The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich


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This is the story of a crazy lich who possesses an internal game system and brings catastrophe to the entire world.

“Let’s look at the daily quests today… it’s the damned choose one-of-two-options-type again. Destroy a town with a population of 30,000 people or above; reward: 10,000 evil points. Steal lollipops from 3 children; reward: 1 evil point. If neither of the quests is completed, then 2 points will be deducted.”

“Tsk! You think I’m s*upid? If I really destroyed a town, a crusade of Epic-ranked Holy Knights would definitely come hunting me down. Even if I earned the points, there wouldn’t be any life left in me to spend them. I better just go be a kindly lollipop bandit.”

I’ve already had enough of being a notorious lich. Who says that a lich can’t be a good person? I’m definitely going to beat this damned system and be an upright and dignified good man.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Feng wu yao de shi yan ri zhi
Related Series
The Crazy Knight’s Age of the Universe (Sequel)
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History’s Number 1 Founder (3)
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o! (3)
The Silly Alchemist (3)
My Disciple Died Yet Again (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Might read
  2. all of my 5/5 novels
  3. 'ON HOLD'
  4. Novels That I Have Read Over The Years
  5. Mentally ill protagnoists

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/29/16 Gravity Tales c71
10/23/16 Gravity Tales c70
10/23/16 StarveCleric c69
10/20/16 StarveCleric c68
10/22/16 Gravity Tales c68
10/22/16 Gravity Tales c67
10/20/16 StarveCleric c67
09/25/16 StarveCleric c66
09/17/16 StarveCleric c65
09/16/16 StarveCleric c64
09/16/16 StarveCleric c63
09/16/16 StarveCleric c62
09/16/16 StarveCleric c61
09/12/16 StarveCleric c60
09/12/16 StarveCleric c59
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93 Reviews sorted by

BlankAvatar rated it
March 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Okay, I've finished this a while ago now and only now thought of writing a review. Firstly, if you dislike reading lots of info dumps and excessive description, this won't be for you. (Author is self aware of this problem, as he has to meet a word quota)

Story revolves around Roland, the "crazy lich", whom developed the principle of law in lawless and ruthless underworld. He acts dumb and carefree however underlying his clown facade is a cunning, petty and stubborn MC. We start the story when Roland is... more>> 300~ year old, and given that large amount of time we haven't seen, Roland has already gone through many trials and tribulations - His current self has gone past the naive and courageous adventure, and has now gone through the world that aims to kill him at every turn.


-World building is immense.

World is detailed in many aspects that you wouldn't even expect. Multiple races and factions that each with their unique culture and history.

-Characters (BIGGEST PRO)

What Elcl does best is characters. Each character usually has a unique personality trait and motive that even before reading a chapter you can't help but wonder how this character will react to whatever Roland is doing this time. Additionally the extent of the cast is insane. Dozens of characters each belonging to different factions makes you wonder how author even keeps track of so many diverse and intricate cast


Story initially seems aimless for the first 50~ chapters, however, can guarantee that everything falls in place eventually. Rolands main goal of

Preventing the end of the world

has him traveling to main nations, interact with demons, elves, gods and many more to even garner a chance of succeeding his goal. Eventually, after hidden details about Rolands past emerge, another aspect of the plot advances as we uncover reasons behind certain characters actions or why Roland is deadset on achieving this and that.


-Word count

The story at many times drags on as info dumps are very abundant. Despite the author being self aware of this and attempting to add humour (breaking 4th wall at times), the amount of info that is repeated is quite a turn off. If you can look past the excessive word count, you will uncover a gem of a story.

-Story telling

Minor issue however, some chapters will end on or in the midst of a battle while the next chapter will start after the fight, then the fight will be mentioned throughout the chapter instead of showing us the battle in real time. This can greatly ruin the flow of reading however, at many times it does work to add elements of clarity that can only be seen after all points have been laid ouit.

-Plot armour

At times, story doesn't seem to make sense. At many times, very convenient outcomes occur and Roland is able to succeed.

That doesn't mean that everything goes Rolands way at every step. On the contrary, Roland experiences many times his plans falling apart and him resorting to improvise.

Overall, I highly recommend this web novel. Its story and plot is unparalleled in its ability to weave its abundant cast in an thrilling plot that comes with twist and turns throughout. Not to mention the emotional investment that you gain for the MC, this story manages to integrate over 800 chapters of content seemlessly.

If you enjoy a story with characters that you can empathise with, understand and care for, this story is it. Add fantasy and amazing world building elements on top, this is a 5 star, class story. Only main downside is the word count, but can easily look over. <<less
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DestroKind rated it
October 5, 2018
Status: c428
Go to webnovel. Com where the novel is up to chapter 428, though there is a massive ad-wall, its much better than those premium novels,

First 40 chapters was something I had to push through and I had dropped it once before, but after pushing through those 40, the novel became much better and is much much better than those shitty harem fantasy novels that Japanese write and those repetitive stale cultivation novels that the Chinese write, its plot is so unpredictable that its enjoyable and mixes gag comedy very... more>> well with the serious and well thought out plot that the novel provides.

Those who say the comedy is "bad" are those who don't appreciate gag comedy and those saying that they dropped it early on and gave it a bad rating and review were like me where they didn't have the patience to continue reading, so seriously, push through the first 40, heck actually push through the first 70 since that when it seriously starts going and I promise you it'll be worth it.

Quick warning, those who have no tolerance for info dumps shouldn't read this novel as this whole novel can only be deeply enjoyed by liking info-dumps that are a massive part of each and every chapter. <<less
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AutumnSnowz rated it
January 15, 2018
Status: c52
I read up to chapter 52 and its okay. Something about the story and the way it flow annoys me so I'm dropping it. The way the story is told is sometime confusing and maybe it how the author make the MC having the worst luck putting him in dumb situation which he should of known or can easily avoid with how smart he is but the author thinks its funny so he does it anyways. The story also has a Japanese novel vibe which in my personal taste, I... more>> dislike Japanese novel because of how weak minded and easy manipulate the MC can be in front of a pretty girl. The story itself isn't bad so I can't give it a bad score but its not good either. The best it gets is 3 outa 5. <<less
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darksideskna rated it
January 6, 2018
Status: Completed
this is very good once you get past the first 60 chapters which are comical and it's almost a parody, afterwards the story gets serious with comedy still in it.

MC is a transmigrator and a reincarnator and in this new world he keeps resurrecting after being killed to have his revenge.
the lasting legacy of this novel is not MC but a character named Beifeng and 'The Beifeng Scale'.
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aakashwadhwa7 rated it
May 22, 2017
Status: c60
Okay to begin with, this novel isn't for everyone!

The main theme which the novel focuses on is COMEDY while adding spice to it using politics, sometimes action and maybe romance.

The main character of the story knows what kind of person he really is. And it is perfectly described when he talks about his pasts as someone having 8th grader syndrome, which he regrets. It was used as a joke but it does have a greater significance to the story which is leading to creation of third superpower the power of... more>> justice and when I say that I'm not joking.

Describing something serious using comedy is very hard and it may tick of some people and make it hard to understand why this event is happening? They tend to miss out special details when they're presented in a joking manner.

As I said earlier this is themed on comedy! It's for gags. Some of you might not like them or won't know what is funny about this. Come on it happens with everyone when someone tells you a joke and you might not find it funny or take some to get it, that kind of thing. Happens a lot here.


Every character is presented in a funny way. Take the city lord for example, He was supposed to have killed lich but it was lich who made it seem like he was killed and was imprisoned in the city (a prison lich created for himself!) And people of town think that lich is dead and killed by their city lord, the title was basically thrown at him by lich. Even more funny thing is both Hero and lich were companions! Okay I know this doesn't sound funny here but trust me the way its presented is very funny indeed.


I will definitely recommend it everyone though it might not be for everyone but it doesn't make it bad, its just special in its own field. It makes it different from other books I have read and I find it one of a kind, yea there are others but they don't really go it in the way this one does.

Give it a try, you might like it and who knows this might just be your dose of laughter! <<less
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January 27, 2017
Status: c47
This review probably will be a bit different with other reviews here..

While most of the reviews praise the comedy in this novel, I can't really enjoy the comedy. Even though some of them make me laugh like the Trolling system, or Cunning plot from the MC himself, most of the comedy from this novel didn't really hit me.

If you are planning to read this novel, please be advised that a lot of Japanese Anime/Manga Cliche will appear in this novel such as:


Tsundere character ✓
tent**les ✓
MC is humiliated for comedic purpose ✓
Slapstick ✓
Trap character ✓
Slime that destroy clothes ✓
Chuunibyou ✓
Saying thoughts in their head out loud ✓


and etc.
As for me, I can only persevere and roll my eyes trough the anime cliche comedy style. The only reason is because I see the potential of a great story. There is a lot of time invested for the whole background of the world plus the MC cunning plot is really interesting and funny. If you are new to this type of comedy, or able to tolerate them, then by all means try this novel. If you cannot handle them then I will not suggest you to read the novel.
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NaM rated it
November 13, 2016
Status: c120
So Freakin' Awesome!! And extremely amusing..

The Backstory, The Comedy, Characters, Theme, Plot, Writing style and that Awesome city range AoE "Power of the Law".. Everything is exceptional!

At first I totally mistook this for a KR novel but I was proven wrong. Unlike the normal CN style.. This novel really is out of the norm.. I can't clearly describe it. But I believe once you read this you'll understand
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Kuriz rated it
September 16, 2016
Status: c16
This story is one of THE BEST that I have ever read considering the Comedy factor very stunning especially Chapter 16 when the intruder is the victim to the traps that were designed for the lich

But my rating:

Comedy 9/10
Plot 7.5/10
Character 6.3/10 (I'll give you a six on this because there was a lot of excessive details that was not needed)
Attitude 9/10 (The Shameless Attitude of the Protagonist contributed the most in this rating)
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JustMeReading rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: Completed
It doesn't make sense at the start but it gets better and better as the story progresses. The MC is funny and the romance is a pain in the ass but it is explained why. Worth reading you just have to go through the chapters at the start of the story.
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TywadS rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I would call this the Gintama of webnovels... now is this as good as gintama? No, The only piece of content that actually compares to gintama would be berserk but I digress. But I make the comparison since they have similarities, they are both funnily s*upid but also s*upidly funny, they both have a somewhat tragic undertone as they go on, they have a really good cast that heavily contribute to the s*upid and the funny. They also both start out a bit hard to get into but as you... more>> go on their quality shines. I would definitely recommend to people willing to read through the first arc! <<less
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lauripoika rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: --
I see some hate for early part of series so I'm going to put my word in too. First part is where story is more focused to city rather than MC. That makes it feel a lot more like real book than asian light novel. So what I'm trying to say is that it was unique and thats why lot more interesting than later part that was out right copy paste from fome isekai.
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Vagrant rated it
December 5, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel is absolutely one of the best novels I have ever read. The plot, the world building, the character is so great that I consider this as a novel, not light novel. Characters in this world is lively and interesting. Their interaction with each other is dynamic and consistent.

With that many praise, why I still give this novel 4 stars. Well, there are 2 reasons that make me piss off. Allow me to explain:

1. The author always starts his world buiding at the start of each chapter. This style... more>> completely disrupt the flow of the story, or even make you not understand what is going on. Imagine the last chapter end with a cliff hanger or a tense battle, and the next chap start with the author talking nonsense with the world buiding (sometime take half of the entire chap) and then go with the main plot, what do you feel?

2. Our MC, roland. He take many insult from his companion and even the author seem to tease our MC as his joy. If MC acts like a lone wolf and simply don't care then it is fine. But the fact that he acts like a normal person make me somewhat feel angry. Even if I know that is clearly an attempt to make comedy, a pathetic MC being looked down on by his companions is not a good troupe, at least for me. <<less
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mja rated it
September 28, 2019
Status: c512
first lets get this out of the way this is a great novel unfortunately it has such bad drawbacks that I only read this novel when I run out of things too read.

the same jokes get repeated over and over and quickly turn stale after chapter 50-60 but they haven't stopped even after chapter 500 I literally skip entire paragraphs just to avoid those shitty stale jokes.


... more>> great world building

decent fights

very entertaing


nearly all the characters share 80% of the personalities with each other with the only thing different about them is their ret*rded fetishes that nearly every character has.

there are to many side and supporting characters that it's impossible to keep up especially since they all have similar personalities and they all have to f*ck things up just to stay relevant

the MC is annoying as f*ck and loves f*cking around

TLDR this is a shitty gag novel with some interesting fantasy elements <<less
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facuelfacha12 rated it
April 23, 2018
Status: c247
First of all, I didn't expect much from this novel at first but it turned out to be quite entertaining, the characters are extremely funny. The story is very funny but it also has serious parts that make you feel amazed.

The main character's past is great, and the interaction with the system is incredible. For all that and more it deserves 5 stars.

Sorry about my English if you find any mistakes.
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GregLuck rated it
June 29, 2017
Status: c128
First of all, this is not the novel where you would know what's going to happen in a few chapters.

Once you read it, you could sympathize with the MC. Also, the plot itself is amazing and lots of twist.

... more>>

MC actually try and succeed to be a god, but not the usual where being a god means having all world under control, but more like he get to make a new admin of the world and make new kind of 'power'.

He is literally twisting the world's rule to his will. Colluding with a death god, changing someone's gender, lots of twist there.


Just try to read until c50 and you would understand why this novel deserve 5 star. <<less
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kari rated it
June 26, 2017
Status: c18
It seems to be a comedic novel and im dropping it because I find it to be silly. It's too soon to judge the whole book, but honestly I dont see how ppl find it worthy of 5STARS!
For a 5star every single aspect should be awesome from the prologue till the epilogue... and its definitely not.

(Rating might have increased or decreased depending on the rest of the book but as of now, considering that I really had to force myself to get through the beginning chapters im giving it 2stars!)
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captain crunch
captain crunch
February 9, 2017
Status: c25
I'm dropping this at c25, so I'm not selecting an official vote. I'd give this a 2.5-3 star, and the translation is 4 stars.

[[5 star = almost all readers will enjoy. 4 star = large majority of readers will enjoy. 3 star = 50/50 of readers will enjoy. 2 star = a niche audience will enjoy. 1 star = maybe portion of niche audience will enjoy.]]

[[5/5 = Minor spelling and grammar errors. 4/5 = serious grammar errors, no loss of meaning. 3/5 = serious grammar errors, some loss of meaning.... more>> 2/5 = difficult to read and understand. 1/5 = unreadable.]]

This is a POV story about a lich who needs to perform evil deeds in order to accumulate "evil points" toward a primary goal. However, he is Lawful, slightly Evil, and doesn't want strong backlash against his actions. His actions and scenarios are usually comedic and do not follow typical norms. He also has a secret identity to protect himself from retaliation, and appears to have a significant backstory on how he became a lich and why he has a particular goal. MC is strong but there are probably many individuals at his level, there is magic and magical races/beasts, few combat scenes as of c25. So far, no romance/harem has appeared. There may be a bit of cultivation, but how much has yet to be seen. This setting is very interesting and different for me, but there are serious issues.

The main problem for me is that the story can be confusing. His backstory is presented in incomplete fragments and they appear to be very different from each other, and so probably from different points in his past. Because they are fragmented, I don't get a clear picture before it moves on then returns to some other fragment a few chapters later. His reincarnation (s?) is (are?) also unclear in this way. There are references to a "game system" and Martin Luther King, but few explanations of what type of universe the MC is in or how he got there. This fragmentation doesn't create mystery or a progressing build-up of the setting. (C25 does give more details, but this chapter is wall-of-text.)

In addition, it is almost all first person POV, and the use of quotation marks is very high. There is little distinction between who is speaking, which quotes are internal speech, and which are quotations are historical or from books. So it gets confusing on who's talking, and what quotes are actual parts of conversations.

There are also huge sections of chapters that turn into wall-of-text about things that don't seem to be relevant to the story, like LOTR Silmarillion. Details about factions and people and cities and family trees, random things that have never been mentioned before, filling up entire chapters. Those parts make me want to skip ahead. As most of this is the MC talking to himself or narrating his schemes, ideas, or explanations, with few activities and a lot of wall-of-text; there isn't much development of other characters or their relationship to the MC. This structure doesn't build up much suspense, intrigue, or emotions for me. The fragmented development of the setting, lack of challenges or MC progression is also not holding my interest.

The concept of the story is different for me, and has potential. However, the writing has many problems as mentioned, so I am dropping this. I would give it a rating of 2.5 on my scale. Some of these issues were brought up in the comments sections. Replies claimed that the story gets better, and that the wall-of-text history/social studies lessons are relevant for future chapters, so maybe the rating can be a soft 3-stars. I feel I want to spend my time reading something else, but it's possible that readers might be surprised if they choose to stick with this series. <<less
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Puffysan rated it
September 5, 2023
Status: Completed
Deep and well-thought world building

Detailed explanation on each action and backstories (Almost too must details sometime)

Unique MC and story telling

And the way author decide to end the story is just as shameless as MC himself

But I can't even mad at him

Overall a good read
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The_Follower rated it
February 17, 2023
Status: c600
The brand of comedy won't work for everyone, but if you've been around the anime community long enough you should be able to appreciate the degenerate jokes.

For the more serious side of things, this novel is genuinely fantastic. The DND stats that sometimes show up (like when looking at the quality of equipment) feel a bit odd, but not totally out of place. More importantly the world building, the characters and lore are all excellent. There's no glaring plot holes, basically every character has their own (often degenerate) motivation and... more>> they're all brought together under the lunatic that is the MC. If I were to point out the thing I like most about this novel, it'd be how well personal power and the power of numbers come together. There shifts in whole armies' powers all feel like they make an actual difference while still making room for individuals that can sway these huge battles without it being downright ridiculous powerscaling where the only thing that matters is the main character's 1v1 every other story finds themselves in.

There is a harem (at least up to where I am, it's of the kind where there's quite a few girls who are pursuing the MC but he's still technically undecided), though the main character's personal relationships are an absolute clusterf*ck, which honestly added a lot of character. The reasons for not really getting with anyone also make sense. The main character's very dense, but considering the girls are all absolute lunatics and his luck is absolutely cursed, it works pretty well.

Overall this novel's FAR better than most others out there and it has some especially great moments when things become more serious. <<less
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Liero Dirlewanger
Liero Dirlewanger rated it
September 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Godtier novel. Funny, good plot, deep, emotional, a lot of plotting. Of course, if you don't think it's funny don't even bother reading because it is a comedy novel at it's core, but it's also so much more.

Just don't read StarveCleric's translation, it's garbage. Even Webnovel's retranslation manages to be better. I remember back when I started reading this, many years ago, there was only the starvecleric version and I almost dropped it. So make sure that whatever pirate site you're using has the webnovel version, or read the free... more>> parts in webnovel (but please do not give them any money) <<less
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