The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy


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[The Demon King is Dead] is a story in which the Demon King was immediately killed off in the Prologue.

And I became the ‘Demon Prince’ of said novel.

…Help me.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Demon King of the Royal Class
The Devil Comes To The Academy
마왕은 학원에 간다
Related Series
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (11)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. grateful's list of novels I'm grateful for
  3. Nice story
  4. My little corner
  5. enjoyed my time

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183 Reviews sorted by

Goodguy6911 rated it
November 28, 2022
Status: c233
Reading reviews Is the most pointless thing ever. It may be usefull for mangas since everybody more or less reads the same mangas, but when it comes to novels everybody has their own kinks. I like subtle romance developing over many chapters, if there is none I can't really relate to the story since it seems pretty gay for there not to be any romance. Poor to rich = my shit. Side character development, multiple pov, weak to strong, smart but not unimaginably intelligent, if a novel checks those boxes... more>> then I don't care much about anything else. Just don't use this novel to set the bar, if you do then you won't be able to read much of anything else. Anyway haters always gonna hate, I know cause I wanna hate sometimes too~. Just not on a master piece like this. What would make this story the best story ever is if at the end he just f*cks all the girls but not in a s*upid Chinese Chad way but he gets drunk and just blam blams them all and they get preggers hahaha. I guess the reason why I wish that is because I have unfulfilled childhood dreams of getting down with all the girls that like me even if only a bit. Since there's a shounen tag on some sites I'll give up on that. Still 10/10. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
November 24, 2022
Status: c123
Meh, I thought the joke was that this is not a slice-of-life school novel. But it is.

The cool parts and schemes are amazing, but then there is too much fluff. As soon as cooking becomes more important than scheming I am out. 3/5
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May 10, 2022
Status: c170
Character development is pretty good on all his classmates. Despite being an isekai he isnt so op and the author doesnt just skip over the training like most do. Its slow but the growth of the characters makes it bearable. I think the story would have been more interesting as a regular fantasy than an isekai, telling the story of the demon kings son and his quest for revenge, as well as the bonds he makes at temple with his classmates. Making it harder to betray them when the time... more>> comes. <<less
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Thecomicgeek rated it
March 16, 2022
Status: v1c130
An author who half-assed a story is transported inside of said story, now he is trying to deal with the situation with his knowledge of the general events while finding out that the parts he didnt care about writing got filled in to make the world more logical leading to many interesting developments, Its quite a good and engaging novel.

The world building, character profiles and development are rather nice as well. There is also alot of focus on inter-personal relationships rather than fighting but when fights do happen they are... more>> great, political intrigues the relationship between the rival royal siblings for example are more complicated than it initially seems and not just a matter of them hating each other to get the throne. Readers who prefer more action packed content may get frustrated with this book though, but do bear in mind the current arc of the book is the "peaceful" academic days where the author/MC learns more about the world as it is rather than as he wrote.

Translation is very good, updates are fairly regular. A good addition to any reading list. <<less
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pomoli rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: c66
I really like it, but it's laborious.


  • MC isn't a pushover, but not in a bad way, he just never lets other bully him, it's quite refreshing to see an MC with an attitude but still good natured overall. He even teases others, basically using the fact that he is an adult soul inside a teen one, to easily outplay the other teens.
  • It looks like the romance/harem is gonna be slow, which is good as all female characters are well developed and interesting on their own. It also helps a lot that MC isn't 24/7 h**ny or harem seeking.
  • Pretty illustrations, the characters look nice.
  • Enemies, at least the ones introduced right now, and outside of the usual fodder, seem clever and scheming, not just comically evil.
  • Long chapters, good translation so far (ch66).

  • MC thinks ALL THE TIME about how he failed as an author, and he does description/introspection about it for too long, ruining some scenes. It just goes on and on and on... Just stop! Because of that the beginning was painful (until chapter 25-30). Last chapters are a little bit better about it.
  • The comedy with his demon friends is uninteresting. In fact, up to now, the school part is the best thing about the novel, the rest is boring (outside of the escape of the first chapters).
  • The way the system/quest giver is made pisses me off, even if I know it was done for comedic purposes.
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Bellcits rated it
September 23, 2021
Status: c24
It's not bad but it's not good either and I can't say much without saying spoilers so...

i've returned after trying to read more and here comes more.
The MC is basically the author himself, the plot is still himself being the only one true "Person-character" and I still can't believe people really read it more than 50 chapters... damn, the author knows how bad he can write something and gives poor excuses over and over again, it's a waste of time, and yeah, it looks like harem novel, but hey, you really want to see a guy romancing fake person-like characters? like you can say "hey there's some plot where people marry robots" yeah, but these robots had a real personality even though these were made only to please their owner, or like Joacquin Phoenix movie where you can see his characters feels and how he feels, it's a plot made on his POV, where we as the viewer can learn about the HUMAN-person, here it's obviously not that... it's like Smartphone isekai... it's a poor written novel to please people with Grandiose Delusions to like.


How can I start saying bad things about this? OK, first this world is a incomplete web novel with a lot of unexplaned things, and by that I mean both the world inside the novel AND the "outside" world, so the author can make anything really he can make anything, the imperial capital is actually Seoul but huh... "unmordenized but it still is modernized" the author couldn't build it on a good way but he gave a explanation through MC that can kinda explain but not that good so I won't say it's a good or bad point, I can only say is disliked it a lot

because it is a incomplete world and MC (AUTHOR) can come up with any bullsh*t like there's literally a skill that gives MC the way he needs to go, it's just poor writting, you know these movies/series/novels that come up with any bullsh*t to explain how the things happens? this is it, and it isn't good also there's another problem that I prefer to say it on spoilers about characters.

There's these races it's actually species but whatever I won't complain, Demons (which is actually a lot of species with different species skills and etc) and humans (that is the same as any random fantasy world they can have a lot of different powers and blah blah blah, really the author took my time to read things and just after he comes up with exceptions, I hate this guy)

You know, the thing I loved the most is how all characters don't make sense there's some exceptions ofc but the reason is I didn't read enough to know these exceptions

Metamorph guy: forgot his name he really does exist, he is a fanatical about how arcdemons should be kings because they help all demon species to coexist he makes sense, he has good personality he keeps what he was made to do.

Werewolf girl: forgot her name and don't care either, she doesn't do much, she acts as a dog cuz MC old owner trained her to be this way, she's there she acts this way.

Vampire girl: forgot her name and I care even less about her, She's a Hypocrite she know that the ones who started the war was the human side and massacrated them for really no reason but still chooses the human side because... dunno she almost killed MC so that he can't be demon king but she knew that if MC dies all demons will lose control and fight each other and end up all dead even herself, shouldn't she like... help the demon side win so there's only demons alive? even I could think that... imagine someone that was made smart (by the plot) but not even tried to think? I know she hates the war but enough to sacrifice the entire demon population? she's actually worse than the metamorph that was said that he would kill everyone that MC loves so he can become king cuz he wants a king to command all demons so they won't end up dead.

Now the spoilers: Because MC can make things happens out of nowhere and even change how characters act any time it makes you think the world is "punishment game" ok, I get it, but... it's a novel... so we as the reader should only think of the characters as dolls being controlled by something... that's being a big plot hole you know... that's why all other novels with the same settings made so they got sent to a real world that the novel and characters are real and feel emotions... or even make the MC that is the author not even having a system to help them or tell them that what they wrote was actually only a reflection of the world they are right now or even just say they misundestood their past life with the new life so they thought they were in a novel but this author can't fix this hole not even if he tries it's not a real world but just game world with NPC so if MC ends up marrying any girl it's like he's marrying dolls.


Good Opinions about this novel:

There's none, the novel isn't really good, but I will keep try to read but really, this novel only 24 chapters made me feel how bad some writters can make their novel without even think about world, characters or anything that makes sense in a short time that feel like years (i felt it since chapter 2)

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Pushing3636 rated it
March 16, 2024
Status: Completed
First part absolutely awesome. Then you get mad because it was such a good novel

However the start of the big incident just doesn't sit right with me and the entire time since that moment in the back of my head I'm thinking that which kinda killed it a bit for me.

I feel like second half was botched and even the end.
    • His character development was weird.

In the novel Ellen even says if the demon King attacks the persons I love basically (Reinhardt) I will become the hero or even says to Loyar I could die for him, yet when she find out he IS the demon king goes to Bertus??

If we were going with Ellen her character it would even make more sense to say something to Charlotte {If you tell anyone Ill kill you or even without saying anything kill her}

And even IF she didn't that we would see her confronting Reinhard herself why wouldn't she, she is even stronger then him.

Especially because we see the student who was killed by Ellen even change and try to kill Ellen and Charlotte.
Ludwig was also botched
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MidnightWisp rated it
February 3, 2024
Status: --
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EstrelaAura rated it
August 13, 2023
Status: Completed
This is one of those reads that blows your mind. The highlight goes to the fun interaction between the characters, each with their characteristics effectively influencing the development of the story. It's a sad story, but worth reading.
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WindFiend rated it
July 30, 2023
Status: Completed
I would score it as 4.5 due to the fact there are some parts of this novel I do enjoy re-reading. If you ask me, I believe the story should have ended at 380~ chapters because after arc 1 (and the messing drama near the end of arc 1), arc 2 isn't as interesting. In my opinion.

The story is still enjoyable and the twist and turns this story has, it is okay. But some subplots are left alone in favour of story progression and some events are skipped over, which... more>> left a smaller impact than I would like to see. I really like the story but the leftover frustrations from arc 2 and sidestories are not enough to feel like this is the best conclusion for the story, but that is my bias. I believe that the author has the right to end the story the way they want and the conclusion isn't something always acceptable to the reader since each reader has their own interpretation of their own unique ending.


Arc 1 is perfect set-up with light humour and a nice slice-of-life feel, with the main character as a demon king in hiding, it makes a nice suspense with his identity playing a part of the plotting in the background.

Arc 2 is a division of a bunch of stories; a loose strings of events which takes a different tone from the mild arc 1.

The sidestories... well, some are a hit while some are whatever. I am more disappointed with the fact that Ellen's and Reinhardt's relationship is somewhat repaired, yet never goes as farther than 'they have a kid now.' Like, I prefer more confrontation of their emotions than just one instance of it, so I feel like it never really got resolved and left with this awkward conclusion of the story.

What really upset me is the achievement system became nothing but a background feature with his one death video. No personality exist during arc 2, which makes its condescending nature in arc 1 a sad and empty development.

Another thing: after he finished his story, he was suppose to be in heaven. I mean, that was the premises of the story, but his life continuing was a bit weird but I liked it since it means the story would had to continue one way or another.


I would probably re-read the earlier part of the story since I enjoy those light-hearted moments and suspenseful tension of this character. While the second half is still good, I wouldn't read again. It is enough for one read.

Carefully consider if you want to read this one, because while there are different opinions on this novel, overall, it has its good moments and its bad moments. <<less
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DaoLaw rated it
July 19, 2023
Status: Completed
I loved it, the Slice of Life part was awesome, the genre switch was pain but I loved it all the way.

I loved all those crazy morons.
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ksandung rated it
July 16, 2023
Status: c315
The novel wrote by Korean. I can see why the MC's character different to shounen MC in general, tho in the early story MC seemed no different to typical delusional shounen MC. The other character also similar to those subculture JWN characters but not that really 1 dimensional. The interaction between MC and other characters is refreshing if you're used to reading JWN. But but but it's shame the writing seemed influenced by tr*shy writing JWN in general. Repeated information, obvious and unnecessary explanation, and unnecessary details. IMO, those things... more>> what makes WN tr*shy work in general. In this WN's case they repeated the already known information and explain obvious information which originally 1 paragraph stretched to few paragraphs to few pages again and again with the same structure. They do it as if their target audience is a reader who has goldfish memory. It's annoying I need to skimming few times just in 1 chapter and often lost trying to figure out what author trying to say but turned out they explain something that already obviously clear or repeat an obviously clear information that they already wrote beforehand. Fak. Yes I'm mad. 2 star is already generous. This should get 0 star. If the author got an editor like my language teacher, they would get F grade for many wasted word.
And about faith and religion in this story, it doesn't make sense. Author don't get what they wrote. What they wrote is cult, cult mentality, brainwash, and typical sociopath instead of faith and religion. Due to inability of author to make it clear, this thing turned into a plot device for convenient excuse to justify racist, no, speciesist war. This device made the world magically lack of literacy despite the world setting supposed has high literacy and more advance than real world. And the last thing, this novel wrote by Korean so be prepared your brain get shut down because of forced drama. This genre is infuriating. Every character magically shares the same philosophy even though they supposed has different character and mind. Ugh, I want to ask author that write this genre, are they anti realism healthy relationship or something? This genre is honestly bad, immature reader would build unrealistic standard and just like addicted to p0rn, their relationship would be unfulfilling and delusioned and confused unable to separate between lust, ego, and love.

Finally, for authors that use those kinds of writing, thank you for writing despite your bad skill. And at the same time, F U. <<less
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sineazaroth rated it
July 10, 2023
Status: Completed
This falls quite short of 5 star material.

The overall plot is generally well written and the cast is great. As many reveiewers talk about, the first half is very good. Comedy, slice-of-life, good feels, and a lot of drama. The characters are well done in the beginning.

The second half, much like the premise of the story, flips the table and a lot of constructs in the first half become irrelevant or get dropped without much explanation. The writing seems to change a little too, although that might be due to... more>> MTL where things are described in a circular manner that is very repetititive. The benefit is that the reasoning for how the plot progresses is explained in depth which can bog down the pace.

Personally, the biggest shortcoming for DPGA is probably the harem element. Maybe its just the culture of that world, but there's a pretty severe lack of intimacy beyond platonic day-to-day stuff (which is well done). This goes all the way to deep in the epilogue which seems pretty unrealistic. Maybe they're just too busy to get busy? or even hold hands for that matter. The platonic parts are good, and the girls are nice... but that's about it. Thankfully the author doesn't touch the line often so the MC can at least avoid a beta-male persona. The best part about the harem is the tsukkomi at the end of the day.

Ultimately the greatest injustice from the author is probably Ellen's treatment, but none of the relationships really feel all that satisfying at the end. Let alone the main female leads, the subs are severely neglected in the second half and even the end result of the harem is a pretty severe disappointment. Eleris's conclusion is perhaps the only one that ends up feeling right.

That said, for what its worth, the mystery, tragedy, inevitability, interconnectedness/butterfly effect make for an interesting read that I found enjoyable enough to finish. The more I reflect on it though, the more I realize its mediocrity. <<less
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Sheepraxis rated it
July 5, 2023
Status: c500
Story was very good until around 350ish chapter. Fun and interesting characters along with dialogues and plot. It began kind of serious but mostly lighthearted. After chapterb 350 when the story stops being in the academy I guess the author just decided to destroy his work. It became more and more depressing with author emphasizing main characters burden and whatnot. Just bullshit. Skipped some chapters out of curiosity and it was getting only worse so I decided to drop it.
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ManLord rated it
June 24, 2023
Status: Completed
this is novel is great. Every plot is interesting and mostly original.

I put high expectation on this and it got answered with satisfaction.

however, ... more>>

in the beginning gate arc and the afterward , the plot kinda lack of consistency,

to make dramatic plot, the author throw away or nerf some character's OP ability.

it feels like plot hole


im impressed by the magic system on this novel unlike other fantasy novel that said "magic is magic, so no need explanation,

this novel explain magic with a good detail detail, it interesting and feel logic, it like make something with high level language programming

it's clear that the author put a lot of thought on it.

rating 4.5 <<less
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kirtil rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: --
Couldn't even get past the beginning chapters. Author kept going off into tangents, delve into unnecessary and irrelevant things (not related to the scene). The MC is said to be the author of the book he is transmigrated into. His inner monologue is always "oh woe me" because he can't remember what he wrote most of the time and the things he did not write about were "auto filled" without his knowledge. Despite the dangerous situation he is in, and even tho he keeps saying how lost he is, he... more>> always acts without thinking, and always in the most s*upid way possible.


In one scene he asks a question and the options he receive is either a vague answer that will always end good and or a clear answer that is most certainly a trap. He decides on vague, doesn't understand what it means (the meaning/clue was really obvious to me), doesn't take time to think about it and he asks the same question again to get a clear answer. Then he proceeds to do what the answer tells him to do, completely forgetting the clear answer was a trap.


The book was too s*upid and cringe so I decided to skip this one. <<less
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Pretender rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: Completed
(my opinions, my interpretations, subjective: for me a 3star) Same as a lot of plp already pointed, until 400 yep, from there on meh. And it's not even cause it turns "dark/tragedy" or something like this (and I would even debate this ... more>>

he tries to "attack on titan" things saying there's no solutions and all but no central character dies, some sides that you have favorable feelings do but the story doesn't build anything on it so you don't even feel it. ludwigs drama is just annoying most of the time, and the ghost thing just as much. harem happy ending, bertus (never liked the guy, still he got saviolin at the end) happy ending, combat guy thunder girl happy ending etc.

) but more about other things: characters acting out of their patterns for some chapters to switch the plot, the author doing too much to correct the backlash of the audience's feelings for them, the MC becoming a complete incompetent on everything with too many conveniences covering for him, too many anticlimactic and unsatisfactory resolutions... then it ends and you think: fuc it, at least some fan service so I can go away with no bad taste on my mouth, I liked those characters for the first half after all... and the guy is too lazy even for that, the mf just teases and goes away, lol. <<less
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Remos_Decorum rated it
June 11, 2023
Status: c703
So, Fortunately and unfortunately I loved this story... at least for the first half. The Second half, completely bummed me out. The author is a wonderful writer, and the translation is very professionally done, but this story is missing one thing in particular... a sense of wholesomeness.

Too many characters got less than they deserved in my opinion, and I think that ultimately it comes down to that old adage "you can't have your cake and eat it too" I think overall the characters are likable and have depth, but the... more>> harem aspect of this ruins the depth of romance that could of been possible for the main and any one of the lead heroines. So although the story is good, it misses the mark of greatness. love the author for crafting the world though and I hope that one day I'll be able to read something similar and feel happy for the outcome as is it's good. just not great. <<less
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June 6, 2023
Status: c450
About halfway through the story it starts to become stale. The author can really pad a story with filler. Now there are many leaps in logic to create drama that don't make sense, but the author treats them as a matter of fact.

The story has also become a melodramatic love triangle/square.
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Index154 rated it
January 28, 2023
Status: c253
I picked this up because I was craving some romance and I don't regret my decision. While the author goes into a lot of unnecessary detail and even repeats things that are obvious, I still really enjoyed the underlying story of this novel so far. So if you care about the flow of the writing then this is probably not for you. But if you're someone who doesn't mind quickly skimming through the boring sections to get to the juicy parts then I can recommend this work.

The characters are interesting... more>> to me and the girls don't just suddenly fall in love with the MC for no reason. It actually takes about 150 chapters before they start to develop any concrete feelings (and even 100 chapters later they haven't started getting super intimate yet). This is a good thing to me.

I quite like how the protagonist's true identity is treated as an important secret that must never be revealed and there is actual emotional significance to it. I'm looking forward to how this will be dealt with later on.

Even though the only part of this novel that I can really praise is the characters' relationships, I still feel like rating it this highly because I haven't read a good romance in a long time and this managed to make me feel satisfied so far. <<less
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