War Prisoner


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Su Yi, the great general of Qi, was captured by enemy country’s army. Faced with the downfall of his country and interest from opposing country’s king, how will he react?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Prisoner of War
Tù Binh
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Reddit recs part 2
  2. Bl/denmai/cultivation/ger/farming/immortal
  3. BL Historical
  4. Danmei; has been read (1)
  5. I love myself best

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/04/14 Panisal extra 2
10/31/14 Panisal extra 1
10/09/14 Panisal c95
10/07/14 Panisal c94
10/05/14 Panisal c93
10/03/14 Panisal c92
10/03/14 Panisal c91
10/01/14 Panisal c90
09/27/14 Panisal c89
09/27/14 Panisal c88
09/25/14 Panisal c87
09/23/14 Panisal c86
09/21/14 Panisal c85
09/19/14 Panisal c84
09/17/14 Panisal c83
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61 Reviews sorted by

YuYao rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: --
It is a good story. But still left me with several complain for the plots.


the MC character's development are too pitiful. How can he be a servant so obedient? And Zi Yan's punishment is too shallow, completely unharmed and no sign of repentance. Mutilated leg healed proccess is too ridiculous

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