The Hungry Fortress Wants to Build a Battleship in Another World – World of Sandbox


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When I came to, I had reincarnated along with the base fortress from my sci-fi game. What’s more, I was in the form of the female avatar I used in the game.

All around me was an endless ocean, with no iron, no fuel, no energy, nothing at all! No matter how advanced sci-fi technology is, without resources, nothing can be made.

Despite this, the natives use some sort of incomprehensible technology called magic, and there’s not a trace of science to be found.

Most importantly, I want to eat proper meals for nourishment, not just survive on IV drips!

This is the story of a TS girl surviving in a fantasy world together with a super-advanced but spoiled AI administrator.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Harapeko Yousai wa Isekai de Dai Senkan ga Tsukuritai: World of Sandbox
腹ペコ要塞は異世界で大戦艦が作りたい - World of Sandbox -
Related Series
Yamato Empire Chronicle – TS Girl, Conquering the Fantasy World With the Strongest Modern Nation Made in a Game (1)
She Was Both Called God, as Well as Satan (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Scifi
  2. Criminally underrated epics
  3. TS novels
  4. Peak Hidden Gems Part 4
  5. TS novels FTW

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/12/24 Story Seedling v6c195
12/11/24 Story Seedling v6c194
12/10/24 Story Seedling v6c193
12/09/24 Story Seedling v6c192
12/08/24 Story Seedling v6c191
12/07/24 Story Seedling v6c190
12/06/24 Story Seedling v6c189
12/05/24 Story Seedling v6c188
12/04/24 Story Seedling v6c187
12/03/24 Story Seedling v6c186
12/02/24 Story Seedling v6c185
12/01/24 Story Seedling v6c184
11/30/24 Story Seedling v6c183
11/29/24 Story Seedling v6c182
11/28/24 Story Seedling v6c181
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8 Reviews sorted by

New abee76 rated it
December 1, 2024
Status: --
Story wise it's actually quite good... if only the translation is not ai... like few time nation changing name (and even government type because of translation, from republic to kingdom.. the ai translation couldn't decide) making the reading really confusing
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Sitidara rated it
June 13, 2024
Status: c310
This story is full of things that amaze me, all this time because I was exposed to boring isekai stories and stereotypes like this have become attached from year to year, so that it makes me not even bother to see the existence of isekai-isekai on the market. Even so, I still read it in my free time and saw this title because I'm a genben lover.

The cover and title are very unconvincing, seeing as what I mentioned above, because there was nothing else to read, I decided to read... more>> this and... boom I didn't expect this to be hidden gems

The story that is told is brilliant for combining fantasy and sci fi simultaneously, without reducing each other's portions and not dominating each other so that each one has its own strengths and weaknesses without distorting the genre.

how the author processes existing logic and looks very intelligent in determining the plot he presents, without feeling 's*upid' in his explanation, in fact I felt dizzy when the author explained many things about science according to the criteria in the story which shows how competent the author is

then regarding the characters, there are no tr*shy isekai stereotypes, where s*upid characters do naive things to disturb the story, moreover the npcs here are very competent in seeing what is good and bad after seeing the horror of the mc's power without feeling arrogant or s*upid like that we see in other tr*sh isekai.

The author skill in showing the military, science and fantasy genres beautifully which amazed me, I realized that hidden gems like this are worthy of appreciation. <<less
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 28, 2024
Status: v3c89
"If Factorio were a book"

Basically. She lands on an alien planet, builds some stuff, acquires resources, builds MORE stuff to acquire MORE resources but different, antagonizes the locals, builds bigger guns to antagonize the locals better, invades a friendly nation for oil (murica Fk yeah style), ticks off some big alien monsters, kills the monsters, ticks off BIGGER alien monsters... Etcetera

If a litrpg is like playing final fantasy but a book instead - this is a litrts, with engineering resource and automation aspects - so. Factorio.

People like litrpgs because they're... more>> RPG players and RPG players like stats go up. People like this because they are factorio addicts and factorio addicts like "base must grow" - the base does, in fact, grow, It's gorgeous I love it

In all, this book inspired me to start a seablock run of factorio - so it ruined my entire life pretty much. 10/10 would waste 3000 hours of my life gathering digital kelp sludge again <<less
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Shy Giggling
Shy Giggling rated it
September 25, 2024
Status: v3c102
I love the story but I can't stand the AI translation. I don't know how much we're missing out because this dude decided to say "f*ck it" and use ChatGPT.

... more>>

Speaking of which, the next vessel planned for construction after the oil tanker was a gas carrier.

Certainly! Here's the translation of the last section of chapter 101 with the specified names and female pronouns for Ringo:

In reality, it would have been better to build a cluster of plants around the Oil Port to minimize losses. However, further development might attract too much attention, so we are holding back for now.


He can't even proofread his own stuff, kinda making me wonder why's he doing this at all if not for the love of it.

I'll give it the stars I think it rightfully deserves but I can't write a proper review if the "translation" isn't reliable at all.

To show it's unreliability, from one chapter to another, a country's name can change from Alphasia to Alpazhia to Alfacia, like wtf dude.

I hope someone can take this over and do a better and more honest job. I'm not even asking for something 100% clean but something actually translated, not just MTL'd. <<less
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AMetroid rated it
July 27, 2024
Status: v2c56
A rather dry story that goes over the procedural steps the MC takes to re-establish her planet side base after being isekaied. Due to her isolated location there is not much in the way of character interactions and with most of the narrative focusing on what next steps are take to expand. Though this looks to change in the future as the MC expands.

The author doesn't provide much in the way of details which autistic could extrapolate future progress from, just more of a "we're going in this direction. We... more>> arrived. We're not going in that direction." This at least prevents making errors in the details but so far it's very much an "and then" written story.

Overall: 3/5 (v2c56)

The characters aren't very engaging and it's a slow, dry, "and then" written story. There are some interesting ideas but it's not the type of story that will grab most people. <<less
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AggressiveWeasel rated it
September 4, 2024
Status: v.3c97
A refreshing isekai with no s*upid cliches (as of yet, anyway).

As another review mentioned, it has a vibe similar to Factorio, the factory must grow and all of that.

... more>>

including the critical lack of iron at the beginning, god I felt that in my soul


The main character is a fun and refreshing one, intellegent and knowlegeble, yet not omniscient, not physically overpowered (as far as i've read, at least), and as reclusive as any of us would be in that kind of situation, as well as being, to my undersranding, a genetically perfected foxgirl.

The tech present is powerful, yet not so overpowered that it becomes dull, magic is much the same way, and most of all, the characters feel like actual people, no one makes s*upid mistakes for the sake of "plot", and most people in any position of power are realistically intellegent.

Overall, it's a fun read, the translation speed is good, and I get my fix of this very specific sci-fi/magic base-building mix, heh.



Do exsuse me if i've written this review not quite up to the guidelines, as

1: This is the first ever review i've written on this site.

2: English is not my first language

And finally,

3: I am currently being harrased by approximately one thousand mosqitoes, who seem very determined to get into my eyes, nose, ears, and god knows where else.

(save me, please, i've ran out of any sort of repellant)

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RedCobra75 rated it
September 30, 2024
Status: v4c123
I really really like this novel.

It's factorio in fantasy world & rise of nations type of story.

Securing resources, conquer new lands, conquer other factions & politics.

... more>> The story very focus about self grow your own nations by securing the resources around the lands she discovered. And yes resources, that mean " Give me your oils and other resources" American way.

The relationships between the organic Ai sisters and female MC also wholesome to read.

Why this related to factorio game ? You build a factory then giant monsters spawn while you exploring or build oil rigs. Why this related to rise of nation game ?

with power of politic you be friendly first then force them to be your nation later. as factorio enjoyer & rise of nation enjoyer, I really love this.

60%% of the story is resources gathering the factory must grow and 40% of the story is politics become allies or find new land & new resources. <<less
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FreeCake rated it
October 7, 2024
Status: v9c326
This story is very fun. The basic premise is something along the lines of a supcom or aroura 4x player being dropped into an iskeai, and the author does a pretty good job of balancing it all. The characters are interesting, the nations and worlds are fun, and the growing impact of the tree’s forces is very fun to see
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