The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor


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The man forsaken by the world, the man a s*ave to money and the man known as the legendary God of War in the highly popular MMORPG Continent of Magic. With the coming of age, he decides to say goodbye, but the feeble attempt to earn a little something for his time and effort ripples into an effect none could ever have imagined.

Through a series of coincidences, his legendary avatar is sold for 3 billion won, bringing great joy to him, only to plunge him into despair at losing almost all of it to vicious loan sharks. With revelation of money through gaming, he rises from the abyss with new found resolve and steps forward into the new age of games led by the first ever Virtual Reality MMORPG, Royal Road.

This is the legend of Lee Hyun on his path to becoming Emperor with only his family’s loving heart, his boundless desire for money, his unexpected mind, his diligently forged body and the talent of hard work backing him.

Associated Names
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Dalbic Jogaksa
Related Series
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor: Dad is a Legend (Sequel)
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Emperor of Solo Play (18)
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Ark The Legend (10)
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194 Reviews sorted by

Recklezz rated it
September 15, 2016
Status: --
While I do not have much else to say, that haven't been mentioned in other reviews, I will have to add that this novel is surely a very important RPG-type novel for eastern litterature. This work might be a bit messy but it's quirky characteristics has since been seen in many other Korean and Japanese Novels. I am not saying LMS started any of these trends it is just very accomplished in LMS.

This novel is super long and is still ongoing? (I believe) it is interesting with epic arcs, the... more>> characters aren't developed that much except for his closest friends and family (we don't even know the name of his grandmother). All the characters are quirky and special in their own way, except for Pale which is truly normal and most of his gang are only strong because of Weeds adventures. What I love about this novel is that it is a grind! Weed is an OP character which isn't OP! Weed is super strong against nearly all of his foes (Mainly because of his intellect) while he is never truly the strongest, as a reader you are always a little insecure about how his journey will end, will he fail or will he solve it in some fantastic way. Most of the times he of course will succeed, but the rewards he get isn't mind blowingly OP, but it gives satisfaction to the reader, especially because as a reader we have come to know and love the world of "Royal Road". The author also adds very comedic elements in his story which help keep it fresh and tolerable. Though the slow romance isn't just for show, it is only until 'Really late' that the romance comes into play, while the interactions are cute before the actual romance it is still used very sparsely.

As a note I would like to add that this novel was probably the first web-novel I read on the internet and I really love it and have even reread it a few times. This is a long story but the journey is worth it! Enjoy! <<less
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Eiris rated it
July 24, 2016
Status: v40
The story is sometimes all over the place, the MC is sometimes unlikable and the translation is sometimes quite bad.. And yet sometimes I laugh out loud, sometimes I'm touched.

If it can be said, LMS is not really a 'serious business' story. Readers probably better off to consider it as an action-comedy than a shounen story.

It's a very funny series though, particularly because of the hero's rotten and irrational personality, and the author's writing style. A very refreshing and light reading!
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June 21, 2016
Status: --
This was the first novel I've ever read, and it's basically also my favorite. I love the comedy in this, it's pure gold. Although I think they could tone it down on the greediness of Lee Hyun.
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Reginald Twistleton
Event horizon
June 15, 2016
Status: --
Overrated. Pretty good in comparison with the run of the mill mmorpg based novels out there but certainly not worth the hype it deserves.
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Buffelephant rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: v40
Loved the story, but the MC slowly becomes too evil and greedy.

What really made me disappointed with the MC was the dragon. He was friends with this apocalypse dragon. His quest was to kill it, but he took his own unique route like always. So he could have become a dragon rider, a unique job. Everyone loves him already as king so being a dragon rider may have effected morta but not too much damage to his reputation. But instead he kills the dragon. The dragon while being hacked asks weed why he was attacking him, aren't you my friend, why are you hurting me. And weeds excuse was the profit. This situation made me dislike the MC. This happens in the untranslated portion of the novel

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Reugros14 rated it
March 1, 2016
Status: --
If I have to give it a review, well some people might find it irritating with just Weed (pfft, what a name) being highlighted and not others. However, those very shitty people are the ones who f*cking skim over chapters about politics or other people's fights to just read about Weed and just happen to spout f*cking shits about Weed only being highlighted.

Now this VRMMO novel is truly a great novel, with good politics, side characters who aren't so vacant and feel real, other people being more powerful than MC,... more>> like seriously. NOw some people will bit*h about how can he do stuff other's can't! Well an answer in simple words would be: It's just like how a genius in studying yet poor classmate of yours gets more scores than the hard-working you or all other classmates. Get that DAMN REASONING IN YOUR MINDS!!!!

Weed is not called God of War for no reason, he actually uses brains unlike others, who don't use brains in fighting and gaining japtems, but use brain in politics and gaining fame and stuff.

Now getting on serious review: the story writing itself is pretty good, LMS is lot better than Ark which is almost like LMS-wannabe. LMS is not a harem, so hurray for harem haters, and love interests start at around Volume 21 or so, so bad luck for fast romance lovers. Still the character development, or rather the Game character stats and stuff development is well made, nothing seems forced, even the stuff we would call Dues Ex Machina wouldn't seem so in this story... the fights too are just epic.

All in all: Open the first chapter of first volume and JUST READ IT. JUST DO IT!!!! <<less
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Xbunnyxo rated it
February 26, 2016
Status: --
As more volumes come out I feel like I’m unable to stand his character anymore.

Are those side characters all blind? Have no brains? No other person can be qualified to be nearly as “awesome” as the mc?!

The author really dragged the story. It was very enjoyable in the beginning to see this kind of character; hard-working, pushes himself to the limit, a scheming witty person, but he is unbearably cheap.

I really do like Weed but if there is such a character in reality as my friend... I... more>> would want to kill him, or just not want to be friends with him. He is a cool MC to us since he can accomplish anything he sets his mind to do. Please author, just end the story of “Weed and his legendary awesomeness”.

I want to read about the afterwords, his life outside of the virtual world, his love life with (...) and if he has children, will they be like him? Please someone, write a Fanfiction for him, the “after LMS life”.

Sorry if people think this is a negative review, but this isn’t. I just want to get a glimpse towards his bright future, in reality of course. I liked reading all the volumes of LMS and I do not want to stop reading it, but everything good has to come to an end. <<less
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hphunter rated it
February 21, 2016
Status: --
This is a Korean novel that has as a plot the world of a virtual MMORPG, like Ark, Sword Art Online and many others. Compared to the others, I can say that I really love this novel. It has a lot of epic moments entwined with a bit of comedy and the tension really escalates on some parts. I was often tense because of the fights with really strong enemies and/or adverse situations.

The story has, overall, a pretty light theme; Compared to Ark where you'll see enemies in-game turning in... more>> real-life ones and see people spending their life savings in game items, on LMS you won't see such hatred being thrown around. Even in-game enemies will recognize its other abilities throught the story, in the end.

A few reocurring themes might put people off, but if you don't mind the small stuff, you'll enjoy this tale of japtem collecting, bad lyrics and epic fights. Also, I love Seoyoon, one of my favorite female leads! <<less
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Miss Ruby
Miss Ruby rated it
December 6, 2015
Status: --
I would love to say lots but this is WEED. You can’t really say much but I would recommend this novel to anybody. It is as captivating as a novel can get
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ninthlite rated it
December 2, 2015
Status: --
The first VRMMO novel in our community, and the best
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Boy and the Beast
Boy and the Beast rated it
November 24, 2015
Status: --
for me, this is a top korean novel, the top virtual reality genre novel, the top gaming novel, one of the best stories and............
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byunisperv rated it
October 26, 2015
Status: --

I must say before reading this you must prepare yourself for a ride because this LN is hella exciting and addicting, not to mention that it is funny af. MC’s action will left you dumbfound and wonder what he’ll do next. WEED is a professional gamer that his sole purpose is making money and you damn sure will not hate him for it, heck, even the people in the LN admire and worship him for it and he not even asked for... more>> it !!! He is a smart know-how kind a guy that practice diligently a year before, all for the reason to enter this VRMMORPG. He will use his wit and craft to defeat all the challenges, he is like a weed no matter how many times you cut him down he will rise up once again. <<less
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NakuyKi rated it
April 1, 2024
Status: --
If I were to personify this novel, it'd be like a pretentious child, who looks down on everyone else, and wants you to praise him for everything he does while pretending not to care.

That's not to say that the novel is terrible-

But you should know that what you'll be getting into is essentially a list of MMORPG ideas being barfed at you, by the author, while piloting around these ideas with a Gary Stu of a main character and a supporting cast that exists either to be used by him... more>> as fodder or to heap praises on him for being good at everything and anything.

Overall, it's a below-average story (?)

If you want to enjoy it, suspend your sense of disbelief, and turn your brain off. <<less
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Zeikfried rated it
February 6, 2024
Status: v54c1 part1
This was my favorite- Oh god it has been nearly a decade- long ago. But coming back to it, Weed is just incorrigible. It's like how it's hard to laugh at the same joke twice sometimes, but here, when you remove the comedy, Weed is just a terrible person, undeserving of his protagonist plot armor and luck. With his personality, just a small setback should have set-off a cascade of terrible events based on the greedy decisions he makes. But naturally that setback never comes since the MC can't just... more>> fail and end the story. The only author I know who ever did that was the author of "Shamo."

I'll keep the score at 5/5 because if it is the first time you're reading this, you'll probably still enjoy it a lot. But if it's the second time, I'll say your enjoyment might drop to 3/5. <<less
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January 23, 2024
Status: v49c1 part1
This novel is a masterpiece.

The main character is neither dense, born overpowered or dumb.

His characteristics are sheer willpower and determination.

... more>> He likes to paint himself as greedy villain when in actuality he is someone who cares deeply for his family and others.

There are romantic encounters, but they are really romantic and not the typical harem love.

His character as well as other characters have personality and it's fun engaging in there stories.

Now the bad:

Around volume 30-40 it gets a bit tedious to read. Events get drawn out a bit. I found myself watching YouTube instead at times.

Events get even more drawn out with the intermissions wich are sometimes placed in the worst spots. Don't skip any of them though, they provide insight in character and foreshadow feature events.

The ending was a bit flat. The air was out and the outcome was predetermined long ago.

Still I'd wish for more spinoffs diving more into the future. <<less
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August 1, 2023
Status: v1c8
I was looking for a good story with e-sports background and this one keep coming out for recommendation, so I thought I'd give it a try. Then... utterly disappointed. I have no idea why people like this one.

At first, we're introduced to a very s*upid protagonist who sold his maximized leveled character so cheaply and ended up getting billions for it. Then timejump it to one year later when he tried another VR game, mostly he spent that one year training with swords and game technicality, that's still fine.

Then he... more>> went into the game, and due to his sort-of-s*upidity he ended up finding a hidden questline. And yet somehow all of a sudden he became very smart, could socialize with party members, hiding his true strength, next command a small squad to raid a dungeon.

Is that still making sense?

Basically, the protagonist has no character, he can do it all, he's s*upid and smart at the same time. He's uneducated yet could do anything, making sculptures, cooking, repairing, etc etc. Not to mention the NPCs... Every NPC he met was basically like top-notch AI that was no different than real human, has daily life and gossiping about a player behind their backs! Still makes sense? Even SAO didn't make every NPC so human-like. There was still like shop bartender that was just a regular NPC.

The overall plot of the story also made me want to sleep because the protagonist could do everything and solved everything smoothly. I don't really get what makes this one so interesting <<less
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Briskfall rated it
July 7, 2023
Status: --
Dumb fun but has weird moment like ohh yeah a pen*s enhancement drug bro like out of nowhere (and the author keeps taking sh*t tons of paragraphs to elaborate it like out of context like bro???)

The comedy is great. Main girl is cuttie cutter KNovel "calm" "obedien" "girlwife" lol. It doesn't detract much from the plot but I guess the goal is to enhance those "dating" scenes but it's not for everyone.

It's also a really old work so a lot of things didn't aged well like RMT, procedural dungeons,... more>> etc. So if that doesn't pull you out of immersion it should be good.

And let's be real who the f*ck would play a game that locks you out if you die, a game publisher/dev like that in the real world would get sh*t tons of refunds and go bankrupt lol. <<less
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ThomschK rated it
January 17, 2023
Status: Completed
The story has a few plotholes but considering the details and the love put into the quests and human relationships.. I would say its neglectable. I wont spoil it I wont go too deep into the story. To me this one is on par with "her summon". A well written story with ups and downs. Some people dont like some events but dont let their oppinion hinder you. IF you have the time. Read until chapter 70 and you will understand why this story is so good.

The hotheaded character is... more>> needed. First chapters might let you think about chliches but its not :D <<less
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Dracarya rated it
January 12, 2023
Status: --
good VR game world-building, but the author shouldn't have bothered to add a romance line when they can't even write romance. The female love interest is treated worse than an NPC, the author even forgets that she is even in the scene sometimes.

I did enjoy the fact that the MC is not in the fighter class but is in the lifestyle class for once.
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Zeren rated it
July 6, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel was my first novel that I read completely, well I was a bit disappointed by quick ending but it works since everyone is same. Since I made this account today, I am late for reviews obviously. Let me tell you if I were asked to start reading this today (As if I didn't read it before) after the experience I have collected as a reader, I would undoubtedly read it again. It is immersive with less info dumps compared to other novels. Just as title and tags say,... more>> it is not your 'Hero type' novel, so you need some time and patience in your hand to read it. But it is fun, slow romance and hardwork is one thing, it is just the Main Character does not otherworldly smartness that causes him to shine but rather something real and something actual that may or can cause it. It has realistic approach rather than complete fantasy and a beautiful world building that you can clearly imagine in your mind with also these illustrations out there (it also has a manhwa), I can't make you agree to read since everyone is different with different taste but in my view, you should try it once and drop it if you don't like it. I also agree on the fact that 1000+ chapters means a lot of waste of time on one story but it is just that much worth it and you can also see a different world from the MCs perspective since we don't/can't find a rare breed like him easily. Have a fun read if you are interested and those 5 stars, I really mean it! <<less
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