I’m Really a Superstar


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Zhang Ye was originally a mundane college graduate with aspiring dreams to become a star, but unfortunately has below average looks and height. However one day, he woke up and suddenly found himself in a parallel world!

It’s like the same world, but wait a minute…many brands, celebrities and even famous works from his world changed and are gone in this new world!

Armed with the profound literary knowledge of his previous world and a heaven-defying Game Ring that gives him magical items, stats and skills, Zhang Ye embarks on a journey to pursue his life-long dream of becoming famous!

Follow Zhang Ye as he takes the new world by storm, one plagiarized piece at a time, to hilarious reactions!

Associated Names
One entry per line
I’m Really a Superstar
Ngã Chân Thị Đại Minh Tinh
Wo Zhen Shi Da Ming Xing
Related Series
Game Market 1983 (10)
God of Cooking (8)
God of Music (7)
I’m in Hollywood (6)
Top Management (5)
A Valiant Life (4)
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Shikaz rated it
November 1, 2016
Status: --
I really liked "I’m Really a Superstar" in the beginning, enough to consider giving it a 5/5 rating, but as I got futher into it, I found more and more things I disliked about it.

The plot is very interesting and it's all well written, which is the really strong point of this novel. But all of this gets really repetitive as you go futher into the story.

The story follows the same theme over and over, with little variety and predictable outcomes, but don't get me wrong, it's still good, but... more>> it does bring the overall enjoyment down a notch.

Overall the MC isn't that likable, for me at least. He's overly arrogant at times and it can be really annoying, as his ego is so f*cking big it's difficult to imagine what would happen if his "cheat" disappeared, as he has zero talent besides his "cheat". The romance is utter garbage. It's modern era with harem theme, but the "harem" comprise of him groping the females as they tell him to stop doing that. It's just feels weird reading this, and pisses me off, somewhat.

MC's "romance" has a "japanese beta male MC" feel to it, as the females kick his ass all the time, and outsmart or degrade him in some way. The romance part of this novel really brings it to its knees, as it's totally unnecessary and just feels awkward and weird as the MC proceed to grope them, totally unwanted. This could easily been a 5/5, if the MC just wasn't so ret*rded. It's an average story all combined, but it's very different from the usual wuxia/xianxia theme, which makes it feel fresh and new. If the MC would've had a better personality, this would've easily been a 5/5 for me, but alas, you can't always get what you want. <<less
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Skoonting rated it
October 21, 2016
Status: c290
It was enjoyable it for the first 200 chapters or so, but I've reached a point where I'm just done. The main character is completely unlikeable. He's someone who never actually works himself and has no talent so speak of. He has no likeable traits. He's arrogant, meanspirited, childish, extremely r*pey and a complete and utter moron who'll burn all bridges he has simply because someone was a bit mean to him and he decided to throw a tantrum. In the beginning the humour and writing can be considered pretty... more>> funny, as it is something original. But at this point, it only makes me groan whenever it makes an attempt at humour. I would have given it one star had not been decent for a while. <<less
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June 1, 2016
Status: --
This is the most talented and pure comedy gold novel O have read. Even using game system but the realistic make me awe. Great 9.5
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Shuchou rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: --
Can't really stop from laughing while reading this.
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expensivepeanuts rated it
August 29, 2019
Status: --
This was one of the first webnovels I read off webnovel dot com since it was pretty high up in the rankings I was curious and checked it out. Also a lot of the reviews said the novel is hilarious...

I've read plenty of bad novels before but so far none stupefied me as much as IRAS. This isn't even a 'it's so bad it's entertaining' bad but just straight up bad you are wasting your time right now bad. Honestly wishing I could get back some of the SS I... more>> wasted on this.

Initially, it was interesting and the characters' s*upid reactions was quite funny but it got stale really quickly for me. The novel's plot runs on a stiff formula which feels lazy and uncreative. The premise of passing the work of others as his was satisfying (especially with the face slappings it came with) but it got painful to read later on.

World building is nonexistent, basically just Earth moulded to better suit MC's future career. It's like you're looking at a puzzle picture but the author picked off a few pieces, threw them in the tr*shcan but didn't bother to replace the parts he chucked out either because that's how much he underestimate his reader's intelligence or he's just plain lazy.

The MC quickly evolves into a terrible person and I can't bring myself to cheer for him especially after he started sexually harassing almost every women he encounter and for some reason the novel tries to persuade you that it's okay. Also the MC is such a gigantic hypocrite, it's okay if he sexually harasses women but he goes ape$hit when he sees others do it, obviously so he can white knight and show how much of a better human he is for 5 minutes. Face slapping in stories are satisfying because the bad guys get their due, but when your MC is literally a walking haemorrhoid, the satisfaction becomes lost.

Then, the racism got worse. And again, the novel tells you it's ok because 'It's not racism it's just nationalism!'

Does the author not know that you don't need to crap on every other foreign race to raise yours. You don't need to besmirch others to express how much you love your country or how incredible your country is. 'Oh it's a normal thing to use other races as fodder to make MC and China look good.' No, it's really not.

The irony when he submit foreign works as his along with the racism is not lost and makes it even more embarrassing and pathetic to read.

tldr; not worth your time and SS. <<less
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Dhoozy rated it
January 8, 2019
Status: c1000
This the most chinese story you would ever read and how exactly China in general feel about the outside world. Beside the rampant hatred of all things not Chinese and the racism. I found the Author power trip fantasy of stealing all of the world great works and passing it off as China's own to be funny and pathetic at the same time.

But this is from a culture where bootlegging is a staple after all. I like most CN novels but one that is so blatantly hateful toward non Chinese... more>> killed it. I read up until 1000 to see if he change but no he does not. There is no redemption but his ultimate goal is to have the whole world under his feet while propping up China as the number 1 by stealing all of the world works.

Read this only if you are chinese. <<less
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HaruFang rated it
January 24, 2018
Status: c300
A history about a creepy perv MC without talent who likes to stole all the works from his previous world and try to be famous about that, it was interesting at the beginning but it get repetitive, every arc it's the same plot and you can guess how is gonna be everything... but I still trying to understand how this thing is so famous... ?
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Akaka rated it
December 8, 2017
Status: c442
Baseless discriminatory storylines and characters. Korean people should sue this writer for defamation. I would understand if the writer at least did his homework on Korean people and language but alas - the names are all not proper Korean and the words are obviously google-translated. This just signifies that the writer has a blind prejudice against the Korean people, which is in all, disturbing.

There is literally no moral to the story - morals as in ethics and values upheld by societies. The protagonist sexually assaults women without consent, and the... more>> writer depicts these females as though they're just toys for the protagonist. It was terrifying to read, realising that on the other side of the world there are people with such pe*verted imaginations.

It started off fun, but it took me to a black hole of immorality and prejudice. If you have at least an ounce of humanity, you would not read nor translate this "nationalistic" mess. It promotes hate-speech anf objectification of women. <<less
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Nuwaer rated it
July 16, 2017
Status: c436
I really like this novel and found it fun at the start. But then it turn into a pretty questionable novel. I'm fine with racism if it is in work of fiction and it has something to do with the plot. But the author just keep hating on every race and glorifies china. It get to the point that event though it is fun to read you cannot read anymore as it makes you cringe with all these political stuff. I read some spoiler and it turns out that it... more>> will be a reoccurring theme so I guess I'm putting this book into the imaginary online bin. <<less
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shadowWizz rated it
November 11, 2016
Status: c1291
If you are someone who likes to read up on Chinese culture, this is one novel that is for you. It has episodes which contain popular literary texts, music and variety shows and probably a lot more... it's also a good novel to read if you would like to know more about Chinese influences as well.

Highly recommended as Zhang Ye (the MC) is an interesting guy who has a frank view of things. He is able to solve problems with his "power of luck" and the situations he finds... more>> himself in and gets himself out of can be funny and touching. The touch of romance in this novel is not over done and unlike most novels, romance is not a key here and author does a fine job of weaving all the great works of all time into one fantastic story.

Review based on reading until Chapter 1290. =) <<less
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Premonition rated it
October 5, 2016
Status: c1225
I really like this story, and would've given it a 5 if not for the the MC's overzealous tendencies of being such a nationalist and racist, in Chinese there's a term for people like him called FenQing (Angry youth), that are extremely patriotic in a bad way. There are also several bad points imo below.


It feels like the author is really running out of ideas in recent chapters, and we might not even get to see the MC try to take on the global stage, possibly because he doesn't know much about the celebrity world outside of China, it kinda feels like he's avoiding it. Of course, I may be wrong about this, but if he decides to do this at chapter 4000 or something, I'm gonna give up.

The story points feel like they're repeating themselves.


Using the popular talent shows in our world, sudden award that is won using luck, employer screws him over and forces him to make a comeback in 'spectacular' fashion.


Romance is kinda horrid here, despite the fact that there were great romantic interests and steamy scenes early in the story, in the later parts nothing really happens, literally nothing, well maybe a lap pillow......

So far, I'm most annoyed by how some characters feel so one-dimensional, and the most annoying one is surprisingly his mother. E.g.


Zhang Ye wins an award -> Mother calls wow good job! now I gotta show off to the entire world (and more bullsh*t for 3 paragraphs or more). Zhang Ye does something that brings infamy -> Mother calls and says WTF ARE YOU DOING? Why did u do that!!! blah blah (drags on). And this repeats on and on and on, like 15-20times?


Despite all that, I still recommend reading this story, the usage of poetry and history is really interesting, and I even ended up learning a few history facts that are real.

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megat rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c26
I simply clicked this because I saw it being uploaded non-stop yesterday. After reading a few chapters I was hooked!

Imagine you life suddenly got a patch update and you begin a game to achieve your dreams!

Lots of laughter and the poems are quite inspiring as I have not been exposed much to Chinese literature.
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VanVera rated it
December 13, 2017
Status: c920
-1 star for racism, foreigner bully pop-out sometimes, but for not apparently motives the author that take over his MC (supposed to be nationalist and not racist) in the novel insist to blame the nations themselves and all their people. The author should learn to keep a sense of proportion and make sure to don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

-1 star for the repetitive chapter about online-random people disbelief, what is boring ins't itself the "disbelief" act, but how it work: MC propose something -> nobody believe... more>> in him and someone try even to boycott him for s*upid reason -> MC smackface everyone -> everyone remain in disbelief and MC gains some fans. This cycle over and over again. Someone could say "ok fine, that is bearable" but what about the use of the same sentences from the online community? "no way he can do it" - "my cousin/friend/grandpa/mother that work in that industry say blablablabla so it will/won't work" - "the previus post/post above have totally right or is wrong" ecc... ecc... (just skip it when after 2-3 times you memorized every sentence)

Description of novel has totally right in this:

Follow Zhang Ye as he takes the new world by storm, one plagiarized piece at a time, to hilarious reactions!

This novel is good and funny to read, keep it and don't take to the heart the racism from the author, just skip the arc if you don't like it. <<less
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Lucifer Fabrios
Lucifer Fabrios rated it
September 24, 2017
Status: c700
Seriously! Such a waste. It was so good until around chapter 700 where MC starts to act like he is representative of his country and insults Japanese representative for no grudge at all.

Why the hell do you care about the people Japanese killed 30 years ago in some war. I mean MC has no connection whatsoever with that war. Heck he wasn't even born that time.

Although its disappointing but you can try a good read till the sino Korean hacker warfare arc.
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alexfilia rated it
August 13, 2017
Status: --
I really dont like this novel...i really couldnt find witch part of it was funny lol

The MC is a proud idiot who only knows how to steal stuff and plagiarize and everyone else has no brains.... Thats basically it
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MondoX rated it
August 1, 2017
Status: c778
IRAS is a fun read, but it is ruined by three factors that surpassed the positive aspects.

First, I know most Chinese webnovels doubt the MC, no matter how many times he accomplishes certain actions. However, other webnovels usually have an ancient set-up with no mass communication or internet. IRAS is set in modern times and the mc's accomplishments is known to most of China, and maybe the world. After succeeding for the umpteenth time in a different field, the MC has many doubters. For example, he writes (plagiarizes) poems, novels,... more>> short stories, essays, etc., but the literary world doubts him.

Second is the creepy groping of women, especially when he thinks they are asleep. I understand the MC is a virg*n, but he does not try to seduce the women, but creepily gropes them. Any luck with women is with the help of his cheat.

Lastly, and the worst offender is the hypocritical nationalism. His own government, media and "experts" are the ones that have been suppressing the MC. The MC talks about China this, China that and how he is justice for the Chinese people, and foreigners are scumbags. Yet, he has no problem driving foreign cars, using foreign phones, plagiarizing foreign works, etc. Then he uses the achievements of foreigners in his previous world, and uses them as Chinese achievements, like the mathematical theorem he "solved." The author specially makes fun of South Koreans, how arrogant and s*upid they are. However, the author had the MC beat a difficult game that was beating (once) by a South Korean in the real world, not Chinese. It is okay to be nationalistic, but try not to steal achievements from non-Chinese and claim them has Chinese. <<less
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February 7, 2017
Status: c125
If you're okay with weird almost r*pey scenes this is the story for you. The stories hilarious. The MC's incompetent and untalented but gets the job done. Still he's a giant perv and it's very hard to like him. The love interests are annoying and either lie themselves to death (for no reason) or have mouths full of angry wasps. His mother is irritating (I still kind of like her but some people can't stand her). His little sisters and cousin are even worse than his mother (I hate whenever... more>> they show up). The few girls that actually have a good personality are just background characters. MC is kinda racist and hypocritical. I heard it gets worse as you go further along. I don't mind the repetitiveness or plagiarism but sometimes the characters are so unlikable that I can't stand it. And worse is that half the time I can't stand the MC because he can't keep his filthy untalented worthless hands to himself. I might give up on this story. Read at you're own risk. Who knows you might be one of the rare one's who doesn't mind the things I just complained about. <<less
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Katra1212 rated it
October 23, 2016
Status: c64
A world with different system than our own. All the great masters work gone? Don't worry, they'll see the light for the sake of my popularity stakes *cough* I mean for the sake my respect to them, let me borrow them for ya. This is not plaigarism, okay?

This novel is a reaction paper. Want to know Zhang Ye's amaze+ (awe) someness? Hehe. Wait for those shock expression of disbelief and idolatry each time he does his trick.

It had the most descriptive and exciting story. You'll be moved to tears of... more>> hilarity by his cleverness and antics. <<less
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acoleman2 rated it
August 18, 2016
Status: c352
What I like:
1. Unique focus (fame, television, radio, literature, etc.)
2. The lottery is fun
3. The early arcs are clever and full of difficulties that the MC has to actually use his brain (in addition to his powers) to solve

What I dislike:
1. The harem that is forming/the lecherous personality development of the MC
2. The xenophobia/racism of the MC (really the author)
3. Around Chapter 150 I got bored, the arcs become repetitive, everything is predictable
4. Mentioned this already, but the ridiculous sex-crazed MC (which is kind of what he's become by Chapter 352) is annoying, weird, and at times perturbing. There are some borderline r*pey scenes (not like GDW, but still not something I'd be comfortable with IRL).
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ZhaWarudo rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c477
A very good comedy and slice of life with gamer's ring to add to the fun. Even though I don't have much to say I felt this needed an objective review, as it is not pure comedy or the best comedy as those 5 star reviews say. I did say very good but not excellent, with art˛& entertainment going on for thousands of years, especially the boon of 20th century, it's not so easy to earn a perfect score. Also I'm impressed with the translation speed which kept me reading... more>> all night as I tried to keep up.

Edit: reduced from 4 to 3 stars due to creepy hentai weird chapters the MC has with several ladies instead of romance (no s*x though)
Edit: don't be fooled into reading this, it starts great but gets old real quick and real... repetitive - xianxia like. It goes like this, what can a kid still wet behind his ears now about poetry, then he proves to be the best fking poet in the world (by plagiarizing), then the same thing with composing music, lyrics, writing caligraphy, kung fu, writing novels... Also the romance is horrible, MC is trying to get a few women (he is still a virg*n) and he manages to do some weird asian creepy fetish things. Example - he is aroused by being locked in toilet stall with a woman peeing who also has her period (btw he peed on her in another toilet before that by accident). That's an execption though, usually he just gropes them for a few min before they turn him down.

3rd Edit: I was just reading someones really long review with 199 likes, I'm am the 200th liker! woo hooo, anyway it said this is a propaganda and when I thought about it, it really is. This nationalistic novel makes all foreigners look bad, Koreans, Japs, whites and blacks. Some of you will say, but they were utter dipshits and Zhang Ye gave them righteous face smacking, but think of this way, this racist nationalistic Author made those situations intentionally hence propaganda, same as in God and Devil World. <<less
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