The Villains Need to Save the World?


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In the legends that were told, ten thousand years ago the twelve demon kings wreaked havoc upon the world, almost completely destroying it. Ten thousand years later, the late arriving Bella discovered that she had been screwed over by her reincarnation, the ranks of the Saviors are already filled and she has to change teams in order to pass the days. Having her gender changed into a beautiful girl… she endured that, not being able to join the righteous side and obtain cheat abilities… she endured, but what she could not endure, was that the world that she had transmigrated to was toxic beyond belief. No one here does their rightful jobs properly, be they heroes, demon kings, or creator gods… in fact, Bella felt as if they all had also started with the wrong faction!

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30 Reviews sorted by

YeetusOffACliff rated it
October 28, 2021
Status: v2c65
personally, I have no problem with all the yuri, r*pe and s*xual stuff

but other aspects of this story are basically just hopeless...

- typical, completely moronic mc

... more>> - it seems like non MC characters have even less iq than the mc

- basically non-sensical plot and story

- so far, the entire story is from the perspective of the MC. which means no inner monologue from any character other than mc

- extremely confusing and abrupt event swap. swapping to a different place with a different event happening at the same time out of basically nowhere

- introduced characters becoming basically completely irrelevant, fading into the background juat to provide context and sometime one or two dialogs every 5-10 chapters

+ prelude is actually pretty decent tho ngl, only started to become a dumpster fire afterward

+ if you like yuri and harem then you MIGHT find this somewhat readable? (i have no problem with yuri and harem but its still pretty much unbearable for me)

verdict: tr*sh. just take this story as a grand harem assembling journey with s*upid plot, dropping this

gave this a 2/5 instead of a 1/5 because of the author's dedication to write 1200+ chapters of this dumpster fire

huge props to the translator who read 400+ chapters of this dumpster fire and translated them all... what a man of sheer will and dedication <<less
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Mymoostasho rated it
June 23, 2020
Status: --
I'm about a hundred chapters in and every female the author bothers to describe ends up in the harem and every male (other than the one cross dressing one who is probably gay and there for not a threat) is just a pervy (so exactly like the main character) useless bump in the road. I want some kind of male rival who isnt some giant perv trying to steal one of the girls the MC has her/his eyes on, and is actually a rival. Like he gets the attention... more>> of one of the girls she/he want (even if it's only temporary), but that wouldn't work cause the MC is the type that once the girl has been tainted she/he would throw them away. All in all. It's not horrible but it could be much better. <<less
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July 23, 2019
Status: --
Hmm...i never expected the yuri will be this... yuri?Anyway, I personally not fond with chinese novel but I gotta say this is quite interesting. As long as you can handle the yuri, I think you are fine.

P.S.:Does anyone know where can I find the raw of this?I tried looking for it but no result. If you know where can I find it please share it to me. Many Thanks.
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awesomereader rated it
April 14, 2020
Status: v3c127
While I do not like this novel, I will not say it is a complete wreck. For anyone who loves yuri and r*pe, this is for you. This rating is out of 5, so starting at 5 and will be decreased/increased depending on each of my subjects. 4 points go towards the novel qualities, and 1 point goes towards my overall love to the novel. Note that if it is incomplete or just 'average' I will neither subtract or add points.

lets start with characters. Our lovely, ideal gender bent MC... more>> who goes around fulfilling all his manly desires... except this MC can just be regarded as a female. Ok look, they said in one sentence in the first volume that she was originally a male. Does he seem to care? No. Does that stop him from doing anything? No. So okay. If I were to take away that sentence and replace it with 'she was always female who liked to violate other females, ' does that fit. Yes. Not to mention our MC is static as hell. "I was, and will always be a r*pist" -Bella. Overall, the other girls in her harem have better growth, albeit they were still static to the end. -1 for rating.

The plot? Hey look im a reincarnated from another world, and since in OP I'm just going to f*ck around here.


Our MC reincarnates and sees two lolis doing god knows what. Then they find a dead female knight where Bella fuses with. She travels, and meets harem girl #1. Travels a bit more, and meets maid girls 1 and 2. Few more chapters later, and in*est is added to the tags, and did I forget to mention shes harem girl #2. While at that, why don't you kidnap your older sister too. Harem girl #3 what about that OP girl from that random kingdom that we will never hear from again, oh yeah her... harem girl #4... hmm I seem to be running out of ideas... lets move on to the generic school setting. Student council! Student council! There's a mad female r*apist here. Oh wait, you'll are of her harem aren't you... then uh, Student disciplinary council... oh you too? I know, the s*upidly undefined church will help me. No good? they're all part of the harem? WTF. I'm just going to leave school don't mind me. ah right I need a break from all of.... is that a loli dragon. wait that's Bella? with... 6 new girls. Oi Bella u gotta chill. after chapters later.

What am I actually reading? The battle scenes are described averagely; the r*ape scenes even worse. and shes getting a new member to her harem every... 3 chapters I swear.


For the plot, I cannot fully complete at the moment, as I have not finished this novel. For now, it it in the neutral, as it is incomplete.

For the individual arcs. I'm not going to lie, as much as this author has no sense of direction, he knows what hes doing for each arc. Whether these arcs contribute to the over-arcing narrative... it does not is up to you. He does a good job at describing scenarios. The way he execute is left unsaid, but at the end of the day, you could enjoy said arc, and the MC will enjoy that new harem member. There were some places that were left undesirable, but it wasn't a miserable experience. so I rate it average.

the depth of detail this story goes into. this will be split into two parts, the geographical depth, and the background story depth, starting with the geographical.

    1. Spoiler

      With the geographical, we start off in a far island. We can infer that from the fact we had to sail to get towards civilization. When we land, we know near nothing about where we are, and what is going on. We progress to only fine out names of the countries around us, followed by the names of other places not on said world. The Country of Evil being the only place we have where we can barely make out where some things are. The second best place is where we spent about half a volume staying in. the school.

      This author has some planning issues in terms of mapping out his world. I'm not going to let this pass. -0.5 for rating.
    1. Spoiler

      With the characters back stories, all we seem to know is that they're all in Bella's harem. Aside from that, you have MC - who has a forgotten alter ego, the saviour - who have an evil alter ego, the residents of this world - who are describable with literally one sentence. the 7 sins - the seven sins (Christan reference), creators, world breakers, and trouble makers - all describable with the literal name. the only one who seems to have a greater back story (to my current novel status), would be Alisha (not to be confused with Lisha, the princess), and Elise. the author tries to play out MC's background story, trying to make her sound imposing and interesting to read, but when you look at it, its just another saviour type backstory with just a bit more information than "she was previously evil."

      Not going to lie, this is pretty bad, as author doesn't seem to know how to develop back stories to the point to where its interesting. This is an another -0.5 for the ratings.
So all in all, this is why I gave it a 3/5, if the plot proves to be terrible, which is what I'm expecting, this technically will drop to a 2/5. if it miraculously gets better in the 1.5 volumes left? well then its a 4/5. IF, and only if, it gets better slightly, and consistently stays as such, I will keep this a 3/5. This is my personal review, you do not have to agree with what I have said.

If you like what you see, go enjoy this living heaven. if you don't, run from this burning hell. <<less
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Blackrabbit0634 rated it
March 27, 2019
Status: v1c50
I have to agree sometimes the MC is a bit too creepy for me, although the MC being male from the beginning may be a plot point in the future as of volume 1 I'd prefer the MC being female from the start. It may be a bit biased from me but it just feels so wrong.

The story really isn't too great, I started reading this novel after checking the tags but sadly there were a few tags which was not included so I included them (I don't know if... more>> everybody will agree)


Blackmail - MC blackmailing unwilling harem members is big NO for me.. And honestly speaking MCs way of blackmailing reminds me of Hentai Plots very unrealistic

sad*st Protagonist - same as blackmailing if I have known MC has an S fetish I may have avoided this novel I mean when MC just and up collars his harem members, uses the demon princess as a table, cuffs them so they can't move gets pretty creepy for me

Harem-seeking Protagonist - I'm not saying Harem novels are bad but well for me MCs which seeks harem members usually have horrible story as a lot of side characters get forgotten or maybe just became a name only without even having a single dialogue

Pe*verted Protagonist - not bad by itself but adding the previous tags is also a big NO for me

P.S. If this tags are inappropriate feel free to delete them


I barely finished volume one and pretty much at my limit just not to quit. I'm not saying this is a bad novel but I would have appreciated to be well-informed of what I'm getting into because for me halfway through volume 1 was a cringefest for me. <<less
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whitenight2013 rated it
September 6, 2018
Status: v2c54
It's a Chinese novel so get ready for a long story. I've read other Chinese stories, so I think it's just trait for them to have a lot to it which is where my problem for the story comes in. There are so many girls that often enough they appear, the main character conquers them or ropes them in to working for her, and then they don't really have a huge part in the story. There are 650 more chapters right now though, so that could easily change in the... more>> future. But I like the themes, the main character is likable which can be a problem in any story with an anti-hero, and it's just confusing enough that I'm not sure what will happen next while not being completely lost in what's happening now. <<less
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WhiteNekoKnight rated it
January 18, 2018
Status: v1c6
Standard reincarnation into a different world novel with a gender-bent (MtoF) whose building a s*ave harem. Nothing really to make it stand out IMO. Could be a decent time waster. I recommend it for a light read between books. Though if you don't like the idea of r*pe and s*avery, I don't recommend it.
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READER090126 rated it
July 19, 2021
Status: v1c1
I just don't like reading a useless protagonist who doesn't make us or find out on her powers. I feel like she relies on mostly her plot armor (i would say plot armor cuz she doesn't find the effort to discover, use, or do something with her powers. It's like as long as she doesn't die and kick ass it doesn't matter.
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April 11, 2021
Status: --
story was pretty good until they brought in the MC corpse suits sisters.

The MC is pretending to be the Felia and trying to entice them by making them think they can be a happy sexing family but really Felia died a long time ago and is just being used to hide the MC dark aura.

The longer this goes on without her having any remorse or telling them the more crappy she is.

All the transmigrated girls address this by commenting how they tried to seperate from their new bodies former relations.
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EndFrost rated it
June 29, 2019
Status: v2c80
For anyone who wants a yuri harem with action and stuff. This is for you. By the way, the part about doing things to each other is very limited (leaving up to your imagination).
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