Warlock of the Magus World


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When a futuristic scientist is transported into the body of a young man in a fantasy world, his curiosity and desire for power push him to pursue magic. In a world without mercy, Leylin has no qualms about doing anything if it means benefits. He is cold, ruthless and calculating, never forming attachments that could impede his ultimate goal…

Honor? Who needs that… Hmmm… that guy seems too powerful for me to take on now… I better keep a low profile for now.

You want me to help you? What do I get out of it? Nothing? Bye.

Hmm… that guy looks like he might cause me problems in the future. Better kill him before he becomes a problem…

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Vu Giới Thuật Sĩ
Wujie Shushi
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Dark_Messiah rated it
September 22, 2016
Status: c146
This story is 90% about alchemy, if you came here for a warlock in a magic world, than turn back.

In the first 40-50 chapters of the story the story is about the MC traveling to the academy and he doesn't know much magic at the time. After that, the story focuses on alchemy, with barely any magic or combat.

The descriptions about the mc's improvement in magic are extremely short especially compared to alchemy. Combat usually lasts 1-2 chapters, with around 20-30 chapters of alchemy inbetween.

The AI chip is a cool... more>> concept, but the MC is overreliant on it.

Also the author's naming sense is horrible, why add real world place names into a fantasy novel, it is extremely distracting.

Conclusion: the title is misleading, and the story is EXTREMELY slow paced, with shallow combat and shallow improvement of the MC. 2 stars because of AI chip which was actually something new and interesting. <<less
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8Psycho rated it
January 3, 2016
Status: --
Put on Hold around 512 chap.

First arc (South-Coast) is pretty good.

Second arc (Darkest-Domain) is changes genre a bit, so still fresh.

... more>> But later story pretty much comes to a common denominator with rest of xianxia.

I liked how author wasnt afraid to incorporate s*x and sexuality into story, Magus (Cultivators) are Hedonists. What do you need strength for, if not to enjoy yourself, MC questions. It really like breath of fresh air (or reality) compared to most of others stories that sports ascetic cultivators.

Btw. MC is in no way can be called scientist. Pretty much standard xianxia MC. <<less
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NothingIsEternal rated it
April 17, 2021
Status: Completed
This is the story of a man who came to the world of wizards, we will follow him in an epic tale that will show us his challenge and success, his unleashing from a mere and humble mortal to the peak of existence. Leylin is a cold man, who's ready to do anything for power, friendship, family, only eternity matters. What is the point of all this power, and this love to end as same as a mere mortal and die and get forgotten in the stream of time..

A book,... more>> which is considered by many their first dark and cold book where the bad guy wins and think, Why should the evil lose? Why does the good triumph? The moral? The people? Only the power is eternal.

''There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.'' Leylin Farlier <<less
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Boobla rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: --
For those who loved this type of MC (selfish, seeking benefits), well your in luck!

Allow me to introduce you to a novel that is even BETTER than this one:


... more>> The only issue with this novel is that once you finish it, it will be impossible to read any other Chinese light novels. They'll look pathetic and childish. ISSTH, Coiling dragon, Against the gods, tales of demons and gods are nothing compared to that gem.

Also, consider "reverend insanity" as a major upgrade compared to warlock of the magus world

If you haven' read it your in for a treat ;) <<less
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Nostalgia21 rated it
January 20, 2019
Status: Completed
This has a special place in my heart since this is one of the first chinese novels i've read. TDG manhua made me want to read the novel and now we're here a few years later... a novel junkie trying to struggle with society. Lol. Besides the point, this is honestly a good read, i've read this a few years ago but I remembered it has great world building. Sure the MC has no morals at all, but it's not the plot nor the story's fault, it's just the way... more>> the story and world building was built upon. A lot of bad reviews focus on that, well, newsflash, you have the tags clearly written, please dont expect a good samaritan MC after seeing all the tags. Another negative reviews i've seen is that they say he's not really a scientist. These people probably don't even know what scientists do. They do a lot of research. And that's what he does. Sure, he allows the AI to do most of his tasks, but the AI doesn't think for him. He thinks of ways and ideas to get things done and he just uses a cheat code to do it in the fastest and most convenient way. I would say he's dumb if he doesn't use it, expecially given his morals... or lack thereof. Lol.

Ps: im actually running of novels to read and i've even entered the black hole of MTLing, lol never thought i'd be one of those frustrated enough. ?? so i've been going back on the earlier novels I read and am planning to read it again, hence the lengthy review. <<less
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ChocaMyc rated it
August 26, 2018
Status: Completed
When in Rome, do as the Roman's do. It is established multiple times that everyone are emotionless psychopaths that care for nothing but their own personal benefits (being even likened to machines), so I don't understand why people get so mad when the MC is the same as everyone else. Is he supposed to be the hot-blooded protagonist that rescues every single damsel in danger and forgives his enemies and later gets in trouble due to them? I honestly find it very refreshing to see a MC that actually focuses... more>> on himself instead of having to save everyone around him from some kind of enemy

And he actually saved the whole clan

every 50 or so chapters <<less
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rpvirtuoso rated it
May 15, 2018
Status: c1200
WMW is one the best novels out there which actually makes sense.

Try to imagine a world full of powerful people where there is actually a large difference between common people and people with powers such that it almost sets apart as different species. WMW is an impeccable example of this.

World Building is particularly deep with emphasis on history. Power system is very clearly defined unlike most novels.

MC is evil, cunning, and most of all AMBITIOUS and doesn't hesitate to do anything to achieve his goals. And best of all he... more>> is not a hypocrite which leaves a bad taste in readers mind, but hey truth sucks. It shows how people really act practically, which is fighting for benefits.

Words of flattery were free of charge, and he specifically picked out the nicest words. As expected, a look of pride rose on Weyers' face.

Face was something he had long since thrown into the drain

He gets sh*t done by any means

It also has people who are actually smart befitting their status, not some overly arrogant pompous a**holes who are very common in xianxia/wuxia novels. The intrigue and plots are very interesting. Our scheming MC always strives to achieve what he wants and in this novel he is clearly shown not as some apocalypse- saving hero or some messiah

Just to fulfil his ambitions, he does everything. I think this is where people find it hard to accept.

Other than some issues with AI chip, it is an excellent novel. <<less
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Itsblueviper rated it
April 6, 2018
Status: c1200
WMW is probably the most different novel (CN). Its MC doesn't necessarily focus on romance or cliche'd fights, its all about gaining power (even some parts have MC getting his way that would put him in as villain in almost all CNs). WMW gets boring in the middle as every other novel, but when it reaches chapter 800, its new arc can be equated as a new/different novel altogether.

... more>>

The way he gains the Coin of destiny would leave you wondering for a moment like weren't MCs supposed to be the good guys, its pretty funny and the worst thing a villain would do - use and kill the good/righteous guy (& simultaneously the little villain of that arc as well) of the arc and use him to power himself up.


Point is MC in this novel is not a good guy, he is as selfish as anyone could be, doesn't care about romance/family/clan/teamwork-so-called-brothers or anything of that sort. He just desire to be at the top of all the powerhouses of his universe (and later of multiverse). MC is the most practical portrayal one could expect.

Current ranking:- WMW > TTNH = HJC > OEM > DE > ISSTH > WDQK > AST > MGA > LLS. <<less
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Blustrain rated it
March 24, 2018
Status: c1200
If you're sick of reading about MC who gets dragged into trouble instead of seeking it, whose motivation is completely out of character, whose get taken advantage of by others, whose friends are not really friends, whose girlfriends have no reason to love them beside the power they wield, whose righteous justice is completely hypocritical. You've been searching far and wide, looking for an MC who don't do any of these things. You've been looking for a cold MC only to see the author decide to give him a moral... more>> compass. You want a story where characters are consistent! Look no further, you've found it... In this novel the plotholes are negligible, unless you go searching for them you won't find them. In this novel the plot will never be forced, unless the MC is ready he won't go seeking trouble. If the trouble finds him it won't be some supreme magical treasure which saves his ass and he will certainly not gain anything from this trouble, at most, he'll lose something.

This novel may not be the first of it's kind, but the MC is something you'll have to look for a long time to find. Well, in my days you had to, at least. A plus is that the MC is a human, he needs s*xual relief, but that doesn't mean he'll make a harem. Although the MC will help his friends, he won't do something which leave him in ruins. He takes revenge, he does all kinds of human actions, but he also knows to supress himself. He isn't some sadistic piece of shit, he also isn't some closeted pe*vert. This MC is the kind of guy which would be at the top of his school in looks, personality and grades, just a lot more rational... beware, he is kind of edgy as well, but we all need our quirks, right? If his quirk is to be the dark lord it's fine by me, at least he isn't a pu*sy like voldemort.

You've already read this novel and are looking for something similar?
The wizarding world and Reverend Insanity is your friend, don't bother looking at any of the others :D

PS: If you go ahead reading this novel there will be a long time till you shout "MORON!" at your computer screen, instead you'll hit your head and shout "WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!" <<less
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Cardman001 rated it
March 11, 2018
Status: Completed
This is one of my favorite novels. This is NOT a scientific, video-game-world story; it is all fantasy and magic. The MC, Leylin, is not a typical "honor and justice" kind of hero; he literally does anything to achieve his ultimate goal (which, by the way, is to become strong and live forever). He is not a dynamic character who changes his ways or does a good deed once in a while simply because he thinks it's the righteous thing to do. Essentially every move of Leylin's has a purpose... more>> behind it, whether it's for future profit or to pay past debts. If you're a person who enjoys the standard heroic character who cares about family, friends, followers, and face, then this is not the novel for you. I'll talk about the plot for a bit below, and then sum up some pros and cons.


The plot of the novel is pretty generic for the most part, but it certainly does exist. The main character, after coming back to life with an overpowered computer chip in his brain/soul, wants to reach immortality and invincibility; everything he does is for the purpose of powering up. The power levels in the novel are fairly standard - there are 9 ranks, with each rank being split into more levels. The world/universe is (to no one's surprise) much larger than the MC initially realizes, and most of the important places that are mentioned several times are actually visited, so that's also quite nice. The MC progresses in a steady manner, with time being taken in each level of power to resolve the new abilities that the MC acquires. The intents of the MC are explained in detail, and while we, as the readers, may be able to speculate about what will happen next, there is still an element of unpredictability to each of the plots and schemes that Leylin utilizes.



  • Interesting world/universe
  • MC's powers are unique albeit gimmicky
  • Atypical MC personality
  • Steady and reasonably explained progress

  • The ending is somewhat unsatisfying, but logical
  • There are chapters that describe what minor characters are experiencing, which may drag on for a bit and ultimately change very little (but it does add to world-building)
Overall, I would highly recommend reading this. It's not quite like any other novel I've read; the best comparison would be: imagine one of the early-story villains in another chinese novel actually stealing from and killing that novel's MC, and then having the story follow this villain for the rest of the novel. <<less
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Bazikiller rated it
March 1, 2018
Status: Completed
Warlock of the Magus World is a great book and although the book starts off slow, it isn't a bad book like what a lot of comments say, its just the beginning of the book is slow and boring but as you start to read the book it actually starts getting interesting and the MC starts to explore the world and stuff.

What I really like about the book is that the WMW is different from most magic and sword style books and the MC is not exactly a knight in... more>> shinning armor and actually goes down the dark pth which is quite interesting compared to the average book where the MC is a good guy who rescues every damsel in distress and instead actually thinks about the decisions he makes, and weights the benefits.

So if ur gonna read the book make sure you read at least 100-150 chapters, because thats when it gets interesting <<less
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GDLiZy rated it
December 20, 2017
Status: c1200
What?You don't like generic MC?

You don't even like generic villains?

Then this is the novel for you.

MC is a selfish, calculative and decisive person, he will do everything for his goal, even play the supervillain role.

Villains will become smarter as their power goes up. Betrayals, word-play are planned ahead by both MC and villains.


He once manipulated naive boys to go up against each other and killing all of them to finish his grand plan of annihilating all powerhouse there to rule it for his resource and to create a fate-related treasure.

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trollpatsch rated it
October 7, 2017
Status: Completed
One of the few consistently strong and exciting novels I've read so far.

The protagonist, a reincarnated scientist of a SciFi setting, strives for strength in... a Magus world. But in contrast to most MCs he is cautious, low-key, reserved -- and stays that way till the very end. Often, his actions are really hard to predict; it feels like the author is playing with the readers expectations, which is incredibly refreshing. Saving the girl, getting the rewards, taking a student, staying loyal? Who knows?

In most web novels the MC is... more>> in a hostile environment and strives to become the strongest, only to repeatedly discover a higher realm with more powerful enemies. WMW is similar in this regard, but manages to stay original and diversified. The MC might be injured, has to learn a different kind of magic or engages the world as a different entity. Really good!

There are, however, two major downsides: No central plotpoints beyond the pursuit of strength and an a tad too overpowered cheat item. But the latter is at least limited to analysis and scanning, in contrast to the usual infinite time, knowledge and cultivation resources.

All in all a solid read I really recommend! <<less
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DUKE OF GREED rated it
October 3, 2017
Status: ch.1057
Warlock of the Magus World, in my preference, is one of the best novels I have read. The main character is not some little bit*h getting pushed over by the antagonists, nor is some under estimated little prick staying in the shadows. He waits for the right moment to show his powers, but when he does, he becomes the star of the show,

And there is not any cliche like the "oh he's strong but he will probably lose." Or

" I cant believe he defeated him * enter stronger antagonist*... more>> he will porbably die.... He didnt die, I cant believe it * enters sect older brother* he is going to lose... Its impossible, he defeated him *enters f*cking GOD!!* he's finished now..... Amazing he's stronger than GOD!! *enters DAOLORD!!!* He probably wont make it."

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zippyfan rated it
September 11, 2017
Status: v12c3
The amount of detail that went into world building is amazing. The amount of time the MC spends in planning before acting is unlike a lot of novel I have read. Sometimes the MC will go into 100's of chapters before finally activating his plan. The amount of strategy and intricacies that go into making his plan is what I read it for.

People like and hate this story for the same reason. The main character is heartless. He does cruel stuff from time to time. To be honest, there are... more>> very few good people in this novel. Some of these good people do suffer in the hands of the main character but they had and equal chance of suffering from the main character's enemies as well. It's a dog eat dog story and there are people far crueler than the main character. There are a lot of hypocrites who pretend to be 'good' people as well only to take advantage of societal order to press for their interests. And if that doesn't work then suddenly their opponents are heretics and savagery is back on the menu.

Apart from one time, the main character is not really cruel for the lulz. He does it purely for the benefits. Even the one time he was cruel for cruelty's sake, he was changed biochemically speaking but managed to straighten himself up and focus on the benefits. (Unfortunately, those people were then screwed even further as a result)

He's not a hero nor does he claim to be one. The stuff he does is effed up. Some people do not have the stomach to read it and I completely understand. But the satisfaction you get as a reader seeing the main character's plan come together is what gets me going. <<less
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I lost hope in humanity
I lost hope in humanity rated it
September 3, 2017
Status: c981
For starters, I love this novel so much. The story is so original and up my alley. Also for 90% of the 1-star people, your complaints are so dumb, in fact, I made this whole account just to say this. So for the people who say that the protagonist is so heartless and how you regret reading this novel, well look at the description of the damn novel first, like seriously it explains like at least 80% of his personality, for example "Dark, cold and calculating, he makes use of... more>> all his resources as he sets off on his adventures to meet his goal.

"Dark, cold and calculating, he makes use of all his resources as he sets off on his adventures to meet his goal.

Face? Who needs that... Hmmm... that guy seems too powerful for me to take on now... I better keep a low profile for now.

You want me to help you? Sure... but what benefit can I get out of it? Nothing? Bye.

Hmmm... that guy looks like he might cause me problems in the future. Should I let him off for now and let him grow into someone that can threaten me.... Nahhh. *kill*"

literally, copy and paste. If you use half your brain you can infer you're not going to have a rainbow and sunshine of a novel, and also the A.I chip doing everything for him. We all know the mc's a realist here, let me ask you when you're going to study Einstein, for example, you don't go to the library and look that sh*t up, you go look at the internet (common sense), the same principle applies here

when you can scan a book and implement that into your brain, instead of reading a whole library that has like 10, 000 books

. My point, read the description before you actually read the novel and use common sense. Now stfu and not let my brain die of anger by looking at your s*upid complaints whenever I go to the comment section, thank you for reading my rant. <<less
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Amnesiac rated it
August 25, 2017
Status: --
Warlock of the Magus World is a curious read - almost entirely unique within the world of Chinese Novels. It boasts a cold, inhumane protagonist, interesting setting, and adequate prose, that, if nothing else, doesn't serve to make the narrative less cogent or the world building less believable. However, many of the aspects of Warlock of the Magus World that originally differentiated it as a new and interesting take on fantasy cultivation weigh it down in later chapters and lead to the degradation of a series with superlative potential.

Warlock of... more>> the Magus world is predicated on its main character; Leylin Farlier was originally a scientist but died in a lab mishap and transmigrated to the body of a lascivious noble. Upon arriving in the new world, Leylin discovers that the A.I chip he worked to invent in his past life had fused with his soul upon transmigration. And so, with nothing more than the A.I chip, his wits, and the will to survive, Leylin attempts to climb the power hierarchy of this new world until even life and death lie obsequious beneath him. While many of the essential elements of a cultivation story are present in Warlock of the Magus World, the world is unique because of small yet significant differences in the narrative and setting, and this uniqueness is what makes it a conceptually great novel.

Most important of these aspects is Leylin; a character who originally appears cool and ruthless, but becomes more and more deplorable as the story progresses and he is exposed to various dangers. Within the first two hundred chapters, Leylin changes from a character who struggles to adapt to the nihilistic pragmatism of the Magus World to an emotionally dead individual - one who has no qualms with manipulating and hurting those "close" to him in the pursuit of power. He is a snake, as cold and unfeeling as the A.I chip he relies on and beholden exclusively to a bestial lust for power, Leylin is fundamentally inhuman. Forget love, even his pursuit of s*x seems driven by a desire to gain strength and influence;

when Leylin advances to a rank five Magus and evolves into the Kemoyin Emperor, even the most basic of human urges, the compulsion to eat, becomes a means to gain power.


Seeing a character who is so unabashedly selfish and without a modicum of pretense is refreshing beyond words. Within a sea of ostensibly "morally ambiguous" protagonists, Leylin stands alone as one of the only truly evil main characters in a light novel. However, much like Frank Underwood of "House of Cards", Leylin is difficult to detest because he is presented as vacuous. Just as Underwood is a marionette beholden to the whims of political theater, Leylin is a s*ave to his desire for power. And so the audience, comfortable with the knowledge that the story presented is purely fictional, is able to enjoy watching his exploits without ever being forced to identify with him. The writing style also contributes to this sense of dissociation. At times, the prose takes on the qualities of a lab report. Extraneous emotional adjectives may be excised entirely, making the world presented appear even colder and the narrative even more skeletal than it would seem normally. However, Leylin's lack of a personality and the minimalist prose that makes Warlock of the Magus world interesting to read throughout the first couple arcs quickly becomes a hindrance as the authors' ideas gradually lose their novelty. In any long running project that has stringent time constraints, it can be expected that the novel's author will begin to experience fatigue, becoming less and less creative as the story drags on. However, this degradation becomes a massive issue in Warlock of the Magus world. Leylin's lack of character and the bland prose that permeates this story only serve to exacerbate the clear loss of artistic direction that the author experiences in later chapters. Warlock of the Magus World never becomes quite as cyclical as, say, Against the Gods. But as the locales and narrative elements introduced at the start of each arc become less novel and less intriguing, there is no safety net to save this story from plummeting into mediocrity.

For a novel in the style of Warlock of the Magus World to excel, clear artistic direction and a soundly structured story are needed along with adequate world building, otherwise, it becomes as bland and uninteresting as its prose and characters. In other words, the novel has to be technically and creatively excellent to truly be great. While Warlock of the Magus World accomplishes this feat throughout its first few hundred chapters, it is eventually crushed beneath its excessive length, leading to increasingly lackluster chapters in the second half of the story that eventually fall off in quality entirely. Warlock of the Magus World is an average story with a very strong start, and a vapid ending. I would recommend trying the story out. It won't be for everyone; some may find Leylin's personality abrasive while others may find the prose to be underwhelming. However, for those who don't mind these ostensible issues, the first act of Warlock of the Magus World is a unique and enjoyable read - hell, while the quality falls off later on, readers who are truly invested in the setting and characters might even be able to enjoy the story's later arcs. This story is definitely worth a try; by the end of the first hundred chapters, you'll know whether or not it's for you, and if you do enjoy it, the first 400 or so chapters are a pretty exceptional read. <<less
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Tenku_kun rated it
August 7, 2017
Status: Completed
It's best to ignore the reviews given by those who haven't read atleast 280+ chapters... The best part and his personality start to shine after that, especially his wits... Also for those who want a pure and righteous MC, it's best you don't read this novel. This stuff isn't for your taste! It also has already been specified in that tags that the MC is evil, so don't go on complaining on how evil he can be at times... His character is absolutely ruthless different from the usual "ruthlessness", he's... more>> someone who calculates his profits and losses before making a move. And damn those plot twists in his Twilight Region Arc are absolutely amazing! The only problem I found was that he isn't exactly emotionally attached to his other lovers... The rest is amazing!

EDIT: I'll be frank here, the ending is really rushed... A lot of character buildup was just brushed to the side to finish this novel. I really dont get it... why do chinese authors try to increase the word count of a chapter so much if they're gonna rush the end of the novel? Anyways yeah, in my opinion the novel goes downhill (because of the rushing yea) after

Leylin leaves for the Shadow World

-1 Star for that...
Also DnD fans should read this!

The World of Gods is based on The Forgotten Realms

All-in-all, If you want a change from your usual stereotypical MC and don't mind him being absolutely selfish, This is a must read.

Btw... the author calls himself The Plagiarist for a reason... <<less
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August 5, 2017
Status: --
No novel ever made me feel as lonely as this one. The main character does not feel anything; no friendship, no love, no hate. His one and only motivation is the pursuit of immortality. He is alien.

This being said, the story is extremely realistic and there is real tension throughout; one cannot help but wonder if he will finally succeed or not.

I recommend it as an antidote to the usual face-slapping novel. If you are looking heroism or idealism though, look elsewhere.
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life1996 rated it
July 2, 2017
Status: c782
Great story, great world build, and great character build. Leylin has very realistic way of thinking people would say the Ai chip is OP and that he uses it to much, but wouldnt anyone after all its a life or death/ law of the jungle world where it takes power to live so all in all hes a character people can relate to I wish they would post faster because its fun to see what he will do next.
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