The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me


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To save the hopeless Dark Fantasy World, I held back my tears and destroyed the world, then killed the Demon King and returned.

Now, I’m trying to save the world using the “System” I gained as a “Regressor’s Privilege”… But the Main Heroines have also awakened their own memories of the previous timeline.

God damn it.

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메인 히로인들이 나를 죽이려 한다
Related Series
The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines (9)
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The Villain Wants to Live (6)
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The Reincarnated Villain Makes The Heroines Tearfully Beg for Forgiveness (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Best Harem Novels.
  2. everything ive read (part 1)
  3. Stuff I like(Tentative)
  4. Peak Hidden Gems Part 3

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121 Reviews sorted by

Watheos rated it
November 19, 2023
Status: c50
Convenience is this novel's biggest flaw. What disgraceful romantic and unrealistic system is this? Does the protagonist need to be a villain, reset and be a hero to avoid the end of the world? How forcefully directed does something need to be to follow a path like this? Only an existentialist execution would compensate for such a bad plot.

I don't understand how this is rated highly. The system is ridiculous and extremely biased. It's so surreal that it would make perfect sense for the protagonist to realize and believe that... more>> he is part of a novel or anime made to entertain people and kill himself. But he preferred to transform into a mu*derous psychopath. <<less
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Ayane rated it
January 5, 2023
Status: c86
I like the premise, and was very into the story at first. In the beginning especially, it was interesting watching him be a self-sacrificing hero who has to save people while pretending to be evil. After a few people realize who he is the story fell flat for me. It turns into your stock harem story with your typical exaggerated sacrificial MC. I don't have anything against characters who are excessively kind and self-sacrificing, but with how the story is written it's boring. There was a certain magical tragic atmosphere... more>> when MC was absolutely alone, with nobody recognizing his good deeds.

There were inconsistencies in the text too, like the author stating that Dark Pacts cannot be revealed to anyone other than those who witnessed it, but then having one of the heroines casually revealing her dark pact to another heroine.

The story had promise at first, but it turned into another shallow series. <<less
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SteakMuncher rated it
October 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Let me help clear up some misconceptions for anyone misled by other reviews.

This novel absolutely is not a tragedy. Tragedy is not a major theme, and even till the end, not a single actually tragic event will occur. There's a reason the Tragedy tag is not on this novel.

From the novel beginning till the end, the MC will face many trials and sufferings. But don't let what appears to be despair mislead you. Almost every event will move in a direction favorable to the MC in some way looking back.... more>> Anything appearing to be a setback 99% has some significant silver lining or even be a blessing in disguise.

The only real tragedies occur before novel start, and even they may not necessarily remain tragedies. <<less
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generalwaffles6 rated it
October 13, 2022
Status: c60
I like the layout of the story so far, instead of being a stereotypical harem fantasy novel with a smooth road and plenty of cheats, the author has created a tragic harem novel with a very difficult road of danger, usually leaving Frey on the brink of death. The story is about Frey, an extremely pure boy who must do as much evil across two lifetimes to save the world and everyone he knows and doesn't know. He is given a lot of burdens and must also pass many rocky... more>> roads to save the world without letting the world know that he is trying to save it and the further the story goes along, the less faith he has in the prophecy given to him as a child to be evil for good.

The heroines within the story so far have been given different personalities and haven't been shown to have a generic heroine trait, though this could change with them regaining and kindling feelings with Frey. All the heroines are given a deep background with Frey before his time as a False Evil without being left out which gives more meaning to his choices their choices, and any change of heart made upon discoveries like the False Evil and occasion traces of missing memories.
Kania seems to be the most clear-headed of the heroines while trying to elevate as much of Frey's pain as she can, trying to heal whatever damage he causes to himself. She also seems to be the one with the least connection to Frey before he became a false evil.
Irina is given a more hotheaded personality, trying to use extreme methods to kill him immediately, but she's also been given the most humble background. Her connection with Frey seems to be the least firm overall with what's known so far.
The other three heroines haven't been explored in detail yet as they are mostly still in the dark about Frey's truth.
Ferloche is made out to be an airhead with the purest intentions and an easy sympathizer.
There is not much I can say about Clana as she has been shown the least so far, though she clearly will try whatever to get a result without casualties.
Serena is the first heroine to know a lot about Frey's truth while also remaining in the dark, and has been shown to be the one who probably cares for him the most whether with or without the memories of this near truth.

So far only three of the known Sub-Heroines have appeared, Isolet, Glare, and Ruby. Nothing is known yet about Ruby, except clearly knowing something about Frey, but Isolet is the most responsible and probably one of the people most hurt by Frey's change. Glare is nothing but an absolute drop of sunshine so far; everyone else fits into the role of a tragedy but Glare is a pure bundle of joy that lightens the mood whenever shown.

This is a clear one-of-a-kind novel with many twists, expectations, and speculations for the future. I cannot wait to see what else happens to Frey and his relationship with the girls, though hopefully nothing too heartbreaking and tragic. It's also a nice touch going more into the memories he has with each heroine during their arcs, showing what they thought of him before his change and showing how their feelings for him might change sharply upon knowing the truth rather than making insincere feelings that sprang out of thin air. If there was anything bad I would have to say, Frey has been given an extremely bad time without hardly any break, he seems to be thrown into bad situation after bad situation and the only ever good outcome he has gotten is that he is still alive, the author may even have more a grudge against him than the people who knew him as evil. The story also seems to completely revolve around the main characters without any significant side characters, excluding Frey's family who sets up the premise of the story.

This is well worth the read if you are looking for something different than an OP harem novel, this has a lot of tragedy but as the story goes on it also shows more and more love for Frey as he has less of a burden, and it lets you connect with and sympathize with the characters. <<less
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DemitR rated it
September 6, 2022
Status: c39
The MC is an emotional trainwreck, which was nice since I was expecting a lot of edge and instead I got a fantastic, fleshed out character. But there's a point where it's angsty and grating more than it's endearing and I've hit that point surprisingly quickly thanks to how bad the writing has been. The author just can't get over how pitiful the MC is so we spend chapters and chapters just going over this, sometimes from multiple perspectives, which I'm sure works for a certain audience. Look, I like... more>> tragedy p*rn as much as the next guy but sometimes you gotta show and not tell, and especially not drone on and on about it.

The impression I'm getting is also that nothing is going to improve much in MCs life till near the end, so endless angst + nonsensical system = 2 stars off for me. I get that it's strongly hinted that there will be more story to why the system is the way that it is later, but knowing how poorly these novels tend to be paced, do I really want to slog through (probably) like 300 chapters of angst until then? <<less
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Fachi07 rated it
June 24, 2022
Status: c25?
Honestly no idea why someone would read this. It's a fake villain story except it's more along the line of tragedy. I feel little to no enjoyment while reading it. I only like the moments with Kania

The plot is quite predictable and contrived. There are small issues that make the author seem a little smooth, and then issues that make the protagonist seem like a ret*rd, or even the author again. Small ones first.

The famous auction somehow didn't have any protection, weird. I mean someone could just take something and... more>> nobody would do anything about it. Next power scaling. We have literally no idea what stats mean, which makes it easy for the author to have the MC instantly kill a DEMON GENERAL and then get bodied by someone without even knowing if it makes sense (it doesn't). Then Kania says "but at the academy everyone is equal". She should know this is obviously false, both from a logical point of view and the fact that she has regressed to the past.

Big ones. Why does the MC trust the Sun God

at chapter 25 or so it is not so subtly hinted that the Sun God isn't to be trusted

but he is obviously not trustable. So first of all keep that in mind for later on but for some reason the Sun God is giving their blessing to a character that wants to kill the hero, weird aint it. Also why does he need to act evil? I know it says that the world will be destroyed if he doesn't use the False Evil System (FES) but why? Like does that even make sense that it would change anything. I would understand if it was because he wanted everyone to live at the end, including him, but that isn't even the reason. And the reason he would survive with the FES is that once everything is over he can ask the Sun God to revive him, strange he's brought up again.

I also just don't like it, I prefer fake villain stories where the MC is actually doing well, not getting f*cked at all corners of his life. Go read Despite Being Pursued As a Villain, All The Heroines On My Side? (Edit: Or don't, I actually don't like that one, maybe I meant The Villain's Diary – The Heroine's Character Crumbles) It does this but the MC is actually happy and you don't need to read a sad man having an unfun life. Or do that, it sounds exhilarating. And maybe not The Villain Wants to Live, I heard the MC gets cucked, muy triste. Maybe that's false but I'm not gonna read 300 chapters just to watch the main characters love interest get dicked down.

Someone said the world is too black and white but that is just false, the MC is a clear example, and I assume he was talking about the nobles but that's in every novel. And even then there are some moments where he gives examples to people who are very clearly not just black and white.

Ok that's it. <<less
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MrCents_04 rated it
April 21, 2022
Status: --
Honestly, it is not boring to read, but I dont feel anything good. There is no moral lesson, and it is only teaching us to become apathetic readers. Yeah, it explains why the heroines loathed him so much.

However, as the time progress, it is getting out of my context. Why? Well, it is up to the future readers.

This novel is not comparable with Harold Stoke, or the other successful villains. The most confusing fact here is, is he a Hero or a villain? His character is complicated, and the girls... more>> who fought with him, becomes hostile to him.

Duuh, I dont mean to upset the readers who rated it to 5.

So what's the point here is? The other reviewer is waiting for the moment that all heroines will regret it. Bruh, dude, you ruin the chances anyway.

I respect the others and I only want to share my sentiment to the other readers. Thats all.

I have no idea why the girls will eventually fall in love with him. What is this, twilight saga? Wow, thats lame. Anyway, the setting is good, but come on, it is a wise idea to revise his role from hero to villain. From there, we can accept the tragedy. <<less
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Warner rated it
August 14, 2023
Status: --
I put this down very early on. I've read plenty of stories where the MC is in a "tragic" position where everything ultimately works out, but this one spoils it from the get go.

The thing you want to happen is: people finding out that he's actually a good guy, look at all of the stuff he did for us, woe is me how could I have treated him this way, followed by total devotion or love.

But this thing has it set up that his "vitality and lifespan" will decrease if... more>> someone finds out he's actually a good guy, which means that the vast majority of this is going to be unsatisfying (cause how many people could possibly find out with a penalty like that).

This is of course disregarding the massive plot hole of why he needed to do all this in the first place, the premise of the book is that he already killed the guy once and went back. What's the point in doing it wrong the first time? <<less
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lotusbuwan rated it
March 7, 2023
Status: Completed
Easily one of the best novels I have ever read. Everything you guess is the case, is absolutely not the case.

This novel will make you sink to the pits of your gut, then right back to the top shortly after.

Lets start with the MC: Frey is easily one of the most tortured MCs in LN history, especially as you keep reading on. However despite that, his goal to achieve happiness for everyone supersedes all of his pain. That's the best way to describe his character without spoilers. He is not... more>> wish washy or exactly cringe, and definitely not spineless either. The man has a job to do and tries his best.

Heroines: All the main female leads are certified wife material 200%. There is no best one because all of them are. This is due to the fact that all of them are not just pretty pieces the author throws. Storylines, growth, imperfections, perfections- the stuff of great writing. They all have their own strengths and agenda to serve for the story and you will never get bored of them, nor forget them.

Story: Don't make your judgement too soon when you start reading. Is all I can say without spoilers. There are twists, turns, and crashes throughout the novel. You will feel emotional guaranteed, but will be served sweet bliss shortly after. There is no black and white in this novel, and it begs the question of, " does everyone deserves happiness? If so, then to what cost?". I would say is the overall theme of story, and it does it superbly. Just know that the MC is really trying their best and is mentally under despite his sheer optimism.

TLDR: Keep reading. Amazing characters and amazing story. This is not a power fantasy nor a torture p*rn story. It's a story about the cost to create a happy life.

And yes, the ending is a banger. This alone should encourage you to read this, as most LN's just fall off badly. <<less
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Avenger1560 rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: c74
To be completely honest, this novel ruined my ability to read and enjoy other books that aren't at least up to this standard. This novel is literally all I could ask for in a book, because I'm a sucker for tragedies and good romance along with a "lone hero" type of vibe in a novel. Not to mention that the translator does an awesome job at making the novel truly shine, because of the clear effort they put in to make the reading experience enjoyable (highlighting impactful lines in the... more>> text, putting boxes for system messages, etc.)

Now, onto the actual review. The novel in my opinion isn't anything revolutionary or mindblowing in terms of the concept; just an MC who is forced to act evil and thus has to bear the weight of the world alone. However, what really sells this novel for me first and foremost would be the twists and intricacies in the plot. Without spoiling anything, this book has really caught me off-guard with some of the twists in the plot and the ability of the author to weave a compelling story that keeps the reader wanting more. The hints are left in the text for the reader to make assumptions on, but are subtle enough that it's not an "in-your-face" type of deal. Besides that, another thing that contributed to my enjoyment of this read would be the characters themselves. Like I said before, I'm a huge sucker for "lone heroes" so that could be one thing, but in general, I think that all the characters just feel alive compared to some of the other novels I've read on the site. They aren't flat, they aren't NPCs that are like "oh man I'm so average and boring no one will ever like me... except for ______ that I'm the best in the world at", no. The characters feel real and have reasoning behind their actions, both rational and irrational that makes the world (which is quite intricate in its own right) come alive. So overall, I truly recommend you read the novel. <<less
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Jubaer rated it
November 24, 2022
Status: c73
It's a fairly well written novel.

It's kinda similar to my death flags show no sign of ending.

Well only on the part that the main character pretends to be hateful and is hated by all.

... more>> The thing I like about this type of novels is that it invokes a certain type of empathy and sadness that makes me cry.

I'm attracted to self sacrificing main characters a lot and that's why I keep searching for the next heartbreak.

The thing I didn't like was the vague worldview that gets slightly revealed but gets even more chaotic and distorted.

If in the end all of it connects and makes sense I'll give it a 5 start instead of the 4 now.
Really looking forward to this tory.


The story keeps getting better later on.

The writing describing characters inner feeling is so freaking good I'm crying.

Gonna up it to five star. <<less
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Ujer rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: chp 25
I don't care that this novel win award or not. After all, what is important that whether you enjoy the novel or not.

The author have set the premises quite ridiculously. Which is why the plot and character action started to look forced just to make sure the premises is been followed through.

When u need to forced yourself to read up to chp 25 and not enjoying it, it is not mattered anymore if its ending is good. Afterall, it got like 500 chp more.

I do want to enjoy it but... more>> it is annoying that MC is acting s*upidly when he is been very cautious in other time. Like in chapter 25, Really, he already knows how s*upid the Saintess is then all of sudden, there is a rumor that she can be mastermind just to force MC to meet her. So why can't he be more cautious like preparing escape plan or whatever if she is a mastermind as per rumor.

It is obvious that the author try to force the plot. This is why I prefer light novel that not been too serious since some Korean author tend to be more dramatic while dragging out the story but then the loophole started to built up.

Heck, most Korean novel that win award are always kind of boring. Of course, some of it is still good. Which is why I give this novel a try but yeah, this novel is not for me. Maybe for some, this is perfect but absolutely garbage for me. <<less
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Kleini rated it
November 10, 2023
Status: c104
The Main Heroines Are Trying to Kill Me lured me in with its provocative title and complex, mystery-laden premise. Our protagonist must navigate a convoluted game world, commit seemingly evil acts, and deceive those closest to him - all to unlock the hidden route that leads to salvation.

Such a morally gray hero tugs at the heartstrings. I can't help but sympathize with his internal struggles, forced to become a villain for the greater good. Yet it's not all gloom and doom. When the story permits it, his caring nature shines... more>> through in subtle ways. And the extensive cast of heroines, each with distinct personalities, adds flavor to the narrative.

While playing the villain takes center stage early on, intriguing questions loom of what's to come. Peculiar inconsistencies hint that things aren't quite what they seem. The layered mysteries and buried secrets compelled me to keep reading chapter after chapter.

Some may find the harem elements distracting or the worldbuilding overly complex. But in my opinion, the author strikes an admirable balance. The fantasy setting and gaming mechanics come together to enable the unconventional plot. And the budding romances develop organically, not detracting from the main story.

For those who enjoy tragedies, redemption arcs, and multifaceted characters, The Main Heroines Are Trying to Kill Me delivers. I eagerly await the English translations to see what twists and turns are in store. <<less
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new cultivator
new cultivator rated it
November 11, 2022
Status: --
It's well writen overall, original and no cliché predictable events. The biggest con is the forced and overwhelming guilt tripping we get every single chapter. And also how the author likes to make it look tragic even tho it is never the case and always end well, but with MC constantly being more pitful.
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JaydenBlaze rated it
October 15, 2022
Status: c61
So far the novel has been really solid. A lot of foreshadows which is keeping the reader intrigued. The author definitely did a good job in that regard. But I can understand why people don't like it. Because how emotionally taxing it can get, and it's definitely not for people who just want to read something light hearted and chill, because this novels demands all your attention while reading else there are so many foreshadows here and there that one might miss.


The MC always had 2 persona
1. His Self-defined identity as villain
2. His Identity as a hero

So people thinking that after regression he should become stoic and ruthless won't fit the context right. Since MC mentally has separated his villain self from his identity as hero, and it fits right well. One of the key traits of MC is "self-hatred" MC loathes himself because he knew that even if it's in order to save the world his actions couldn't be forgiven. Which people are misunderstanding and think that he is just being hypocritical, which is kind of idiotic, in my opinion.

What sort of people should read this novel:
- If you want a novel with a well written self-sacrificial MC whose physical and mental struggle were portrayed beautifully. A Lone Misunderstood MC. Trying his very best to give a happy endings to the people he care about.
- Life-like side characters and Female Leads. - A novel with 'feels', where you can actually feel something instead of just skimming through the chapters and just try to complete it as if your finishing your chores.
- Inter-personal relationships and interactions. Novel's main focus is the dynamic interactions between the various side characters and their interactions with the MC.
- If you like seeing the MC overcome adversities when odds were stacked against him

What sort of people should avoid reading this novel:
- Those who hate drama and tragedy. As this novels shows a grim portrayal of the world.
- World building is lacking a bit.

Overall so far it has been pretty solid, and I can't wait for more.

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nigrumdiaster rated it
March 24, 2023
Status: c98
The premise of this novel started off strong, but after approximately 50 chapters, the issues with the story became apparent. This harem fantasy novel, despite having an interesting concept, incorporates far too much drama reminiscent of Korean dramas. Although I a hardcore harem enjoyer, this particular story falls flat. The overused plot device of "I have discovered the truth and feel immense guilt, therefore I must be useless and helpless and cry" becomes tiresome. Additionally, there are noticeable shortcomings in the author's writing quality. The world building is lackluster, with... more>> only one academy, one nation, and a focus solely on the MC and his harem. There are no remarkable side characters to leave a lasting impression. Overall, while the initial premise had potential, the execution and quality of writing fails to deliver an exceptional story.



You can say this is the saint, the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. He can vomit blood, he can lost some limbs, but he can't lost his kindness (LOL). The novel is written in 1st POV, like he is talking to us, he is showing off us how many good things he did, how many sorrow he experienced. This novel makes MC too pitful like a joke. And the author dont let him be a lowkey, he has to flex out. When his harem knew his sacrifices, that even made him more pitful, he has to endure the pain, the penalty, he is the most pitful in the world. It seems as though the author intentionally uses this negativity to showcase a form of "misery flexing" which is not necessarily an attractive quality in literature. Overall, if you enjoy reading about excessive emotional manipulation and self-pity, then this novel may be for you.


Read "i killed the player of the academy" if you want a better MC doing right things without pitful, useless harem. Give it a try, it wont's waste your time.

3 stars for the best ending, and MC's hardwork. <<less
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Inadversity rated it
August 24, 2022
Status: c42
As of right now I'm on chapter 42. While I do like the premises and such I give a 2.5-3/5 it has some flaws, but generally overall good.

The writing is where the problem is, there's no building up in some chapters. It just gives you a backstory in one chapter with a slam dunk and expect you to feel something, and it does that a couple of times with two of the characters, and it's only chapter 42!

You can honestly relate with the main character as it's been told through... more>> his point of view and you can understand his feelings behind it. But I don't know, the writer tries to bring out emotional scenes and it just falls short.

Therefore I can only give it a 2.5-3/5. Just above average.

Characters - 3.5/5

Writing - 2/5

Plot - 3/5

World building - 2.5/5 <<less
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UselesslyUseless rated it
December 11, 2023
Status: Completed
Excellent read. When characters get their redemption arcs, you can feel their sincerity and suffering and making their road to absolution well deserved. The twists do hit you where you wouldn't expect, thus enhancing the whole experience. There are some hiccup, such as how the author handled the epilogue, or sometime you may feel the theme/suffering p*rn is being overdone quite a bit; but in general the pro far outweigh the con.
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wyvrusgriffion rated it
July 27, 2023
Status: --
I loved this series, I consider this my second favorite harem series just after Sevens. However everything went crashing after everything became R-18. I am happy that MC have a happy ending and he and the heroines deserved it but what the hell are those s*x scenes, everything was too descriptive that even reading in MTL, everything was very clear. MC is basically f**ing everyone (the eleven heroines) just before the end. The shift is very weird.
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devil_karma rated it
April 1, 2023
Status: c76
It is a unique story with the good writing and translation.

Basically tragic fantasy story based on hero and demon king.

But it is not that simple here to see what is different you have to read this.

... more>> Story starts with your usual regression.

Good pace with different approach to fantasy stories.

MC is smart and capable enough due to his mental strength.

although I hate the genre of harem still I loved how the author included it in and yet still made it one of the best written novels.

MC is quite the character he suffers a lot and yet still continues and pushes forward with passion, he stills keep trying to make the people around him happy on the cost of his own happiness and although u might hate the heroines at the beginning but you will quite like them as the story progresses.

I hope you give it a try.

Though it depends on your taste of story that you like this or not. <<less
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