The Peasant Wife Has a Space


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When she woke up, she transmigrated to the 1960s. There was a shortage of clothes, food, supplies, provisions, and everything. In addition, there was also an evil stepmother, a father who was a henpecked husband, a weird stepsister, and a weak and pitiful younger sister.

Fortunately, a space is at hand, so she has everything. She exchanged her supplies for money, tickets, and jewelry. It was like Taobao at the flea market. Her henpecked father was transformed, then she took the family to the bright future, and accidentally found the best man who spoiled and loved her.

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Related Series
Back to the Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs (1)
The Green Tea’s Crushing Victories in the ’70s (1)
Rebirth to Eighties: Shrewd Little Wife (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s and more
  2. Magical Space
  3. Magical Space Abilty Reborn/Transmigration
  4. Novels That made me Sleepless every night!
  5. 50's - 90's Economic Reform

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CasBrin rated it
January 23, 2022
Status: c73
First off, the translator did a great job. My problems are entirely with the original work.

The MC is just... She goes to a state hotel for lunch two days in a row... that really stands out in the 60s. They say she came from the apocalypse, but I don't think she acts like it much. She doesn't guard against others, sets prices arbitrarily and way too low when trading, tries to save everyone with an almost bodhisvata heart. She gave meat buns to a strange old lady, I think she... more>> acts like a privileged daughter who has never seen the real world.

But honestly the worst thing for me was when she argued with the waiter in the restaurant they gave pork to others because she had asked first. It was true thst the restsurant had no meat left. The other guest brought a special meat coupon, so the chef took out his own meat in exchange. The waiter was only doing her job and fhe MC started morally lecturing her. It feels like those moral kidnapping peasant stereotypes that appear in modern novels. It was a bit unbearable to read.

Also, her father let the original die. I think she is much too forgiving, his neglect and allowance of abuse, his ability to plead ignorant when you can obviously see the difference between his daughter and his step daughter. <<less
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kawaii12345 rated it
April 23, 2022
Status: Completed
This was a tough one to be objective about.

I read the translation to Ch 99 and it was a very good translation and I give thanks to Enchantress Translations for the work they put in.

The writing while good suffers from the fact that the author is abiding by the restrictions of the government they live under. The MC transmigrates into the middle of one of the great mistakes in human history, China's Great Leap Forward. (40 million+, dead because the commies hated anyone who managed to succeed). She is completely... more>> nonreactive to the circumstances that she transmigrates into. What's more the body's family is starving when she comes in, the village where she lives is non productive because of insane methods for division of labor, and inability capitalize productivity. Not only is she non reactive, she fails to muster up resentment or consider using her ability to leave China, which she knows is going to be an insane asylum for the next 2-3 decades.

My thought was with her ability and after she accumulated a little capital run, run, run to Honk Kong or almost anywhere not under communist control. But no the MC is just laying low and enjoying the hard labor.

I understand that people native to the setting might genuinely have such an attitude, or actually believe the propaganda but it's really hard to believe that someone from the 21st century would.

It got even worse when she would use the slogans.

Bottom Line: If you are looking for an OP BADA$$ transmigrates back and rocks the world, this isn't it

If you are looking for a Transmigrator goes back and runs rings around the locals, this has a little of that but not enough or done well enough.

If you are looking for a slow life story set during the Great Leap Forward/Great Famine, this might be for you. <<less
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Avrohom rated it
December 19, 2022
Status: c684
This novel is very slowly paced, very slice of life, about a 16 years old village girl's life in 1959-1960 and beyond. First, she works in the commune's fields and cleans pig manure, then she becomes a truck driver, etc. All this while she is busy with distributing food and clothing to starving and freezing people or cooking and knitting sweaters. No other activities.

She is from a very poor and uneducated blended family: a widower with two daughters married to a woman with a (relatively) pampered daughter, and that second... more>> wife of his is already pregnant, hopefully, this time, with a boy.


The FL is from our times, from a wealthy Chinese family (she is third generation rich), highly educated (Ph.D. Aspirant level, superb piano and violin player, etc.) and she has her own magical space full of every modern product, including meds, tools and weapons, and food you would ever need to feed and support twenty people for decades, yet you cannot say that the FL never suffered. She lived for several years in the Apocalypse before sacrificing herself to save someone and transmigrating into the Great Famine era which to her feels like a big improvement, a very safe place! No zombies is all we need for happiness, don't we?

The original girl, emaciated and weakened from overwork and malnourishment, died from fever, basically, from lack of medical care, after accidentally falling into river. The FL pulls some meds and food from her space and restores her body to health within days.

All of this writer's transmigrated FLs, and I read three of her novels, are similar. They are both good and bad. They do good deeds to good or useful people, they pity the weak, but they do bad or at least questionable deeds to the rest of us as well. Normally, they act as executioners to "bad" people, but they also meddle and lack compassion.

For example, the FL in this novel pays no attention to material goods herself and never experienced hunger; relationships are more important to her. She is very hardworking and has no problem with any kind of work. Work is work, it has to be done, and shoveling pig sh*t pays well (maximum work points per day) and is necessary for the farm animals and farm crops to thrive, so she does it quite happily. Yet she does not understand that most people's psyche, even of very decent people, would warp under influence of extreme poverty and prolongued hunger and other forms of duress - working while starving and dehydrated under blazing sun with heat strokes and sunburns, suffering from the gut wrenching stench of sh*t that triggers involuntary vomiting of the meager breakfast, bloody blisters on hands when working without gloves or necessary tools, etc. This makes people behave in abnormal, crazy and evil ways. Treating people decently is a must.

But the FL still refuses to feed her pregnant stepmother and deliberately starves her stepsister (while secretly feeding her little blood related sister and a dozen of unrelated kind strangers). Both the stepmother and stepsister are not good to her, a lot of which has to do with poverty, with abnormal scarcity of resources, but what does starving them in return has to do with that? Making suffering people suffer even more won't help anyone, it will only breed hatred and resentment, more abnormal psychology, more aberrations and terrible behaviors

In this novel, the FL patiently works on her dad, so that he eats better and pays more attention to his own daughters, not just focusing on the yet unborn son of his. She succeeds but she also drives the wedge between him and his pregnant wife and his step daughter. She does not bring the family together, no one is happy.

The ML is a railroad engineer, a very generous and capable man from a good family. He is so smitten with the FL, he made me laugh and smile several times. To me, he is just a place holder, i.e. Someone has to be the ML in this novel, so he filled that space. His only human and unique characteristic seems to be his big white teeth! Nothing else.

Besides flashing those impressive teeth, all he does is to eat, shop, shovel manure to help the FL, and to love and pamper her. He does not have much of a storyline of his own. In other words, he is a male, but he does not lead. The story is all about the FL, her destiny, her path, her work, her acquaintances, etc.

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LostMySoul rated it
July 27, 2022
Status: Completed
Not bad but not good either. It's a bit of a boring read. The space and the fact that she came from the apocalypse was what made me kept reading but tbh, it's not worth it. I wasted my time. At around chapter 500, the MC is still in the countryside.

Most chapters is about her helping people and people being grateful to her but I think she's too Mary Sue. A bit of a hypocrite, too. Most of the time I agree with her actions on how she treats her... more>> enemy but when her stepsister suffered from domestic abuse in a public place and begged for her to help her, she actually added insult to injury and in fact, scolded the stepsis claiming that that's what the stepsis wanted. I've read a lot of novels where the MC is usually a villain from the start but repents later on. Why couldn't she give that stepsis at least a chance to change? At least, don't add to her misery.

Tbh, story's a bit bland. Maybe it's because of the mtl, but honestly, I don't see any chemistry from the MC and ml. Usually, I, at least, smile from the leads' interactions but that never happened here. Story took to long because there are a lot of side characters and unnecesary scenes. Also disappointed that the story didn't focus on how they got rich. The mc's journey is quite smoothsailing and whenever there's challenge, she immediately overcomes it hence the Mary Sue comment before.

The story is basically all about this MC who has space and helps lots of people and people being grateful to her and her working in a black market and meeting irritating women on trains and as neighbors. Oh, there's also the male lead whose character drastically changed overtime from a cool man to a clingy man. He never returned being a cool man after.

I wanted to rate this 2 tbh but I've already finished the novel so I'm adding 1 because it'd be a waste if I don't.

Overall, an okay read but could've definitely read something better. <<less
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N.Celeste rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I found it during Mtling a different story, The story is decent not that heaven breaking. Since the reviews are so bad I just added a 5 star. One can give it a try if you don’t have anything to read。
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February 9, 2023
Status: c753
(2nd Reread - 02/09/2023) I originally wanted to read this till the end, because the first time I read this, I at least made it to the 660th chapter. However, I encountered the same issue as before. This novel is too repetitive. It's just one petty drama after another. And if it's not petty drama, then it's an encounter with a random side-character that only shows up a handful of times before being left in the back burner. At all times, the FL will solve the problem in... more>> the same way -- providing food from her space (which is only the storage type btw, it's not the type where you can plant on it. She saved all the food up herself in her previous life, and once it runs out, it runs out. There would be nothing left.) I originally read this for the golden finger aspect, but this golden finger is seriously kind of boring. It's just an unlimited food bank. That's all she uses it for. Anyway, this time, I forced myself to go a little further, but the further I went, the more hopeless it became LMFAO. It's seriously just the same thing over and over again.

SUMMARY: The Fl, Zhao Xiulan, transmigrates to the 1960s from modern apocalyptic times. She went back in time with a magical space on hand filled with decades' worth of food and supplies. And, in times of scarcity, this becomes her road to survival. The original owner's family consists of her father, her younger sister, and a stepmother and a stepsister. Before the FL had transmigrated, the original owner had not been living a good life. But it's impossible to change things too quickly. Little by little, she makes connections with the people of this era in order to slowly improve her way of life. (As for the ML, he's a handsome and talented railway engineer that's bound to go to places. Their relationship is quickly set, but they're kept apart most of the time. And when I stopped, they hadn't reached the point of living together permanently.

THOUGHTS: Well. Sigh. XD This novel is not as bad as I made it out to be in my introduction. To be honest, if you're looking to waste time on a slice of life novel, and you're not all fussed about the quality, then this is not bad. It gets boring the further you go, but the beginning is interesting -- mainly because the author goes into a lot of detail of the times.

IDK how accurate it is (one thing's for sure, it's not very consistent), but whether or not its historically accurate, it really gives you a sense of what it's like to live in the times. Unfortunately, the author fails with their characters. The FL and ML are likable enough, but they're not very interesting. They are pretty much set already after the first few hundred chapters, which is why the author had to constantly introduce pointless side-characters (both of the support and cannon fodder variety) in order to pad the wordcount. Honestly, if the author had just honestly time skipped the boring parts, this story would have been a lot more bearable. After the 600th chapter, I started skimming a lot, and my impression of the novel improved. If it weren't for the fact that I completely lost interest in the main characters at that point, I might have continued reading in that manner. Unfortunately, the characters remained boring, and I didn't want to be frustrated over the s*upid cannon fodder characters anymore lolol.

Read this for the good translation and the readable MTL (if you plug it into Google Translate, it's 80% readable, unlike those ready-MTL sites, which is only barely readable). Last time, I gave this a 3/5 rating, but didn't give it an official score. This time, I stick to the 3/5 star rating. But the actual rating is 2.65/5.

(BTW. Because I was unreconciled I jumped ahead several dozens of chapters at a time, making it all the way to their official marriage. (Which was around the 1400th chapter or so.) All in all, the story follows the same pattern.

(OLD REVIEW) C660. Not bad. 3/5? I was okay with it because I enjoyed the poor-to-rich elements and the inclusion of a magical space. But the story suffers from repetition. It's always the same type of cannon fodder getting face slapped --- and they never learn!!! I started to skip around the early 600s, but not long after the plot repeated again... meanwhile the protag always conveniently runs into the right people and I don't really like the FL or ML. They're not dislikeable... just not interesting?? The novel doesn't focus on them much. I don't mind rereading this if the TL gets further along cause it's pretty well translated (MTL is 60% readable). If nothing else, the get-rich elements are definitely worth it. <<less
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