The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me


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To save the hopeless Dark Fantasy World, I held back my tears and destroyed the world, then killed the Demon King and returned.

Now, I’m trying to save the world using the “System” I gained as a “Regressor’s Privilege”… But the Main Heroines have also awakened their own memories of the previous timeline.

God damn it.

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Related Series
The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines (9)
Love Letter From The Future (8)
The Regressor and the Blind Saint (8)
The Villain Wants to Live (6)
Pseudo Resident’s Illegal Stay in Another World (6)
The Reincarnated Villain Makes The Heroines Tearfully Beg for Forgiveness (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Tragic self-sacrificing characters
  2. Novels I have Read
  3. Best Harem Novels.
  4. everything ive read (part 1)
  5. Stuff I like(Tentative)

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121 Reviews sorted by

DragonKingBob rated it
June 16, 2022
Status: c24
Honestly, I have fallen in love with this serious. You just can’t help but feel for Frey, and lament at all the suffering he has to go through. The setting and story all feel really unique and well thought out. It’s still really early in the story, but everything we have so far is 5 stars. I hope the rest of it is just as amazing. Here’s for wishing a little happiness for the false evil.
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SolitaryPilgrim rated it
June 10, 2022
Status: c21
I personally believe the 1 star reviews didn't read past chapter 1. Everyone has their own opinions about this novel they might be right from their stand point but some of the reviews just feels like they didn't read the novel or just reviewing some other novel altogether.

I think it's truly a good novel. Especially each and every character has their own traits and feels alive.

Reviews claiming MC is beta I firmly disagree in fact MC's character and his resolve to shoulder such a heavy burden all alone is admirable.... more>> Also he isn't doing this just to die again like others claim because in chapter 3 his end game plan is revealed

The novel stirs your emotions, as you can't help but feel for the MC and the path he walks on. Also not once has MC glorified or tried to justified his actions as he even himself states that even he saves the world his actions aren't worthy to be forgiven. The character of MC is well crafted already so further character development but imo based off of 20 chapters I don't think we can expect character development this early on. As it's basically chap 1 of most of paperback published western novels.

MC isn't covered with a thick plot armor. So people might hate it but I personally love seeing MCs who struggles to achieve their goals. I believe his journey and the snippets of his past are truly intriguing. It feels like it will be romance heavy novel but I don't really mind since already by chap 20 characters are quite well fleshed out. And overall it's a novel worth reading. Also Translation quality is great and consistent updates. <<less
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AWanderingReader rated it
June 29, 2022
Status: c27
I don't read this type of plot often, but for me, this is definitely interesting and enjoyable. Dark genres where the MC is pure evil or frequently does evil deeds for his own gain, isn't my preference. Rather than villains, I prefer heroes. The MC is definitely my type (not romantic), because of his heroic virtues and personality. Other than his heroic character, I also admire his mental strength because if I was in his shoes, I would've crumbled a long time ago.
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Saurabh112 rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: c200
As someone who have read the raws until about chapter 200 I have to say that this is one of my favourite novels of all time, I don't think this novel is for everyone tho specially not for kids who love to read OP MC who don't have to suffer anything and get everything without much effort, this is opposite of that kind of story so if u want a cliche OP MC who can do anything coz he is the MC then don't read this but if you want... more>> a genuine good story with unexpected twists and turns and something a bit on the emotional side then I would recommend it.

Only complain I have is that MC vomits a lot lol but this is me nitpicking at this point <<less
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Dg2 rated it
November 9, 2022
Status: c17
So the MC wants to be a edgy freak. Keeping secrets to protect his love ones. That sounds good right? Well guess what, he is a simp for the girls to the extreme. The amount of BS he does for them gets magically unraveled by chapter 16 when the Main Heroine freaking minds rpes him when he is asleep. Where the MCs conscious spills all of the info of the past life and the present life in a sub par way. Like seriously, the whole story couldn't even get through... more>> a single arc before the author disgusting fetish gets in the way. The writer obviously wants the insta gratification in satisfying his dark hero complex.

No need to write an engaging story of keeping secrets and what not. The author took the easy way out and this made the story into one of the many generic misunderstanding tropes. But the big kicker is it lacks any comedy at all. Its all grim derp nonsense of wanting to soldier the world's burdens, but without any of the drama that comes with. Since all the heroines are going to find out the MC's 'secret' anyway. And no amount of system punishments will amount to anything since I doubt anyone is going to die for real.

Yeah I forget about that too. He has a system that gives out PUNISHMENTS. This is the literal epitome of what not to do with system fics. Who wants to read a MC who's every action is controlled? Not me!

Blehm this is freaking awful. How this is rated so high I would never know. People got some serious bad tastes. At least read a generic CN than this. At least there are some better climaxes in those.

Rate 1.5/5 <<less
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rrobz rated it
April 24, 2022
Status: c14
Unfortunately, I feel the need to write a counterbalancing review to the praise this novel has received. I think the basic premise is clear enough from earlier reviews, so will not elaborate further here. However, it's just not enjoyable - it's a slog to read through how the MC is continually an a-hole, reinforcing the anger and disgust of the female MCs, for some unspecified, hoped-for long term payoff (from the reader's perspective). (Or, if you enjoy this type of sadism in and of itself, that's a different story).

A... more>> similar (but more deftly implemented) concept to the approach of this novel can be found in The Villain Wants to Live, but that novel does a far better job of balancing the demeanor of the main character and his interaction with other characters (at least for the first 280 or so chapters), so while he is still unquestionably a villain and compelled to act that way, you at least get some really enjoyable and well-developed scenes in the interim for your efforts - not so here (at least so far). <<less
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Mamito0996 rated it
September 21, 2022
Status: c52
I am so happy that I found this light novel but so sad that I did it in so early stages of translation XD, but thanks so much to the tranlation group for picking this.

I have been reading this novel since it had 8 chapters and even though I want to stack chapters I cannot do it, every chapter is so good and left you asking for more.

Frey, the MC, has so many good qualities that makes you keep reading this, if the main character is not interesting the novel... more>> becomes so boring. He is kind but not naive, he knows when he has to kill someone, He is strong but not overpower, we know he is the protagonist so he will survive until the end but we can see how he struggles in every fight so much that we can cheer for him. The system he has to save the world is more his enemy than his ally and thanks to that he is literally fighting alone surrounded by enemies.

In others words he is a misunderstood character trying to save everything and being hate for everyone but when the true is revealed everyone (specially the heroines) will beg for his forgiveness. I just hope we see some good romance, slow but good and frey not being a blockhead dense character like others one. <<less
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linkin21 rated it
September 10, 2022
Status: Completed
I personally enjoyed this story quite a lot. It's one of the rare stories which was great from start to finish which is incredibly difficult imo.

I see a lot of reviews, mainly those with low ratings, complaining about the MCs personality. While he might come off as off-putting to some, Frey is a very well written character and people tr*shing on him for being generic, or too good have not read far and do not know the complexities behind who he is and why he acts the way he does.... more>> He is a geniunely good person and if people complain that no one can be that good, then I'm sorry that you've never met someone like in real life (good people exist, you just have to look around to find them).

Some people also complain about the heroines falling in love with Frey too quickly. This is once more a case of not having read far because outside of his fiance Serena, the others don't fall in love that fast and if it still seems like they fall in love too quickly, there's a very good explanation for it which is (spoiler) :


Frey has repeated the timeline multiple times and the heroines have fallen in love with him multiple times. Even if they forget, the emotions and memories are still imprinted on their souls so they'll fall in love with him again quickly after realising he's actually a good guy.


While this might not satisfy everyone, it makes sense from a narrative perspective. The romance in this novel is good, and it's one of the few rare novels where all of the heroines get a decent amount of development and the the story

ends with a proper harem.


Another thing that bugs me is how people are very quick to judge this novel in the first 20 or so chapters, even going as far as to compare said chapters against novels with hundreds of them which is not fair whatsoever. The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me has over 500 chapters and if you stick around and reach the end, you'll see why I and so many others rate it so highly. <<less
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Lelouch55 rated it
August 22, 2022
Status: c42
I know this novel is 4 stars because this novel has its flaws and there are no perfect novels in this world. As for the reason for 5 stars, its because I desperately needed something to heal me after reading cancer like novel "long live summons". This novel has good drama. Story is interesting and not really predictable. Author tries his best to give an explanation about everything so thats a plus. MC goes through many horrible experiences but still pushes forward and you will be emotionally attached to MC..... more>> I will not explain its flaws because I want you to give it a try, read some chapters before deciding if you want to continue or not. <<less
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hose246 rated it
August 16, 2022
Status: c35
There is no reason for this novel to be so good.

This novel is not a power fantasy, and it's also not one with where everything goes the MC's way. There is a lot of tragic and depressing stuffs happening in this novel, yet, there is also heartwarming and happy moments.

The MC is an absolute goat who takes self-sacrifice to the extremes. He's not incompetent or weak, but he acts like he's incompetent and weak. He is fully ready to sacrifice his everything to achieve happiness of the people he loves,... more>> he does not just sacrifice his body like a normal hero you read in fantasy novels did, but he also sacrifices his reputation. But no matter how much of a hero or how strong his mentality is, he will still suffer from being forced to commit evil deeds which he terribly dislikes. He is also an impressive actor who is able to act perfectly like a third-rate villain. The main heroines are incredibly well-written. Each of them has a different personality, but they also don't only act on that personality. They felt like real people. Each of them has a reason on why they want to kill the MC, and each of them has their own backstories and troubles they need to overcome.

The side characters are also very well crafted. From the current side characters that are in the translated chapters, each of them has their own personalities and backstories, much like the main heroines.

The plot is absolutely amazing.


The plot felt more like watching the MC's struggle as he tries to overcome the scenario and penalty that occurs in the world instead of a hero's struggle to defeat the demon king. In fact, the demon king might not even be the main focus. At around chapter 30, it's implied that the system and the Sun God might be behind this entire scenario.


The author did an incredible job at showing the suffering of Frey without going overboard. It is suffering that we can sympathize with and relate to. It makes his mental breakdowns more realistic, which also makes his suffering all the more sad and depressing, and also the relief that comes after all the more satisfying and emotional. Even after reading 35 chapters, I felt like I have barely scratched the surface of this novel's plot. As I read this novel, it's easy to find yourself lost in the immersion and want to speed click on the next chapter. This novel is not lighthearted, just like in real life, troubles will come to you even when you think you have everything in the palm of your hand. This novel focuses on the MC's journey to protect his people's happiness, overcoming trials and tribulations, and is one of the best novels I've ever read. Absolutely recommended. <<less
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CreamPuffDelights rated it
October 19, 2023
Status: c150
There's apparently a surprisingly large number of masochists on this website.

Why do I say that?

You have to be a masochist to read this story. That's it. And somehow this story has an amazingly high rating.

... more>> This whole goddamn novel is a shaggy dog story, the MC is a hamster running in a cage called the "system". An entirely redundant one that he doesnt and didn't need.

Put in modern terms, the MC completed the villain route on his first playthrough in order to unlock NG+. The reason he's chasing NG+ is for a system that will apparently help him unlock the Golden Ending, which it supposedly does.

The problem here, is that the MC is not the only player. The other 5 players here are the Heroines, who are fully aware of what happened in the first route.

So the MC is essentially stuck on the villain route again, enforced by the system that does nothing but throw debuffs at him. At the same time, it provides him with useful resources that he didn't have on his first run around.

Problem being?

All those resources are spent keeping him alive from the aforementioned heroines who are trying their best to mu*der him. The net result here is thst the MC is even MORE hamstrung than he was in the previous run.

It's a pokemon Nuzlocke run in novel format.

Someone said in a review earlier that those who like angst and drama will enjoy this story. He's not wrong. There's basically nothing but tragedy and drama here. There are moments of introspection and realization, but it feels cheap and forced when you realize that there was no need for all this suffering and "oh-woe-is-me" bullsh*t in the first place if the MC could just say f*ck it.

There is no catharsis or enjoyment in reading about an MC that can only keep sacrificing himself silently while everyone hates him for perfectly justifiable reasons until he reaches that "Golden Ending", all thanks to an arbitrary system that seems absolutely intent on forcing all the characters to act out a Korean drama.

In conclusion, to give this novel 5 stars, you have to be a masochist. <<less
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marcus-beta rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: c20

I noticed inconsistencies, for example, the protagonist who apparently destroyed the world once, sided with the demons and still can't see a child starving, and for helping, ends up exposing himself as 'good' to the heroine, how can he kept as bad for years in the first timeline if he can't keep up a week in the new timeline? I understand that he has no evil nature, but if he was sacrificing himself to save the world it's strange that he's pure to such an extent.

If he's willing to give... more>> up his own life, why he doesn't think twice about creating variables in the world just because of a hungry child? This is strange, it is counter-wise to put the salvation of humanity at stake in a totally irresponsible way.

I tried to read the work but it doesn't seem like I'll be able to move on, but even without reading I can already see the protagonist saving the heroines here and there and them discovering the truth one by one, I like romance, but I can't swallow many contradictions, like hate to the point of sacrificing themselves to kill turning love into a 5 minute conversation? How convenient, no? <<less
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Charion rated it
July 6, 2022
Status: c27
I normally don't write reviews, but for this novel, I just felt like I had to because of how invested I was in it.

Personally from what I'd read, I'd say that this is a story with tragedy as one of its main focuses, and how the MC advances through the hardships and challenges presented before him. His own personality and attitude towards various circumstances he finds himself in makes me feel like rooting for him nearly all of the time.

The plot is gripping in how it presents its characters in... more>> various situations that always are different and refreshing and is also one that pulls at my heartstrings nearly every time something of note happens, whether it be through tension, or sadness.

The author is especially great at expressing characters in a way that brings out the most of them, both well done, whether it be through minor scenes or major ones.

Of course, there's light moments to offset the more serious situations at times, and quite a lot of these scenes feel lifelike. And the fact that only 28 translated chapters are shown on this site as of now and the quality is already this good makes me look forward to the rest in anticipation.

The synopsis may make the novel's story out to be another simplistic trope at first glance, but I highly recommend you give this novel a chance at the very least, I can assure that you won't regret it, depending on what you like to read. <<less
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Edze rated it
June 29, 2022
Status: c60
Genre : Action, adventure, drama, fantasy, psychological, harem, and romance

I would recommend anyone that loves the harem and regret tag to read this novel. The reasons I say that is

  1. The MC Is great. He would sacrifice everything he has just to safe the world
  2. The pacing isn't slow but it isn't fast
  3. The side character and female leads is lifelike, they have believable reason to hate the MC and does not instantly trust mc
Overall it's an awesome read to anyone that enjoy this type of novel. It's a 10/10
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Dream Hunter rated it
September 8, 2022
Status: c48
This is my first review of a novel so don't be too hard on me. Although not a big spoiler since this is explained in the first few chapters, I will hide it just in case.

... more>>

Well, this is the story about Frey, the current era's hero, that is trying to save the world. The problem comes from the heroines that remember his evil actions after he managed to turn back time and are going to make his life hell while the system would punish him the moment someone finds out he is, in fact a good guy.


I like the story quite much. The mission of a hero to save his world while donning a mask of false evil avoiding both enemies and allies.

The heroines also are great. Each of the have their own backgrounds and motivation behind their actions and aren't just paper-cut to fawn over the MC.

This novel is a solid 5/5 for me. Some would complain he is too much of a good guy, but that makes him a fresh MC, willing to bear all kinds of hardships for his loved ones and to bring out real justice and not pretending.

In short, I recommend this novel very much to anyone that likes hero fairytales with a dark world setting. <<less
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Deguredolf Hitanyalier
Deguredolf Hitanyalier rated it
August 20, 2022
Status: v42
August 20, 2022

As my two-three year pandemic adventure since searching for dramatic novels to make me cry (I love drama) this is absolutely one of the reads I've been truly looking forward to add to my collection false evil protagonists just like Deculein from The Villain Wants To Live (definitely not promoting)

But if y'all don't like drama, I recommend to read it with an open mind and emphasize it despite the supposedly cheese scenes or lines (not that I remember anything cringe because I'm used to it)

One of... more>> the only things that disappoints me though is that the illustration of the Heroines look all the same and has a cliche big breasted character design.

But they did the illustration of the protagonist real justice making me wanna call him daddy-


Yeahs sorry out of topic

But anyways I'd still rate it a 5 out of 5 no matter the criticism because of the drama, gotta love how the translation team adds emotion to specific lines in the story.

April 3, 2023

Yo yo it's my birthday, now that I came back to this forgotten review I made, I have already completed reading the whole novel, I'm gonna keep this short, just read it, it's one hell of a tragic rollercoaster. <<less
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RenaieNovel rated it
August 6, 2022
Status: c40
One of my most favorite novels in the present (One of the few I actually have time to read LOL)

Of course this novel won't click with the younger audience with no personal challenges and grim experiences. All the faults and flaws that they can list would be in the lines of "Awful narration, why is this goofus rambling about his good deeds every 2 minutes can't he stop, like we know you're sacrificing yourself why do we have to hear about it. It's making you sound like an egoistic... more>> person bragging about picking up an old lady's wallet once in elementary or something."

It's exactly because of this narration that I was hooked with the novel. I've read a lot of novels with MCs who does this and they ALL always, no exception become diagnosed with extreme paranoia and guilt. It's normal human reflex to alleviate guilt. By reminding ourselves that we aren't doing bad things is the only way for us to continue being civilized and humane members of human society.

I'm the complete opposite myself, I tell myself that I'm the most Horrible being I've ever met and no one can be as vile as me so I can thrive to help other people and be a better me than yesterday, because I can't get any viler if I'm already the worst. I can only get kinder.

Frey takes us into a journey with no return, a path of self destruction not just physically but mentally. A deranged hero trying his darnest best to save a god forsaken world.

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Yori_16 rated it
June 16, 2022
Status: c23
A fine-quality novel.

The story is well developed. However, it is a bit fast pace. The plot is interesting. The harem, although not introduced much, is good.

Note: not for someone who likes to read op main characters.
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yamibae rated it
September 13, 2023
Status: c140
Holy, this has got to be potentially the worst novel of its genre by far, the MC is absolutely a joke and the entire novel does not make sense to me. How is this novel meant to be read when every 5 chapters the MC is coughing out blood from a system that's meant to "help" him defeat the Demon King! What a joke lmao, this system has other restrictions too like not being able to have anyone find out he's not actually evil etc. Honestly I really thought this... more>> would be more like other "I'm evil but not until you find out" novels and I'm pleasantly surprised to discover it's garbage.

Definitely do not recommend unless you're masochistic. <<less
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Dreamofdots rated it
October 16, 2022
Status: c52
An okay novel, not as bad as some reviews say, but also not as good as others claim. It's pretty clear the author's trying hard, both with plot and ppl, but it feels like they don't have the experience they need to write well what they planned. Things like pacing need work, and I'd especially love if the author employed the show, don't tell approach. Quite a few times, things are explained at length repeatedly when a much more powerful impact could be achieved if readers are allowed to watch... more>> and form their own conclusions. Still, these things aside, plotline seems good so far. Praying the author grows in coming chapters. The novel has a lot of potential, as long as it can be written well. <<less
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