WARNING! Tsundere President


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She was the little chief secretary at Huo Yunting’s office, who carried out jobs both on the table and “under” the table.

She was also his obedient wife at night, fulfilling his needs.

It was a repentance, a redemption to her sin, Lu Zhaoyang was swallowing all these humiliations as heaven forbade, her mother was the other woman in this ugly affair with the wealthy Huo family, and eventually shattered the entire family, driving Huo’s mother insane.

It was probably the fairest, also the most horrible bargain of Lu’s life as Huo Yunting raided their house one day.

“You would compensate with your body. On daily basis.” The offer was made and she could not say no.

“If you think you aren’t having enough fun… Well, perhaps we could play the divorce game, then we could have another marriage, making the same vow with you always as my bride. I can do this, again and again. Again, and again. Isn’t that sweet, honey?”

Was it heart-moving, or simply tear-moving?


Huo Yunting, he’s a devil, both body and soul a devil!

Join the Fifty Thunders of Huo Yunting!

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3 Reviews sorted by

LunarWolf rated it
November 22, 2019
Status: Completed
Alot of people hate it because its r*pe but they miss the bigger picture of the story. The ML forced the MC to marry him as revenge and makes her pay for debt with her body. He says she owes him because her mother was the other woman who forced his family to break up causing his mother to become unstable mentally. The story is much more than this as he goes on to love the MC but is in conflict because he should hate her and he has to... more>> come to terms with his feelings. Its definitely worth reading if u can look past the forced s*x. If it helps, the ML has only ever had s*x with the FL in his life so hes not scum. Hes just torn apart that his mother has to suffer. The mc's mother acts innocent but she is actually greedy and tries to destroy the father son ralationship because she doesnt want to lose her rich comfortable life so she is actually a white lotus.

We all know that our female lead is innocent in all this and has nothing to do with her mothers actions but thats just the brilliance of the story as their romance starts as revenge but turns into conflicted feelings, acceptance of those feelings and finally into love.


Also, im only conflicted that the story is 2 in one because the last 300 or 400 chapters follow their daughter who was kidnapped from birth. I fell in love with the MC and ML so its disappointing that the daughter becomes the new MC. I just wanted a full on happy ending but the struggle continued as the daughter was raised to think that her real parents are her enemies and was basically raised as a tool for revenge by the kidnapper. Its a happy ending tho as the family reunites. Tbh I rather have followed their sons life because hes so cool.

I just dont loke that I read the story for the main pairing and instead of a completely happy ending we get a new storyline for the daughter. My heart hurts for the 18 or 19 years of anguish the main couple faced from looking for their daughter, hoping shes still alive.

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Sariska rated it
July 4, 2019
Status: c85
The MC is a real doormat, she agreed to a ridiculous hidden marriage deal with her CEO stepbrother ML that entails being his s*x doll available at any time (since she works as his secretary) and tolerate his emotional abuse when he gets all moody, all because her mother (who is not worth of all that sacrifice) was the one who broke the MC's parent's marriage so our martyr sacrifices herself to take that debt she "owes" him to make her mom's marriage happy. Such a spineless pathetic woman.
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enzhulie91 rated it
September 4, 2022
Status: c50
is this story encouraging us to accept mistresses? Even the daughter wants to protect her mother for it.. Aiy! She's not even reprimanding her. And she is the heroine?😹😹😹 although the plot is fine, I do not approve for the mistress. It would be fine if the couple is devorced before she happens to meet the man but nah! And a martyr-s*upid heroine?
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