Game Market 1983


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“Young man… if you could go back in time, what period would you like to be in?”

Kang Junhyuk, a game developer in the year 2015, meets an old man in a run-down arcade store and travels to the year 1983, the era of retro gaming…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Game Market in 1983
게임 마켓 1983
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31 Reviews sorted by

serguis rated it
July 13, 2016
Status: v1c23
Once again an amazing novel to read.

Very few cliffhanger making each chapter a clear part of the full story which allow us to enjoy reading without frustration. Amazing facts corresponding with the true story of the game-making world creating a believable background. Presence of a limited supernatural/magic actions pushing the story to become even more enjoying to read. Writing very clean so no long and annoying sentences/chapters/... however still maintain a certain complexity to form an attaching and real main character.

-->Read if you want a good story where you won't... more>> have headache concerning overly complicated thoughts. <<less
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saksipelopor rated it
November 29, 2023
Status: c93
It's a good novel. Much of the story sructure is light enough that you have much easier time visualizing MC situation but still maintain a bit of complexity in character building and situation development. Much of the cheat MC used in the story isn't blatant plagiarism that plague other generic time travel/transmigration novel. MC pretty much let the original game development take place while he give a bit of acceleration in software, hardware, and concept that put limitation in the original game before. All of that background help will make... more>> original game came out a year or two ahead or get a better graphic, memory, etc. Imagine novel Real Man but a lot more passive and less office/company drama.

At my chapter MC's already develop his own game with novelty concept such as

ero visual chara in shooter game, no save game and a nakige VN with multiple endings. He also started to laying foundation to his own game company in the future.


I'm glad that Hollywood Novels group continue the translation from LiberSpark and Asian Hobbyist because the novel still had lot of chapter. As user pointed @rdawv "The translation is good though more notes on the changed names (due to copyright) and some basic info or wiki links would help the uninformed reader. A non-gamer might have a difficult time to connect "Marigee Brothers" to the real "Mario Brothers", for example.". I hope the translation quality from Hollywood Novels group can be improved by hiring some editor and proofreader as some of the latest translation sentence a bit confusing to read and to point perspective of the subject.

If you like time travel premise and video gaming industry, you can give it a try. <<less
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raxadian rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: c79
For someone who is supposed to know a lot about the "Videogame market" he wants to make a videogame with a CD add on when in real life none of these add ons were a success.

That broke my SOD.

Reading this story has been a waste of time.
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detoxangels12 rated it
November 12, 2019
Status: c78
if you want a change of pace or just a good read novels that won't make you frustrated and annoyed by the plot, characters, dialogues, and shitty author's writings BS, then I recommend this one. Although this novel is based on the gaming community in 80's and me who has no knowledge or whatever in gaming in that era and born in the 20's. I still enjoyed the novel, the author knows what he is writing and you can see how much he researched and thorough about it. I like... more>> the way how the characters are having a real life like expressions and conversations, each characters are unique and isn't bland, all of them are consistent. There's no villain s*upid illogical mentally disabled characters doing dumbass things for the sake of the plot. It has common sense and realism on what a human and real world is like. It has the thrill, comedy, romance, and excitement. You can't even hate the characters since there's nothing to hate about. Not necessarily a masterpiece like Tower Management but it has the feel and vibes to it. Though TM makes you on edge and thrilled mostly since there are chances things won't go as expected but on this novel makes you excited on how the story will go and what will happen, the reactions, inventions, dialogues etc etc. So all in all it's a good and serious read to pass time. <<less
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Monomololo rated it
September 2, 2018
Status: --
This is a fun story that becomes immensely more enjoyable if you relate to it's contents emotionally, whether by having been around for the events that occur but are altered in the story or just by being knowledgeable about the past of gaming companies.

For me in particular, I've always been a huge fan of the Fire Emblem series, especially the older games, so the fact that it plays a pretty significant role in the plot is heartwarming to me.

The only downsides are sometimes the dialogue and character interaction can feel... more>> a bit stilted and it seems that the translator has dropped the project entirely : ( <<less
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Chachingmel rated it
April 28, 2018
Status: --

This story is pretty good however in the later chapters the story just nose dives for me.

I don't understand why the MC has to meet his younger self or even meet a younger version of his family.

I don't understand why a women who is barely even fleshed out is enough for the MC to stay in the time period.

The MC literally has a tool that allows him to be anyone at any place in history. He could become literal god and yet he takes a step back and manipulates things from the shadows.

Are you kidding me?

The same things that are bound to happen anyway without his meddling.

Its such a shame for this story, the Author just decides to shove love or anything else into it, forgetting what was the main draw in the first place.

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airesten rated it
December 18, 2017
Status: c64
I thought the whole thing was great and was a very interesting idea, it's a second chance novel, with a slightly different concept centered around video games and developing them. The only part that you sort of have to take with a grain of salt is the part where he leaves to go back to Japan after he kisses his secretary and when he is with the girl he likes in Korea after that.
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Trent rated it
July 12, 2016
Status: c22
It's interesting and enjoyable. The MC's likable.

The few bad things about the novel aren't super important, and are more matters of opinion than anything:
-Time passes perhaps too quickly, with the MC's actions often painted in broad strokes. On the other hand, it's refreshing that years actually pass, unlike in many stories where a year might drag on for hundreds of chapters.
-So far, the MC has been acting modestly, and he's gotten next to no recognition from the world at large for his accomplishments. He should be considered the Father of the Game Boy, if nothing else. It'll be annoying if this continues. Still, his inconspicuousness is an intentional choice by the author, so we'll see what comes.
-Partly because of the above, the expected plot seems underutilized. On a related note, though it's nice that the MC doesn't rely on his cheat item, that fact has made its existence superfluous. The thing is OP, and truly unnecessary for the MC to succeed; it'd be better if he didn't have it.
-The bit of romance so far wasn't unexpected, but it was flung in.

4.5 out of 5, though that's likely to change depending on whether the faults will remain, or whether the author will end up negating them.
- - - - -
Chapter 40-ish update: I've gotta admit, it's been pretty boring for a while. The story's dragging on with an unexciting plot, characters have become distant, and there's little worth praising. It's, hopefully temporarily, lost its charm.
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nj rated it
July 15, 2016
Status: --
Novel is good, will give a pleasant read. The atmosphere is positive, story is impressive, MC is strong, but still this novel fails to make you curious. Anticipation for the future cannot be seen. Well the novel still have a lot of chapters to give so I hope everything will be okay.

If you are a person who enjoyed playing the video games and is still feeling nostalgic about that past; this novel can give you nice ride through the history of video games.
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nzz rated it
May 2, 2024
Status: c248
Video game nostalgia in novel form. I think the work is more slice of life video game enthusiast than comedy or drama, which are usually secondary elements. The novelty comes mainly from how the author tries to bring a richer world to the video game industry (higher quality and richer experiences from the games and interactions with other players) while correcting some of the corporate flaws from the gaming industry in this parallel universe.

As for the ending: It’s a shame the author didn’t actually explore the MCs final dream (not... more>> as a nostalgic rehash of the near VR worlds and infinite dungeons of the present but as an extrapolation into the future) but left it as an aspiration, as it seems the author wanted to put an end to the series rather quickly. I could imagine a (mixed, and darker) future arc where the MC resets to the present time to correct the undesirable futures surrounding both the creation and the experience of virtual game worlds. <<less
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