The Tutorial Is Too Hard


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On a normal boring day, a message appears, inviting him to a Tutorial.

A tale about Lee Ho Jae and his escape from the Tutorial.

But he just happened to choose the hardest possible difficulty: Hell…

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튜토리얼이 너무 어렵다
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164 Reviews sorted by

LehmD rated it
December 8, 2021
Status: c51
So the novel starts with MC being Stuck at Floor 60 because he needs a duo Partner. Then someone finally joins and he wants to help her get to Floor 60. But then we skip to the past of MC at Floor 1 and some other random people at the Start and almost never mentions the Newcomer again for the next 50+ chapters. It just makes it really hard for me to find any enjoyment.

Bruh I already know you are the strongest guy in the world the best challenger in... more>> hell difficulty at Floor 60. I already know you will succeed why would I read hundreds of chapters Till you get there from Floor 1. I just cant find the Motivation somehow. I think it would have been more interesting for me to just Start at Floor one and not mention him being Stuck or just Focus on the New Girl. <<less
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Fuxy rated it
November 6, 2021
Status: c300
After reading most of it and skipping some of the last chapters because I know it was going to end unsatisfactory.

I have to say the story was OK and even great in certain parts but it was kind of up its own ass trying to make the MC act smart when he was clearly a dumbass most of the time.

... more>>

The only good thing about him was his ability to pick things up fast in the middle of battle and probably the Mai cause of his inability to grasp magic past a basic level to the point a time skip of indeterminate length was required.


That and the authors obsession with it being cool or something led to the story intentionally ending on a huge cliffhanger.

I despised cliff hangers even when they are doe short term or expecting to be continued later or but using it intentionally is on another level of dumbassery...

Overall the story was OK but I will never read something from this author ever again... <<less
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yugmodnar rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: c150
This story is either depressing, boring, or both. Don’t jump into this expecting a normal tower climbing novel. The protagonist is depressed, lonely, and insane with an inability to change his life for the better.

This also has a notoriously bad ending.
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LegendDairy rated it
December 15, 2020
Status: c30
It is wayyyyy too slow. First off, the story starts with the MC at floor 60 and he has 40 floors left. He is alone in Hell difficulty, but then a newbie shows up and you think the story is going to start off as him guiding her through the floors while also showing his journey side by side. This is sort of how it goes but not exactly. It almost abandons the newbie and just shows majority of the story being his journey from floor 1 to floor 60.... more>> Which would be fine, if it was like 1-2 chapters per floor. However, it spends 3 chapters in the waiting room, like 7 chapters of a repetitive cycle of him almost dying, getting a new resistance skill, returning to waiting room when on the verge of death. Then, new people appear at the start of the second floor, but when the MC tries chatting with them via the Community chat thing, the author decides to have them all not respond and that's that. Then it is the EXACT same cycle of: verge of death, new resistance skill, return to waiting room for heals, repeat for 6 or so chapters until the MC clears the floor. It is so slow and boring to read like this. If the author was going to flash back like this, it should have been much faster at a pace of 1-2 chapters per floor. The way it sounded when it wasn't flashbacks sounded interesting, so I am currently just skimming over the reviews and the chapter titles to find when the story is caught up to floor 60 because I would at least like to give it a shot from that point rather than read 7 chapters per floor where everything is even more boring than normal because its all such low level (floor, enemies, and himself). If you are ok with a story with the pace of a god damn tortoise, then I highly recommend this. If not, I recommend you move on RIGHT NOW or read the first few chapters before the flashbacks start and then skip to when the flashbacks catch up with the actual timeline. Summary: Original idea and interesting spin on the dungeon genre. SHITTY execution. <<less
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Enjiart rated it
October 16, 2020
Status: c308
I love this novel. It's pretty entertaining in my taste. The pace is not too slow or too fast, it's in-between. Just the right pace for me. I'll recommend this novel to people who love power building and some action here and there.

I tell ya. It's so satisfying seeing the MC f*cked people who underestimate or pissing him off around.
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1Sami rated it
September 14, 2020
Status: c64
It had a really good plot and I loved reading about the different floor levels and the gods. The problem was the POV switches. They happened all the time and there was never any warning or anything to say that hey, this isn't the MC. It was also told like a recounting of the past. The present MC is on the 60th floor with a lot of friends in the forum and he's teaching an archer how to survive. The past MC is on floor 12 (?) and there's just... more>> too much going on for me to like it. The formatting of the novel is horrible and I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop it if it doesn't change for the better soon. <<less
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wuxia952 rated it
August 2, 2020
Status: c289
Even early on there is a lot of time warping but by chapter ~250 there's time/location/character perspective warping every third paragraph and it is impossible to follow along.

Nothing is happening at this point and it seems like the author has no idea where they want to take the story. Just impossible to follow randomness.

I really wish people would end their stories when they're obviously out of ideas.
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Ryul rated it
June 27, 2020
Status: --
Great novel that is in 2 timelines.

Few times it seems as if the MC who is on 60th floor is remembering his start and thats also shown here but that arrogant bit*h that got mc's backing to pass all floors and even end game gear for free is acting as she is stronger than MC was back then (and that pisses the hell out of me). Yeah she is stronger cause she has strongest person on world as guide and sponsor if he didnt need her to pass 61th floor he would just let her die cause without his help or gear that he sent her she wouldn't pass even first floor being archer and how arrogant she was when she beaten mc's mirage at floor 17 ahhhhhh of course you would beat someone when you have gear that counters his biggest debuff abilites, all information about him from his actual version and sponsoring from fkin strongest person so best weapons arrows knowledge about magic and everything (I bet that without him she would have died on second arrow on first floor)

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daitensai rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: c259
I have only two regrets:
1. I regret I can't read Korean
2. I regret that there aren't any decent Korean mtl sites

I now have a third regret:
- I regret that translators keep dropping this novel. So it's taking so long to get to the end of this great journey T_T

This is an amazing LN. Very little plot armour. In fact, I can't remember any... good world building. Good story progression. Great MC with a neutral and slightly evil disposition, although I'm not entirely sure about his disposition as it seems to have changed a lot, and we haven't yet learned what caused it.
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June 6, 2020
Status: Completed
One of the best KR Novels I have read. The MC isn't wimpy starts out weak grows. No tailing female characters. World building is wonderful

... more>>

it contains multiple worlds not like Chinese realms heavean and stuff just different planets with different people


The plot explains stuff ie we get the information while MC IS going through stuff it's not put in front of you. This happens through interaction with others.

No power fantasy gratification people don't PRAISE THE MC constantly UNNECESSARYLY it important for me because I nearly broke my mobile from reading a KR novel which has sh*t amount of this.


solo leveling


Plot Armor attacks are very reasonable and spread out in fact it's gets boring going through the world building. Plot Armor attacks very late into the story at with point the story speeds up.

Overall best story MC might be a good character but not a Hero who ignores sense through plot armor powerups. <<less
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edvy69 rated it
November 13, 2019
Status: c224
this novel is great, I like the detail to the journey and becoming stronger and the whole mental problems with this sort of thing isn't glossed over like in other novels buuut currently the translations from maybe around 190 had become way worse like someone google translated them and has taken a high school class on korean and tried to fix some parts of it. Really ruins it for ya, best advice maybe wait until someone fixes it or it is completely translated so you can just brush through it... more>> without having to wait and just generally get the jist of whats going on.


as of 224 translations still not better, god have mercy on wangmama's soul <<less
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VeryNiceNice rated it
September 20, 2019
Status: c215 part1
Yes 5 stars.

it is so interesting that I skipped sleep to continue on reading.

This MC is.... interesting.

He only moves forward for growth, to get stronger and stronger, his path for growth is never ending.

This story is interesting because it has those moments where you feel mystified about something you thought you knew.

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Downery rated it
September 10, 2019
Status: --
Don't read the first chapter if you don't want to be spoiled for a large part of the story.

Story does in-media-res but how they do it spoils ALOT.

First chapter tells how MC is the only survivor in hell mode and that he got there on his own for alot of it. So, everyone he starts with? We know they'll die. Anyone new joins hell mode? We know they'll die. Not when or how but we know they're dead men walking so as a reader you hold back and don't get as invested in them as you would if you didn't know they were going to die.

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Grand_Rider_Iskandar rated it
June 24, 2019
Status: c1

Wow at chapter 203, the story is still on the 40th floor. It was already implied that they will go back to the real world after they reach floor difficulty. It's either that the author plans to write 1000 chapters or he does not plan on writing the events after the tutorial. I do not have high hopes for this story.

The only good thing this story may have is if they explore the reason why the tutorial exist, and I don't know that because I'm still at chapter 1. But to be honest, I do not have high hopes for this story.

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cleesus rated it
June 23, 2019
Status: c200
The concept is cool but the characters are kinda flat and some of them are kind of annoying. The male leader of the order of vigilance, mc's friend is just in the novel to whine and complain. He never really adds anything to the story of yet.

This story is overly detailed in the worst way, the author wastes so much time describing every little thing and often repeats it. The progress through the floors is absolutely slow because of this and most of the fights are not interesting and yet... more>> they last way too long.

Honestly, the most interesting characters and parts of the story so far is the gods, Yeon, and Kirikiri. All the rest are various levels of annoying after one annoying character goes away the next one appears.

I think this story so far is overrated, maybe you will like it if you like reading video game manuals with a story.

After chapter 100 I just started skipping chapters and I havent missed out on understanding the story at all since its mostly fluff <<less
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Infushii rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: c25
It overexplains too much, the writing is sloppy, and the main character is a whiny b*tch. He complains and whines and doesn't stop whining. And during the middle of battles he has 500 word monologues for no reason. It's also irritating how there seems to be a skill for every single thing. Like seriously, haemorage resistance? Jesus christ...

EDIT: Get pass the 28th chapter and it gets much better.
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December 31, 2017
Status: --
Fantastic and captivating novel!
BUT the downside is that it starts slow... and only picks up way later.

HOWEVER, once you get past chapter 40, it picks up steam and you quickly become addicted.
Furthermore, as another reviewer wrote, it's annoying that it switches between past and present...until you are addicted to both storylines. You end up wanting to read both eventually.

Score: 4.5
Very much recommend.
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WarOne rated it
December 24, 2017
Status: c1
One of the best books I read in a while, has some elements from other books but how the author packages the content is very well dine, alot of books focus on the power the character gets but not what the power does to the character wish I had more stars to give this.
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DarkD rated it
October 15, 2017
Status: c182
This is a series that's hard to get into because of the multiple timelines. We constantly jump back and forth from the protagonist babysitting a low level hell difficulty player to the protagonist doing a floor themselves. We often get interested in one plot line, only to be thrown into an uninteresting plot from the other timeline. It's very annoying. Otherwise I'd give this a higher rating. Often they happen with really bad timing and for what?

The future plotline is usually the worst because the protagonist isn't really doing anything... more>> and often the it's to tell a redundant story of the second character going through the same floor we just went through.

Beyond that, the various floors are rather interesting. If it weren't for the intrusive POVs, I'd give this a 4/5 easily.

Edited on Dec 25, 2018 for chapter 182

The reason for the other point deduction is because the story is honestly very poorly written, but that's kinda normal for these mass produced novels. The entire novel is told rather than shown. The protagonist is constantly offering up psychological explanations about everything when he clearly has no idea what he's talking about. This is definitely a novel that floats by on concept rather than being an actual quality product. You can definitely enjoy this novel, it's just a matter of whether one of the various badly written sections will make you drop the series partway. <<less
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yaagrabrag rated it
March 11, 2023
Status: c143
I really liked it at first and was quite engaged. I liked that it was a challenge for the MC and that he had to work through things creatively to overcome his massive obstacles.

But the rapid accumulation of OP/God skills, and the impossible gap between him and everyone else kills that. During the special events of gathering, he far outclasses everyone (which is fine) and doesn't try. Then, after having read for many chapters about how his mental state is suffering, he is insanely lonely, wants someone to talk to....... more>> he does none of that. He blows everyone off constantly.

None to mention the random, creepy s*x that was briefly mentioned.


I already expect a certain level of pe*vert when reading these types of novels, but I was so grossed out when he, as a 26/27 year old, had s*x with a technically 18 year old -- they had been in their for a year, but I believe it was mentioned that they had stopped aging. So she was a minor. And his nasty lifted mood and completely changed demeanor the day after rubbed it in. (ages adjusted from korean to international).


He was finally having some character growth in the past timeline and interesting things had potential in the future timeline, but I feel like it's dragging and I'm forcing myself to read right now. So dropping until I'm drawn back. <<less
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