The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse


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Lacking a pocket dimension, power, a thigh to hug onto, and the three life advantages (money, power, and looks), he had been cautiously living in the apocalypse for ten years, getting closer to falling inside the zombie’s mouths.

Unexpectedly, he had the terrible luck, to be caught in a fight between two gangs and die, it really left people feeling disappointed. When he opened his eyes, he had returned to a decade ago, three months before the apocalypse!

Like before he still lacked an ability, an ordinary person without a pocket dimension, but he did have ten full years of experience living in the apocalypse! Even if he didn’t fight zombies, didn’t hunt monsters, he could still live a carefree farming life in the safe zone.

Find a safe house, utilise all kinds of skills from his previous life to farm in exchange for meat, and if possible, find a person to peacefully spend the rest of his life with; ordinary people had their own ordinary little pieces of happiness.

Originally believing he had picked up a beauty he returned home to prepare a golden house, but on the contrary he was the one being pushed down……someone once said, whether it is people or matters, by no means can you only look at the surface!

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186 Reviews sorted by

trash_generalist rated it
April 10, 2022
Status: c60
I stopped reading at around the 60s. It’s a pretty good survival story. But it was more slice of life than I was expecting. Very domestic, with an early established relationship. It’s pretty good tho! I think it’s worth the read. The MC and ML feel very real, and they’re quite cute! I’m just missing the action and drama from the last two apocalypse novels I read. So, pass on this one for now.
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kungkoe555 rated it
March 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Of all the Apocalypse reborn-second chance novels, I think I like this one the most. The ML is an ordinary civilian that just uses his last life experiences to survive his second chance life. No special ability, no golden finger cheat. A very good read
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RipeApricot rated it
February 28, 2022
Status: c102

- it's good, don't under estimate my rating. If it's so so I'll rate it low.

- no problem with the translation.

... more>> - the world setting is build properly and realistic.

- I sort off got a slice of life feeling from MC's way of living.

Just leaving a review to keep tabs on the chapter where I stop. I didn't drop it completely, but I just gotten used to reading multiple novel whenever I get bored due to reaching a boring phase on a certain novel. Or just when I suddenly got the urge to read a different genre.

- RipeApricot <<less
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Seniorsenpai rated it
January 14, 2022
Status: Completed
Loved it binged it and I do not regret it. Action slice of slife farming with a realistic view on how those with power will do what they do and step on the little people at the potential cost of everyone's life and livelihood. Super warm and comforting with well written (and translated). The action scenes were good and the author managed to keep them fresh and riveting.
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novelbookie rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Lately I've been really interested in farming novels and this fits the bill perfectly. It's a well written novel and the translator did a good job. The story is perfect with just 259 chapters, not too short or too long.

Give it a try if your interested in farming genres

Oh and I want to thank the translator/s for translating this novel. Thank you for all the hard work
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HooliganReader rated it
January 6, 2022
Status: Completed
Quality stuff. Excellent farming and pace! The author did an excellent job to make the slice of life novel not too repetitive or boring and kept switching it up at the right time. More towards slice of life with OP (strategist/skills) protagonist with his OP (ability) ML. Some parts ie their abilities to set up/ build stuff (even with a manual/ guide it's still a little OP) and their super strong protagonist halo is a little absurd but mehhhhh it's an excellent apocalypse/farming novel. The ending was a pleasant closure.... more>> This is definitely worth the read! <<less
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sevenatmidnight rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: --
this is a great read! I've read this twice already. Not gonna go into details, you can read other reviews if you want to know more. I just wanna say, to those giving out less than 4 stars, what have you guys been reading to have such astronomical standards?! This novel is already very satisfactory for me, but maybe that's because i've read the tags and knows what to expect? While some reviews have legit reasons for giving out less stars, a lot are just giving out bad reviews just... more>> for the heck of it. I dunno, they don't wanna be the same as the majority and want to be that rare few who "can't see the good thing about this novel" bla bla bla? Or they just didn't read the tags. This is a novel about FARMING in the apocalypse and they complain about things being all about planting and being repetitive. Duh. What do you expect farming to be? A great big adventure with a lot of thrilling ups and downs? Also, some reviews are just unreasonable. Battling zombies with the same strategy over and over again is boring? Well, the strategy worked the first time, it can only be improved from there, not completely change, especially as they were fighting for their lives, not to mention other external factors like power-tripping base/squad leaders. Why would you expect them to change strategy halfway when that has no guarantee and with such high risks if they fail?

there're many other bad reviews and they're annoying to read knowing that they deter and influence readers (like me) that would otherwise love the story.

i read reviews and I especially read the tags before reading a novel. I'm especially wary of trigger warnings. That's because I have great empathy for what I read, the stories stay with me for days and even months. I've made a mistake of reading a story once without paying attention to the tags and it just so happened to be a tragedy. That was a heartache that I didn't expect and even now, just thinking about it, I get sad. I've learned to diligently read tags from then on, and believe me when I say that the tags have saved me from countless heartaches and disappointment. That's why I very seldom leave bad reviews because I know what to expect before reading a novel, thus I don't get disappointed.

to those leaving out 3 and less stars, maybe make it a habit to read the tags, yeah? So you won't have to lower the ratings of great novels just because they didn't suit your taste. You shouldn't have read them in the first place.

sorry for the rant. This novel is great. Just pay attention to the tags and take the reviews with a grain of salt. Enjoy~! <<less
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kogamo rated it
December 23, 2021
Status: c258
A unique take on zombie apocalypse theme. However, after 100 chapters or so it became a chore to read. Lots of repetitive base building/farming tactics that upon closer inspection are infeasible irl. There is virtually no romance after the couple gets together. The zombie battles are what kept me reading it.

All in all, if you're looking for a slice of life story in a cool zombie apocalypse world with the teeniest bit of bl and a few impressive battles, this is for you. Just don't question science, physics, or construction... more>> details too much lol <<less
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Mi-yu rated it
November 2, 2021
Status: --
Having finished this story, I must say... It truly is a masterpiece. It's a very relaxing read despite what the contents are all about, there is no big bad which is very refreshing and most of all, although there wasn't much romance, reading about their day to monthly events suffices. I can't find the words to express how wonderful this story is, it's not the best out there but it certainly is one of the rare diamonds of CN novels as a whole, especially in the BL section. It still... more>> has some of those CN tropes but for the most part, they aren't too much, but it certainly gets highlighted when reading especially for someone like me who's read a ton of CN novels during quarantine.

What else..... The ending was a tad dull but tied some loose ends nicely. Not all of them of course, we're here to watch them survive and work hard in this apocalyptic world, nothing less nothing more. However there is still that first impression that stuck with everyone it seems, being about the child that Luo Xun bought (adopted) in his previous life, who they are and the like. But not much hint is given, unless you read the last chapter where a new character was introduced who had similar features to the child and is possibly related? Maybe the author would be making a part two to the story? As for characters, the author mentions some people related to Luo Xun and the gang themselves like Captain Guo, Sun Shaoyang and etc. We don't really know what happened to them in the end, just snippets of what's been going on on their side as the story progresses but it's enough contact for one to imagine what happened.

Overall 10/10 except for some unanswered and open ended ending/s. <<less
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Steam Bun BunO Bear
Steam Bun BunO Bear rated it
August 29, 2021
Status: c1 part1
Boring. Very, very, very boring. I don't know where all these 5 star ratings are coming from. Idk. Maybe they are referring to a different book.

I love reading slice of life and apocalypse novels. Usually I can read up until the very end.

And it's very clear that this is a slice of life novel. It's just a shame that the "life" in this novel is very boring.

... more>> One thing I don't like is long-winded novels.

It the beginning the novel was interesting and it kept me captivated up until the 26th chapter.

After wards I started losing interest due to the repetitive flow and long-winded plot.

Im not completely unreasonable so I did try to push through but unfortunately it didn't keep me captivated and I stopped at ch 56. <<less
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En-Jay99 rated it
August 17, 2021
Status: Completed
A farming apocalypse story like it says on the tin.

I honestly did start getting bored until I had to mentally adjust myself that this is not an action story. There are zombies and one of the main problems is to defend the base from zombie 'waves' but our cast isn't a bunch of heroes trying to save humanity and they don't get involved in a lot of selfless stuff. They do help people but don't go out of their way to do so which makes sense considering how trust becomes... more>> the most rare commodity.

Also Communism is also bad and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Both things the story shows fairly well

There are plenty of exciting moments but many are low-key and any shounen actioney moments are spaced apart because despite the ML and a couple of others having pretty strong powers- they are trying to survive and not showoff.

Some things are icky and the fat jokes were unnecessary. At least they did have 3 females on the team who all had strong powers and were integral to their survival along with the 7? Guys. (Including the MC and ML)


But it's a pity that the all female gang didn't come to be especially since the members were all rescued from the rampant s*xual assault being done with wives and daughters literally being snatched and sold to men. Although the gang in revenge also kills a lot of innocent men- it's still awful that those girls were never rescued due to the changes made in the MC's re-life. Especially since it seems like women are being used for breeding in certain bases to 'replenish' the population. Ugh.


A mostly casual read, especially if you're like me and aren't that interested in the zombie genre but find some of the human aspects of it compelling. Good to tide you over for a few days without feeling too anxious about getting to the next chapter. <<less
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kagami_kyou rated it
June 10, 2021
Status: --
A series of domestic fluff and slice of lice in Apocalypse but that also the reason I love it!! MC is really a very ordinary charater that somehow good with survival skill. I love how MC is not just some superpower character without reason (protagonist halo is still there but well...)

Even thought the whole story is all about making their hamster nest and somehow too mundane for apocalypse genre, it's still so good to read. What the point of complaining about they making nest? The title already said it.... more>> It's a story of how otaku survive the apocalypse not some hero against zombie organization. <<less
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finily rated it
June 1, 2021
Status: Completed

If you are looking for some apocalyptic badass fighting action against zombies, then walk along because this novel is not for you. This novel is one of the rare few that focuses more on a slice-of-life view after the apocalypse occurs and how the characters deal with the changes.


Although the story is slow moving, it provides a unique view of what happens behind the scenes during a zombie apocalypse. A lot of novels focus on fighting zombies and upgrading their ability to the max but this novel... more>> shows not everything is as easy as it seems. Especially when it comes to establishing bases and dealing with other survivors. We get to see a possibility of how society reforms itself after the catastrophe. The story shows even with knowledge of the future there’s only so much one can do alone to prepare and survive the upcoming years again. <<less
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Ara_Ara_yoo rated it
May 31, 2021
Status: Completed
I love it so much! It's a really rare gem that cut off almost all of the clichés on most Apocalypse novels. It's a really great story.

The main couple are my favourite. I love the way their relationship developed. The fluffs and hint of spiciness makes me really feel single.

My really favourite side couple consisted of a Queen and a loyal dog or servant. They have a quite peculiar and cute couple development. The spiciness and many dog food they fed on us readers and characters in the book really... more>> making me feel the need on finding my own significant annoyance (servant/dog). I just love it.


I also love our youngest family member! Baby Yan Xin! Honestly, the name really caught me off guard. Especially when I remembered that that's one of the names that I speculated. Also! Love how unexpected the baby's powers is!


Thank you for the writer for making this novel and Thank you for the Translator for the hardwork! <<less
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nitan rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: c258
I enjoyed this novel so much I wanted a second novel or something similar.. yet these cravings haven't been fulfilled..

It's really good!! If you're looking at a very ground-up, well-rounded apocalypse novel that focuses more on how the MC survives and self-relies on his skills - this one's great!! A lot of that good yummy meeting people/teammates/dogs who became unbridled with the apocalypse stuff, a lot of farming, self-sustaining methods. A lot of society building and the good old super power stuff as well. This novel honestly gave me such... more>> an itch for something similar I can't help but re-read it over and over again... <<less
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ZeyFletcher rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: c62
I think it's a good read if you're into genre slice of life? I stopped at chapter 62 cause I got cringe on the pairing in that part ... more>>

wang duo x zhang yi?

, seems pushed but whatever. Also, their daily lives are literally farming idk, MC was just pretty ordinary and I didn't like how much they had to repeat that he doesn't look good hahaha I got used to the MC/shou being the pretty one and falling in love with them too lol, it isn't like that here so I had to get used to it. He's also powerless so there wasn't much action and probably will not have too much action if I continued it.

You can give it a try but it's just not my genre. Still giving it 4 cause people would've liked this if they like this kind of plot. <<less
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CaptainxCres rated it
April 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I read and re-read and still feeling satisfy with the story so it's a 5 stars for me.

Who would have thought we'll get slice of life genre in Apocalypse setting but here we are.

Luo Xun as an ordinary reborn person, prepare things according to his plan. He knows he can't save the world so better save himself first. As things developed astray from what he learned but with the help of family and friends he gains in his new life. Everything is good and fine.

I love Otaku Squad. Really! This... more>> is how lucky they all are to meet and form a group. They complete each other. The ability user and ordinary people can coexist without making anyone feel inferior, they support each other as much as they could and that's make their team stronger.

Try it if you're also into farming novel, although you can't trust the process accurately since it's inaccurate but it's just a novel not report book I guess it's OK (?)


Too bad that the end is rushed. I feel like it could be written longer but I think author just dump all the plot she prepared for in the last chapter. The zombies siege just ended then the ending comes right after. But it's still a beautiful outcome. I'm shocked how all otaku squad end up marrying inside the team, no benefit goes to outsider lol I thought some of the team member might be forever alone but they just get together (°^^°)

Anyway I'm glad all is happy and well.

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Tamarrion rated it
February 7, 2021
Status: c49
It's like a Chinese AU fanfiction of X-men First class! And together they fight zombies.

MC is Charles Xavier only without powers, ML is Erik/Magneto, Zhang Yi is Riptide, and student company are kids from Charles school.

Like it so far and totally would play a game like this - economic strategy in zombie apocalypse.
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December 15, 2020
Status: c1 part1
Well it should have been called "Otakus Code of Practice and Farming For The Apocalyse". It is basicaly the story of a guy who become the king of farming while living in a zombies apocalyptic era. He goes from insignificants root grass to an independant major player in his own right, creating his place in the world with his own rules, and pursuit of happyness. HEA.
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Milde rated it
December 11, 2020
Status: Completed
I’ve read this novel twice!. I love how chill their everyday farming life and at the same time thrilling (zombie fighting) is.

MC: an ordinary, sweet, smart, strong (when needed) personality guy.

ML: Very genuine OP guy. Not proud, not clingy & possessive, respects MC.

i can’t stress enough about how much I hate overbearing MLs or weak minded (even though sometimes op) MCs. There is beauty in a complimentary power couple. Not diminishing each other’s strength as you are both men but supporting each other and growing exponentially. Eh even their fellow... more>> team members integrated fine with them.

I really like the fact that farming was top priority too!. I’ve been looking for more farming based BL novels but this is still my top/favorite.

5/5 <<less
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