The Earth is Online


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Six months ago, tens of thousands of black phantom towers appeared all over the world, floating above the cities. Chemists, physicists, religious people… all of them could do nothing.

Six months later, people became used to the towers and no longer paid them attention.

One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of going through it. The next day, a sharp and clear child-like voice issued an announcement to all humans.

“Ding dong! November 15th, 2017. The earth is online.”

The black tower’s three iron-clad rules:

1. Everything is explained by the black tower.

2. 6 o’clock to 18 o’clock is the game time.

3. All players, please strive to attack the tower.

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Dìqiú shàngxiàn
Địa Cầu Online
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Akaio rated it
December 31, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is great. The story flows well and you get drawn into the plot and characters. The romance is well hidden within the story and isn't the main part of the story (unlike many shounen-ai and yaoi.....). To be honest I binged this novel in about 5 days which is pretty impressive for me since I don't seem to finish many novels. The characters aren't two-dimensional which is a great plus. I guess there are a couple of tiny side characters that are there to boost the MC and... more>> ML but they're so small that we can just ignore them (lol). A lot of the games confused me since I'm not that smart and the fact there are so many hidden clues that the MC seems to find indiscriminately (the ML to I guess). However, at the end of the day, all the games have a main goal that you can understand and the MC + ML drag you along to victory (which always feels satisfying). The main "villain" would I guess be the tower in itself but

the monsters/characters they meet during the games are a part of the tower and part of the "villain" in the story. You come to like and despise the characters that the MC meets in instances and games, and also come to love or hate certain characters on "Earth" that the MC + ML meets.

The ending to me felt kinda anticlimactic and climatic at the same time if that makes sense? If you wanna know how it all ends read the novel~. TBH I wanted a certain character to get more spotlight time but oh well, cannon fodder it be. <<less
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yilingbisaster rated it
December 3, 2020
Status: c245
It has already been a few months I finished reading this novel for the first time. And I have re read it many times after that. And all I can say is that this is my favorite novel EVER. I fell in love with the characters, the world setting, the plot, the games, everything. No other novel has ever made me feel as happy as TEIO. I truly recommend anyone who is coming here to read it because it is more than worth it.

it is a survival game but there... more>> is so much depth to it. All the games of the towers are really interesting and I loved trying to complete them at the same time as the characters. And can we please talk about Tang Mo (MC) and ML ?? Their relationship is so beautiful, they are so strong but together they just manage to get even stronger, their relationship is so healthy. But also the whole novel does not revolved around their love so that we do not forget that this is a survival game. I think this makes it even more interesting because this way we slowly follow them in their adventures and see them fall for each other little by little and it does not seem forced or to be just a brainless story to show PDA.

Overall, my opinion is really biased but I enjoyed and still enjoy reading this novel over and over again and I don't think any other novel will be able to surpass it for me. This is like a comfort novel to me.

So, I'll just say, please everyone read The Earth Is Online. <<less
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Megzie Ssyk
Megzie Ssyk rated it
October 18, 2020
Status: c245
Gosh, I read this novel as soon as it had gotten translated to English, but my review is almost two years late lol (I re-read it recently hence the review). This was truly a gem of a novel. The fact that it's so different from the others in the genre is absolutely marvelous. The characters have depth. The plot holes are minimum if not non-existent. The chemistry between each character is spot on. MCH delivered yet another masterpiece and I loved it.

Yaoi is practically non existent, the tag should be... more>> removed, it is shounen ai. As there are practically NO yaoi scenes, I feel that even those who are looking to avoid this genre will be pulled into the story. I can't lie, I came for the BL but stayed for the story. As did most of the other readers, I believe...

Lastly I want to thank the Translators and MCH sensei for this amazing story. <<less
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Pink_Banana rated it
October 10, 2020
Status: --
This book made me realize I'm an M. No matter how much it made me feel inferior with my brain, I kept pressing next and I shamelessly enjoyed every bit of headaches I got while reading this. I made this review around 4 months (?) after reading this cause I was too lazy back then. Even after months, I still remember how much I loved this. This story left a deep impression for me. The complex towers, the intelligent characters, the realism of it even when the plot is absurd,... more>> you just can't help wanting to discover more. <<less
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Hyna rated it
October 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Very good story, very slow romance (no actions until chapter 187 I think), an interesting and well developed cast of characters.

I'm a bit disappointed about 'the great reveal' at the end, and there are some unanswered questions that are bugging me :


What is the use of Eve Reward finally if he can't remember what he saw ? What is Eve ? The survivors of the 7th level ? What is the hidden function of the updated umbrella ?

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ricoerrr rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Honestly one of my favorites. Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed the story, the games, and the characters.

The worldbuilding is absolutely solid. The imagery was beyond my expectations. The stories attached to the games and the new world is both unique and nostalgic because the author mixes both dark and fairytale elements together. The black tower bosses are all distinct in their own right and adds so much flavor to the worldbuilding. In the end, I was so attached to the bosses I really didn't want to see them... more>> go :' (

The MC and ML, goodness. Their chemistry. Their sync. Their power. Everything is *chef's kiss*. They are always on the same wavelength and I love how they understand what the other is feeling, whether implicitly or explicitly. Even when they first met and were (understandably) wary of one another, they knew exactly how to work together and with their strengths. Once they gain each other's trust and start teaming up, it's like the sky's the limit. It's beautiful.

The characters, all of them are amazing. The MC Tang Mo is the dictionary definition of a rationale protagonist, but worry not he has a personality lol. He obtains a pretty OP skill from the get-go but I need to emphasize that he doesn't rely on that to clear the games. He is smart, cunning, and ruthless when need be. He knows how to capitalize on the enemies' weakness, use his environment, and find loop-holes in the rules. The same goes for the ML, Fu Wenduo. He's quiet, calculative, and wears all black so going by tropes you'd think he'd be hard pressed to work in groups lol. But together they work miracles and they're such a gem to read I honestly can't get enough of it.

Best part is when they get into compromising positions for /cough/ plot reasons.


And don't get me even started on the side characters. I loved them all, even the annoying ones lol. They all have their own stories and their struggles and their reason to keep living even in the face of so much despair and violence. Some of their actions are reprehensible but they're also desperate and only human. And one of the most chilling things to read is the human population dwindling to almost nothing. You can almost taste the character's desperation and hopelessness. Really puts things into perspective.

All that said, there's a few things that could have improved the novel. Will put under a spoiler.

  • Tang Mo obtained the King's coin and the story made such a huge fuss over it, but he never got the chance to use it? That bit was kind of anticlimatic. I felt like it should have been used in some way or form to move the plot along.
  • The ending, while it made sense, felt a bit abrupt. I wish they dwelved deeper into the whole evolution thing throughout the novel instead of tacking it on near the end.
  • The three magical matches that answered all his questions...I'm still not sure how to feel about it. Felt like a plot armor tbh.
  • I wish Tang Mo and FWD talked about more the tuckey egg's save function! They had a very interesting theory about its time manipulation properties but it was never properly addressed later in the story : (
  • Some of the game difficulty didn't match up with the floor level. For instance, when Tang Mo and team attacked the fourth floor (the one with Schrodinger and Grecia), it required the players to have impecable memeory and spatial awareness, lots of math, and the ability to fight Grecia. Compared to the fifth floor (where they went against the two psychos returnees) it seemed much harder? That's my own opinion though.

Overall this was an incredible read. I'm so glad I didn't put it off. The only downside is that it raised the bar far to high and now I'm comparing every other survival novel to this one lmao. <<less
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Weiexol rated it
July 18, 2020
Status: Completed
Rating: 3.8

Why did I keep reading this novel even if I wasn't that attached to the MC? Well the reasons are Bai Ruoyao (aka best boy who deserved more love) and the games.

The world-building and games are interesting (even if I didn't completely understand some of them, I have no brain rip) and I was intrigued with most of them. I wouldn't have minded more games (every boss of the black towers are is unique and interesting!)

The romance here is slow burn (really really slooooow), but honestly I didn't... more>> mind it at all because I didn't care about seeing sweet interactions between MC and ML... Their dynamic was interesting at first, but it became soon very dull...? Like their interactions were kinda boring to me.

Talking about the leads, MC is Tang Mo, he's clever, kinda OP...A decent MC, but sometimes really too bland. The ML is Fu Wenduo, another clever man and strong too; he's just a lil more interesting than MC, but nothing more. There's a thing that annoyed me very much and those are the author's notes... I wish I didn't read the author's notes, they ruined my mood lmao.

I liked some side characters more than the leads and only if they were developed more! (Can't ask too much since the novel revolves mostly around Tang Mo) They are all clever, badass but the one that kept popping in my head while reading the novel was definitely Bai Ruoyao. Maybe I cared about him too much... wherever he appeared, I got too excited. Most of the people found him annoying (I mean, the other characters in this novel too) at the start (or even till the end) but I dunno why, I liked him from the start!

I cried like a baby when I found out that he died... but then he was resurrected lol, Black tower's illegitimate child! He literally did so much for the plot, he had many clues and he isn't and ungrateful person! His "Deer, I'm back" is still in my heart ndakdhbh Mu jie I miss you too TwT

He's definitely my n.1 in this novel!

The ending was heartwarming, but there were still many questions with no answer.

Btw I don't feel like I wasted my time reading this. There are better novels, yes, but read this if you like games, puzzle, with a bit of BL. <<less
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je rated it
May 29, 2020
Status: --
This novel truly is an adventure.

You will be required to use a lot of brain powers to understand this novel and all its instances (unless you're like me who shuts my brain down after 5 chapters and just decided to go along).

Both the MC and the ML are very powerful but they're not infallible, they can get hurt, they almost died, yet they managed to get through by an inch of their life. However, don't expect much romance because it's very very slow, like you're not gonna get any until... more>> like

chapters 130+


The challenges can also get very brutal and gore-y, so please beware if you're not very into that.

All in all, I liked this a lot. I'm very glad I managed to push through the first few challenges scenes because then I get to meet all these wonderful characters who you just can't help to love, hate, or both love and hate

Bai Ruoyao I'm talking about you


Do give this novel a try, who knows, you might like it~ <<less
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Nadeshikoslove rated it
May 29, 2020
Status: c156
I m sure it’s a great novel for many people... just not for me. To slow paced and the games were at some point so confusing, I had no patience to reread them for 3rd time. I started to skip those and that meant I had hit my tolerance
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May 21, 2020
Status: Completed
Brilliant. One of the best novel that ive read.

The story everything is so goddamn good. You might be lost sometimes but that doesn't stop you to read it until the end. The arcs are well made. The characters even the "bad guys" tower bosses personalities are good they aren't just for there everyone have purposes.

And if you're finding a romance here this is probably aint for you since it's shounen ai and more focus on plot but how MC and ML interact is so great. It seems real and not... more>> that obssesive ML you're now mine and it actually make sense how they fall to each other and even tho the romance seems lacking everything is great.

I'm just gonna say just read it and you will never regret it.

i kinda actually regret it since I'm not gonna find some good ass novel like this again. But maybe I will re-read it. <<less
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Melange rated it
May 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Make sure you're awake when you're trying to read this because the games will really test your ability to follow along. The world building in this novel is fantastic and the plot is thrilling. Additionally, the novel features something that a lot of BL novels lack -- strong female characters. You can tell the author really put in a lot of effort into researching logic games, science, and philosophy. The reader gets to follow along with MC as he becomes more and more dehumanized. Some may feel that MC and ML are unfeeling and desensitized, and they are. This is one of the dilemmas that the characters face midway through the novel.

When the two Earths merge together again and it is returnees vs the official/reserve/stowaways, the characters realize that there are people who are more damaged than they are.


If you're looking for romance, then this isn't the novel for you. This is a plot-driven novel that happens to have two gay characters.

Unfortunately, the romance almost seems like an afterthought and ML isn't very well developed. He's just kind of MC's OP sidekick. On the other hand, the side characters (for instance Bai Ruoyao and Mu Huixue) are more compelling and well-rounded. The romance would have been much more interesting ML was someone like Bai Ruoyao.

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aiji rated it
April 22, 2020
Status: Completed
Quarantine extended—yay!?!

(No?) thanks to a certain virus, I'm now back to reading Chinese novels, and have now completed at least five after a yearlong 'vacation' (heh).

And with that, I picked "The Earth is Online" novel for my 'comeback' review. I gave it a 4/5 stars.

... more>> STORY:

As we can all see from the genre description, this one has sci-fi tag. To be honest, I was first skeptical in picking this one up since I'm not a fan of this kind of genre. But since most of the reviews are good, I decided to give it a try.

And oh boy! This is one hell of an adventure! The story is intriguing. Like you know, it's giving off the 'end of the world' vibe; where there are alien invaders and humankind has to stand up and defend and battle to survive. Story-wise, I find it unique enough to burn my curiosity. Top it up with lovable and interesting characters, mind-melting puzzles and tactics and bloody action scenes... this is perfect!

... Well, almost.

I have a few problems (complains?) about the story's progression and elements that I found lacking in some way which greatly influenced me to take the 1-star off and hid it under my pillow.

First, the worldbuilding. I praise the author for the very detailed explanation for certain parts, which otherwise could cause great confusion for the readers, but I really felt like the first part is kind of fast. Especially the part where the people received 'this', and they kind of like already accepted 'that'. And now they are set to do 'this'. I don't know if it's just me, but I somehow felt like the rhythm of "thrill" is missing somewhere. And it's kind of overwhelming. And dang, our MC is ridiculously OP! Should I add more?

Second point, I find it a little... "complicated".

.. Yep, maybe this one is my personal problem. At first, I tried my best to use my brain to solve stuffs along with the main characters during the first part of the novel. But past half the total number of chapters, I resigned and completely shut down my brain circuit and just literally read through (oh, poor me xD). Having long chapters made it all the more difficult for me. But still, I couldn't help raising my eyebrows from time to time (hehe.. that was me, still trying to think). You be the judge.

And lastly, the "romance" department—

I'm not complaining about the slow-burn romance here in the story. In fact, I love it! I usually pick and read stories with slow-burn romance regardless if it's BL or not. You know, the author was so very good in this area. In fact, so very good that that it made me continue flipping every page, looking and anticipating for the sweet stuffs that my heart pleasantly ached with each every dog food served.

BUT! My dear Author-sama, why the hell did the most anticipated 'loving moments' of the two was portrayed in such way??? Like wae?! It's like they were just doing business! Why did their 'first time' went so 'smoothly'? Where's the detail? The logic? So unromantic! So not funny and very infuriating! *pant pant*. This is not the first time the author did this to me... Ugh!

.. No, no—I'm not really complaining how 'dry' this part was. I'm complaining how the author f*cked it all up and tossed this element straight to the garbage. Was I asking for smut? No! It's just that, I really felt the author could've done better. I was greatly disappointed.

Anyway, tossing the romance element aside, I still enjoyed reading it. I like how engaging it was (if only it were not that long.. xD) It's like reading the novel version of anime/manga "Hunter x Hunter". Great setting, good set of interesting characters (*cough* Bai Ruoyao *cough*), intriguing plot... this is really a good one. Just don't mind the spelling mistakes and misplaced names you would encounter along the way. I don't blame the translator for this one, though. They are our heroes *kowtows*


Tons of characters we have here. Let's start off with the main character: Tang Mo.

I'll be very honest here and say I'm really not fond of reading novels with MCs (shou usually) who are introduced as straight out gay from the start. Especially if it's under modern-setting. The reason? I simply don't find them hot, nuff said! (hehe). I mean, where's the thrill in that? There's no inner struggle, no complex self-monologue, not at all questioning stuffs—it's no fun. Most of the time they would just judge fellow males as "their type or not their type"—which I find very unappetizing. But I made an exception for our dear Tang Mo—though it really took me a couple of minutes contemplating whether or not it's still healthy for me to continue reading this despite knowing he's 'readily' gay as mentioned in the story very early. But welp, he's manly (thanks to the tag). And manly gays are hot (fight me!). Not to mention he's pretty smart. Same also can be said about our ML, Major Fu. I'm glad that he's not the 's**tty' type, and instead acted so cool and composed, not losing his head in front of his 'Victor'.

The ML, Fu Wenduo, is not a blank wallpaper, which is a big plus plus for me. I like how cool he is. And *cough* very smooth... you know what I mean.

In the story, I find the interaction of the two, though scarce (I mean it!) , very cute... and a mouth-drying one.

As for the other characters, nothing much I can say aside from I like how despite this novel has tons of names, I find some very memorable and likable. And I think it's very, very good. And just give me Bai Ruoyao, will you? I mean, I love this one hell of a dork lunatic side character. Blame me for my eccentric taste, but I really love quirky characters. If you tell me now that he's the ML, you won't hear any complaints from me. He's like the psychotic Hisoka of Hunter x Hunter (yeah, he's my crush shh). Some find him disgusting, like a fly asking for a good swatting. Well, I kind of agree too but somehow I find him really adorkable and very entertaining.


Despite my 'rant' above, I still think this is a good read. A couple of wrong spellings and misplaced names here and there, unfathomable games and riddles I find absurd and unrealistic popping up once in a while (but it could be just my low performance brain capacity, ya know xD)... I think it's forgivable. I would still recommend this. The BL element is very mild, I guess. Very good for the non-hardcore BL fans.

My only advice would be: take your time reading. Don't rush. Breath once in a while. I'm telling you, this is a long one. And it kind of burns brain carbs. And patience.

Tired of meng novels? Try this one out and exercise (or burn dry?) thy brains! <<less
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Ye sheyy
Ye sheyy rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: c207
Wtf this book is literally life!!!

This survival of the fittest genre is the most amazing book I ever read!!

I think I became extremely smart (definitely not bragging ;)) after reading this book.

And lastly I started to truly appreciate my life right now when the world is still at peace (hoping it will last) and not take it for granted ♡♡.
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ushiieee rated it
April 17, 2020
Status: Completed
Horridly excellent.

For me, the most important factor of a good novel is having a carefully planned-out plot. And I am pleased to announce that this novel contains just that

as well as other important factors that contribute to the whole grandeur of the novel.

  • World-building. At first, the world-building got a bit confusing but as you comb through the book more, you'll eventually find more and more about what the environment is actually about. It's kind of like leaving breadcrumbs all over the book for us little birds to find. This novel features a dystopian setting where the players are forced to fight each other through a series of "games", with serious punishments and rewards. For those who aren't really into dystopia, you still have to try reading this it's worth it, I promise. In addition, the games made me want to send a chef's kiss XD It has a unique blend of being thoughtful yet simple at the same time

    it can really make you think. It's not the usual games that we see that are easy enough to solve

    it's somehow kind of like being presented with a few clues to a mu*der scene and having to determine the mu*derer with just those evidences.
  • Foreshadowing. There was never an instance in the book where I got bored and that's saying something since I'm generally a picky reader. It is evidenced by the foreshadowing scattered at all parts of the book that the plot was well-thought of. Like building a house, the author carefully placed each golden brick in unseemingly "unimportant" places that eventually defined the magnificence of the entire thing.
  • Characters. As for the characters, I like how each one of them somehow felt "humane", if that makes sense it feels as if you can feel their embarassment, their pain, their joy, etc. I applaud the author for actually creating excellent grey-characters! That's very rare nowadays, since most characters either fall into the white or dark spectrum pretty easily. The MC is also very clever yet not too OP, which is very much appreciated. His decisions to every challenge/problem felt like it wa in accordance to the characteristics he was set with. So far, there's nothing out of place with how each character acted in the course of the entire novel.
  • MC/ML Relationship. Also, I loved the fact that this slow burn relationship had the right amount of torture for us readers. The romance build-up was just right, and although there's no detailed *pa pa pa*, I felt that this somehow also felt appropriate to the over-all theme of the novel. Their relationship dynamic is also well-balanced and healthy, with no instances of trying to overpower one another and they're just genuinely trying to help each other.
Anyways, I felt that this was a rare find since not all BL/danmei novels have this kind of complexity to them. It's definitely a worth-it read!
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Ilover rated it
April 14, 2020
Status: Completed
World building? Check.

Great characters? Yes.

Cool mc?? Of course.

... more>> Maybe late writing a review right now but I have already read this novel twice and it never gets old. It is one of my favorite BL novels that I have ever read as the plotline always have twists in it. When the earth went online, the following events that happened all gave a great feel of world building until it gets to the main plot.

What is the reason for the existence of the black tower?

Who created it?

When are abilities decided?

Why are the black tower monsters similar to characters from earth?

Where did they get inspiration from?

Why must people die in black tower games?

In the end, a little over 2M people were left in the end. At first they couldn't believe it but in the end, they worked together to rebuild their civilization, a new earth.

(And of course our two main leads got their ever after.) <<less
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laperrbanget rated it
April 8, 2020
Status: Completed
Ok soo.... This is a modern fantasy novel that i've been looking for some time but can't find it. And boom, my friend recommended this and now it might become one of my favorite novels.

MC is ✨smart✨ and I love his personality! Also, the black tower game so creative and make my IQ go brrrrr-

This story also doesn't really emphasize its romance, so that those of you who don't like romance won't be disturbed either.

Thank you to the author and translators who took the time to create this masterpiece. I'm... more>> so satisfied with the ending ~ (*  ̄ ▽  ̄) b <<less
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RaydenSaphire rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: Completed
At first, I hesitated to read this since I'm not so intelligent person & I was afraid that my brain couldn't understand the story. But I tried it anyway & completed it in 3 days!

All the games are so thrilling though some of it I still can't understand it but it doesn't prevent me from enjoying the story.

This novel gives me vibe of 'Hunger Game' (if any of y'guys watched the movie) especially when the blact tower announced the floor winner "District 1...... blablabla.."

  1. And!! I soooo much in love with the ML in this story, so so much that I wish he is real so that I can meet him! He is so strong, charismatic, decisive and genius!! A perfect ML who didn't show the typical ML-possessive character such in other typical bl novel. This is very refreshing. I can't help but adore him every time he shows his skills especially in combat.
  2. I must say that the end of the story left a deep impression in my heart and moved me to tears, as you know, this is a survival-type story. But fret not, there is a happy ending=')
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Anagnorizien rated it
March 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Definitely one of my favourite BLs of all time. Among all the stories I've read in NU and across all genres, this is definitely one of the top. Riveting, thought-provoking and inspiring. This reminds me of Kamisama no Iutoori, Danganronpa, HunterxHunter and Charlotte. Above being an Otaku, I am a Fujoshi, so this definitely pushes all my buttons.
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Shybreeze rated it
March 14, 2020
Status: c111
This is good. It's thrilling. It's turning my brain inside out.

But.. it's not my cup of tea.

I stop at c111. Not because it's not good, just because... It's not interesting enough?

I may pick it up again later though..
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dee_ism rated it
February 22, 2020
Status: --

The story is amazing

Survival apocalypse story with strong characters. You will love all of them. (Special mention: MHX and BRY)

The games are interesting, fun, and a LOT, hahaa. I lost count how many games this writer provide us and all of them is great. Sometimes my IQ can't follow it, hahahaa

Do yourself a favor and read the novel.
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