Are You Addicted?


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Some people are like a drug, once you get a taste of it, you are forever addicted.

A love story between two young men, from foes to a bickering couple, withstanding 8 years of separation, suffering and surviving hardships together. They are Gu Hai & Bai Luo Yin, in Chinese, when Hai & Luoyin are put together (Hailuoyin = 海洛因) means heroin, a substance that can be very addictive.

There’s a type of person who is like Heroin. Once you get involved, you can never let it go….

Associated Names
One entry per line
Addicted Heroin
Ni Ya Shangyin Le?
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Recommendation Lists
  1. danmei novel i finished reading part 1
  2. Enemies to lovers
  3. My treasures
  4. Completed
  5. TBR Soon

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76 Reviews sorted by

ARB.HJP rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: v2 epilogue 4
I have no idea why I stuck through reading this book. I should have stayed away when I saw the tag ‘r*pe victim turns lover’ and should have closed the tab upon readig the r*pe scene. Even forgoing the immaturity and useless drama in the book, the r*pe culture perpetuated by the author here is sickening and disgusting. Not worth it. 0/10. No one with any sense of decency can enjoy this nightmare.
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du rated it
December 30, 2019
Status: v2 epilogue 4
I tried to watch the drama in 2016, when it came out, but I couldn't finish it at first.

Trying again this year had me hooked, and running straight to the novel, especially since I heard they get married at the end (and that the story is much longer), and there's a lot of relationship development. I had a bit of hesitation ... more>>

because I heard about the car accident GY causes, which disturbed me and turned out to be a very depressing plot device, but let's not talk about GY.


Feelings on the main characters/couple: while BLY and GH are very capable, intelligent, and arguably standoffish, sometimes ruthless to most people, to each other they are very simple, a little bit petty, and rather silly together. They don't have some earth-shattering, galaxy-pursuing aspirations for their relationship. They simply found each other entrancing and were not able to let go of each other. They are both rather extreme people, and as they work through other issues, their relationship becomes comfortable. It brings with it a levity that neither of them would have experienced on their own, and I think that's what sparkles for readers.

NSYL? is written as two books. The first book follows BLY and GH's adventures through high school, and is largely slice of life, with some major drama later on. The second book is an explosive and relatively fast-paced military, corporate, and domestic drama.


Particularly military, as BLY's status at the beginning of the book is as an Air Force lieutenant. There's actually a lot of military, in particular, Air Force, knowledge (dramatized, of course), and is probably fairly well-researched.


what I loved

The essence of what I love about the second book is that after years of separation, the two of them are once again drawn together, this time as independent, established adults, and as equals more than ever before. There's some weird plot shenanigans


with GY again, don't really like the way GY is used in the narrative,

but their devoted relationship where neither can ever let go, really shines through.

In addition to this, CJD's ability to dig into dynamics is very engaging. BLY and his father, Auntie Zhou, GH and his various friends, his father, and BLY's mother. In particular the extreme, unreasonably devoted, not-co-dependent-but-definitely-pretending-to-be adventure that constitutes BLY and GH's relationship is something hard to look away from.

One of the other big appeals I found of this novel was the localization. The way they speak and eat is very Beijing style, which is where the story is set, and for me it was a very fresh experience (I learned a lot of vocabulary). CJD is also fantastic with depicting and getting into the military, Air Force environment that becomes a central setting in book two. Not so much the corporate side, but the military things were fairly well written.

Some issues I had with this novel:


I would not really consider Chai Jidan to be the best at writing a tight-knit plot or developing side characters. There are a number of characters that are used like tissue paper; once or twice and then thrown away and forgotten.


There were a couple plot holes, and moments where I just kept reading and thought to myself ???? why is this here?

One issue I had the thread of GH's attempted matchmaking is never followed through to the end! That's probably what I longed for the most from CJD when I finished this novel. Author made me invested in a straight ship with two side characters, developed both characters and their conflicts, and then cut it off! Wish it was continued in the extras, but alas...

There's a certain amount of toxic masculinity (and heteronormativity). The more extreme toxicity (from GH's father) is dealt with. However, there is

a rather low level amount, that is not really dealt with. It does make sense given their characters.

For the heteronormativity... well. On the grand scale there's not too much of it. Frankly I think that CJD wished for a less hostile world, and created that fantasy, rather than have every single modern-setting gay romance have that kind of social suffering.

*I won't make a comment on the quality of the translation as I read the raws.


background/additional information on reading

One of the parts I feel like is difficult for some people to read about (I had some discomfort the first time I watched) is the poverty of the setting. BLY and his family live in very poor neighborhood of Beijing, and life is really difficult and inconvenient at times. This is really an important part of BLY's background, and essential to understanding GH's behavior.

Another thing that might be difficult for some readers is not understanding the context of modern Chinese society. There's really too much to say, but at the bare minimum, if you're unfamiliar, know that government and military officials can, in fact, do almost anything. Everyone knowing it is part of the game.



BLY: some reviewers say it's unrealistic for someone who's supposed to be so smart be so petty and ridiculous. I'd say, you clearly haven't been around enough of these so-called geniuses, rip. Their minds work incredibly fast but sometimes their other qualities are lacking. Honestly, it's kind of disgusting to be around some of them.

While I enjoy the fact that he's one of those infuriatingly lazy and smart people and that he has a m


o personality, I'm a little frustrated the the author keeps sticking gold on his face. He's also super pretty and btw he can sing well and has athletic genes and has a nice voice- really? It's a bit too much. Personally, I feel like repeated attention drawn to his top tier beauty really distract readers away from other elements of his character.

For example, one of his most important characteristics, his determination and devotion. Sometimes it comes out as stubbornness, but BLY is a guy who truly loves deeply and quietly. Once he has accepted you as someone he loves, he will do anything in his power to protect and help you. This is demonstrated in his love for his family and later, for GH (and also his step-mother, who tries to treat him as her own).


To give a couple examples:

BLY is willing to give up his budding relationship with GH for his father's comfort, thinking that GH being BLY's mother's step-son would make BLY's father sad.

Later on when he's accepted GH, he is willing to give up his top tier college acceptances and personal safety to join the military, to spare GH from his father.

GH: he is not just a fu'erdai, he's a guanerdai. For those of you who are unfamiliar, essentially this means he's a higher-ranking military brat. This makes life so incredibly difficult for both GH and BLY. In fact, this picture is probably better than what would be possible in modern day China, if only because GH is an only child.

This is actually a dangerously close struggle, and if he had a brother, perhaps his father would have had him killed.


GH is also one of those determined a**holes who loves deeply, and will do anything to protect the people he cares about. This includes... uh... himself, BLY, and to an extent GY.

GH truly considers GY his brother (tangge = cousin), and shows a measure of consideration/affection for him, hesitating in any of his acts against GY throughout the story. The only thing that drives him to oppose GY at any point is BLY's safety and well-being.


Growing up in a military outpost and as a guanerdai has given him a number of things. Major family issues, abandonment issues, physical skill and mental endurance, determination to keep his word no matter how challenging he makes it, as well as a domineering mask he puts on to deal with people.

While people (particularly of the drama) frequently and repeatedly write him off as a terrible, forceful, and violent abuser, but that is not a very accurate assessment. GH is aggressive and domineering. He is possessive and jealous, committing some terrible things out of ignorance, only to regret it afterwards and attempt to make it up. However the total duration of this is short and incidental, and this is only a small portion of what he is to people he cares about.

What he mostly is to people he cares about is dependable and caring; regardless of whether both parties are playing mind games or not, he will be there to help in some capacity. To BLY specifically, he is a sticky, nagging, and overindulgent husband, a man who will do anything and everything for the person he's decided to give his life to. Similarly, BLY gives over parts of himself he usually hides away to GH, and enjoys being loved and pampered (although he's still mulish about it).

GH is fascinating because he is both incredibly smart and emotionally intelligent. He's extremely sharp and fast-thinking, and would probably be well-suited to both the military and politics, although he chooses to pursue neither.



In short, this is a very engaging read with characters that might not be considered healthy, in a relationship that's not exactly the typical peak romance. CJD has written a vivacious coming of age and reunion novel!

There's a bit lacking if you're looking for a really well-written novel, but there are so many other engaging elements, and the characters are fun because of how insane they all are.

Overall, I would rate this a 4!

Note on realism:

  • Someone mentioned that neither of the MC are realistic... and it's true to a degree. But the people who sleep in class and still get top scores... I personally know two of them. Although one of them played farmville instead. Ew. There's not much they can do when your answers in class are perfect. I also found a number of forums where people discussed that their relationship reflects the relationships of people they know irl (mlm), so I assume that CJD managed to capture human inanity. If you disregarded the plot holes, I'd honestly consider it akin to Jane Austen-- capturing the somewhat unpleasant realism of humans... which only impresses those in the know :/
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zapzesty rated it
August 10, 2020
Status: c139
I have super complicated feelings on this book. On the one hand I feel like it's a very well written story about a very sweet but problematic relationship.

I feel like the story was so much fun to read, lots of twists and turns, so much drama and funny scenes but also so many really beautiful moments between Bai Lou Yin and Gu Hai proclaiming their love for each other. It really made my heart ache, like the beautiful parts of their relationship were just too pretty to look at.

The characters... more>> were also well written, the minor characters all felt like real people. I really loved Bai Lou Yin's relationship with his dad.

Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin's relationship was so well developed. I found how they slowly fell in love with each other so nice.


But the reason I have very mixed feelings about this book is the particular r*pe scene in the novel. For me because their relationship was portrayed as so sweet (admittedly also as problematic, since the author does compare their relationship to drugs etc.) it takes away from all the loving moments they have in future parts of the novel. For me everytime Gu Hai shares a sweet moment with Bai Lou Yin it's now tainted because I can't stop knowing what happened previously. I think it especially gets to meet because their relationship before was so heartfelt and just nice to read about. Plus I really feel like the author glossed over Bai Lou Yin's r*pe so much that I don't even know why it was included? Like author why? If you didn't do that I would have read and loved all of it.


But at the end of the day that's just me if you can handle the r*pe scene you should honestly read it (I just couldn't) because apart from that it is a really great well written story that I thoroughly enjoyed up to a certain point.

PS the translation is also really good. <<less
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Zigenbunny rated it
February 14, 2020
Status: Completed
The only good things about this story was the smut and the way that the author was somehow able to turn a bad situation into a sweet one. Everything else is not worth mentioning. If you really want an honest opinion, just look at the other reviewers who rated 1-2 star. They truly painted it as it is. I am not going to waste anymore time ranting here.
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oceanofstardust rated it
July 26, 2019
Status: --
To be honest, this theme is pretty cliche, solely for the satisfaction of smut lover fujodanshis (Well CJD writes smut like a 14yo virg*n girl. Not even the translators could do a good job making those s*x scenes interesting lmao!) While I loved the chemistry between the actors who played the roles and liked the story just because I imagined the boys while reading it. This story had potential but was ruined because of super toxic elements surely loved by its fans (shakes head!) Books have gigantic power over human.... more>> If you think, this is a mere bl story but it's still normalizing abuse and violence and you readers are just accepting it. This is like a culture in East Asian drama or something? Overbearing CEO being the biggest as*hole because he has a sad past and the girl has to understand him despite her having equally sad past? This trend has to break. So wrong. And you guys who love such stories because they are stories have no idea how many people are living such life in real just because people like you normalized this! Period! <<less
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pinkumilkuu rated it
May 20, 2019
Status: Completed
I'm sorry, this is a biased rating. I consider this my first BL novel (okay, feng yu jiu tian was first but I only read like 13 chaps) so I kinda imprinted on it and forgave every ugly/absurd scene this had. I won't ever regret reading it and it will still stay as one of my faves even tho there are lots that're better.
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Redroses__ rated it
March 24, 2019
Status: Completed
For me, this novel is downright unrealistic. It was full of petty fights, jealousies, and smut. However, it also feeds my ideal BL Fantasy. At the end of the novel, you can't help but say, "I wish I have a boyfriend like Gu Hai." Seriously seriously seriously Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai are both dreamy that even if you know they won't exist in real life it's fine.
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samyuktha rated it
September 19, 2023
Status: Completed
My first chinese BL novel and all time favourite...

I laughed, sad, heart broken, happy, enjoyed the vinegar... overall enjoyed a lot

the smutty scenes are good too
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September 8, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm extremely surprised at all the bad reviews to this story and honestly, I think this is one of those stories that is either a massive hit, or a major flop. Seeing as to how most of the reviews are on the extreme side lol.

As someone who often decides whether or not to read a book by reading the reviews first, I'll say that had I read the reviews for this novel, I would have decided not to read it. Which I absolutely hate to think of, because I LOVE... more>> this story. Never found anything better than this one.

Everything from the atmosphere that the writer sets, the plot, the characters, the writing, the beginning and the end. All of it. I can't describe in a dozen words how much I love it.

So what I am going to suggest is that you try and read this story, if you like where it's going, continue cuz you'll only like it more the further you read. And if you don't find it your type of story, drop it. What I'm saying is that don't decide based on reviews. For this novel in particular, they may be inaccurately done. <<less
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June 5, 2023
Status: c163
The best bl novel I've read. I don't care about stuff like character development (these two dorks went through a lot tbh) etc etc etc. These two dumbasses love each other to death and it's their love story. Gu hai's love for BLY is so pure. I want tha for meeee😭. My favourite couple. I will never get over this book.
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CrescentRedLuna rated it
July 25, 2022
Status: c140
okay, for the whole. Shou r*ped scene, toxic relationship, scum ML or people who are obsessed with MC, these tag realy my types of liking. Mc's appearance is not too feminine, handsome MC, cold MC, intelligent, not too short like a girl and not too tall like a gong. Bai luo yin has all the characters as a shou that I like but the storyline is not my cup of tea. Very very boring, not very challenging. I can't feel and can't empathize with every character and storyline. In the... more>> end, I had to drop this novel because from the begin I read this novel, none of it was interesting, including the r*pe scene, it didn't give me a sense of interest.

Toxic Couple

I've read many novels that have a toxic couple, not all toxic couples are uninteresting, this novel is one of them that has a toxic couple but it's boring and uninteresting. I don't know where the couple is not attracted to but what I'm sure of is that I don't feel attracted to this couple and I'm not interested in all the characters in this story.


raped shou

I like the shou being r*ped, but not all types of r*pe, depending on the storyline. If the story line is not boring and interesting, then the r*pe scene is also interesting, even if it is not too detailed, it still feels exciting.


I feel empty every time I read this story. It's the same as the Advance Bravely novel, I read it to the end but I feel empty, bored and want to scream. The story line is so cliche like a schoolboy writing an essay with long chapters. The longer the chapters, the more boring the storyline becomes. If it's from chapter 1 I'm not impressed with this novel until the middle of the story but still no impression, I'd better drop it.

Training in army which makes me not satisfied in this story, Gu Hai trained in the army, has the talent to fight, so what is the purpose of him having talent and training in the army but the storyline has nothing to do with the army training he took. It's better to be a normal schoolboy and live a schoolboy romance life only.


everyone has their own view. I am not stopping anyone from reading and liking this novel, this is their right. This just my view and I'm expressing what I feel about this novel. Everything is stiff.

I know vol 2 is a bit challenging where they are all grown up. But I'm still not interested in reading them because vol 1 is already quite boring and I guarantee the action scenes and challenges are quite few compared to the boring cliche life story. <<less
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lanzhans2 rated it
January 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Rate 2.5/5

The plot it's quite simple, it's a slice of life, dont expect anything elaborate. Also, have in mind that I rated a 2.5 out of 5 only because of vol 2. With the end of vol 1 it has a close, but you can choose on continuing your reading. I just can tell that vol 2 it's way better.

In vol 1 MC and ML are school students, they're at first sight straight boy. S*upid and h**ny teenagers. They find in each other a place safe to talk and share... more>> things that they don't usually talk. And also discover their sexuality. With that in mind I can say: they have a lot of wrong and s*upid actions. GH was raised in a military space, so he basically don't have any love or family base. He doesn't know how to love someone, but how to posses, control and conquer things. BLY it's also an extremely controller teenager. He thinks that he is better than everyone, things must be done his way, in general an really independent kid, cause he was raised this way. Well, this is basically a recipe for disaster.


GH r*pe BLY on a very poorly developed plot. BLY later gets to practically r*pe GH the next time of the two of them. It is consensual, but not pleasure at all for GH. It's really disgusting, as like the author it's compensating what happened with BLY in an all "funny" (not funny at all) description. After that, they understand that can't continue like that and they resolve things. And at least this doesn't happen again.


A lot of things happens, but the point is: vol 2 come for them to grow up and be better. No expect things to suddenly disappear, they will continue to be jealous and etc, cause they're the same person overall, but in an more mature way. The grow it's clear, and by my point of view is a good read, NOT FANTASTIC. <<less
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thiccthighs_ rated it
June 17, 2021
Status: --
I get those people who rated this story low star, because I know we are all different when it comes to sensivity hahaha, but to be honest this is my top fav bl novel next is ADVANCE BRAVELY and it's written by the same author of this story, like really? I already reread this story 1000 times. Read this, im lazy to explained long, but I'm telling u this is worth it, really, really worth it, u get fascinated by their relationship, Everytime I reread this story I always got... more>> butterfly in my stomach HAHAHAHHA that's why this story is the top fav for me, that's it's name “ADDICTED” u really got addicted after u read this one, u can't help urself but to comeback from them.

PS: I read many toxic story than this so don't judge me. <<less
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Akibaby rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: v2 epilogue 4
This novel isn't one that many can stomach.. After such a build-up. Note tag: R*pe

But I loved it so much, I felt like I watched them grow up, clumsily discovered themselves, and then went through so many events leading to their HE. It felt like all of the sudden, the setting exceeded the scale to which I was thinking, the characters were thrust into adulthood and became accomplished in their fields, the scale of expressions of love became so nauseatingly sweet and overwhelming.. But it felt like it fit. Some... more>> of the adversaries they had to go through did feel a little abrupt and at times, unrealistic, but I was already too invested in the story and could overlook it.

MC & ML were great characters, both strong in character and personality, they were a joy to watch grow up and mature. The smut was hot too and a great touch! Towards the end you'd feel like you're part of their world, understanding the events and inside 'jokes' they're talking about.

Certainly a novel I will reread one day! <<less
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IvaAres rated it
August 29, 2020
Status: Completed
This is one of the best BL novels I've read by far!!!!The relationship between the two main leads was so real. I could actually feel the chemistry and the love. The plot and relationship progressed smoothly and the wedding they held at the end was so cuteeeeee!
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seracchi rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: Completed
Rate 3/5
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NaverGirl rated it
June 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Among all the BL novels I read, I can't remember how many times I read this book. People dropped the novel because of the ML's possessiveness turning into insanity. What I see is a perfectly seductive book. No novel has made me feel all emotions I know in just one reading. I laugh, cried, cringe, and squealed in the middle of the night. I love and hate this book.

There are some scenes that you wished you didn't read, some will remain in your heart forever. This book will tug your... more>> hearts out until you no longer can and dive deeper into it. The author has her way into the readers hearts, and that's what hooked us into it. Her way of writing place a vivid image in my mind, and her poetic descriptions are amazing.

I also commended also the translators who introduced us this wonderful book. <<less
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11wanderer11 rated it
May 17, 2020
Status: Completed
People keep dissing the ML and MC but if you read the novel till the end, there is a huge character development for all characters. For those complaining about Gu Hai being selfish, obnoxious and nothing but h**ny... read till the end.

On a personal level, the r*pe scene absolutely shocked me and I didn’t think that I would be able to see the novel in a good light at all. But once I reached the end, I was absolutely bawling coz it was just so beautiful.
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April 15, 2020
Status: --
Where do I even begin? This was my first BL novel, and I instantly fell in love with the BL universe. The plot of the story is t... more>>

wo step-brothers coming together, and fallen in love with each other. Of course, only after they have fallen in love that they discovered their own mom and dad married each other.

There's a lot of comedy, school life, friendships, romance, family, and it's beautifully translated. Every chapter always leaves me wanting more. I love BLY and Gu Hai so much, they care for each other and would do anything for each other. They meet each other when Gu Hai transfers to BLY's school. From then on, their fate coincides with each other and they become addicted to each other. I highly recommend it! You will not be disappointed. <<less
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Yanzz rated it
July 3, 2019
Status: --
My first BL novel. Not a BL reader myself, never wants to read any from the start. Watched the drama and it got me like uh.. the f*ck? Why there is no part 2? It made me curious, made me mad and I was so happy when I found the translated novel. I read.. read... read.. and yeah it got me hookedd from the start to the very end. Gu hai.. Luo Yin.. these 2 characters made me cry, laugh, happy and suddenly I found meself lookin for more BL... more>> story. Now I am addicted?? <<less
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