Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel


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He died on the wedding of the girl he had a crush on, after a long and successful career. After convincing Yama to send him back to the world, he decides to fix the areas in which his life went wrong. Realizing the lack of love and romance in his past life, he sets out to conquer the hearts of various women.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Record of Rebirth and Chasing Beauties
So Pure, So Flirtatious: The Prequel
The Richest Man in the City
Related Series
High Comprehension Low Strength (Shared Universe)
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My Beautiful Teacher (3)
Omni Genius (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels i Have Read
  2. My Main Novels
  3. CN Harem
  4. Things I've Read pt 2
  5. Male Protagonist

Latest Release

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10/05/18 Evilations v4c114
10/05/18 Evilations v4c113
10/05/18 Evilations v4c112
10/05/18 Evilations v4c111
10/04/18 Evilations v4c110
10/04/18 Evilations v4c109
10/04/18 Evilations v4c108
10/04/18 Evilations v4c107
10/04/18 Evilations v4c106
10/04/18 Evilations v4c105
10/04/18 Evilations v4c104
09/25/18 Evilations v4c103
09/25/18 Evilations v4c102
09/25/18 Evilations v4c101
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108 Reviews sorted by

T.I Emon
T.I Emon rated it
January 15, 2021
Status: Completed
One of my favorite it's like real life fantasy but little less logic overall I liked it
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sagacity rated it
January 10, 2021
Status: c150
2 for the Effort. There is a story just not very engaging. I like OP MC but if MC is also an unrestrained pe*vert, I'm out. Too many tr*shy MC I've encountered in my reading journey and I can't tolerate them anymore.
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hafidzvn rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: Completed
Exciting Adventure, contrary to it's title, the heroines isn't exactly very pure but, still, it's still very ambiguous, but regardless, it's good, there's bunch of harems despite the synopsis saying it's for 1 girl.
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jazmac rated it
February 17, 2020
Status: v3c50
Just don't bother. This is coming from someone that can pretty much ignore bad writing most of the time in service to the main purpose of this novel which is the accumulation of a harem but after the first volume the plot just goes absolutely non-sensical and the English translation for the first two volumes are particularly bad in the first place in addition to the terrible writing so it really became an effort to get through.

There's also a strong hatred of anyone that isn't Chinese in this ... more>>

like he'll actually reject girls at least initially based on if their Japanese or not and infact r*pes one of them as a consequence of this


I'm currently around 50 chapters into volume 3 as of writing this and I think I'm basically done cause it just breaks down more and more as you get further in. <<less
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February 1, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a mediocre story overall. Sometimes it was good and interesting, sometimes it was subpar and very forced. The characters became generic over time, despite some of them had interesting personalities in the beginning and there wasn't much character progression. The ending is rushed, it reeks of that the author wanted to put an end to the story as fast as possible. Well, I still find this better than suddenly dropping the novel. I only recommend the Novel if you don't have any better to read and you just... more>> want to read this to pass time. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
January 6, 2019
Status: c62
The author is Janus, the two-faced. The first chapter starts melodramatic, a life gone in passing, without achieving true love. And BAM!, suddenly the sad, devastated MC becomes the ultimate Mr. Silkpants, starts arguing with Yama, beats up delinquents, forgets about his "true love" in 5 minutes and goes after every girl he comes across. And the worst part, the true love is perfectly fine with it. What morals? What true love? This is clearly corrupting public morals and ought to be banished from stores in the whole country!
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EmpyreanQing rated it
December 16, 2018
Status: v4c159
At the first chapter I started thinking the novel kinda good since MC determined to working hard for FL but after his reborn he turn into a some shameless rogue and the more he gain power and wealth the more he act like a many silky pants young master who always pick a chick whenever he like especially the FL just because she afraid make MC angry she always let MC do anything he want including some Polygami damn that make him become more ret*rd
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Eklair rated it
December 6, 2018
Status: v2c90

Volume 1 was okay it was a good read but when volume 2 started it went downhill, 20 chapters in the beginning are just filler (nothing really plot wise happens) then the author pulls everyone's favorite amnesia arc that lasts till chapter 95 if I recall. While this is going on aliens get introduced, and the guy that was going to marry the girl in his first life is also reborn for some reason. Guess what our MC does? Tells him he is also reborn and everything else even though he still is trying to pursue the MC's woman, MC doesn't even suspect or get suspicious about how he reborn, even though yama said others can't.

It gets worse down the road from the spoilers I saw, Don't misunderstand, I enjoyed volume 1 but volume 2 is a train wreck, it just seemed like the author meshed a bunch of ideas together even though he already had the story built.

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