The Exhausting Reality of Novel Transmigration


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I’ve had enough of being transmigrated into books.

You would be tired of it too, especially if it was already your fourth time doing it. This time, I became the female lead’s villainous older sister.

‘Oh, I’m so sick of this.’

Yet again, I was sure this life wouldn’t be exciting either. I had led straightforward lives before, and then I died and moved on to the next.

But why was it that this iteration was a tad different?

‘Why can I use the abilities I had in my second transmigration?’

‘Why is the female lead bothering me so much?’

Alicia, this novel’s protagonist, was fated to have a poor, emaciated life. However, considering that she was this novel’s true heroine, I couldn’t just let her roll through the mud like this. I would do everything in my power to change her fate.

‘My younger sister, don’t become the female lead this time.’

To achieve my goal through a project hereby dubbed as the [Mob-Alicia Project], I’ve recruited the male lead’s older brother.

Cassion Carter.

He was the villain who was almost killed—no, was fated to be killed—by the male lead.

“If you want to live, promise me one thing.”

As if he was a wild beast that had been hunted and left to die alone, he breathed with incredible difficulty. I reached toward the poor man’s face and caressed his cheek, leaning down to whisper softly.

“If I save you…”

Lay down your own life on the line to protect my sister.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I'm Sick of Being Transmigrated Into Books
Novel Transmigration Fatigue
책빙의는 이제 지겹다
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Recommendation Lists
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25 Reviews sorted by

New bethatcat rated it
May 30, 2024
Status: --
Y'all are overhyping it 💀

My biggest, primary issue w the novel is the prose. I call this "CN self sucking". So many paragraphs describing the same thing in different 'poetic' words that I actually lose interest in paying attention. I end up skimming and hoping to find a sentence that catches my attention because it's saying something else.

Second issue is disguising the lack of obstacles. She always achieves her goals, and maybe the author is aware of reader fatigue when nothing goes wrong so they throw in fake obstacles that... more>> always resolve themselves immediately, either on the page or off.

Related to this is my third biggest issue, random info thrown in that is pretty important but never built up to. A twist isn't a twist if it literally comes out of nowhere.

Characterisation pretty good. Feels like a book of strong ideas, with shitty execution <<less
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New Allister rated it
May 29, 2024
Status: Side story 7
It was a pretty interesting ride. Some things, like the side stories are just hilarious or unexpected.

The translation was great, so zero complaints there

I think the plot was well done, it doesn't feel rushed nor is slow as to get boring.

The good ones are so cute I may get diabetes sometimes. I have to admit that Alicia's personality on most of the story can get annoying though (not a fan of crybabies).

The bad ones are, in my opinion, a perfect example of how close to a cesspool humans can possibly get so I would say, they work as intended.

About that God entity...
One does need some pain to realize and appreciate the good and mature, yes.

But, let's recap here, 1st life, utter shit, 1st transmigration, decent life, 2nd transmigration, shitty, just not as bad as 1st life or the next ones, 3rd one, we know she got strong but it's not like it was smooth nor it was bestowed upon her just like that, it came from effort, then the 4th, which was basically hell, then back home.

The entity only cared for what seems to have hit a nerve for it. It's not a matter of ethics, it's just hypocrisy. If you really don't like humans fighting, why boost a psycho and let people suffer in his hands? To add insult to injury, then punish those victims when they yell in despair as a consequence for that boosting?

If one thinks about it, matter of factly, the world didn't get destroyed, nor the sister avoid being a protagonist. Thus her wishes were ignored, but punishment sure was imparted.

All that Rosetta got directly from the entity then, let's recap:

Something good but just to be snatched later (meaning it was there just to provide comparison and thus subsequent pain and despair), plus losing herself almost entirely.

All the good that bloomed was from her effort, her character as a person, and the people around her being nice in nature when she met them.

If there's a God (or Gods) like this... It can go impale itself with a rusted chainsaw in the butt, in my opinion, it's nothing to be adored nor respected.
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Skite rated it
December 10, 2021
Status: c29
A direct quote from the MC:

"Don't get me wrong, though. I wasn't inspired by the noble spirit of sacrifice or anything, nor had I fashioned an illusion of love through the almighty power of Stockholm Syndrome. I felt nothing of the sort.

I just really, really wanted to leave that place so I would never see that little sh*t of a male protagonist ever again."

... more>> And that's when I knew this would be a fun one :)

Our MC has just isekaid into her 3rd novel. Having just escaped one where she was the lamentable female lead and unfortunate obsession of a psycho yandere male lead, (which was not nearly so fun to live as to read,) she is relieved to be a secondary character. However, she knows this is the same exact sort of story as the last... but her character's misused sister is going to be the tortured female lead to this new psycho male lead.

Nay-nay! our MC says. No one should have to go through that, and sets out to help her.

This is just a touch satire, though not a slap stick/ funny one. More genre-savvy. It's on the serious and darker side of the gray scale. It points out some major flaws of this sort of novel, which are normally glossed over:


Such as:

  • How can a main character who finds herself in a book remember all the details of a random story she read years, decades, or possibly even lifetimes ago? Our MC gets a mental copy when she wakes up in a book. She can recall the entire story, and refer to different passages at will.
  • Why does no one ever notice that their loved one is now possessed by a completely new person? They do. This has caused the MC significant pain in the past, attempting to balance being herself, and needing to be the character. And she has failed to fully be the character in the past, resulting in the character's family rejecting her, or being horrified and trying to find their real loved one. The MC's multi-life experience and omniscience also shine through at times, striking the others that there is something about her they can't quite comprehend.
  • Aren't some of the situation set ups in novels ridiculous and make no sense? Absolutely. The MC calls out how ridiculous and unrealistic it is that her character's mother, a lowly maid, got her hands on two highly specialized drugs in an elaborate plot to sleep with the Duke one time, plan to get pregnant from that, and then create a scheme to return, become his second wife, and 'kill' his Duchess with grief.
    Rather than the more plausible and realistic scenario of the Duke was super drunk and r*ped a maid. Because he's, y'know, a Duke, who was drunk, and she was there. And that he then he killed her to hide his guilt and look good to his wife. MC is actively exasperated with the drama of novel situations.
  • Doesn't being in someone else's body really mess with you, mentally? Totally. Our MC has some bad dysmorphia and crisis of identity from being in someone else's body and life. She can't remember her own name, and struggles to find where she ends and the character she pretends to be begins. She's actually relieved her current character is so poorly liked her 'family' knows nothing about her, so there's no pressure.
  • How does an isekaied person know what to do? She doesn't. She is completely flailing in the dark. Is she supposed to complete the story as written? Is she supposed to rewrite it in her favor? Is she supposed to avenge her character? No idea. She is just trying and seeing what works.

Enjoyable, women-helping-women, clever, and badass. <<less
98 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
November 15, 2021
Status: c-
This novel is seriously a breath of fresh air. I know I'm being biased because I'm the one translating it, but I truly do love this novel. As far as I've read, the plot is divine, and it's obvious that the author knows what she's doing. The worldbuilding is amazing, and just the thought of Rosetta having been through four transmigrations in different novel genres really widens the horizons of what could have been a typical romance fantasy.

The characters are fleshed out. They all have their own stories to tell,... more>> they're flawed, yet they truly come alive on the page. I thought I'd be satisfied with just reading about Rosetta patching up her relationship with her sister, and even if this was a romance fantasy, I wouldn't mind if the male lead is a cardboard cut-out or something --but really, author-nim doesn't disappoint! I love Rosetta's interactions with Cassion, and Cassion himself is such an interesting (heh) character to read about because of his backstory and his current characterization.

I do appreciate the reversal of roles, too. In this novel, it's Cassion who's the damsel-in-distress, and Rosetta swoops in to support him so that he could stand on his own two feet. In a way, it's like a cinderella project with Rosetta as prince charming (or the fairy godmother lol) and they both gradually become stronger together. Still, I adore how this isn't the entire focus of the story, and for the first time, I love that there's so much going on in a novel because it's not in the haphazard sense.

There's not much romance yet in the start, but I'm loving just reading about each character interacting with another, and it helps a lot that our protagonist is grounded, mature and driven. Her main goal for now is to give her sister the future she deserves (away from that yandere male lead you guys all love lmao), and in a way, I admire how she's kind of doing this for herself too, since it's something she resonates with given that her third transmigration was equally as tragic as Alicia's supposed future.

All in all, do give it a try! It's a charming, refreshing novel that's clearly been given a lot of thought and consideration with regard to its plot, characters, setting and flow, so kudos to the author, really. It hasn't disappointed me so far while I'm reading it, and I doubt that it ever would until the end. <<less
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seemanta rated it
August 15, 2021
Status: c12
It's a good novel. The MC, Rosetta, is one of my favorites. She's really cool and badass. The og FL, MC's younger sister, Alicia is also pretty great. It's not a waste for Rosetta to protect an younger sister like her. I'm really looking forward to their relationship. Probably more than the ML lol. And I hope Rosetta never makes up with the duke and Damian. They does not deserve her forgiveness. I know they have their own circumstances but that doesn't and will never justify what their actions made... more>> og Rosetta go through. It's a good read. I recommend it. <<less
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noeinan rated it
July 9, 2022
Status: c74
MC is quite refreshing. She is cynical, jaded, and compassionate. She talks a big game about not being a nice person, but she is very principled in the way she treats people.

ML is also different. He cries all the time, but it's not because he's weak it's because he is precious. Usually only women are "allowed" to cry in stories.

The supporting cast is quite fun as well!

... more>> As for the plot, it makes sense and gives a good backdrop to explore the characters. Which imo is what plot is for.

Surprisingly, there is not much screen time for the younger sister/oriFL. But her earlier appearance didn't make her out to be just a doll either.

Definitely recommend, definitely looking forward to the funeral! <<less
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chromaQ rated it
April 14, 2022
Status: c49
This is a good story, it really is, but it gets DARK, folks. I wanted to caution readers about this because it came as a pretty big surprise to me. Most reviews are from the early bits of the story that were WAY more lighthearted than the story is now (even though it started with some horrible abuse scenes).

This story has gotten a lot darker in the last 20 chapters, and while it might get lighter again, it's been a bit of a struggle to read through as an empathetic... more>> person. As the story moves away from Rosetta spending time with Alicia, there's a lot of dark, drawn out tension in the story without a real break from it yet. Rosetta's burden in this universe is massive - the story is called "The Exhausting Reality of Novel Transmigration, " but that's not a quip at all - Rosetta's burden she has to carry is crushing.

I just really hope Rosetta gets some deep emotional support and care, and SOON, because her existence in this universe has been nothing but traumatic and I'd like to get to the part where Rosetta finds healing and comfort and peace (and I have to tell myself that it WILL happen, which I don't know for certain). I just have to hope. <<less
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Crispycrumbs rated it
January 25, 2022
Status: c35
This is the first novel I'm writing a review for.

This novel is one of the best I've read on this platform. The author really knows how to take a used formula and make it better, to give it an entire new expression, in fact.

Our MC, Rosetta, has lived four lives and it shows- she's mature and even though she thinks she's too exhausted for kindness, she's truly empathetic. She just has these calm, down to earth vibes that I think is a really nice change from the usual characters.

All the... more>> other characters, too, have their own motivations, and as far as I've read, none of the antagonists come off as hollow, and do have some motivation behind their actions.

Honestly, I'm so starstruck by our cool MC that I would be happy even if she ended up alone and self satisfied.

The ML has been introduced, though, and is likeable enough. I'll update the review when there is more I can tell about him.

The translations are really good as well, and flow really nicely.

All in all, reading this novel will only leave you with the regret that you caught up to it before it was completed xD <<less
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Krnovel lovers
Krnovel lovers rated it
June 18, 2022
Status: c70
First of all, ever since I read that MC has power I knew this MC wouldn't be a naive MC. She has a very strong side to protect her little sister from experiencing the same misfortune that she had. I like this.
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36nugget rated it
April 21, 2022
Status: Completed
TLDR: Please read this its so good uhdskghsk probably my top Korean rofan! 5/5 would definitely reread again.

First of all I just want to say that the translation is absolutely beautiful. Whoever did the translation at Mystical really deserves flowers or something because it's so good. If you're a fan of Roxanna/Protecting the Female Lead's Older Brother then you'll like this. Rather, I think I enjoyed this novel more than I did Roxanna (plot-wise at least). Roxanna (the manhwa) has breath-taking art that becomes a tad too artsy at times,... more>> where the symbolism and motifs are the main focus rather than the plot. The characters also felt distant to me (perhaps because I was reading the manhwa instead of the novel though).

In this, you get to see Rosetta grow as a person and influence the people around her.


  • It's really nice to see Rosetta open up to the people around her and healing from her trauma (and it's not instant like in some series).
  • All the characters were developed in one way or another; we get to see their motivations, their goals, the meaning behind their actions.
  • The characters aren't stagnant and their actions affect each other!
  • MC's brother and father get pushed aside a bit but her relationship with her younger sister is so cute! Super wholesome
  • That being said, Alisha is flawed and sometimes you end up hating her character a bit but she redeems herself big time!!
  • Emotional maturity!
  • Side characters are interesting as well, wish there was more on Blanca the kick-ass information guild leader
  • Forgot the OG!MLs name but he's a bit flat as a villain lol just pure evil doing evil things. The usual.
  • Really liked the main antagonist Yurian (as an antagonist, bc as a person he deserves to be blended into a smoothie). He was super interesting to me and offers another side of the obsessive men that are super popular in rofan.


  • This was a real page turner for me as in I binged it for hours at a time
  • Pacing was great for the most part, and the occasional lulls give way to significant events that speed up the plot again
  • Some parts were a tad predictable but most developments are original and refreshing
  • The story flows pretty naturally so nothing feels like it's being forced down your throat
  • Rosetta is a bit OP as a MC but not to the point where she's a Mary-Sue? She gets pretty close at times though.


  • The romance isn't teeth-rottingly sweet but it's pretty darned cute and had me squealing at times
  • Cassion and Rosetta communicate well, although lots of the romance is under the surface rather than overtly doing so
  • Their connection feels genuine to me? It's like they're slowly drawn to each other and gradually fall for each other rather than a whirlwind romance where he's whipped 200 words in
  • If you're looking for spice this doesn't have it (unfortunately). Another one where the "night is long". You know.
  • They make up for each other's shortcomings and balance each other out rather than being an OP headstrong MC+ an OP headstrong ML
  • Cassion is not a cringe soft boy but he shows his emotions and has empathy (unlike those stonecold MLs)


  • Everything is wrapped up really nicely at the end; Yurian getting poetic justice by dying a nobody, Rosetta and co. being able to live in peace since they're freed from the book, OG!ML dying bc I straight up didn't like him, etc. Just a good, happy ending that tied up all the loose ends.
  • My only complaint is that I wanted more side stories.... but the end is still good! Wedding (I think).
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kohaichi rated it
December 31, 2021
Status: c30
Not giving this novel 5 stars is not giving justice to Author-san and Translator-san.

The ML is just- so PRECIOUS~ o (*≧□≦) o AAaaAaaaA

And the MC, she is just so simp-able! So cool, cooler, COOLEST!

I just can't help sharing my thoughts about them! That's all.

K bye.
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matty1212 rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: --
I couldn't finish it because I read comments saying this novel was positively different from the others (they said the protagonist was cynical and that she does this and that).
Maybe my expectations were too high and the story didn't live up to the minimum?
I don't know, but I felt ripped off by all these comments.
Note: Many clichés, crying, loss of memory at the wrong time, information dump that break the rhythm of the story and incongruous personality with what the author initially dictates.


She was a woman who died three times in other dog blood novels, in the first chapter where she transmigrates for the fourth time the author explicitly wrote that she was already numb and indifferent to dying, such an apathetic person... and yet 2/ 3 chapters later apparently all the traumas she had were resolved? And is she even willing to help the new female lead?
When I read it I was like WHAT?
Poor thing, So helpful... but let's take care of ourselves before we rush off to help others, eh?

She had 3 lives, 3 of which, all died tragically and even with this recurrence, when she saved the amnesiac (possible ML) villain who had just had an accident, she just couldn't convince him that she had no bad intentions for him. (And hey, she took him to safety, paid a doctor to tend to his injuries, made sure no one recognized him, waited to rest, and so on.)
How did the guy maintain his distrust, what did she do next?
This pissed me off so much!!!
Has she had 3 lives and still hasn't learned to be a more perceptive person?

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naididja rated it
December 23, 2021
Status: c31
I seriously love it!

Unlike countless novels The characters have a human side to them they have a clear reason why they do things and they struggle and cry! When things get hard and boy do they get hard. The FL is also very refreshing, she is confident but also reasonable, she does have an advantage but it isn't boring, I am really excited to see how this one goes. For now it's a 10/10, ah also the translation is very clear and understandable, it really is refreshing in many ways.!
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Sapling001 rated it
April 7, 2022
Status: c47
I'm really digging this story, it's really unique in way because like in the summary she lived in different world, and I find that very interesting.

She's a tired woman who is tired of all the bs going with her life (lives) but seem to have a soft spot for her sister in her current life, so thats cute
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whitespade rated it
November 27, 2022
Status: c15
- 1 star because of the maendering writing. I don't know if in Korean it will sound good but in this translation there's so many paragraphs that I could skip just because they doesn't contribute to the plot. This is a problem I often see in Japanese and Korean webnovels. Shoddy prose.

-1 star because of my pet peeve. I HATE how in transmigration to novel, if MC become the 'villain' somehow they are always good in the first place and the original heroes are somehow always bad in the first... more>> place??? Like, can they make the original heroes good and the MC win by being even better? For example, clearly the ML in this novel is always the template of a hero, why is he a 'villain' in the original novel? Like, how do any readers in the original novel not be completely disgusted and just throw the novel away? This is a problem I often see in romance novel with transmigration, in shounen the authors have some brain in making it more exciting by trying to white wash true villains. <<less
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nineknights rated it
May 9, 2022
Status: c57
It's a great read. The translators are also doing a amazing job. It's def a 5/5. I love the FL she is so cool and the dynamic between the ML and FL is very intriguing. It also delves a lot into the background of side characters so that's a plus. The growth of ML both strength and character wise is also very great part about the novel.
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vplghost rated it
May 3, 2023
Status: c46
The novel seems like a fantasy that a girl would write for other girls. The characters are all like teenage girls (even the male characters) who try their best to act according to their assigned roles.


At one point, the MC was ambushed by a character she wanted to recruit, who suppose to be an assassin. The MC expected the assassin to "do crime against" her, but was surprised by her assault.
The assassin, who knew nothing about her target, tried to kill the MC in close combat after failing with arrows, despise the original request was just to "do harm". When she lost, she begged for mercy because she had a sick sister to care for.
The informant who led the MC to the assassin did not warn her about the trap, and just cackled madly every time they met.


The novel lacks logic and consistency. The characters do not match their descriptions.

The original male leads, who were supposed to be heroes, are just manipulative sadists.

The male lead, who was supposed to be an evil mastermind, is just a weak and shy ornament.

A side character, who was supposed to be a top-class assassin, is just a brainless teenager.

A mysterious informant, who was supposed to rule the underworld, is a just crazy cosplayer. She even changed her appearance again right before entering the guest room where she met the client although she had disguised herself just before then.

The author sacrifices logic for emotion. There are many empty paragraphs that try to be "deep" but fail.

The MC has no clear plan, and neither does the author. They keep changing the plot to fill in the holes or to add more meaningless drama.

You have to ignore logic completely to enjoy this novel.
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sweetsango rated it
January 8, 2023
Status: c110
Awesome plot, awesome characters, your not ordinary romance fantasy. Never have an isekai like this before. It is so refreshing, a bit dark, so beware yourself
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Queen-O-Blood rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: --
The protagonist is pretty cringe but like whatever. Gotta say one minute she's acting like she feels nothing anymore but when she wants something she throws out the most unrealistic water works and it just makes no sense. Then there is that lil part where she doesn't hear their abuser out like this part was just f*cking dumb.
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DiggetyDog rated it
January 1, 2023
Status: c3
Oh my gosh!!! This is such a wonderful story and the translation is beautiful! I cannot express in just a few words how much I am enjoying this. Yes, there's angst, yes, struggle, but at the same time you feel the love and heart the main character feels. I'm really glad I started reading this.
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Nurahahaha rated it
February 6, 2024
Status: c192
It isn't a masterpiece, but surely not a tr*sh either. It's quite enjoyable to read, and is pretty good storywise. I read it in Korean, tho, so I can't vouch for the translations. However, it is good enough for me to read from beginning to end.

As usual, I don't read side stories if the main story isn't wonderful enough. And as you can see, I didn't read the side stories. Still, the story itself is definitely to my liking, I just don't think this is a wonderful book.

Anyway, MC is... more>> broken, transmigrated woman. She's broken enough that she's cold and calculative, but not broken enough to be unfeeling. She found a resolve to protect his new sister as soon as she woke up in her new body, just because she didn't want what happened to her happens to her new sister. She's kind even if she tried not to show it.

As for the male lead, he's pretty passive and only followed MC's commands for the most part, but he also did his parts. Calling him ornament is clearly too much.

He fought against monsters and saved MC at one point of the story, for example.


Honestly, the writing execution of his character isn't very well done at first. There's one like him, that Prince Perez from the novel with Lombardi family. Yet, unlike Perez, in my opinion, Cassion is a bit bland in the beginning. He does have a character development, tho, and he's gotten better by the end of the story.

The side characters aren't all that great either. Most of them don't feel alive most of the time, and some are plain annoying. The early story villain was almost comically evil, and the late story villains weren't all better. The characters could be better, really, but the author seems to put more efforts in other things.

Then, there are many parts of the book where it was dedicated to create mystery about who the real villain was. It failed big time for me, as it was apparent from the beginning that this certain man is the real villain. Yet, the author kept on trying to direct my suspicions the other way, like, WAAAAYY too much. Had they stopped doing that and instead do some more works on the characters, it would have been better.

Anyway, there's one thing bothering me after reading some reviews here. See;

When people reads a time-travel or transmigration novels, they often forget that the description of each characters in the "original novel" should always be something that is untrustworthy. Sometime because the original novel was written from the original main character's viewpoint, sometime because the original novel's author was partial toward the main characters/male leads, and sometime because the descriptions used were for the future main characters.

There would always be inconsistency between the original novel description vs the "real world" person the transmigrator entered in. If you think this is ridiculous, then I think you failed to understand that.

Outside interferences should also be considered when it comes to these inconsistencies. For example, the "male lead" who is "supposed to be evil mastermind" becomes a "weak and shy ornament" (he's not an ornament down the line by the way but whatever), is because OUR MAIN CHARACTER literally interfered and saved him. That made the male lead lose his potential to become evil, because MC literally showed him kindness.

You need to know that the "male lead" becomes "villain" in the original story because nobody helped him. He was corrupted by loneliness and hatred. But in this timeline where MC helped him, he had lost that opportunity.

This "inconsistency" also shows up with Alicia (MC's sister). She was supposed to be a dumb weakling coward female lead, but she showed courage in the early chapters and throughout the story because MC showed her courage and kindness first. She's grown stronger, albeit not smarter.

Thus, I can easily say that these are NOT inconsistency, but growth or change or alterations.

The original Male Lead, tho, has always been a sadist, manipulative villain. Even in the original.

He tried to kill Cassion, his own brother who didn't even do anything to him. He poisoned his father alongside his mother. He manipulated Alicia just so he can have her. He let monsters loose in the hunting event in the original and killed them all just so he can become a hero. He wasn't supposed to be a hero, he was a villain who disguised himself as hero. It's always been like that in the original novel. There's no inconsistency.


So, whatever "inconsistency" that one review mentioned, those are all bull. <<less
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James Baily
James Baily rated it
May 10, 2024
Status: side story 5
I enjoyed this. I also really like the fact that the author basically declared war on the possessive stalker ML trope that s*upid people usually love to put in their romance novels. Yeah, the MC is kinda smart sometimes, but the contrived drama forces them to pick up the idiot ball occasionally. The ML is kinda not there really?.... meh, but whatever.

Possessive stalker doesn't end up winning in the end. I fricking hate that trope.

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