kinda too subjective.

All in all, it's an okay read. Most of the time my expression was._. (no feeling, can't connect/relate with the characters). High chance I won't re-read. <<less
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aoikotoba rated it
June 5, 2022
Status: c33
Salute to the translators for the translation. Just that... I came here for an immense amount of the scum gong groveling and going to hell and back to win the MC but I didn't get that. The story is good but I love hurting myself. And I'm not really that fond of MC's ending up with the second male leads so yup. And I agree with that one review, the MC is somewhat a Mary Sue.
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Yizhan angel
Yizhan angel rated it
May 28, 2022
Status: Completed
Trust me it's 5 star book. You won't regret. It has angst but overall happy ending. Satisfying read. They both loved him deeply. Communication gap can lead lifelong misunderstandings, trust me beast is human in the end. But am happy little yu choose best one. You can relate to this book. Just don't read comments and skip this gem. I wint justify anyone, but in the ended up pardoning beast. Good reading ❤️
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shuulys rated it
March 24, 2022
Status: Completed
phew... Thank god that the angst wasn't too long and that there were many cute scenes between ... more>>

XiaoYu and ZhouChen! Also, the HE is between XiaoYu and ZhouChen so worry not, QiShu is not going to be XiaoYu's bf.

Glad that XiaoYu 'forgave' QiShu and decided to move on to start a new relationship with ZhouChen because that a**hole QiShu don't deserve any spot in his heart!!

Lastly, I can't understand how people can feel bad for QiShu. He claims that he love XiaoYu but all he did was enact violence on him and abuse him both mentally and physically. What kind of love is that even????? His inability to communicate, understand and love is what caused him to end up like that. For 4 years he did not bother to reflect on himself and constantly abuse XiaoYu, I seriously can't see in which way does he love him. Serves him right. Plus WenYan claims to be a close (?) senior to XiaoYu and also knows QiShu well. Why didn't he say anything or help XiaoYu even after he saw XiaoYu in such a bad state???? Gosh so pissed ://

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Nah rated it
March 13, 2022
Status: Completed
I love angst with HE. This novel so satisfying! My heart ached but I don't hate this feeling.
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shinichilove rated it
January 14, 2022
Status: Completed
After binge reading this, I have to get an ice pack for my swollen eyes.

The story starts painful and I can't help but cry for MC, fortunately a kind sir is devoted and soon takes care of him.

It may not be the best out there, and I also felt annoyed at all the angsty drama occasionally thrown to our MC (let him be happy!!囧) but I enjoyed the ride.

I like how their romance started slow, ML focused more on helping MC heal at first. It made it seem more realistic to me and I could appreciate their romance more later due to this fact showing ML's true love and devotion to our MC.



There are scenes of domestic abuse, blood, thoughts of su*cide, and violence so if your are easily triggered by one of these things I would suggest not reading this lightly.


I seem to be a little masochistic these days wanting to read such angst and drama novels 囧.

10/10 please give it a try and cry as I have. _: (´ཀ`」 ∠) :
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Queen_of_Chaos000 rated it
May 17, 2024
Status: Completed
If you like angst with a happy ending, this is it.

Love it!

Typical of this type of story, the basic plot points were as usual, but none of it felt cliche.

The story mostly was carried out by characterization. The MC's inner turmoil and his state of mentality reflected the type of life he's been living. Throughout the story, which in return reflected how different the beginning and the end were.


And you have to just love the ML. He is simply the best.


It was wonderfully delivered and kudos to the translators.
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Novelreader 22102
Novelreader 22102 rated it
September 12, 2023
Status: extra 2
A better rating would be 3.5. The story was really good but there were a few things I didnt like.

It's not the MC's character (as so many people pointed out), I feel that he acts like an abuse victim who has lost all hope. The translator also provides great insight into his mental state and abt the push and pull method scum ML (Qi shu) does that keeps MC hanging. MC believes that what they have is what he wants as he has never known anything else; this is his... more>> first relationship. And after 4 years of physical and mental abuse it would be a surprise if he was a strong MC. But there is something I didnt like abt the MC and that is how he kept hanging ML on.


I understand that MC doesnt see value in himself and so he doesnt want to believe ML wants to date him but even at the end when MC and ML are at the hospital, ML takes on Qi Shu's work as he is unable to do it (as a favour for qi shu) and he is therefore very busy and MC just spends every waking moment at Qi shu's bedside. When he realises ML might be jealous he tells ML that 'you need to let me kno if im doing something wrong' which is so s*upid because he himself agrees that he would be angry if ML even mentions an ex. He then proceeds to get angry at ML when ML asks if MC still wants to return to Qi shu. Even after this convo MC is described to have been visiting Qi shu :|


Its not the ML either. His love might seem creepy but he never approached the MC. Its true that he kept videos and records of MC and its true that he knew MC from when MC was really young but ML never tried to make the MC date him. It was fate that MC ended up going to the hospital where ML was practising.

Its actually the scum ML (Qi Shu) and the last few chapters (kidnapping & his sacrifice) thats the issue. There are times I wonder why do authors make all exes evil, why do they all have to have bad breakups, why do exes never part on good terms.. But for this novel its necessary that we establish that Qi shu is a villain. He is toxic, manipulative, mentally and physically abusive to the MC. Yet the author makes him and the MC meet multiple times after they break up (when she should have let my poor MC heal well), and each time she shows us that Qi shu is trying to change and seems to want us to believe that Qi Shu is a pitiful and sorry figure (he just doesnt know how to love healthily).

At the end MC gets kidnapped (very cliche) and ML rescues MC but Qi Shu ends up injured trying to rescue MC (wow how shocking) and I hate that she did that. Qi Shu ended up as such a sorry figure that MC and ML seems to just forget how bad he is. MC even forgiving him :|


I also dont like wen yan


He knew all along what kind of person Qi shu was. Yet never once did he even try to tell MC in the beginning. This would be fine if wen yan isnt a recurring character who seems to have no guilt and never once says sorry that I never warned you btw


overall its an ok read. Its very short so even though I was bored I kept reading. I also knew abt the whole kidnapping thing before I started reading but I thought the other reviewers were exaggerating (they werent) cos how bad can it be right? Well turns out it was really bad. Wouldnt reread it tho. <<less
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wasthequeen rated it
December 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Although in the beginning I found the entire premise pointless, slowly as the real ML showed up I started loving this more. Alot of angsty stories have the tr*sh emotionless ML and a very caring considerate second ML and always the MC would end up with the trying-to-change tr*sh. Glad this MC had chosen to change and leave tr*sh behind. After he chose the ML I found a lot of filler abuse but the cat extra was worth it.
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Simonye rated it
December 17, 2022
Status: --
Starting good, angst on point. Then it went down hill..

Is just that, its not chasing crematorium per se, its just healing story.

So that's why its down hill... But consider it only 44 chapter, well its an OK read. 🗿 <-- literally my face after finished the book.
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AriaDith rated it
October 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Aahh >.<

I'm really happy that this story have a happy ending!!!

I had put off this novel for a long time because of the tags "drama", "pschological", and "tragic past".

I cried but it's worthy to just brace myself to read ╥﹏╥

I liked the way ZC treats XY, he loved him very much but ... more>>

also willing to let XY go if he wants to leave ಥ_ಥ

I really thought that XY will end up with QS (´・ω・)

But thank goodness itu is not! Hahaha


Anyway you have to prepare youself to cry if you want to read this novel, but it will give you a HE ≧﹏≦ <<less
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twobada rated it
May 2, 2022
Status: c1
Current 4.2 rating is too low so I'm giving it a boost.

This isn't a 5-star work though, because although the premise is there, the writing is weak. I love MC's character development. I think the author did well in writing about his inner thoughts and behavior. It's very much like how it is when you are in a toxic relationship.

Everything and everyone else around the MC was written poorly, and this is where the quality collapses. Everyone else felt flat and the plot itself was so... just there? The author... more>> tried to inject some action and drama but ended up turning what could have been a cathartic healing novel into a plain old dog blood soap opera.

Which is a shame because we have a great MC whose healing journey could have been explored more, and the story would have been more meaningful.

All in all, it felt juvenile but it was a good attempt regardless. <<less
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ricoerrr rated it
February 15, 2022
Status: Completed

mc: xiao yu

ml: zhou chen

thoughts: ... more>>
  1. MC needs a good wake up slap fr
  2. ML is lowkey (highkey) a stalker; its not overly done but its definitely there. Idt ML didnt mean anything by it at first but who tf stalks the kid of some dead person youve met once or twice at a hospital. Not surprising ML developed untowards feelings for MC with how obssessed he was.
  3. MC cranking up the victim complex in front of ML to get sympathy points is some good shit. Straight out admits he gave a performance (in that scene where he was coerced to marry his ex) so that he can make himself extra pitiful.
  4. i like how ml's house became mc's respite and safe space. I like how the author described it in almost a fairy tale way; physically detached from the rest of the world, full of life and flowers in bloom 24/7, maids and butlers at mc's beck and call. Everythings rose tinted and its cheesy af but I liked it.
  5. the ending with the kidnapping was dumb as hell. The story couldve done without. It adds nothing to the plot, both ML and MC already realized their feelings before some crazy coocoo decided to hijack their moment. But whatever.
  6. idk what to think of the ex's ''redemption'' which is him basically getting burnt to a crisp and sent to the icu for full body burns. Hes scum and deserves jail, but was that necessary lool
overall thoughts: very very dogblood. Honestly wasnt expecting it to turn out like this from my first impressions. So much sh*t happened in the end it felt like the author wanted to cram every single face slapping trope in the span of 10 chapters. Ngl I lost my sense of immersion after that.

despite all that tho, I still like the novel. Its got pretty writing, MC is cute and ML is a picture perfect boyfriend. I like what its trying to tell, I think it tackled issues of abuse and healing decently. <<less
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