Ankoku Kishi Monogatari ~Yuusha wo Taosu Tameni Maou ni Shoukansaremashita~


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This legend tells the tale of the protagonist, Kuroki summoned to protect the demon king from the hero.

Kuroki, unbeknownst to him, suddenly came to another world. He was summoned by the demon king, Modes. The territory which the demon king overrules was in the midst of being destroyed because of the hero. He had no choice but to bow before Kuroki.

“Please save us, Savior Dono!”

Kuroki nodded, deciding to save the demon king due to an unexpected turn of event.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tale of the Dark Knight ~Summoned to Defeat The Hero~
暗黒騎士物語 ~勇者を倒すために魔王に召喚されました~
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Some novel make me cried
  2. Misunderstood, antihero, mob protagonist, just goo...
  3. Yandere Harems/ Yanderes/ Harems that have a Yande...
  4. Harem Novels I have read
  5. I wish i could say otherwise...but yeah its all is...

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waster2252 rated it
February 24, 2020
Status: c40 part1

Honestly I don't know what to even say about this novel. The entire premise is about the Demon King summoning a dark knight, the MC, to combat the hero (ryugi), and his party of women. The dark knight in question is childhood friends with one of the hero's party members. Interesting concept, however the way the author writes the novel, you can't help but absolutely loathe the "hero" and his party, including the childhood hero of the dark knight.

Why? Simply because the childhood friend, Shirone, is an absolute... more>> c*nt. In several chapters refers to the MC as "boring", "decent looking, but not as good looking as ryugi (the asshat hero) ", while looking down on the MC excessively. She comes across as extremely condescending and yet has the gall to say she wants to go back to Earth to meet her childhood friend, the MC, because she misses him. Weak af with the sword, can't beat the MC in a fight but persists in the notion that she has never lost a fight against the MC. The MC, kuroki, just let her win every fight since he loves her, and didn't want to fan her inferiority complex. Shirone even busts out crying like a little bit*h when she gets beaten. Overall, an absolute waste of narration on several chapters.

The "hero" is no better. Literally has like 6 women in his harem, but continues to vie for other women in secret. An incomparable a**hole, who the author did a good job of making the reader hate. Given all the standard saving the heroine when shes in a pinch, being stronger than any man in a fight, being handsome and managing to woo every female he comes across tropes possible, all in a neat little as*hole package due to his personality. His only saving grace? There hasn't been a chapter written in his perspective yet.

The rest of the harem is useless. Literally zero reason for their existence. Yet still manage to aggravate the reader due to severe lack of respect for this other world and its inhabitants. Not much else to say here.

The only reason I will continue this novel is that I hope the author gets his sh*t together and makes it so that the MC manages to slay the "hero" in cold blood, thereby asserting his dominance. Almost managed it literally on the second chapter, but shitty ass plot armor FOR THE WRONG DUDE saves the "hero" at the last second. Also the only reason I am giving this a 3 star rating, I want the "hero" dead. 6 feet under with dogsh*t as the tombstone. <<less
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TomiNdumplings rated it
November 25, 2018
Status: c18.2
I admit that I'm not very far in but this story is kind of frustrating to read.

The MC is an OP badass but all of the misunderstandings and with how all of the reuniting and stuff happened so fast you'd think that the story would be a shorter one that didn't drag things out a ton, but it feels like it does and considering that there are 166 chapter and counting I feel like it's only going to get worse.

I do enjoy the multiple POVs and the somewhat-stuck-up-hero-bashing, but to... more>> be honest the womanizing hero who gets all the ladies attention and is showered with praise constantly by the main females ie. the childhood friend is getting really annoying.

Half of the characters I just really want to punch in the gut and I read a few spoilers threads and I get the feeling that the punch in the gut isn't going to happen at least not anytime fast.

As I said before I went to a couple spoilers threads just to probe ahead a little and I kinda regret doing that b/c it seems that it gets kinda weird...

appearantly a certain scummy goddess gets preggo etc.


As someone mentioned there, the stories really frustrating when you take it seriously b/c the story itself is probably meant to be read lightheartedly.

For now I have a pretty neutral opinion on this novel, its not a bad read and if read with the right mindset it could be very enjoyable, so for now I'll sit snuggly in the middle with 3 stars.

I think that with the way the story is written and the way the cover looks I expectedly a pretty serious novel, so I got really frustrated with reading it. For now, with the directions the story seems to be taking I think I'll be dropping this novel for a while.

I might come back to it later on and try reading it again. If and when I do so I'll come back and edit my review. <<less
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edy4g rated it
March 18, 2021
Status: --
Well there is many things I like about this novel. First off I think think that the world building in this novel is pretty good and they do the whole greedy and lustful Greek god like personality of the gods very well.

So many people in this comment section are complaining about ntr which I don't understand why they are talking about that since the MC's harem is pretty large and going by the raws it will get larger, ... more>>

and in fact the MC ultimately ntr's the hero by having the goddess Rena fall in love with him and give birth to a child of his


Unfortunately I have one fundamental issue with this novel that I don't see any other comments talking about and that is the twisted aesthetics of this world. All of the characters in this novel only care about beauty, they hold the belief that all things that are beautiful are always good and right and things that aren't are evil and must be exterminated and even species that aren't human and don't look human hold the same aesthetic views as humans. Here are two examples about how screwed this world is:

Elves in this novel are an all female race that kidnaps children and young men to turn them into their husbands and the MC and some other males in this novel think this is totally fine cause the Elves are so beautiful that the boys "should be grateful" that they are getting kidnapped by them

The Goblin race is a sentient race that despite having both male and female genders seem to believe that they are ugly, so they actively avoid breeding with their own kind to breed with other 'more beautiful' races like humans. This doesn't make sense to me cause this is the same as expecting a chimp to like gorillas more than its kind.


The other major issue I have with the novel is the MC himself.

Things start off great in my opinion cause the MC deviates from the norm of every other character as he doesn't have the same aesthetic vices as the other characters and unlike his main foil the hero who treats other guys like shit, the MC actually appreciates even the 'ugly' demon lord. The good things end there however cause instead of developing the differences between him and the hero and why we should actually root for him he suddenly turns into some desperate SIMP that can't live without some pretty girl paying attention to him. The MC even goes as far as to magically craft a girlfriend clone that was created solely to love him and she becomes the 1st girl in his harem. (Just take a minute to consider how desperate this actually is) The MC eventually devolves into a copy and paste of the hero who only seems to only have 3 minor differences

  1. He treats guys with respect (still a simp though)
  2. MC is a hard worker that trains a lot (even though we rarely see him working or training)
  3. MC has the biggest d*ck in the novel (This isn't a joke, the author makes sure to mention this fact multiple times.)
Now to talk about the girls in the Novel that are in the MC's harem that I remember and my criticism of their characters.

  1. Kuna: The clone of Rena and the one of the characters I have the most trouble with cause
    she is is has some yandere tendencies, she can be manipulative and merciless to anyone who isn't the MC (despite the MC knowing about her homicidal tendencies he doesn't do anything to make her change.)
  2. Rena: The goddess of light who has almost the same personality as Kuna but with a little bit more self control (She tried to make the MC her s*ave by slipping in love potion into his drink but she ended up drinking it instead, bringing into question whether or not her love is genuine.)
  3. Tess: An Elf who we barely see in the novel, she tried to kidnap the MC and make him her mate.
  4. Regina: A former human princess and the only one I don't have an issue with. She is BEST GIRL
  5. Shirone: The childhood character who is in the hero's harem party and truthfully she doesn't deserve the MC and that is saying something since the MC is also a crappy character.
  6. Totona: Rena's adopted sister/cousin the goddess of knowledge, she is currently getting NTR'd right now in the novel cause she loves the MC believing that having him gives her an edge over her more famous sister Rena without realizing that Rena and the MC already had a kid together (She is best girl 2)

There are some others but frankly I either don't a problem with them or I don't care about them

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pandamonius rated it
February 20, 2021
Status: v2c10
Suggested title: NTR - The Light Novel!

Okay, so while there may not be netorare by the exact definition, that is what the entire series feels like so far. You end up seeing all these girls, who seem very intelligent, flocking to the hero just because he's handsome and has natural athletic talent (I can't use the word "skilled" because the author makes the point that he is definitely NOT skilled). All these intelligent girls just toss away engagements and friendships because of a guy who is already surrounded by girls... more>> and acts like a complete jerk to everyone except for cute girls.

The translation is okay, and I feel like the author did a good job portraying the story, it's just that the story itself sucks. It's a complete NTR piece that escapes the tag by arguing that the childhood friends never really had that relationship. Or the guard's fiance wasn't really happy with their engagement anyway, etc.... Blegh. I'm not a fan of NTR, even if it's the soft-core version.

If you like angst and NTR, this novel is for you. The author seems to write well, and the translation is acceptable. If you are not into angst and NTR, best leave this one be. <<less
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June 25, 2019
Status: --
Okay If you want to read this WN without a regret.

Notice this review, It won't hurt for a bit to read a friendly warning.

Don't worry It Is spoiler free.

... more>> Let's start.

As you can see there is a two author.

It can be either the first author f*cked up hia novel and while the other continues It because of the potential.

Or from the start has a two script writer.

But I guessed It was the first one.


Here is the thing the first half of this wn 'WILL LITERALLY' tormented you to the point you are questioning yourself If this type of sh*tty wn. Is trying to turn you into something else.

To be specific "M"

The second half.

Everything turns weird.

I mean everything Is weird from that novel from the start until...

It was like 'Dues Ex Machina' BOom~!

If there is a mantra from it.

It was something like this.

By the power of a blank white paper I thee command you In the name of ink eraser... Heed my call.... [Turn 180 dergree]!

Then at that time I remembered there was another writer.

Things get sunny after the storm.

I guess this is what they called.

'I was looking for copper but I found a poop' I was about to leave. But all of a sudden. A shiny object sparkled below'

I won't recommend It really.

The most important factor when reading as book Is first Impression.

But this one. Has none.

If you want to read it be prepared to change your mind set. Don't take everything to the heart (but it was impossible) cuz even In the dark tunnel there will be a light as you keeps walking.

So It Is up to you. <<less
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ganya rated it
February 28, 2019
Status: --
I want to scream that "is the author not being M?". This is the most s*upid, boring, and most pathetic of the protagonists of all the protagonists I've ever known. I read more than a hundred chapters afterwards without getting progress in both the story and the main character. I do not understand if the mindset of this main character has a disability? Why is it going to the demon king faction and trying to practice while not wanting to fight with the heroes? If you simply adventure and enjoy... more>> the world, what do you do under the demon king? Not only that, every time the heroes get into trouble, he goes out to solve the problem and the hero is almost always got all the credit for himself and the main character just fools away. Always thinking like this: I can't leave them alone, even though they aim at my life. Teach the hero's younger sister the same thought: I will help her because she tries even if my life decreases. If the heroes of the hero are willing to kill him, then die, hurt the people he supports. The main character who works also feels lost, has no purpose, and doesn't receive anything worthy of what he has done, playing with girls is completely neglected with drunkenness, doing anything passively. To all the s*upid misunderstandings, the right one miserable guy. I want the author to do something that affects the main character to make him change, read the protagonist's POV, but abuse the reader. <<less
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shinanigans rated it
December 23, 2018
Status: c26

the MC is okay but I want him to be more assertive or some with brains that really manipulates the hero not only the goddess

I believe that the hero's personality is supposed to piss the reader but almost every woman that comes in contact with him become s*upid I enjoy the multiple pov but it becomes padding at this point (I don't care about the princess and the hero's idiotic lovers pov but it nourishes my hate and annoyance for them) I recommend to read this by months.
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Ersicoada rated it
November 18, 2018
Status: --
The 5 stars is for the novel, not for the translation because its really slow (and they even split it as parts) and for some reason how they indicate the character are speaking in louder tone make me feel uncomfortable.

At the start I thought it would be another "the brave NTR'ed my childhood friend so I will make them pay" story.. But its not.

The protagonist is handsome, but because of his inferiority complex (and preference to dress plainly) makes him less flashy than the hero.

The protagonist sword skill is unmatched,... more>> but because his inferiority complex he still think the hero stronger than him.

The story is good, but the protagonist inferiority complex doesn't show any sign to become better in syosetu version. Hopefully the rewrite version could do better.

(the current translation follow syosetu version. <<less
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vzona rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: c16
It's a reversed beta-story line. I love how this MC approached in the story.

So exciting when He's appeared in front of his schoolmates/enemy?

Many expectations for this series!
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Ixcez rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: --
Gave this one a read and well to start of this is a story with multiple protagonists, so even though it is said to be about the "dark knight" MC for the first 50ish chapters at least most of the story is told from the POV of the hero party. Mainly from a girl called Chiyuki who honestly is pretty much the only sane person in the hero party. She mostly explaines and thinks about how the people in the hero party acts or what they've been doing it actually... more>> is such a large part of the story at first that the story might as well just be changed to "Being in the hero party I observe how he builds his harem and screws around".

Anyway the dark knight is a JP high schooler called Kuroki and he's summond to the side of the demon king to save the demon world from the hero party. The hero party on the other hand is led by Reiji, someone who the MC hates, and 7 other girls who were close to Reiji when he was summoned among them is the childhood friend of Kuroki and the woman he is or at least used to be in love with called Shirone.

Now a lot of the story is about how Kuroki has no confidence and how he's riddled with the thought that he can never get a girl. A big reason for this is because of Reiji but an even bigger reason is Shirone.

Some spoilers on the two.


Reiji is to some degree a giga chad, he's handsome, rich and for some reason has had super human strength since he was born coupled with the nack of always being able to appear when a pretty woman is in trouble. The first interaction between Reiji and Kuroki was shortly after Shirone had been saved by Reiji during a fight after which she brought him to their sword dojo where Kuroki and all the other disciples were beaten by him, it's unclear exactly when this happened but it has been hinted at being many years before the story started. After this Reiji has pretty much taken or stolen any pretty woman he comes across, while he won't use drugs or physical force it has been both said and hinted at by Chiyuki that Reiji would often demand s*xual favours after rescuing women or do anything possible to get his hands on them. A common incident as he grew up was to beat up the boyfriends among which one guy who tried to stand up to him was sent to the hospital for three months but because of his rich parents it was all swept under the rug. So in our world all the guys hated him because of how he acted like they didn't exist, steal their women and would beat them up if they tried to challenge him while all the women loved him because he always treated them nicely. At one point Chiyuki compares him to a male lion that would gather all the female lionesses to his flock but brutally kill any male lion who dared to approach.



Shirone is mostly shown to be somewhat of a muscle/airhead who is also condescending, possesive and oblivious in how she acts towards Kuroki. She can be said to be the largest factor behind why Kuroki has almost no confidence. For instance when he was first beaten up by Reiji she would try to comfort him by telling him that Reiji is someone special so he could never beat him. She would also often call him boring, ugly, weak and a pe*vert who always oogle girls (even though this has never been shown in the story) and more as they grew up. It's also both shown and strongly hinted at that she would tell this to anyone who would listen which resulted in Kuroki having a super stinky reputation among the girls at school that made them stay away from him. Even though in reality Kuroki is said to be super handsome, a fighting savant (he was only beaten by Reiji cause he had just started learning how to fight) and with a big D (the author can't stop pointing out how huge his D is). I mean the last thing she said to him when he tried to stop her from going to Reiji's house by telling her how Reiji really was resulted in her saying that he was only jealous because Reiji was much more handsome and popular then he was. She is probably one of my most hated characters in any story I've read so far and apparently she was/is so hated by the readers that she was a large part as to why the author felt he/she had to rewrite the webnovel and tone it down a lot.


Weirdly enough however the MC is seemingly never able to walk out of the shadow of his low self-esteem and he instead acts like a major beta but is constantly pushed down by beautiful girls as his harem increases. So there is never really any character development and in the first parts his confidence actually plumets more because of how Shirone treats him in the first part.

The hero party who is a large part of this story can also be said to be fairly brain dead especially the one's part of the heroes harem since they will just automatically filter out all the bad stuff Reiji does like destroying a kingdom because the king didn't respect him, stealing girls or beating up guys / tr*sh talk them, taking credit / trying to take credit for things Kuroki does or pretty much whatever is a-okey for them since he's the hero.

Also as it usually is in these stories even though Kuroki hates Reiji and Reiji is honestly more of an evil villain then an actual hero Kuroki will never ever try to kill him even though he repeatedly tries to kill him and he won't even try to fight back or hurt the girls in the hero party which at least at one point results in him almost being killed even though he could have easily beaten them if he didn't just dodge or defend against their attacks. Kuroki will also try his best not to kill humans but he will instantly kill demons or non-humans like nothing, even though he's supossedly on their side. While I am not asking for him to turn into a ruthless mu*derer it just boogles my mind how different he acts depending on who he fights. <<less
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Acer22 rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: c56 part4
So, I have read pretty much all there is to this series so far, from the translation, to the original version on Syosetsu, to the current ongoing version on Kokuyomu. I've read the wiki and have kept up to date on the progress of this story. Needless to say, next to Death Mage 4th time and Moonled Journey in a New World, this is one of my favorite stories to read. However, that doesn't mean that this story doesn't have some issues which is why I am only giving it... more>> 4 stars instead of 5.

First, I'm going to start off with the cons so I can end this review on a positive note.


    1. Too many POV characters in the series. As an author, I can understand why you would want to use multiple POVs in your story. It helps keep the reading involved and informed on how things are going on in different parts of the world. It also helps give the sense that the world is actually alive, and doesn't solely move and grow around the MC. However... there is just too many in this story imo. First, of course, is Kuroki who is the MC. Then there is Rena, the main love interest, followed by Kuna, and finally Chiyuki who is the main POV for the Hero's party. However, the author throws in many different POVs depending on the story arch, to the point where it can be slightly confusing. Also, there are points where chapters will go by without going back to the MC because of all the different POVs.
    1. Some characters seem to just fall off the face of the plot with no reason as to why. I get that the author has tons of characters to juggle, and not all of them will get screen time because either they are not present or important to the current arch. However, it still becomes annoying where characters seem to just appear, play a seemingly important role, then disappear from the story and author's mind.

      Case in point, is Tess. Tess is an elf who is actually the very FIRST woman who is romantically interested in Kuroki and is introduced in Volume 1 Chapter 10. She
      is the first to become his lover as well. However, she is only every present in that chapter and then just seemingly disappears. She's gone for the entire translation and only NOW has come back in the original work in Volume 9 Chapter 9. She's literally gone, out of sight and mind, for 9 whole volumes!

    1. Some characters are just s*upid. Now, I'm not entirely sure if this is deliberate or not, but alot of the characters are just not all that smart. They aren't s*upid as they act in a dumb manner, they are actually s*upid. They do things that make you question their sanity and have answers or ideas that are just.... off. Like I said, not sure if this is deliberate from the author and he wants us to view the characters that way, or is just the case of bad character development. Either way, there are too many characters like that so it is a con for me.
Now, onto some pros. This work is actually fairly well done, and despite having a rather... questionable time-flow throughout the story, the world is built decently and most of the main characters are well developed (no matter how dumb that actual character is).

    1. Kuroki suffers from poor confidence and we can see as time grows on his confidence growing as well as his distance from human society changing his mentality. He grows more fond of the demons and there are times when his disdain for humans becomes apparent and his dark thoughts emerge. He is pretty consistent in his actions and thinking which to me tells me that Kuroki is a solid character and not just a name on paper. The same applies to Kuna, Rena, heck even Reiji has a period of growth in the original content. This is good character development.
    1. The action scenes are actually well done. In writing, it can be pretty difficult to properly describe an action scene without making the scene feel redundant in it's wording. This author does a mostly good job in writing these parts. Personally, I enjoy reading them.
    1. Romance; the author doesn't shy from multiple romance options but the romance is written alright (as good one could write it when the main audience is teenage males). One could already tell that this is a harem story when the hero shows up with his entourage of women sidekicks (lovers). The MC actually begins to develop a harem of his own and it's growing. For those interested...

      current list of harem members/candidates is as followed:

        1. Tess - the original member if going by timeline. She is an elf living in this small village. Her mother is an elf and her father is a human. Due to the difference in lifespan between races, her father is placed under a (pretty much) permanent sleep spell so that he doesn't die. Apparently elves in this world have the ability to enter dreams and this is how Tess interacts with her father. Well, when Kuroki is staying at her house for the night, Tess goes into Kuroki's dreams and becomes his lover in his dreams. So, while the relationship may not (author doesn't specify and is dodgy in the explicit details) have had a physical lovers relationship, she is still the first.
        1. Rena - Goddess of Victory. She is number 2 in Kuroki's harem even though it is clear as day that Rena is the main love interest in the story. She, having the twisted personality that she does, originally falls for Kuroki because she finds him incredibly handsome. After a plot to make Kuroki fall for her goes wrong, she spends a week full of love-making with Kuroki. She tries to keep her love and relationship with Kuroki a secret from everybody (heck even Kuroki himself at first believes that Rena loved Reiji). She is also, so far, the only woman who has conceived and given birth to Kuroki's child; Kouki.
        1. Kuna - The Silver Witch. She is literally made to be loved by Kuroki (in a similar manner Mona was made for Modus). She keeps most of Rena's twisted personality but is significantly more open about her love and loyalty for Kuroki. She is very possessive about Kuroki but has allowed other women to be with him (mostly Rena and Regena) which shows her growth as a character.
        1. Regena - Princess turned Maid turned Kuroki's Apostle. Regena pretty much is smitten by Kuroki from the moment she is saved by him. Calling him her Master, she works as a maid for Kuroki until she is essentially kidnapped by the Hero's party. Reluctantly, she decides to go back to human civilization
          but not before receiving Kuroki's affection. This solidifies her in Kuroki's harem and she becomes his Apostle by essentially becoming a Dragonewt.
        1. Guno and the other female Dark Knights - Pretty much all the female dark knights are caught up in Kuroki's lustful rage and become his women. Not much else to say here.
        1. Totona - Goddess of Books and Knowledge - Now we are starting to get into the untranslated territory. While it is pretty evident that Totona has a crush on Kuroki, she doesn't become a member of his harem until Volume 7 (the translation is currently only on Volume 4). Totona goes on a mission with Kuroki and almost forces herself on him at one point during a native festival. She goes on the brag about her relationship with Kuroki to Rena (completely unaware that Rena has a similar relationship with him as well)
Now those who have not actually entered into Kuroki's harem but there have been events that suggest they will eventually end up entering.

1) Chiyuki - Sage of the Hero's Party. During the non-translated material, Chiyuki at one point pretty much see Kuroki naked (I guess he's packing). Her reaction is pretty funny but there are hints she might join Kuroki.

2) Kaya - Member of the Hero's Party. Kaya fights Kuroki during the candy castle invasion and, rightfully so, is pretty awed by his strength. In the one of the chapters, Kaya is the first to suggest that they ask Kuroki for help to save Reiji. Kaya also seems to be aware of Kuroki as a man, and not as an enemy.

3) Shirone - the annoying childhood friend. Shirone, imo, can go eat dust. But it is very clear from a development standpoint that, unless there is some extremely shocking twist, Shirone will eventually become a member of Kuroki's harem after leaving the Hero. She is so deadset on "saving" Kuroki from Kuna's "brainwashing" that it comes across as jealous love (though she doesn't even recognize it). In the original Syosetsu material, Shirone says at the final chapter about how she feels some sense of nostalgia from Kouki, and we are starting to reach that point in the Kakuyomu re-write. So, while there are many hints, it's a wait and see basically.


Basically, this is a good, switch-it-up other world fantasy novel so long as you can get past some of the s*upid characters and extreme amount of POVs. I have and would recommend it for a read. <<less
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FanGirlNoha rated it
June 23, 2020
Status: c24.2
It's not too bad, and it's not good either... it's just confusing. There are too many random characters, too many points of view and the Hero's harem is f**king annoying. Like, this is the 1st time I genuinely felt like going inside the novel to bit*h slap the s*upid girls around the F**kboy hero... and I'm a GIRL!!! Anyways, the positive point would be the setting, but even that is getting overshadowed by the s*upidity of the characters. So, read something else if you have time.
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Scyferine8878 rated it
April 12, 2020
Status: c81
This is actually kinda nice isekai overall but also kinda frustrating bcus all the misunderstanding. MC is really a good guy and kinda naive and when I thought his beta personality gone when he fought the heroes but it is actually not he is kinda hesitate and sometimes indecisive but still determined... And goodness gracious when I thought the hero was a nice guy but he is actually not... He is just a bit*h with a great and handsome friking face who stole someone's fiances, arrogant, b*tch, s*upid, naive and... more>> wants all the p*ssies of all beautiful women in the world including goddess.. I hope he die painfully.. Also some of the harem knew his personality and sh*t but still loves him bcus he is handsome asf.. I loathe him so much as a guy who got no girlfriend for 29 years and ugly as me...

Edit: Okay now Im gonna it reduce 1 star bcus of the patheticness of the MC it kinda get in my nerves after reading the raw of it This novel doesn't even has a character development at all.. He is really cool in Dark Knight mode but bcus of his inferiority side (complex) of him makes me really angry and dissapointed.. Im kinda like "Bro you has already banged 20+ women pls have confidence in yourself!!" He is really not a consistent character, he also doesn't even notice Regena's feelings for him or like seriously bro she calling you Husband/Darling and even said she wants your affection but he just brush it off.. Also all the heroes' women are s*upid asf.. I like Rena, Kuna and Regina so far.. Fack Shirone b*tch. Chiyuki is smart but also s*upid at the same time... At this point it looks like all the women have been brainwashed rn.. And pls instead of adding more characters just uses the one that you neglected!! And it has gotten worse and worse <<less
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lazyc97 rated it
November 22, 2019
Status: c49 part3
Update: Later on the series became ridiculous. The author seems really into the "girls only like bad boys" idea as the female characters keep sticking to hero while knowing full well and hate the fact that he is a complete douche bag. The only non "bad boys" male characters are the MC and a group of failed "nice guys". On action side, the power balance between monster and human is too one-sided one would wonder how did they survive before they summon the hero. It's very sad since I liked... more>> how it started out.

TLDR: The story is great and feel kinda realistic. It is NOT a nice world where everyone except the villain is nice and you can solve anything through power. The MC although is the strongest cannot convince the friends he is trying to save. The villains aren't just doing bad thing for the sake of it and although their way of doing is bad, they have reasons for it, I sympathize somewhat. Same with the hero.

The bad rating may the the readers unsatisfied the MC can't just solve everything. But that's what I love about this series, life is never easy.


I really like how the author show what it is like traveling in the wild in a fantasy world. This world is just too terrifying, you can be done for without knowing anything, anytime and anywhere. The MC luckily survived because his other-worlder specs and he didn't even realize he just passed the dead door, I'm still shuddering thinking about it.

That aside, while the goddess is presented as a villain, I actually somewhat sympathy with her, like imagine an old ugly dude making a s*x doll with the same appearance of the young beautiful girl, she would totally lost it even if that dude doesn't happen to be a bad guy.

The hero and his girls are just a day dreaming bunch. While the hero would only save beautiful girls and don't give a sh*t about guys, he actually has his own principle that a man should be able to protect himself. I don't hate him that much though I sympathize the guys beaten up because of their jealousy.

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Fortunos rated it
June 19, 2019
Status: --
**** Heavy spoiler alert here ***


The author have relocated this novel to 2 others website but it seems like he isn't posting the continuation of the previous chapters yet.

I think this novel is worth your time to read. You may find it's frustrating to read in the first half but the mood will get more sunny and humorous in the second haft (Starting from when Goddess Rena r*pe the protagonist, maybe. LOL)

In fact the girls in hero's harem watch out for each others so their relationship with the hero are not progressing at all except the hero's childhood friend who's already bear his child. Not even kissing. So you can tell that all the girls (except one) are still pure despite people calling them hero's women or hero's wife.

In the later chapters you will see more of Shirone's POV where she try to compete with Kuna for MC, Chiyuki's POV where she's kinda obsessed with MC' d**k, Kyouka who fell in love with MC and Kaya who turned out to be lesbian.
The elf girl, Tess will appear again in last episode on syosetu but doesn't have much spotlight on her. I think the author will keep her for later episode, maybe after the Demon king's daughter.
Well, hope I will see chapter 196 and onward soon.
BTW, I read from syosetu using Google Translation.
And lastly, don't feel so down about the NTRed knight. He will be going on journey with an elf girl more beautiful than his previous fiancee

And now I'm still waiting for the rewrite to catch up with the previous story.
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slothreader rated it
February 2, 2019
Status: --
Plot have brain. Theme to my liking.
Characters POV are not bad. A good read.

Of course MC is pacifist pu*sy but have a good sense of responsibility. So when it is matter he got it done. Respect man. Respect!! MC is not too smart or s*upid. Just a boy trying to survive and have fun in another world without losing his previous values. He was weak so he know how the weak feel. He protect the weak because he was one of them.

Even in old world MC is trying his best like improving his sword skill in Dojo daily. So to me he is a hard working and good guy trying his best.

As the saying goes in every successful man behind there is a good woman (in his case good women) he show his values more after he got his waifus. Waifus are a good pushing factors for plot and his character. Mind you, so far waifu are a little evil make them cute since they love MC. Whose kidding they can be call bit*h (harmful to other good to MC) if not see with pink eye. Make your heart trembles with love or fear!! LOL

Just wish more chapter and hope the novel see the end.
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xkei1215x rated it
July 21, 2018
Status: v8c169
I'm not really good at expressing myself. So im not good at posting my reviews too. But I will only say this.

"Read this novel and im sure you won't regret it."

Though there's an NTR-like scenes but since the MC and childhood friend is not in any sort of relationship aside from CF. Then pay it no mind. Aside from MC and ?Kuna?. Make sure that you won't get emotional attached to any other characters.

P.S. I hope our OP MC gets his harem soon. Though he have a LOT of maidens... more>> who likes him they're not together with him. Unlike the "hero" who have his ?harem? With him all the time. Though only two of his (hero) companion likes him though (what's more. One of the two girls who likes the hero is already pregnant.) Our MC only have and always have Kuna by his side. So im having a mixed up emotions. Maybe because I want our MC to have the same members as the Hero I guess? Well that's my personal opinion though.

I feel like im spoiling the story. If I did I guess sorry? I'm newbie here so im not that familiar with the buttons and settings. <<less
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Nvelist rated it
May 12, 2018
Status: c12 part2
We've been here already fellow readers. The long sequence stereotype saga of a Hero and Demon King.

Everything from that to here is with some glued-eyed difference.

Putting in a way the misunderstanding background and seeing the real deal the right and wrong.

... more>> The Hero aside is makes you all hated at him as the author seriously characterized this person that rubbed in discomfort and discontent. Though the generic trope of justification against evil. It is being bordered by here by a callous personified goddess with an ugly personality.

Inkling of Greeks here is strong. Very strong aside looking at the divine and species below.

Realistic charming about the protagonist that willing to do something. <<less
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ByzFan rated it
December 7, 2020
Status: c61 part2
I like this story. I really do. But it suffers from two issues that drag the rest of it down a notch.

Unlikable Characters

I don't recall ever reading another story where characters I genuinely dislike take up so much of it. Like the "hero" and his "harem." Even the MC's "childhood friend" treats him like sh*t and never apologizes for it. I find myself skimming through entire chapters of the story because no one I want to read about is actually in that one.

... more>> No Character Growth

Sixty chapters in and its like they never left home. The worst is the MC, the "Dark Knight." Thanks to his NTR'd "childhood friend, " and other pre-story events. The MC has very little self-esteem. Despite all the amazing things he accomplishes after being isekaied. He still regularly talks down to himself.

In the early chapters, Kuroki's pain helps build your sympathy for him. Encourages empathy. However, sixty plus chapters later? After he's already beaten down the "hero." Is obviously one of the strongest beings on the planet. And even has a harem of his own?

The regular "nobody would love me" and "I'm not good enough" nonsense gets really f*cking old.

Version Confusion

This last bit isn't an issue with the story. Its an issue with the organization. There are "two" versions of this story. The first is mostly written in first person. The second is more third person. The second also tries to improve the "hero" and his "harem, " a bit, to make them a little less disgusting and rage inducing.

The second is really just a rewrite of the first. However, both versions are being translated and posted into the same page here. Making it confusing for followers since they are separated into different lists on the translator site's side. Both are at different points in the story too.

Would be helpful if they were put into different pages on Novel Updates too. <<less
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XAgathE rated it
September 11, 2020
Status: c36.2
Can't give much comments cuz it to much dark and heavy for me, It takes a lot of sincerity just to read a few two or more chaps to continue this far. 😒 I hope my heart has courage to continue read after.🙏💗


It's good MC not stuck at his own desperation and continue to pursue his own happiness.

True feeling Not looking at physical appearance.


Hero character build to bad until I want to puk*.

One girl of hero companion who also MC childhood friend can't be honest with his feeling.
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