The Earth is Online


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Six months ago, tens of thousands of black phantom towers appeared all over the world, floating above the cities. Chemists, physicists, religious people… all of them could do nothing.

Six months later, people became used to the towers and no longer paid them attention.

One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of going through it. The next day, a sharp and clear child-like voice issued an announcement to all humans.

“Ding dong! November 15th, 2017. The earth is online.”

The black tower’s three iron-clad rules:

1. Everything is explained by the black tower.

2. 6 o’clock to 18 o’clock is the game time.

3. All players, please strive to attack the tower.

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Dìqiú shàngxiàn
Địa Cầu Online
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416 Reviews sorted by

byunnie rated it
January 13, 2019
Status: c218
On god this is the best series I've ever read, the plot is awesome, the characters are awesome everything is awesome. I always trust this translator for her choice + translations and here she is again pulling through for all of us.

I pity the poor fools who are leaving 1 star reviews and skipping it simply because its BL
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lovelymezzo rated it
January 8, 2019
Status: Completed
I honestly would give this title a near perfect score, and it's on my list of top novels

The MC and the ML are an OP power couple. The romance is very, and I mean very, very slow burn (If you think MDZS is bad, you've got another thing coming lol) . But it is such a satisfying, slow building relationship that I really don't mind it.

Their interactions are adorable and their personalities compliment each others well. They are not overly soft towards others, but you can tell they are really... more>> fond of each other, and have developed an unbreakable trust in a time of such uncertainty. And while the novel may make you feel like an idiot for not being able to understand the logic of the MC and ML in clearing the Black tower's games, it's very quickly forgotten and replaced by the awe you feel for the author. (Like how they can come up with this content is beyond my small mind and I praise them for their wit and imagination)

I will also gladly mention an antagonist who makes the story better imo but whom other people seem to hate immensely lol. Most notably, a character that seems to have a death wish, while simultaneously not wanting to die... like seriously if you don't want to end up six feet under, stop messing with the power couple. BUT.... that and his messed up personality and the way he acts just makes me love him as an antagonist. <<less
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Yvelty rated it
January 5, 2019
Status: c208
Best story I have read so far. Instead of most Bl stories this story gives you a sense of thrill. The action the story has is amazing

Especially the black tower bosses. They are funny and really makes you change your perspective on fairy tale characters.

The one part that makes me sad is how smart all the characters are. But it is agreeable cause they wouldn't be able to survive without their intelligence.

I came for no I stayed for the action
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
December 8, 2018
Status: c160
Very nice, this is a cool story. The world is crazy, the abilities are crazy and the mini-games are crazy. I really like it, it is very innovative and funny, but also cruel and terrifying. One last thought: The whole BL thing is unnecessary for the story, but it is tame, so its safe to read.
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sapiojia rated it
November 29, 2018
Status: c146
I just want to remind to strengthen your cognitive functions to get along the pace of black tower's logic games, and conversations between brilliant characters or you will be dumbstruck by any plot turns.

Plots are not like frustrating random twists as all details are mentioned beforehand. Just stay eye-sharped and don't miss out any information the author described, also run your brain like mad to imagine all possible scenarios at the meantime.

Romance is realistic enough for me but sometimes their tacit understanding makes your heart cry in silence lol

A fore-prepare... more>> a pen and paper to scribble on in case you can play along when it comes to detailed grid games. The whole plot seems well-fabricated (I haven't finished it whole) but I can tell the author can handle it.

It even inspired me to learn more about logical reasoning. It's also freaking addict-able and stimulating that I even craved it for three days and one full night.

To conclude is that this is not average type of novel that you go flow with it.

good luck with your own read and enjoy the adrenaline rush, ah! <<less
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Lolkika rated it
November 29, 2018
Status: c146
There's a sudden twist.... It had me going (0O0)

Over all it's an excellent novel. All the characters are dimensional. They're all realistic, with motivation and drives.

The MC and ML are not extremely OP characters here. Neither are they, the smartest.... Whatever they can think of, likewise for the others.

The MC is NOT weak always acting like a damsel in distress waiting for the ML. Neither is is prone to act silly, like many uke as we called them do. He's very mature, calm, realistic... With a little of a... more>> violent temper.

Likewise the ML is wise, open minded, calm and stoic.

Both of them are manipulative

The side characters are great...

And the game NPCs are funny... Scary and funny.

This is not a brainless novel, but a very mature with intriguing plots and literary devise.

You may not like it, but you'll still admit the fact that, it's a great novel.

Some recommendation of stunning novels

Reborn as My Love Rival’s Wife (Slice of life, and extremely funny, will have you cracking up until ur in tears, and the good moments will move you to tears)
Thrive in Catastrophe (Apocalypse, but not rebirth.... One of the best BL novel, the MC of this novel is similar to Tang Mo)
Heroic death system (System novel... Will have you in tears 99% of the time, please don't worry it's a happy ending... Well you may have to MTL to find out the truth)
I'm not shouldering this blame (Transmigration novel, what would happen if transmigrator coming to your world, telling you, you're world is a book, and you're the villain?)
Qizi (a bit like ABO novel, without the beta. hmmm with Alpha of being winner and Omega, not birthing matching but losers. Most Omega rather death over being one. and Alpha and Omega are decided though more or less a death match. If the omega survive, they'll have to listen to the Alpha for the rest of their life... It's not really that depressing, sighh I can't write a good summery..)
Number one zombie wife (Rebirth novel.... Not a revenge one, or one where the MC's trying to 'hug the ML tight'... the MC was resolute... Lol. He tried to kill the ML, instead it back fired.... He accidentally swallow the ML bead... which got him pregnant (He didn't have interc**rse with the ML his pregnancy was cause due the bead) The all time the poor MC believe that his stomach got big tru gas... Poor ML he denied it till the end)
Banish to another world. (system novel... although gore and brainless at the beginning... The MC is an evil doctor sent to another world for penitence. The poor evil evil MC is being force to save lives.... And the poor MC is trying to find loophole where he doesn't have to act like a saint all the damn time.)

ahhhh my fingers hurt from typing... <<less
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Ariadne rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: --
I have no words.

This has to be in my top 3 novels

This novel also made me realize that I sadly can't hope for every single one of the likeable characters to survive especially in this type of novel.

One thing that really made an impression was how the things you would normally think are not a big deal end up playing a huge role.

One last thing would you really say TM luck was bad or not
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taiiyako rated it
April 15, 2024
Status: c131
The first novel that got me into reading novels! It’s been 3 or so years so my memory is blurry and I plan on rereading it but, the start was a bit slow, once you get into it though it’s extremely interesting and each “level” is unique. Unlike most novels of the infinite flow genre the story doesnt feel dragged out or that each level is just constantly the same and repeating itself. The ideas are good and there is actually an end in sight for the novel. The reason... more>> I think back to it so fondly is because I’ve read so many in the infinite flow genre and most stories tend to slowly derail, or its clear the author has no idea where to take the story/how to end on a satisfying note. I can say that I enjoyed the ending and if you liked ORV, it’s definitely a novel you should try read (do remember TEIO was created before ORV!). <<less
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SeoDawonn rated it
April 9, 2024
Status: --
One of my very first novels, TRUST it's soooo good.

The plot, the characters, just everything.

I do recommend if you fw unlimited-flow novels, it's not heavily revolved around their relationship, yet it's so sweet at the same time.
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March 25, 2024
Status: Completed
The Extra section makes me feel 'Full'!

This is a novel that I labeled as 'heavy' for light story lovers like me...

But it's worth it. For the time I spent finishing this story... One of the novels where I spent a long time...

... more>> No romance at all! Really 😂😂 but somehow it only took 2/3 chapters to make me feel happy for Tang Mo and Mr. Fu 🥹🥹

Very unique story building! All the characters are very strong! Deep storyline. One of the masterpieces that everyone should read...

It's just not a story for romance lovers... <<less
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mintflavored rated it
February 3, 2024
Status: Completed
Note: It's been a while since I read this novel (at least a year has passed), so I can't write a well detailed review on what I liked / disliked. The story did leave a long lasting impression on me, so I think I managed to say what needed to be said.

Rest assured that this comment contains no spoilers.

- - - - - - - - - -

The initial setup of the novel held a lot of promise, drawing me in quickly. However, as the story progressed, the plotlines became... more>> convoluted and the once intriguing premise got riddled with unnecessary subplots, making it increasingly tedious to follow along. The plot points became very dragged on as I delved deeper into the story.

The climax fell flat. Ending felt rushed. The novel failed to provide a satisfying resolution.

Additionally, while the main leads initially displayed great potential with their natural chemistry, the progression of their romantic relationship ultimately lacked depth and authenticity, failing to provide the emotional resolution that had been hinted at earlier in the story.

Some good points: interesting world setting, fun game elements, suspenseful plot, imaginative story telling, decently well-thought-out plot twists.

All in all, a disappointing read that failed to deliver on its early potential, but not the worst introduction in this genre you could have. <<less
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Saori_Raven rated it
November 12, 2023
Status: Completed
Like so many others, this story was a recommendation from Wattpad. And I don’t regret it!
A different story with great mysteries and characters, because the strong point of this story are both its "games" and the variety of characters. The black towers are a mystery from the beginning and their bosses are as charismatic as they are cruel. However, when you create so many questions in a story it is easier for you to have half-counted things (Eva) and details that remain in the inkwell, but overall it is a story of more than four thousand pages that will feel like five hundred.
Love? This is already what everyone is looking for, obviously not a romantic book but it would be unfair to say that there is no love, especially if you read the comments of the author ٩ (˘◡˘) ۶.
In general, it is a book that would certainly re-elect (to be able to be in Spanish, the explanations of some games are complicated if it is not a good translation), I loved Tang Mo and Fu Wendu but also, yes also, to "Fly".
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September 15, 2023
Status: --
You see some people giving this low stars which I totally understand because one the romance I really long slow burn but in my opinion that’s what I really like about this novel because although it took so long for them to get together they were still close before that and I like when the romance is at the real end instead of straight away

I also see or complaining about how overly detailed it is which is also a preference I can’t lie by how how detailed it is but... more>> I loooovvvee when it’s written like this especially when you don’t know what it’s about so the suspense is great for me in my opinion <<less
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damnmei rated it
August 25, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a really well written story! By around chapter 50 or so I was fully invested in the plot and I could not put it down. It takes a little bit of time to really get started but once it does, it just keeps going! I never felt bored even closer to the end of the book, and I feel like the story wrapped up very nicely. It wasn't dragged on for too long like some unlimited flow type stories are, so it's perfect for a casual reader of... more>> the genre like me lol

MC's personality isn't too engaging, he's pretty much your standard OP main character, but his ability having restrictions does make him a little more interesting. One thing that I noticed though is that some of the restrictions didn't even get used very often, like the magical girl line when using the parasol? He's supposed to shout magical girl transformation every time he uses the thing but I swear he only said it maybe twice in the whole novel, and he literally uses this parasol in EVERY chapter. I don't think ML even heard him say the phrase which made me a little sad lol

But yeah MC doesn't really go through too much actual character growth, he's kind of just chill and unbothered the entire book. He gets mildly embarrassed in a few scenes and says that he's sad at one point when a friend is revealed to have died, but that's basically it. He doesn't bat an eye at death and he's able to calmly solve his way out of any scenario. Basically, he's just a cool guy. His character could have used a little more development and actual emotion, especially since he was a librarian before all of this and not a military secret service dude like some other characters.

The romance is pretty lowkey, but the trust and love the two main leads have for each other is where the story shines. They take literally forever to actually confirm their relationship even after their past relationship as online friends is revealed, but it does make sense since their lives are literally constantly on the line from being pulled into life or death games. Not really the best scenario for a love confession. But even before their feelings are confirmed, I just loved the way they take care of each other and trust in each others abilities. They're always on equal ground with each other and they have this understanding of each other that goes so deep that they can pretty much read each others minds.

The s*xual tension in some scenes had me screaming too lol the abilities book really goes wild. Highly amused by the commentary in the notes of each ability Tang Mo gained, especially when it talked about ML. The book really is its own side character haha. Which on that note, loved the side characters in this story too! The kids weren't annoying and pretty much every side character with a significant amount of screen time grew on me like a weed. There wasn't that much actual character development but every character was pretty likeable.

Overall this satisfied me in terms of plot, characters, and relationship building. Only thing as many reviews mention is that the logic in some of the games makes no sense. Like some of the deductions MC was making truly did not add up and I just had to suspend my disbelief. It didn't actually subtract from the story though as I was mostly there for the character relationships, so I'm not deducting any points there, just something that made the book a little less than perfect.

Also shout out to this iconic moment where ML defies the cliche:


Tang Mo was originally leaning against the pillar to sleep with Fu Wenduo beside him. Fu Wenduo was covered with armour and not a single bit of skin was exposed. Suddenly, a head leaned on his shoulder. Fu Wenduo was surprised. The next second, he calmly stretched out a hand and pushed Tang Mo's face back.


Fu Wendou keep doing you lmao <<less
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July 6, 2023
Status: Completed
Read this book. Do yourself a favor, drop every other book for the moment and just immerse yourself in the literary masterpiece that is this novel. It’s a top 5 Chinese novel for me. The world building is fantastic, the couple is dynamic and smart and every scenario is thrilling. This book keeps you wanting more and keeps you guessing. 2000% recommend reading.
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Blnovelreader-k rated it
July 3, 2023
Status: Completed
Highly recommended novel.

Survival game novel including unique concepts with fairy-tale.

Right word, twisted fairy tales. Well, after reading this, you can't really look at your innocent fairy tale characters as once they were.


MC is intelligent, sharp minded, courageous and independent. Specially there's not lot of novel with independent characters which I really like. Not overly emotional, and he had very much understanding of himself who can survive on his own. He's ruthless when he needs to be and isn't fixated on helping those in need. He will only help when it doesn't risk his safety which also another realistic characteristics that I like.

And no, I don't find MC to be bland and emotionless. This is Survival novel and being overly emotional can turn in to writting their own death note. But yes, he had become lot mature to hold up his calm personality in very early stage, that some find little unrealistic (not me), still I like his character design very much.

ML is a military commander. Good at fighting, also smart and strong. MC is equal to the ML, with some advantages the ML doesn't have, while the ML has some advantages the MC doesn't have. So there's no dependent on each other because each can survive on thier own styles.

The MC and ML have a tacit understanding with one another. Both together powerful enough to be eye catching. Still romance is not too much describe but well-developed. While it might be too slow but satisfying, that took time to develop properly and strongly.

The strength of their relationship is not always overt and explicit, but, as it develops, it becomes a clear and consistently present component of the story. As alluded to previously, it's a relationship where it feels like a proper partnership of equals


Plot is good. Ending had unspoken hope with humanity survival. This story give me satisfaction.

And I have seen some of people find the story racist as lot of countries being not mentioned, and bad endings at some regions. But I think it's over-thinking. This has Chinese protagonist so the story mainly focus on Chinese side. And I find it's a normal setting. Somehow I can understand why there are lot of novels never mentioned other countries or cities.

Anyway, this story is really worth to read. Hope you enjoyed.
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June 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Honestly? One of the best of the BL survival genre.

One factor (among many) that appealed to me was that the romance was very low key and didn't consume the narrative. It was quiet but still ever-present.

The first Extra made me cry. God, good job author. They truly succeeded in breathing life into all the characters despite the big ensemble.

I won't lie. Seeing Li Wen in his little masarti, and then later with the group chat of childhood friends, it broke me in a way just reading their implied deaths hadn't. And just, the soulmmate like quality of our two main characters' romance made me weepy (haha).


The second Extra kind of warmed my heart as well.

The "enemies" while callous had their own humanity about them. Gretia highlighted those moments more than any other. His duality of cruelty when running his circus versus his honest happiness for Cinderella being shortly freed from the Tower's chains and his mocking kindness in saving the Queen of Hearts.

It's nice to see them being able to live on even without the tower's dominion. While certainly they had no regard for the continued existence of earth's players, they too were just as much victims of the Tower's machinations. Knowing Mosaic will continue her tyranny and arsony made me weirdly happy.

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beyukii rated it
May 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Those who are into survival/ game world/ gore/ Isekai this is it. Games are interesting and not easy to guess. (If author is less intelligent or simple minded, it becomes too easy for readers get the hint before main characters)

This book is very good if you really think about quality of danmei novels. Danmei is mostly there to entertain us, rotten girls with some cheap sloppy romance. But this book doesn't even need a romance, it doesn't have to be BL, it has solid world building and action that... more>> can make non danmei fans interested.

But is it new? No. It basically copied it's game ideas from Japanese mangas and movies like "As the Gods Will (神さまの言うとおり", "Battle royale". Some arcs are the exact copies of it. But at least the author of this book is talented in writing compared to others that write similar "death game" genre. Also some of the games seemed like authors own idea and imagination? In that case this author really has some crazy imagination. I envy those talented in writing because I can't write like this. Romance is not main point or plot of this novel. It's not so important and their interaction is minimal. It actually doesn't really need a romance. Should have been pure survival without romance, maybe a little bit bromance or smth. <<less
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Astralla rated it
April 9, 2023
Status: Completed
One of the strengths of this novel is its world-building. The author has created a vivid and immersive world that feels both familiar and alien at the same time. The descriptions of the Earth's new form and the different forms of technology it creates are both fascinating and terrifying, creating a sense of wonder and dread that drives the story forward. The characters are also well-developed and engaging.

Its combination of science fiction, dystopian, and post-apocalyptic elements creates a unique and compelling story that will keep readers on the edge of... more>> their seats. The world-building is top-notch, the characters are engaging, and the plot is full of twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end. <<less
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j.rosna rated it
February 23, 2023
Status: Completed
[Please don't drop just because of some reviews. Give it some try and then decide whether you liked it or not.]

Finally finished this novel but now I'm feeling sad and empty.

Great plot & world-building. For me, not even a single arc felt boring. Every single characters were unique and interesting. Aside for MC and ml, Bai Ruoyao is my favourite character. He was annoyingly funny and I love him so much😭❤️.

Overall, one of the best survival game themed novel.

P.S. More focused on plot (99%) than romance (1%)
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