Don’t Talk To Me!


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Yu Sheng is born with a Crow Mouth. Nothing good he says comes true, whereas everything bad he says does.

In the last exam before summer vacation for his 2nd year of High School, “Troublemaker” Yu Sheng from the terrifying Central Third High jinxes himself into the place where the cream of the crop gathers — The Provincial Interhigh Summer Camp.

Because of his face, he was picked to be the partner of the neighbouring Province Point High School’s No. 1.

The night before their finals, the undefeatable Young Master Yu who has never blanched before speaks up. He hurtles tonnes of tr*sh-talk at the No. 1 Home Tutor who slams the door on him—

You were almost late to the exam!

You almost forgot to shade your MCQ!

You nearly got off-topic in your essay!

The invigilators were all flocking around you!

You can only score 50 points more than the city’s No. 2 at most!


Later, when he outscores the city’s No. 2 by 50 points in his Sciences, Jin Linkun faces the media who swarm him and answers simply when asked the secret to his excellent marks.

“Study hard, study smart, and have a good attitude.”

Jin Linkun: “And also, find a little Crow Mouth to fall in love with.”

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7 Reviews

Jun 09, 2020
Status: Completed
Long review here.

... more>>

"I wish you well in all your endeavors." Yu Sheng, eyes cold without a shard of warmth. "May you fulfill all your wishes. Have a sailing path ahead."



"These may all be tiny things in the grand scheme to adults such as us." Teacher Wan announces. "But to these students, they are important matters."

"So important in fact, it can significantly influence their lives." - C46


Short Version: This is a story of love, healing, and moving on. If you're fond of Komatta Toki or Assassination Classroom-like troupes, you might like this one.

Long Version:

This is a slice of life which takes on a tone of its own. While some may compare it to "Komatta toki ni wa, hoshi ni kike!", the author breathes life into the MC and ML in ways that make it hard to imagine them as anything but their own people. With charming side-characters who all add a little something of their own, MC and ML who struggle with their own burdens but slowly grow into one another, the novel brings us through the one hectic final year in school, all the way from Summer Camp to Final Exams. And what a year that has been.

MC (Yu Sheng) :


"So what about it?" Yu Sheng asks expressionlessly. "You know I was born without a mother to raise me. Why don't you teach me then?"


There are many things I cannot say at this point in the TL (C3) without putting the spoiler tag. But to be brief:

Our MC is nicknamed "THE Delinquent" in the terrifying Central Third High School, even though he is a fairly amicable one. He does not proactively make friends, but he is always lending a hand out to those in need. In other words, he's something of the "Tough shell, soft insides" kind of MC. Behind his mask is hidden a lost boy who was fractured by a traumatizing incident and was never able to move on. But truly, he is a sweet boy at heart. And somewhat of a mother hen, taking his class under his wing, then his team from summer camp.


"Isn't it just leading acrobatics?" The girl from the next class over asks, weirded out by how Class 7 are fidgety over seeing YS do that. "What's so wrong about that?"

"Do you love your Dad?" Asks Class 7's Sports Rep in return, haunted eyes and all. "Then can you imagine him wearing a grass skirt up there with pompoms?"

- Class 7 on their Great Daddy, Yu Sheng.



"Ge, " JLK (ML) 's Little Friend (YS) looks up at him, lips turning up with twinkling mischief in his eyes. "Can you get me that dinosaur toy?"

- JLK's Little Friend


Other irrelevant details:
+ He has photographic memory.
+ Eff his entire family.
+ Crow's Mouth is not as big a thing here as you would expect.
+ Tough love, JLK.


ML (Jin Linkun) :


On the first day of the camp itself, the two 2nd places make a name for themselves. One became known for letting loose a bunch of words that's simply asking for a beating onstage; the other for fulfilling everyone's urges and socking the former onstage.



"... Friend, " JLK says, looking at the quietly snickering YS, dignified. "Can't you wait for me to leave before laughing?"

"Don't take it to heart." A sincere hand on his chest, 2nd place JLK extends a courteous nod to those offstage. "I just lucked out. That is all." - JLK, to the 1k students all ranked below him.


The Study God was known for sweeping all competitions the moment he step up on stage, but something caused him to be suspended last year and to be retained?

Jin Linkun, as a person, is interesting. Though he is a genius who can answer every question without working, the author does well in presenting the flaws that exist in such a setting. Due to his academic prowess, he was

cast into abandon by his previous batchmates.

Due to his academic prowess, the God of Academics have a far wider gap to close than most when it comes to the most mundane yet perhaps the most important thing in school life -- Making Friends. And amicable Yu Sheng helps him winningly with that. (Despite JLK tripping himself over consistently with his effortless ability to be annoying.)

Adorably awkward with his interpersonal relations and bonding with this "new batch of third-years", watch him struggle with his ever increasing feelings for YS while asking for advice from said "new wild third-years" -- even though said wild and new bunch are still grappling with the knowledge that the Study God does not actually hate them, look down on them, and is actually lending them a hand at studying.


"What did he say?" - Team 7, asking about a message from JLK

"How to make his roommate lose the good habit of hugging a bolster when sleeping, while still hugging something to sleep." =u=

"Ah. God Kun's account must have been hacked again. Block him."

- Team 7, on "God" Kun.


Other Irrelevant Musings:
+ God Kun's family is extra interesting.
+ You go, God Kun! Fend off all the Sheng Ge fan girls!
+ Teacher Jin's teaching skills upgrade with arc change.


Development of Relationship (This is provided to avoid an imbalance of power dynamic) :


"Ge." YS suddenly calls out (for the first time).

Jin Linkun comes to a halt.

"Ge." He repeats.

"Don't -- Don't be like that." The smile that is on his face turns strained. A year. It's already been a year since that happened. All the emotions he felt from this past year has already passed. "If you're like that, I'll--"

He doesn't know why, but all of it comes surging back at him. Finally. There is someone to share this with him. Finally. There is someone listening to him. And that is--



It starts out with what seems to be an uneven relationship, what with MC lashing out instinctively and ML testing his boundaries, always. One might even question why ML wants to get close to MC, which will become clear much, much later. But even so, MC does have some conscience in the end, and all the kind things ML does for him do not go overlooked. MC eventually returns the favor, gradually picking ML up as one of his own unofficial fledglings and going to far extent to help him out.

The first half of the story is undoubtedly the better half, even if it covers only one month vs the 1 year of the second half. We see how MC and ML do things for each other throughout, gradually picking up things about each other and wearing down the sharp edges where they do not click to form better pieces. By the end of the first half, they get together and both sides' ordeals are revealed.

But with that said, the second half cannot be overlooked as well, as the "After Summer Camp" goes in-depth into how they go from there, after they have established their relationship. Acceptance from the people around them, the little lengths they take to be close to each other when they are back at their respective schools, the way sneaky, sneaky JLK hops over the fence and secretly finds a place in YS's class... then the climax, where YS finally finds solace after being abandoned by his parents. Each and every event is handled with a respectable amount of care by the author, with characteristic brusqueness from YS and doting amour from JLK. At the end, you take a deep breath, and you feel there's so much you went through with them, just reading their journey, their story.



"Do you think you and your roommate can evolve to this level of closeness?" - Team 7, on the topic of their two Boss Bros




The Side Characters can be classified into 2 groups: Summer Camp / Yu Sheng's ragtag Central Third Class. If you try, you can wrangle the teachers and parents out into a 3rd group too, but I won't do that here.

Summer Camp:

Everyone is so filled with individualistic traits, you can't help but fall in love with them! A bundle of joy amidst the dark cloud YS was in back then, with each passing chapter beyond C20, it becomes visible how they're slowly pulling JLK and YS out of their dark spots and doing good for them. And boy oh boy, did they do a lot. Through inter-team clashes over toilets, running their heads off while trying to prepare a musical, amongst many other things, you gradually get to know them -- and really, they're the Dorky, nerdy friends you know you want to reunite with when you're out of school.

Here's a preview:


"T-T-Teacher Wan said work-life balance is i-important--" Vice-Captain, jittery.

"Xia Junhua, cool your head." - Captain, coolly - "First, we must try our hand at negotiations. Then can we launch into the next stage of the plan and think about what comes after." -- Taken from: "The Toilet Wars"

"Rubik's Cube, Sudoku, Tetris Game." - Your very own beloved God Kun - "For the time being, it looks like they're settling things with that."


"Let's talk about something important, Sheng Ge, " - Moneygrubber Cen Rui, solemnly - "Can I sell them your phone number?"

Yu Sheng: "........." - Glare.

"Let's make the best Summer Camp of your lifetime!" - Teacher Wan Yongming. Also, at the end of Camp - "Initially, I was told to gear you guys up for the third-year ahead of you. But our team is filled with students who are nothing if not good." A wry smile. "After much thought, this was the camp I decided I want it to be; a camp that will give you the strength to last through the year."

"Not like this--" Xia Junhua's voice comes choked. Then, he gasps out, strangled as he presses a hand to his eyes. "Not like this--"

It can't end like this.


After Summer Camp:

Though the side-characters after the camp aren't as full of personalities as the summer camp group - like literally, to the point where the author can't even be bothered to give them names and uses "Class Rep" or "Sports Rep" throughout - it grows obvious how this is the community where YS has dwelled. Every side-character here, including the teachers, blend in so well and are so likable (Save for that one villain). Though they may not have been able to lift YS out of the fog before the camp, we see how they have been doing their best to support him beforehand and how subconsciously, YS had created a home for himself in this place without even knowing it.

And after the summer camp, they welcome him + his additional boyfriend back:

Little snippets showcasing some of these characters:


"How dare that lil' brat of yours kidnap our brat?!" - Central Third Principal, to Province Point's Principal

"Better late than never." - Headteacher sighs, facepalming when he sees MC and ML hugging - "That's why I said you should have hugged him long before this. Stay like that for another 15 seconds. Or else."

"... You misunderstand--" - God Kun, who was taken to be YS's Dad.

"Can you imagine Sheng Ge being pressed on the wall and smooched within an inch of his life?" - Duan Lei squints -- "Yeah. I can't either."

"Were there bugs in your hotel room last night?" - The general affairs rep narrows his eyes at the hickey. "I'll fire the hotel a complain."

"Oh. Cool. So you're dating." - Class 7, when the news breaks out. - "Somehow, I'm not really surprised."

"They got me to buy a new lock for the door." Yu Sheng says, snorting as he leans against the new fencing. "Does that really make sense when they've installed new fences?... Truth is, I already know. They've been helping me all this time."

"-From now on, you will be taking charge for your own life." - says Old He / teacher He smilingly to the class at the coming-of-age ceremony - "In the future, whenever you have times of uncertainty or doubt, look back on the stars of this night."

One by one, their hands extend with the phones in them to snap a pic of the star-mangled skies.

"Have you decided where you want to go after this?" - JLK, to his family's Little Friend.

"I--" - YS


What can I say? These side-characters are so integral to the story, even while playing a background role.

Overall: A novel that had me laughing, crying, and reminiscing back on my own school days with every little happening in here. At the end, I felt as though I know these characters personally. Every little growth, every development, it felt as if I was there with them through it all. And really, it was time well-spent on reading this.

With that said, I'd like to be objective and point out the one thing that bugged me in the beginning:

Slow development / Angst:

I'll be frank. I'm the TL for this novel. My general rule of thumb when searching up novels is to first binge all first 20 chapters before judging, and ooooh boy, let me tell you, I came very near to dropping this novel.

For better or for worse, the first 20 chapters fill us in on plenty of the MC's background and gives us a foundation for his relationship with ML. My personal taste are... not angst, so as you might expect, that didn't fall too well with me. Thankfully, Side Chara Group 1 leap in at around C16 to pique my interest and they proved me right at around C24.

This is a story of healing, as I have said. So the most terrible angst are exactly what you see in the beginning. Things will only get better from there. <<less
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May 20, 2020
Status: c6
Ok, for now I've read only six chapters, I had some help from our trusty mtl, lololol.

Btw, this is my first review. Anw, I love the novel so far. Both main charas are cute in their own way!

MC is a crow mouth that makes anyone's day go bad by speaking bad or insincerely.

... more>> ML is a top student accidentally cursed by our little Crow Mouth.

But behind all this... is angsty past for both of the babies. It already hurts soooo much, and as I heard from a friend who can read the original work, it gets even harder. But it's also equally sweet. Can't wait for more!

Five stars from me~~

t <<less
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Dec 11, 2020
Status: Completed
This book is really good. Though it's a fluffy school-life novel like the multitudes out there, it manages to be both humorous and heart-crushing at certain parts. I liked it enough to check out the author's other works, and her style (humorous with deeper, more thoughtful undertones) rings through all her writing. The two main characters are very likable, and they each have their own story to tell. The book has one of the best supporting casts I've ever read in a Chinese web-novel, who have their place instead of... more>> merely being fodder for the background (and their constant observation of the main leads' relationship is hilarious). Though I felt the ending dragged a little, at that point I liked the main characters and their relationship enough to finish the story. It’s still a very readable, enjoyable, and funny representation of the school-life genre. <<less
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Nov 05, 2020
Status: c27
This is fun to read and watch as the MC jinxes everyone but it also feels really slow. The plot is barely moving. It's fine right now since I still find it enjoyable but if it doesn't pick up later it's going to be really sad. The ML learning that his little lover is able and willing to jinx him is so cute! And the MC is great.
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Jun 08, 2022
Status: Completed

Finished reading the raws.

One of the more mundane novels I've read, even within the modern school life genre. I don't mean that it's boring necessarily. All the side characters are very wholesome, and the school life part of it is very well written, and the teachers very heartwarming. It's just that there's no interpersonal drama, and even the villainous characters are either quickly and calmly resolved or never really resolved

... more>>

and I mean the MC's parents.


I enjoyed reading all of it, but it just wasn't entirely my cup of tea as I prefer things to be slightly more exciting. If I had still been a high school student, it really would have inspired my love for learning. The novel made 高考 (china's notorious college exmainaiton) seemed appealing. A bunch of students all working together and striving for one common goal together, all for that brighter future. And the friendships of all the students are so admirable as they help one another and the teacher figures are all so warm and welcoming (except one). Never has mandatory education seemed so compelling.

But of course the entire novel isn't just about studying. Both the MC and the ML have some sort of trauma from their past. And the story is about them meeting and helping one another overcome it. The ML's issue was resolved quite quickly, but the MC's linger throughout the majority of the novel, and it hurts a little every time because the MC is such a good boy and he didn't deserve what happened. But it's also heartwarming to see him walk out step by step. He claims pretty early on that he's already over what thappened in the past. But it takes a long time before he is truly over it.

Anyways, good characters good writing no nonsensical drama. It wasn't entirely my cup of tea but that's because I'm the type to need some of that nonsensical drama lmao. <<less
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Apr 25, 2022
Status: c1
This is so cute ! The relationship is so well-written ! The MC and ML are both smart and talented -but they are both very much school boys and it shows. They both show the naive, inncoent thinking of school boys -it's realistic. Reading about protagonists in school who deal with everything with the maturity of a 30 year old and who shows the EQ of adults is interesting, yes but.. It's kinda disconcerting. So this was a nice pace of change.

The crow mouth thing-it's actually not a novel woven... more>> around MC's 'supernatural ability'. ALthough, it helped offset the story line, it's not used for the plot further. It's more like a quirk of MC that shows up from time to time.

I really like how they wrote the interactions.

MC had been abandoned at a very young age by his parents who have gone off to puruse their own families. This shaped him up to be a rather introverted personality who although is affectionately referred to as 'shen ge', actually keeps most of his thoughts to himself. Although he's not alienated, he does come off as cold. This is offset by what a frank personality he is, his words and his somewhat untamed actions bring him to the mind of his peers. He's actually quite warm hearted by nature and in time, his little actions somewhat reveal his true heart.

Even so, he doesn't show his vulnerable side to anyone :people only seem him as a reliable, doominering figure.I think his frankness, his approachability does somewhat deflect the people from seeing the all of him. Through observing, carefull prodding ;the ML uncovers his other side.


Also, the whole 'tsundere 'characteristic is well-written. Writing off characters in this trope is hard if the tsundere is too drastic in his actions, then they come off as more of a bully than anything else-the developing relationship would even feel one sided. If the other party is too enthusiastic or forcing, then it would seem as if they are taking advantage of the tsun and not caring for their opinion.


MC has a touch-avoidance issue. He's not repulsed by touch, rather it's that he's unused to it. (He said so himself) Although the ML is touchy but it's never violating. He does try to consider the MC's wishes and on the one, two occasions that ML has overstepped his limit, he doesn't hold back on his punches. They talk it out and the ML solemnly promises to not initate anymore touches with him but the MC denies this. It's all very consensual and they are working on it-headpats are a frequent between the two. When they start to connect better, the MC himself initiates touches whether it be leaning on ML's shoulder when he was sick or when he grasped ML's hand to comfort him.



ML has had went through an event in the past that changed him in many ways. Although he still presses on and continues with his academic life, it's changed him drastically. He's hesitant to make friends and isolates himself. He does somewhere yearn for friendship and when the MC finds this out, he encourages him and even (subtly) gives him opportunities to interact with their classmates.


I cannot stop emphasising what a wholesome, healthy relationship they have ! It warms up my heart <<less
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Nov 05, 2023
Status: c49
Currently Chapter 49,

OH MY GREAT GOD!!! THIS book is such a hidden TREASURE!!!!!!! I can't believe I didn't get to know this gem earlier.

If you like 'Wei Zhuang Xue Zha', 'Beyond the outline' & 'Wait for me after school', then this novel is your cup of tea.

... more>> Team 7 is really lovely & my fav side characters. Tr. Wan is also such a great teacher who does care about his students with all his heart.

Our Babie LinKun's future (as I'm currently reading chapter 49, so it should have future TBH) boyfriend, Yu sheng, is SUPER PROTECTIVE of his Bf who is really useless with daily chores & sometimes loses track with directions. Our YS is just like a protective mother hen to JLK.🤣

I will come have an edit after completion. <<less
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