The Tutorial Is Too Hard


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On a normal boring day, a message appears, inviting him to a Tutorial.

A tale about Lee Ho Jae and his escape from the Tutorial.

But he just happened to choose the hardest possible difficulty: Hell…

Associated Names
One entry per line
튜토리얼이 너무 어렵다
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  2. Gates/Dungeons/Monsters/etc on Earth
  3. Hunter/Player/Awakener-Gate/Tower/Dungeon/etc.
  4. Fantasy NO romance
  5. Op Mc / simulation systems

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164 Reviews sorted by

Not Red Yet
Not Red Yet rated it
November 2, 2017
Status: --
This novel seems like a 1 star version of Master Hunter K, given that Master Hunter K in itself is a 2 star novel with all of its whatever.

If you read Master Hunter K you'll find similarities out the wazoo, Girl who joins hell mode is an archer and a national one at that. Sound like the girl in Master hunter K.

But enough about that, the novel was fine until I realized that it's just 80% flashbacks it seems of him clearing the 1-60 floors until the girl joins him... more>> on his floor, given that it's 3-5 chapters on a waiting room and 5-10 per floor we would be past 200 chapters before she even joins him unless it skips floors.

I personally so not want to have to read 100+ chapters of flashbacks just to get to the present day on floor 60, MC called Americans masochists for trying hell mode but trying to read this novel if hard unless ones a masochist. <<less
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Haruko rated it
October 13, 2017
Status: c77
It sort of pisses me off that people who gave this novel poor revievs dont show what chapter they were or were in earlier chapters when they decided to diss this novel.

Yeah, sure this novel might not be everyones cup of tea, but the reasons why they are dissing the novel are explained later on, and expecially people who complain that tutorial is not real plot and want MC to go real world, have some problems understanding what they read when they looked at the title of this novel... ?
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pomoli rated it
August 13, 2017
Status: c68

    • Great story building.
    • First person in WN are a rarity, and this one is well done.
    • MC is interesting : he is neither a cold hearted machine, nor a psychopath killing everyone who is slightly against him. He makes sense as a human being.
    • Other characters are also developed and the way they are shown (through forum and discussion) makes things interesting too.
    • Author seems to know where the story is going.

    • I'm not fond of flashbacks, and this one is full of them. I would have preferred a linear story.
    • No romance (yet?), though it's not super dry on friendship so at least there are human interactions here.
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Choon rated it
July 23, 2021
Status: --
As most of the already existing reviews states: A very strong start. But those reviews were made when there was about 100 chapters out, which is where I would argue that the story peaks.

The start was amazing, unique setting and a believable development of the MC's mental state. The chapters with showing the future MC is a nice touch, and it leaves the reader curious at how he became so powerful (which I'm not going to lie, half the reason I stuck around).

Where the novel starts to show cracks in... more>> its story is the middle floors to the 60th floor. Whether it was because the author put too much effort in describing the lower floors (which is not a bad thing), or maybe the author is just running out of ideas; the middle to the 60th floor was where I got bored real quick. The two reasons that I kept reading was because I was curious of how MC got so powerful, and how the world would react when MC eventually leaves the tutorial, which is where my next complaint comes in.

I had such high hopes that MC leaving the tutorial would be an arc in and of itself (which it kinda was), but my problem is how rushed it felt.


The Course of Events: MC leaves the tutorial -> Causes a minor problem by blowing up a building -> Gets his revenge on people who mocked him -> Conquers dungeons -> Story moves into "God" stuff


Personally, sticking around for about 300 chapters, the payoff of MC finally leaving the tutorial just didn't feel worth it. Every event or plot point after he leaves the tower just feels SO rushed. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
July 6, 2021
Status: c309
One of my favourite settings, this novel has a very unique approach to the dungeon genre. The MC is a "sociopathic" loser/loner who thrives against adversary in the dungeon.

I really like the creative dungeon stages, the training/self-harm and power-up and the feeling of the MC slowly losing his humanity.

Unfortunately the "big reversal" falls flat (Stage #61). At some point the MC is extremely powerful and the author fails to bring any feeling of suspense. It is like I waited for hundreds of chapters until the big finale, and then it... more>> resolves in few pages and suddenly there is only isekai-style progression left.

I really liked the personality of the MC at the beginning, but he gets worse over time. He becomes hypocritical and feels very "forced". Based on his experiences he should not care about humanity anymore, but he still does things like trying to preserve his public image. And he always does it half-heartened. The author probably needed to pad his word-count, that is what it feels like. The author also tries to be funny, but it just isn't. Lost in translation?

Very creative, and very nice "self-improvement" sessions, but it gets tiresome after ~1.500 pages. The first volume was the best. 4* <<less
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[email protected] rated it
April 8, 2021
Status: Completed
"If I am good, I could be good."

"Normally, I would normally act the way I usually do."

I know Asian terms are usually two characters that are redundant, but the rest of it is even worse. 5 seconds into chapter one, this ret*rd of an MC says he keeps a list of people who slandered him on the forums and plans to take revenge... ok. 5 minutes in, fluffy v**ginity, I mean the female MC drops out of the sky and is the only other hell difficulty character. The plot and... more>> action has no substance, it's just POV. And the MC is a child, victimizing himself every 15 seconds, taking revenge every other 15 seconds, and basks in the glory of free and unearned stats to fuel the dopamine rush every 5 seconds. The golden number tell us, don't eat dog sh*t on the sidewalk all the time even if you want to. If it's a liability, but also a want, commit no more than than 16.66%. If you want to cry wolf or scream "I'm a p**sy!" at the top of your lungs, only do it 16.66% of the time. The rest of the time? Do your fking homework, and use creative problem solving to fix your own problems instead of whining like a little b*tch, unless you ARE a little b*tch. Same with; eating donuts every minute of the day; calling in it sick to skip work or school; or opening your trenchcoat on the sidewalk while naked underneath.

I've concluded that most Asian storytelling is unconsciously targeting 12 year olds. But once in a while we get an amazing piece of work like this, where the author IS a 12 year old. <<less
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half_f rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: --
it's 4/5...

if it wasn't because of the nonsense timeline in some chapters, idk if this's the author or the translator. It's like there're grocery notes randomly thrown inside your thesis, even the best of works would turn into nonsense.

1/5... the end
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simora rated it
March 3, 2021
Status: Completed
The arbitrary change of POV, timeline, context is so frustrating that except author noone has an iota of what is actually going on.

Author introduces characters during missions with interesting details and connection between them and after some chapters they are left untouched. Now when nothing is done about them, then instead of being an interesting plot all those details become filler or increase of word counts. Let me give u an example-

At 27 floor test, kirikiri told MC to choose guide cautiously (Now we think guide is an important factor in clearing 27 floor). Then he is entangled with an old woman and a kid as a role for guide (now here th old woman suddenly becomes hostile and we don't know why, only author knows and the kid had insatiable greed). From here 7-8 chapters are wasted on showing that kid's greed and his connection to the guides clan (remember tatoo). Ok after this much filler the MC arrives at dragons nest and find murals and also find out about the connection between dragon and the guides clan (1 chapter). Now MC kills the dragon and left the 27 floor and that's it. For the 8-10 chapters wasted over the nexus kid-dragon-oldWoman and nothing was done about that and whole setup was left unused. It would have been same if MC arrive at 27 floor trial, a guide brought him to trial room and now they fight, because neither the kid or woman were used for anything. It was same as u going to grocery store and seeing a pebble roadside and then start writing a story about how tht pebble is round/dirty/uneven/rough/clean/shiny and is related to the grocery store and after writing tht story u throw away the pebble and just bought ur groceries.>

This story is good but instead of story the author decided to focus more on making it a f*ckfest of words.

The skills acquired r never used which make its theme of gameilke totally wasted.

Edit - After completing the novel I stand by my review even more. Almost nothing in the novel helped me realise any head or tail od the story and the Ending was so shitty tht I wud better see novel going hiatus rather than completion of it. Not a single goal (initial, mid novel and even at end) was ever completed. Most of the time things r like author picks anything without any reason and after playing with a little author assumes tht he didn't write anything and he start playing with something else.

"Conclusion - In the quest of projecting himself original, Author ruined everything and I mean every single thing (Moreover when it was such a strong concept)."
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ErikHarrison rated it
December 25, 2020
Status: c267
I read this after reading EER and enjoying that, being a simple power scaling Korean novel. At the start you can see the similarities with the differences being mostly in tone, scaling and harem (this doesn't have one, thank god). While I enjoyed it thoroughly through the first 100 chapters I couldn't enjoy the last 170~ I read. The much more bleak outlook is very welcome and the serious mental problems our MC has creates an engaging character who you want to read more of.

The pacing is extremely poor on... more>> account of the author trying to balance 3 (2.5~) converging plot lines. It works for some time but eventually just leaves annoying questions that won't get answered any time soon. The plot doesn't move in tandem so if the young MC has a question it's unlikely you'll switch to the old MC to learn the answer, instead it just gets thrown next to the other unanswered questions. The translations are piss poor after 100~ chapters so that really doesn't help when they need to explain some vague powers or super vague story plots. Fights aren't described well and his fighting style leaves very little imprint in your head till he starts nuking everything (as is standard in returnee novels). Besides the MC no character is remotely interesting there was once in the entire story I went "wow that's interesting" and it was for only 1 line that never got brought up again.

Overall I can only say it's okay. The story doesn't suffer huge issues but wasn't good enough for me to force myself to continue reading. It's a shame because I'm only about 100~ chapters away from the ending and yet couldn't find myself picking it back up. <<less
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Gromit rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c303
Well, now that's something. Can't say that I'm reading a lot of novels but for sure I've went past a few dozens already. And this is my first review and for reasons.

This novel is different from all the boring stuff with straight plot and character focus and goals and for me that was extremly fresh! I've read some reviews here and people saying that it's slow or not getting anywhere and, well, it may be so in the beggining, but that's normal as you need to get to know the... more>> world. Because this novel is all about the world! After that one it's just so damn difficult to read other novels where characters (and author!) don't think deep into why thier fantasy/game-like world operates like it does - they just leave it outside the brackets.

You go along with MC discovering how the world operates, who are the "gods" in the novel, why tutorial appeared, how is it working. Well, in the beggining it's the same as 90% of therest of the novels: "I can do it!", "I overcame this!", but slowly the MC is starting to change, he gets lost and you starting to dive together with him around the interesting and mysterious world. The MC is very easy to emathize and you're starting to dive into it very fast.


The culmination, when his nephew is arriving is around chapter 240 I think? So if you think it's gonna be a thousand chapter - then no it goes that fast as it goes on.


But never mind, if you're tired of reading "the same" korean novels give it a shot, you may be surprised but that definetely worth it. 5/5 <<less
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craBebe rated it
July 6, 2020
Status: c125
Unfortunately I had to drop this series.

Great premise, great beginning, but at a certain point the entire novel felt like filler.

I found myself becoming wholly interested in the 60th floor MC's perspective and my patience for reading about his journey to that level just wore out. I knew he would make it through every challenge, overcome every obstacle, win every tournament, and by floor 19 I found myself skipping entire chapters just to get back to present day and see how the story actually progressed.

Any story that has me skipping... more>> chapters isn't a good one, and despite the good premise and world building, the plot formula wasn't a good one, and the author never changed it. <<less
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therealmorin rated it
May 17, 2020
Status: c245
Wow! A story with an OP main that actually has some character development! And has emotions! Impossible!

Okay, exaggerations aside, I really like this novel. The latest translations by 'centinni' are pretty good quality and have super regular releases, which is amazing! While some may argue that the quality of the story drops after a while, I feel it's still a great read. Obviously, it's not for everyone, but you should still give it a try.

My favorite part might have to be the detail. Unlike some other floor-based RPG novels, this... more>> one doesn't skip around, Each floor feels well defined and is treated like a story arc and not just a setting. Can't wait to see how the story progresses! <<less
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Vagrant rated it
March 12, 2020
Status: c230
A good adventure novel. Beside some minor inconsistencies, TTITT gave a interesting plot that I always long for:

1. Since MC choose hell difficulties, other people except him usually die in the first floor. This mean that for the most part, he is alone. That situation is done naturally and is used cleverly to develop him as a person.

2. Each floor (especially in part 2 of the novel) is not simply a trial but an adventure story. And through that, MC has a chance to meet different type of people and... more>> reflect his mental state. It build up his personalities and contribute greatly to his mental development.

3. MC is smart and in most situations, he has to use his brain. Compared to other people, sure he is op af, and some stages are indeed easy because of his OPness. But overall, because he blindly choose hell difficulty, he would die at any moment if he doesnt have both his strengh and wit combine.

In short, this novel has many unique aspects compared to other korea novel. You should definately read it to see. <<less
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February 1, 2019
Status: c142

O P I N I O N!


... more>> 1. The PLOT is INTERESTING




There are some parts that are missing like you expect to read more how/why that particular scene happened, and then there is no more. You press next chapter and it's a time skip again.

2. REPITITIVE KNOWLEDGE that makes you scroll down a lot and you won't be lost in the story's progression

3. TOO MUCH FLASHBACK. Content wise, it's not great. It tries to justify why MC is so OP in 60th floor with a 350+ level, (like WTF?) This is tutorial right? 60th floor right? I know it's hell but.. but... Idk anymore...

  • EG. The God of Slowness is pleased about the MC, gives him an OP blink skill (has 5 charges, replenishes 1 charge evry 5mins, cancels motion eg. MC is punched hard, he uses blink and violah! impact is metigated, he even uses it to attack, like timing it right during blink and attacking like crashing towards his enemies while enveloped by his OP wings or, blinking with a punch or a sword slash, you can only imagine)
    The God of Adventure that's not that impressed of the MC, suddenly gets anxious and gives him an OP wing skill. (No mana/energy consumption is needed to use it, wings is max level, can be used to glide, made of hard crystal that can be used to attack physically, can defend physically he just needs his body to withstand the impact (story wise his body is also OP), and, the wings has a 100% magic def. If I remembered it correctly) and... It even gets an upgrade later on.

    Even other Gods gave him OP skills as well, and we can expect more as the story goes on, especially God of Death that gave him, I think it was between 3 - 5 OP Soul skills



MC gets powers from the Gods too easily and the writer failed to give the proper reason why he gets it. This novel is the epitome of OPness. Unlike in other novels, the MCs gets an OP skill in the beggining. Here, he gets it like cabbages as the story goes on.

6. STILL NO ANTAGONIST. Author is just feeding us foreshadowings. Everyone is just afraid of him.


He is basically farming in the tutorial. That's a first!

Tutorial farming? Wuuttt?

Past hundred chaps ady and still in tutorial. No progress at all, coz when you talk about tutorial, then there is the practical application. He even levels up in tutorial. D hell?

8. Translation wise, do I even need to say it?

This is Overrated. <<less
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Pixel Sheep
Pixel Sheep rated it
January 25, 2019
Status: --
4.3/5 one of the better ratings I will ever give to a LN. Easily top 3.

good character development, interesting story, overall well written.

Probably one of the only LNs that has made me excited to wait for the next release.

It is heavily flashback oriented which I must warn but don't be bothered by this because:

(Most people may be thrown off by the flashback story device which the author uses to highlight current protagonist's overpoweredness. This is because they view the flashbacks as the past and since protagonist is still alive, all tension is drained. However I am not bothered at all by this and find that it is just an author using an unusual story device to tell a complete story and the lore of the story keeps my interest in the past as it very much informs how the protagonist behaves in the present. I also find this point of contention to be silly since very few stories I have read that weren't labelled tragedies had the MC die soo..... who are we kidding? unless we are watching an episode of lost, which was surgically pumped with so much mysterious encounter for the sake of cash cowing the whole series that it broke the plot and thus had to su*cide pact the entire cast- I think we are good and can allow ourselves to forgive this break in tension for the sake of understanding the lore that surrounds tutorial. it's sad that we can't allow authors the freedom to tell a story with a flashback device without having to give a reason by making the character some sort of amnesiac or mentally deranged man like in memento)


negative comment:

sometimes the authors skips crescendo/pay-off moments, making it anti-climatic. This is an incredibly vexing issue to me and if it was in any other LN I would have downrated the novel to hell and back (cuz if your gonna do that, why should I read? if the pay-off moment wasn't worth your time writing then why bother including the story arc in the first place?) but because every other part of Tutorial is written so well, characters are so endearing to me and the story arcs are so interesting not to mention the overarching storyline - it still receives a 4.3. If the author didnt skip certain moments and certain side characters were developed better then tutorial would have easily received the highest rating I could give for a LN (5/5). Giving this LN a 4.3 is slightly disappointing to me because I really love this genre and the story of Tutorial.


Even though I give it a 4.3 and is the 2nd highest rating I gave so far, it is still my favourite LN and I look forward excitingly to its releases.
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Sheepraxis rated it
June 10, 2018
Status: c154
If you like the authors writing style that mostly focuses on combat and the fact that MC has to struggle to achieve something then I recommend you to stop reading this at 111/112 chapter. Novel starts to focus on mc's relationships with people and becomes a p**sy, at ch154 he is already overpowered and it becomes similar to a common isekai also the fight is boring and personality of MC has greatly changed from what it was at the start. In another words more dullness not worth reading. Also the... more>> writing style of author changes to emphasize not relevant stuff and portrays things as more amazing than they really are which makes me think "I thought it was not this kind of novel". <<less
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Zethuron rated it
May 8, 2018
Status: c145
Out of the Korean novels I have read so far, I like this one the most.

The struggles of the main as he clears every floor through tactics, grinding, examining the challenges that every floor does pose while also growing at a rate that is OP, yet not enough to clear the Tutorial on his own, during this he along with the other people in the tutorial slowly build up the community in the Tutorial while also facing problems during that.

I like the original concept of the boards in the Tutorial,... more>> it adds interaction with other characters while still forcing the MC to be alone outside of certain events.

The Comedy in this novel is just fun while not being overdone, the gods brighten the situation through their commentary and their childish fights, and the Toilet jokes just cannot be forgotten.

The switching between the past chapters and future chapters seem a bit weird at first, but get easier to understand when you see it as him explaining the strategy for every floor which basically happens during the past chapters.

I recommend to give this novel a try, its unique compared to most other Korean novels and the translation is also excellent. <<less
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evvoiathssofias rated it
January 26, 2018
Status: c143
Its a great story. The only thing it suffers from is an inadequate author. Not that I'm criticizing him, but that the style he uses is insufficient. This is something that I hold against many writers: First Person POV. Using 1st person makes writing extremely easy and allows for a writer to get the flow going, but it fails in that you cannot present a different perspective cleanly with out a WHOLLY separate perspective. So we see that in the beginning, when things are tough and the transition is the... more>> greatest that the confusion and break of the narrative enhances the feel of the protagonist, but when the author tries to give emotional development, he goes too far with objective information that the MC has no right knowing. I didn't really mind the simplistic style until when he suddenly became all emotional, because you can't--you just cannot have a 1st person perspective talk in explicit detail about how he is feeling in the present tense. The MC is extremely immature as a person who is devolving on a base, emotional scale and yet he keeps talking about how he RECOGNIZES THIS FACT. In that case, he should either regret his actions or confirm them, ESPECIALLY when he goes on and on about his sudden epiphany that what he's doing is evil or morally repugnant or whatever. The main reason why I kept reading was because the fight scenes were decent and felt good just going through them. TL;DR: 1st person perspective makes the style immature but the fights are okay. <<less
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Garknight rated it
October 13, 2017
Status: --
This is really a fun read. I've been looking for novels that has RPG mechanics and a good story. It may be a little slow-paced but every chapter is worth the read



I find the toilet jokes hillarious. LOL

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Bwapples rated it
January 28, 2022
Status: c380
The beginning of the novel is great as it executes simple themes and concepts effectively. Aside from translation issues and differences in translation quality, it only gets better until ~ch200. The novel up to this point would be a 4.0-4.5 star reading experience.
Afterwards, the author introduces too many different themes to the plot such that it becomes somewhat convoluted and is unable to juggle between the interpersonal relationships of the character and their environment. With a rushed and open ending, the novel is quite a bad read considering the amount of chapters invested.
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