Back to the Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs


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Lin Qing He transmigrated into the novel and became one of its cannon fodder. The novel’s background is non-viable-1960s, time of want to eat but nothing to eat and want to wear, nothing to wear. Although the lack of supplies and life was monotonous, this wasn’t what she was concerned about because she got a small personal interspatial space, which is stuffed with supplies, so temporarily no worries about basic needs.

What she is worried about, if she remembers correctly, her three so-called sons will become big villains in the future, and their upright and cold dad will end up in an indestructible end.

Lin Qing He looked at the three future villain sons, eldest who was only five years old, the second child was only three years old, and the third child was only one year old, and decided to give them half a big white bun first…

Label- light-hearted, farming, doting & sweet (T/N: Very slice of life)

Associated Names
One entry per line
Back to the '60s: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs
Related Series
Bai Fumei in the ’70s (9)
Transmigrated into a Parvenu’s Ex-wife in the ‘90s (6)
Fields of Gold (4)
Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich (3)
How to Thrive in the ’60s (3)
The Villain’s Mother (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Recommended by someone who reads 24/7
  2. Money Money Money
  3. So precious
  4. Homesteading for Dummies
  5. reborn in the past + poor to rich

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/05/20 Explore c116
09/04/20 Explore c115
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ike_00000 rated it
September 5, 2020
Status: c116
Not bad. I didn't like the beginning because I kept feeling she was dumb and her preparation methods weren't the best, but later on it was alright. I really like her character; the entire village relentlessly says she wastes money and ruins the family but in truth she treats her family incredibly well and earns more than the average worker by far. And yet her personality is such that she doesn't care a bit what unrelated people say but has more than enough ability to handle them if anyone wants... more>> to cause trouble.

I'm a little worried this story will get boring if it continues this way, but for now I'm still enjoying it. There's a lot of details about the three meals a day and the snack, plus even her purchases and expenditures and gifts are weighted. That's a lot of effort for the author but it does make the story much more realistic. Some might say it's too slice of life but again I like it.

I also like that she has her modern mentality but she won't bring out her values in a way that clashes with the times. Like if people ask she'll recommend having girls study as well, but her reasons are convincing for the era and she won't judge peoples' actions based on their conditions and societal upbringing. I often see modern transmigrated women clash a lot with the different era and get all mad about it but the modern mentality is not right for the times and they have no ability to adapt. She doesn't harp about "marriage for love" that we say now but will instead evaluate marriage on the basis of conditions as well; sure this would be terrible and gold-digging behavior right now, but it makes a lot of sense given the times. She doesn't sit on her high ground to look down on others, and I really like that.

The kids are also very interesting, and the ML as well. ML is very considerate and respectful of all of MC's decisions, especially considering he was raised in a heavily patriarchal society. I can't wait to see the kids continue to grow.

Thanks to the translating team for the consistent and great translations! <<less
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Andreww rated it
September 1, 2020
Status: --
Such an excellent novel. 701 chapters are worth to read.

I like FL very much, she is excellent as a woman as well as a mother. Strong, smart, generous and easygoing person.

ML was responsible and supportive husband. Even though he knew that he's inferior to his wife, he would never lose his heart. Instead, he works harder than anyone and trying no to become burden to his wife.

The children, each have distinctive character. They are cute, obedient and smart.

... more>>

Eldest son, he is the smartest one but followed his father's path and enter to the military school. He is very much like his father.

Second son, he is also smart and enter the politic. He is the most gentle and handsome one.

Third son, he is smart talking and have flower mouth. He's the closest one with FL and become a businessman.

Youngest daughter, she is late born. There's not much descriptions about her. She is the princess of the family. ML doted on her very much so in the end FL throw her out into the army in feared that her daughter became a spoiled woman and developed a bad personality.


I highly recommend this novel. I normally don't write reviews but this novel deserves it. <<less
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February 22, 2024
Status: Completed
Huwaa I had a little hope that the main couple reunited in modern setting

The translator worked hard!! Bb
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Katielicious rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: c616
This had a strong start but a very weak finish. It's a slice of life story but the story got so mundane and trifling. I couldn't stand the arc about the baby girl; Everytime she was brought up, I cringed.

Edit: I was bored and reread this. I just became infuriated & extremely disappointed at the hypocrisy of the MC.

  • It's actually disgusting that a transmigrator was pushing women to give birth when their careers/education were on the line, when they had different concerns and fears about their body, economic situation, etc.
  • MC was actually a very mediocre business person. All her businesses were hinged on nepotism. If the whole Ma family quit or betrayed her, her business would suffer.
  • Essentially, she wanted the power over her relatives without any risk of reproach, not even from her husband.
The writing is extremely repetitive and redundant (catch it? Lol). It's ridiculous that author spent 250 chapters copying and pasting the same routines over 7 years. The antagonists were all the same; loose women the MC disliked & she was proven right because they had horrible endings they "deserved". Sigh.
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RaneKurodo rated it
October 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Completed novel.

Mmm... I can say that to read is to beleive.

Don't be daunted by the 700+ chapters. This will be worth your time if your looking for a slice of life novel.

... more>> There were a little face slapping and dog food sprinkled around but it was all nicely done in my opinion.

ML isn't as bad as others say, keep it mind this is set before the 1990s, most of you aren't even born yet and the conditions then are vastly different to the now.

FL is refreshing, not brain dead and has a level head most of the time. Remember, she's only human.

That being said, I like how intra and inter connections were written in this novel.

Feels like you grew up with them.

Give this one a go.

Also not everyone has a happy end. <<less
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Riya rai
Riya rai
June 22, 2023
Status: --
The start was good but after they brought the relatives to the capital I don't like it much. They appear more than LQH's sons. I especially don't like er ni she cropped out of nowhere now everything is about her ... more>>

from the start she keeps saying how she won't marry in the capital. But when WY pursue her she didn't say no outright. Why is she acting as if she is being forced to date him? If she doesn't want to say no I don't like you or tell LQH how I don't want to interact with him but instead she keeps moaning in front of him about how they cannot date because of the difference in their status that means you want to, you are just playing hard to get. Plus the author keeps praising her to the sky as if she became successful on her own she didn't she relied on LQH and she is nothing special. I feel the only reason WY is interested in her is that she is the cheap knockoff version of LQH

. Plus LQH is investing too much time and capital on her relatives. I can understand about the close ones but why these nieces and nephews? I understand helping relatives but they are basically raising them, I prefer it to be the way it is with San Ni, to provide employment and let them handle the rest. No need to feed the whole lot of them how much effort it is plus they don't even have the shame of mooching off they even bring their partners all of the time to eat without contributing a bit. The accomadation is already free, they are taking too much trouble cooking for the whole lot. <<less
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AfricanJade rated it
November 2, 2022
Status: c701
Amazing novel, I loved it so much, I loved the translation and I am very grateful to the author for putting this out. They portrayed the change in character of Lin Qing He is such a life like realistic manner. Honestly would like to find out who the author is and read more of their stuff if possible.
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nouhr99 rated it
October 31, 2022
Status: Completed
Well deserved 5 stars.
I started reading when the novel was already completely translated and now at the end of it I feel like I watched this family grow and expand before my eyes. I could read the 700+ chapters all over again.
The translation was top notched and the little explanations in red were so thoughtful. Thank you for your hard work.
I’ve read a lot of transmigration novels and this has to be one of the most satisfying. I’ll look for more of these ‘60s, ‘70s style novels because I’ve just fallen in love with the genre.
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maijys rated it
September 20, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm not quite sure if I want to rate this 4 stars, but I do think it's more than 3 stars... if they allowed decimals, I would say 3.75 stars, lol.

First thing I would say is that if you like exciting stories, this probably is not the novel for you. This is very slice of life and quiet development, not much drama or action or dog blood. The timeline spans from when the MC and ML are in their twenties to when they're almost fifty (not counting the extras, where... more>> they reach nineties), so it does span quite a bit of time.

The first half or so was great, I really enjoyed reading about the MC and ML learning to care about each other and improve their lives. The MC was firm and decisive, and I would say more realistic and practical than others, which is the type of MC I enjoy. She wasn't too stubborn or too aggressive with others, just had her line in the sand and communicated directly with people. The ML was basically the strong, silent type who supports his wife in her decisions, but he did have opinions of his own and wasn't a total doormat or limp noodle, so I liked seeing their relationship develop.

The second half is where the novel kind of devolved, for me. The focus shifted from the MC and ML and their relationship to basically everyone and their chickens. Some spoilers:


What I classify as the "second half" is after the MC, ML, and their family move to the capitol. There's definitely less focus on the relationships and more focus on making money and setting up businesses, but I didn't mind that in the beginning.

Then, the cousins started coming over. This cousin, that cousin, new godsons, cousins of the godson, neighbors, etc. I'm not sure how many other characters there were in the end because I lost track but I would say there were almost 10, and every single one came over to the capitol and the novel went over their relationships and marriages. The MC and the ML (and their 3 kids) went from the main focus of the novel to just a few in a cast of dozens. They basically became background characters, especially the ML, who became something of a one-note character towards the end.

Of course, with such a big cast, it's hard to go into detail about anything, so even if the novel dragged on to 700 chapters, things became more summarized towards the second half. I couldn't even tell some the cousins apart because their names and personalities were so similar, the only thing different was when they came over and who they got married to. I think maybe the author or the translator had the same difficulties, because there were definitely more than a few name mix-ups, some of which were caught and fixed by the translator and some that weren't.


Also, there were some things that the MC did in the first half that never really had a point. For example:


Collecting gold and jade in the first half when those items were still forbidden. The MC took a lot of risk (for the era) to obtain gold and such from the black market and other sources (random people, like wtf??) at a time when these things were strictly forbidden and could get her reported. She did this with the thought that when the economy opened up, she could sell these things to make a fortune.

However, none of that ever really came in handy in the future, she and the ML made plenty of money via businesses and land purchases without having to sell those or the rare stamps that she collected. So there was absolutely no point to her taking such s*upid risks to gather the gold. In hindsight it was a waste of time both in and out of the novel.


Also, another weak point is that the author constantly re-hashes the same issues over and over again, and there really isn't much character development. She'll resolve an issue so you think this character changed for the better, but then the same issue will come back up again a 100 chapters later. The first time that happens, it's understandable because people can backslide to their old ways, but the third or fourth time the same argument happens, it's just annoying. Specific examples of this:

  • The ML's mom. This mother-in-law is understandably worried about MC's spending habits in the beginning, because she's used to the original owner of the body that didn't give a sh*t about the kids and let them starve while spending money on herself. But after it's made clear that the MC is different and spends money on her husband and kids, the mother-in-law decides she won't nag about this anymore. Except she does. Again. And again. And again. Even long after the families are separate, when it's been over 15 years and the MC hasn't gone broke yet, this mother-in-law constantly nags and frets about the MC's spending. Like, shut up about it, please!
  • The ML and his daughter-fetish. Like, okay, in the beginning he has three sons and no daughter, so he would like a daughter. After some time, he finds out that this would be impossible for the MC and resigns himself to this. But he still wants a daughter. Then they get in their thirties and he realizes pregnancy would be too hard on the MC at this age and decides life is okay with no daughter. But then he wants a daughter. It was super annoying, because the topic would die down for 100 chapters and then come back again, like a boomerang.
  • The antagonist characters, the majority of which are women, by the way. Scheming, selfish, and sexually active women (i.e. rat shit, according to the upstanding characters in the novel). It takes forever to get rid of one because no one in this family ever bothers to communicate with other members of the family to warn them about unsavory people. Then they come back chapters later for no reason except to extend the chapter count. One of them even gets reborn like in the last stretch of the novel and gets memories from the original novel's timeline, but there's really no point in that because it changes nothing for the MC, ML, or even that character herself.
I did finish reading the novel and rank it higher due to the first half, but the second half definitely is weak and the author either lost focus or just wanted to stretch the chapter count. <<less
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Amsir rated it
June 30, 2022
Status: Completed
I had been following this story when it was being translated till the end. It never made me bore. It might also make you re read it again. The translator did a amazing job. Highly recommend it.
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Kassy rated it
June 10, 2022
Status: c701
It was my first transmigration novel for the 1970s, I always read ancient Chinese novels, and I decided to give it a go... well, it was the best thing I ever did.

During these more than 2 years since I discovered this genre, I saw, read and reread many different ones, it may not have been the best, it may have some things that I didn't like, like the second Zhou's family, but this romance is kept in my heart.

In the future I will definitely read it again.
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daedaedae rated it
June 5, 2022
Status: --
rough start. great middle. so-so later chapters.

rough start:

was not into the info-dumping I received from the author. it was just too much! wished the author revealed the original plot gradually. it almost made me stop reading.

... more>> great middle:

if you enjoy slice of life, you'll enjoy this one. it really felt like I was reafing someone's diary. though one might say that it's filled will too much filler chapters but that's kind of what slice of life is. a genre riddled with fillers. and to me, it's only effective if you don't add to much conflict. because irl you aren't always drowning with problems after another which is a common mistake with cnovels with slice of life as it's tagged genre. fields of gold rubbed my the wrong way with the author's lack of restraint in wanting to make tge MC pitiful. this novel, knew that sprinkling conflict moderately rather than liberally is a better way to go.

but while the story was great fun in the middle, the later chapters around chapter 500 up just kind bored me. I just skimmed through the leads scenes, especially the male lead. the younglings were more interesting tbh.

now unto the characters! I have a lot to say about them.

    • the female lead lqh, was initially a fun character but as she grew older I can truly see author's own irl opinions bleed through her. h*mophobia, slut-shaming heavy dislike for shy introverts and colorism.
    • the male lead zqb, was just kinda there? he kinda only thinks with his d*ck and just lets the FL do the heavy lifting when it came to family matters. I felt indifferent to him throughout the story until 500+ chapters. thoughtat one point that he would get character development but whoops! author decides no!

at one point when FL reached

late thirties, he realized that ge doesn't want his wife to suffer and decides to let go of getting her preggers. naive little me found that cute! but damn, author decided forget that sweet character development and let's have a priest tell them their future daughter and make FL loose her job that she had been working so hard from the very beginning to get. she's a career oriented woman. FL was literally excited to finally work in an office. she waited for more than a decade! ugh... no one cares bc baby! that's what a woman is worth for


disliked him so much once he had a daughter. he actually thinks his sons were worthless now. no author, that isn't a win for feminism.


    • hated mother zhou, and the author wants us to like her. nope. this naggy, miser of a lady just annoyed me. I wouldn't mind if she was a miser. it's understandable. grew up poor, lived poorly for so long but it's her hypocrisy that just made me want to shake her. also, she just won't shut up about money. it's not even her money but she just won't shut up about it.

the lady hates the fact that FL gave something to her brother but expects FL to give them to her side of the family. lady shut the f*ck up. you naggy crumbled leaf.


    • so many women antagonists but none of them got a redemption arc. I wouldn't bat an eye but the nephew ex-convict who beaten a man to insanity gets a redemption arc. but none of these female antagonists can repent to their actions? just say you hate women author.
  • the sons, I hate the face that they are more littler scenes than the other side characters. they should be the heart of the story. only the eldest son got to see his romance progress. the second son's gf we only got to see after they ended up together. the youngest (my favorite) we got it on the epilogue! I don't give a f*ck about nephew #100 going to the capital and marrying niece in law #100, give me more interactions with the three boys damn.
would I recommend this? yes, if you like slice of life since it is one of the better ones. but I say that with hestation bc by 500, I kinda got tired of the main leads. which is not a thing you want a romance book feel.

would I ever read this again? initially I thought that yes, I would but once I have gotten more time to soak in the story in my head more, I don't think i'll read this again.


  • the intro is too boring.
  • the leads are just less interesting
  • my favorite boy sanwa, the very reason I carried on reading this novel, barely have scenes.
  • the story keeps repeating scenes over and over again. while that is true to life, hence it's slice of life but the author doesn't really explore more interesting aspects of the time period. MC basically just cooks, f cks the ml, cooks, goes to the black market, cooks, f

    cks the ml, cooks.

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J.A.M. rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: Completed
There may be a spacial storage but its all slice of life.

The first part is good how MC care about the 3 buns and squeeze her brain to think how they can live comfortably without using all of her goods in the spacial storage. But going farther, there are parts that is super boring. I just skimmed to it then get it over.

This novel is for those who don't have anything to read. The story is good but it was so slow to progress. Just right for slice of life... more>> novel. <<less
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April 27, 2022
Status: c1
I wish they'd make manhuas like these. I dunno why there's such an influx of chinese cultivation manhuas but I never encountered slice of life like these. There are a lot of good genres in Chinese web novels that don't have manhuas, instead, they stick to the overused op cultivator shiz. I mean it's cool and all, but when your industry is flooded with the same things over and over again, doesn't someone want to make a different path? Anyway, loved this. Maybe slice of life just ain't as popular... more>> as other genres. I see a lot of comments saying it's boring, that it only shows their every day life, well I mean- it IS tagged as slice of life so... Still, it's their opinion. <<less
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neri21 rated it
January 27, 2022
Status: c123
The writer of this novel is generous enough to give us a glimpse of what China was like during the 10 years of the Cultural Revolution.

I say generous because the author wrote it as is, not in protest but as praise for the Chinese people who triumphed against all odds during this bloodiest period of their nation's history.

Seventeen million young people were sent down to the provinces during the Cultural Revolution. Nobody knew what happened to them. Nobody knew what they did. But history called them the Lost Youth of... more>> China and nobody knew why. At least reading this novel, I am given a glimpse of what really took place during this dark era of Chinese history and for that, I am very grateful to the author.

Mabuhay ka sa iyong katapangan, Author.

The novel itself is very good. It is a reset of a life that followed the same misfortune as the nation. This time, the girl who took over was sensible and had the entrepreneurial can-do attitude of a modern Chinese woman. She's very family oriented and she really works hard in giving her boys a good life.

In a way, the novel serves as a good example of a life well-lived with education and a crappy life most will live without an education.

In this case, I really feel for the second brother who is married to a woman who's not only bitter but will also not hesitate to pull down anyone with her to the grave, most notably her kids. Thank god for their aunt who pull them up when needed.

Very good novel from a writer who really knows her stuff. <<less
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MisChiefluous rated it
January 17, 2022
Status: c637
I can't understand why it's only 4.4 because it's really so good, well-written & well-translated. The storyline, the setting & character design are really amazing & got me hooked to the point that I visit the site everyday for updates... like I don't usually read incomplete works but this one's just too good & too interesting to miss the time I discovered it. I've read a lot from the same genre but most of them got dragged to the heavens that I just got tired of reading & stopped wasting... more>> time. This one got some parts like that with slight typos too but it didn't affect my interest at all. It has a charm where you feel invested so you keep reading. Over-all this novel (translation) is impeccable. 5 STAR is well-deserved. Kudos to the author & translator. <<less
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Demonqueen26 rated it
August 9, 2021
Status: c54
I know that I still have a while to go on this book but I had to come back to review right quick. It has a decent pacing if you're looking for character development and growth. The Translation is well done with inserted explanations about idioms used in China that other folks may not understand. There is a touch of everything in here without it being overly dramatic. It's really good.

I know I had an especially good laugh on chapter 54 as she tries to stop herself and her husband from allowing any intimacy from happening.

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August 8, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a great read for those people who enjoyed slow paced story. This story will grow in you as if you watch their children grow up in person. Overall it's worth your while, great and satisfying story.
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snowkiara rated it
August 1, 2021
Status: c553
Honestly, this is the first novel where the MC gets to prepare for transmigration. I liked it very much. Specially the way she prepared material to take over is too good, really practical.

Three sons are also cute, specially when they start teasing MC about preffering zhou qing bai over them, the kids. Its very entertaining, they basically gets used to being fed dog food.

MC is also good, she takes care of the kids and husband fantastically. Even though she has no experience of being a mother and basically muddling her... more>> way through motherhood. She has good idea about how to tame the children, and sensibly punish them and make them understand about the situation.

The ML is also good, sometimes very cute. He is responsible and respects MC. Even though he is very rigid and uptight about some things but still helps and supports MC, we can see that from the reselling and black market part.

The kids are very lively. Mischievous but have sense of responsibility. MC raised them very well.

I like zhou kai, the eldest kid very much. But the thing about when he grows up annoyed me. Its like MC became s*upid and did some idiotic things.

MC herself said that she would not get involved with the kids marriage, they can choose the partners themselves but then went and did that. She literally forced Zhou kai to the weng family.

Zhou kai was forced to complete highschool to early so that he can apply for exam for first batch with MC. He worked hard and got into best uni. He did not get to enjoy the teen years. He basically had no contact with girls around his age. He was focused on studies and career which is very admirable.

Weng family calculated him. I literally overlooked the wrong family parts in the novel. When weng mother saw that Zhou kai is handsome and sunny boy, she started calculating against him. He was just 15 for gods sake. She literally pushed her daughter on him seeing his family background. I found them irritating.

Weng mang jia is also such a while lotus or better yet green tea. She stalked him to the military and became nurse. MC herself mentioned that she must have became nurse in army to follow Zhou kai.

I don't think Zhou kai really fell in love with that green lotus. That kid had no contact with other girls and was only familiar with her, later she follows him in army. Then both families told him to look after her, ughh. Like she is a little kid, and her elder brother was also in the army. There was no need for Zhou kai to look after her. Later kid must have misunderstood that looking after aa a love.

That weng family are irritating bunch. MC became s*upid because of them



Rest of the characters are also well portrayed. It's good story. Gonna drop for now, might read after fully translated. <<less
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Rinkyx rated it
June 22, 2021
Status: Completed
My favorite 60-99s era China novel. FL is strong and a good mother and wife. The ML was great too and the kids 💜 I wish there were more novels like this.
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