I’m Really a Superstar


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Zhang Ye was originally a mundane college graduate with aspiring dreams to become a star, but unfortunately has below average looks and height. However one day, he woke up and suddenly found himself in a parallel world!

It’s like the same world, but wait a minute…many brands, celebrities and even famous works from his world changed and are gone in this new world!

Armed with the profound literary knowledge of his previous world and a heaven-defying Game Ring that gives him magical items, stats and skills, Zhang Ye embarks on a journey to pursue his life-long dream of becoming famous!

Follow Zhang Ye as he takes the new world by storm, one plagiarized piece at a time, to hilarious reactions!

Associated Names
One entry per line
I’m Really a Superstar
Ngã Chân Thị Đại Minh Tinh
Wo Zhen Shi Da Ming Xing
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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  3. all of my 5/5 novels
  4. Novels i Have Read
  5. Novels that I have read

Latest Release

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289 Reviews sorted by

ogdyolnafets rated it
September 7, 2017
Status: c1611

Well at the start, the novel is starting up pretty good. There is a lot of plot progression or maybe there are just a lot of chapters. I rated it 5/5. But as I caught up and read the latest chapter, FILLER chapters are getting numerous.

Like in a chapter, only 1 sentence is important and the rest are filler/insignificant details. Sometimes the whole chapter is even a filler. Worse is if is followed by two or more filler chapters and finally followed by a chapter with one sentence plot and filler for the rest.

What are these fillers?

You can imagine how netizens reaction took a lot of part in a chapter like

Person1 called

Person2 called

Everyone called.

Another type of filler is the netizen's reaction. Like,

PersonA is shocked

PersonB is shocked

and so on


Random Netizens talking/cursing their reactions like

PersonZ: F*ck he really didt it!

PersonY: ZY is too awesome!

These fillers mostly/fully contain every chapter. So I rated it 2/5 for the later part of the novel for an average of 3.5/5. There are still some that I have yet to mention but I'll just avoid spoiling.

Note: If you really want to enjoy the plot of the story and avoid fillers, it's best that you accumulate chapters first for at least 4-5 then read it.

Nevertheless, nothing is better than your own review so read it and wrote one. Cheers!

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August 20, 2017
Status: c774
Great humour, a very well translated book. Simple plot but yet its amazing. Hur hur, you will like it more as you read on. The scolding parts are classic! You will enjoy the story more if you speak chinese, but still a very good story!
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apaulose rated it
August 17, 2017
Status: c767
It's a fun read. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did.


It's fun to read and not nearly as repetitive as you might assume

... more>> MC may not be the best person but his enemies are a lot more annoying so its fun to watch them be wrong.

MC can be very selfless sometimes

MC is self aware that none of his accomplishments are his and this makes his gloating more shameless and funny than just arrogant


The MC doesn't really use his system that well in my opinion. He severely underestimates the powers of stat boosts and items. Normally I'd agree that skills are the best but he kind of takes it to an extreme. Plus he barely ever uses luck boosting items when doing his lottery even though it works so well the first time.

His nationalism is close to if not past the point of racism. He also became an actual cyber terrorist for a while. This was mainly for revenge against foreign hackers but is implied to have destroyed the lives of many innocent people. Even he feels bad about it for a little while. Try not to think about it. This is a comedy.

I'm kind of getting tired of the whole...
Everyone: He's done amazing things but he couldn't possibly do this thing
MC does the thing
Everyone: We won't underestimate him again

Sexting subplot is kind of cringeworthy <<less
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ForsakenEmperor rated it
March 10, 2017
Status: c548
Decent read if you are into the alternate universe sort of the thing. The main character is transferred to another world where history is majorly altered in his favor and he also gets an ability that lets him get other abilities although through a lottery (lol not really though). If you can get past the obvious nationalism and ideals though, it is as I said a decent read. If you can't stand those sort of stuff though you will get annoyed and lose interest relatively quickly. Would have gotten a... more>> better rating if not for the character inconsistencies. If you can't stand national bias this isn't for you. The novel is all about Chinese supremacy no matter how much it tries to say or make it seem otherwise. <<less
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Reader lv 451F rated it
December 1, 2016
Status: Completed
If you want to read the "good" GENERIC novel, this one may not for you. Better leave it after ch.200-300. Else you end up with 1-2 star rating.

The plot is somewhat "generic". MC went to another world with this world 'advance' knowledge, had limitless cheating OP, met obstacles, fighted with the cheating OP, split-hair won, proceeded to another bigger obstacle, won again. Again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again kill.

But I give 5 stars to this novel and all THOSE OPs.

Because... more>> I think back to my classroom years ago.

Thinking of all those classes of literature, culture, mathematics, arts appreciation, music notation, etc.
Those very, very boring subjects.

Boring to dead!

This novel transforms all those boring classroom teachings to be the most wonderful subjects, from another viewpoint.

But.. While the translation is excellent, there're a lot of lost inevitable. Not translator's fault. The ultra-deep of the ancient Chinese culture can not, will not, be translated with the simple English. You need a lot of Chinese knowledges to fully enjoy this novel.


The last word for you who have the ability to enjoy this novel to the fullest :

.. Wishing we Last Forever..

BTW, if you do not/can not know the above clause, you'll end up with 1 star rating. Don't waste your time reading this novel. You have too thick limitations. <<less
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Ranger rated it
September 9, 2016
Status: c293
I am Really a Superstar is the same thing as the - FUN!

The plot is original, not about be the most powerfull person in the world nor the most rich, Zhang Ye just want to be a "Superstar". In my country there is so much people with the same dreams and same problem that Zhang Ye has: He is just a normal guy. But Zhang Ye don't give up on his dream, he will fight for it until the end of his days. He goes to another world, similar to his world, where famous works from his world never appered and he will use it to fight for his dreams.

IRAS has the ups:

1 - Original Plot
2 -

The lottery of the game system

3 - How he get out of bad situations


1 - Repetitive

He get employed, he do something that someone will not like and that someone will get trouble for him, he curse that someone and he is fired, back to the start line

2 - Racism/ultra nationalist

There is racism, a lot, there is a arc where he does a talk show and he just curse korea in that arc, just that


If there is no problem with the racism for you so a think it's a good novel, but that problem makes the novel stay with 4.0.
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Diskat rated it
August 11, 2016
Status: c221
Fun, lots of reaction chapters, comedy.

The MC's actual skill seems to be god-like memorization. He's able to repeat an entire novel word for word within 5 minutes.

The not so fun:

MC has big plot armor - initially, his lottery doesn't really feel like a lottery. In the beginning, he gets the items he exactly needs in the current or soon to be current situation. This shifts in the later chapters though, because it is rendered moot when he can use lucky bread on the lottery to manipulate what he needs. Not... more>> really liking how he get people manipulation items, like charm on his eyes, charm on his voice, red string of fate, etc. Feels like brainwashing. There's a fine line between manipulating people's actual feelings and actual charisma, and he's toeing it a bit. And even if the other people notices the sudden change, everyone just accepts it even with his superficial reasons. There's also when he searches back his memory with his memory capsule, and within minutes he's on stage ready to perform, and then author mentions how the thing he's plagiarizing from doesn't exist in the world. How does he know for sure? Did he do any research on that exact person right before he got on stage? I doubt it.

The neutral:

many rival celebrities are arrogant, even though their just small fishes. They're also kind of dumb, or rather they lack foresight. Not sure why the Heavenly King celebrity would be able to garner more attention than a hijacking of an airplane, especially one that was stopped. Pretty sure a hijacking would garner more attention in our world, since it would make international news rather than some star in a foreign land being famous. But I'm assuming its because of the world's circumstances. Since 9/11 didn't happen in their world, nobody knows what it's like to lose someone from a hijacking, and thus the fame would be less. If something like 9/11 did happen, he would have even more fame, probably. <<less
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thechaptermonster rated it
June 15, 2016
Status: --
This a story about a man who has an endemic memory... well, gains the ability of an endemic memory, travels to another world, so he can shamelessly plagerize every great song, peom, book, idea of our world, and has absolutely no scruples about saying it was an original creation he made on the spot.
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