Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong


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As a true over-bearing president scum gong, when Xie He for the nth time rejected his admirer, he heard a sentence in his head: “Congratulations on achieving the “rejects 100 hosts” accomplishment; as an award you will soon bind to the “Scum Gong and Cheap Shou” system, entering other worlds to complete capture missions.

As a scum gong, Xie He expresses that it is very easy to hide one’s true colors, but…

“I Heard My Boyfriend’s Brother Secretly Loves Me,”

“Teacher Love Me One More Time,”

“Raising Youth Manual,”

“Your Majesty, This Servant Obeys,”

“The Tyrant Lord’s Substitute Lover,”

“Captive of the Empire,”

“Disciple’s Cultivation Furnace”…

Xie He: Wait a minute. These words sound really strange… and why is my role the ‘cheap shou’?

System: Fighting poison with poison. Using scum to overcome scum. I’ll be relying on you to abuse the scum gong! Remember to not OOC~

Xie He: Hehe.


Xie He: Hm? You say all the scum gong love me? Sorry, I only love myself.

Scum gong: ???

Associated Names
One entry per line
Công Lược Tra Công Kia
Related Series
The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide (Sequel)
The Perfect Destiny (13)
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Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do! (5)
Seeking Good Temptation (4)
Even Until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I Was a White Lotus (4)
Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin (4)
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  1. C-bl novels
  2. Danmei I've read part 3
  3. Qt prose parades!
  4. To be read
  5. Completed Novels

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sanjiang rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: c187
Extremely melodramatic, with a sh*t ton of dog-blood and over the top plotlines. First 2-3 arcs were a decent read, characters were okay and plots weren't bad. But after a while, everything felt the same, it just became boring and repetitive.

Criticism ahead, a lot of which you may not necessarily agree with.

Although there were a variety of worlds (mostly typical ones you'd see in any other QT novels) the plot would always be directed on the same path, with little difference.

ML does some wacky sh*t and hurts the MC, ML r*pes MC/falls in love with him while at it, MC emotionally abuses ML to hell (whilst maintaining the innocent facade to stick to the character setting) and usually when MC is on the verge of literally dying or some sudden plot twist happens, ML regrets it and tries to repent.

The author seems to have a very prominent r*pe fetish too. R*pe, r*pe, r*pe and r*pe. Just endless, nonstop r*pe. I don't particularly care about fictional non-consensual content, but it was as if the main centerpiece for every single arc was just the r*pey smut and the abuse that comes after or inbetween. And all of it is fine because the MC enjoys it or something.

Also, the MC is alright but a bit annoying. He's portrayed as this sort of cunning and wily guy who has an extremely high IQ and EQ, (444 being there to literally just show off the contrast in intelligence incessantly). In addition to that though, he's too much of a Gary Stu. He is apparently so intelligent that no plan of his can ever spiral out of control, and that he can predict every single thing that would happen and everything fits in the palm of his hand and never leads away from his predictions. It's too absurd for me.

Two more things I've seen other reviews point out: The monologues that the author inserts into a multitude of scenes seem to be an attempt to show off how guileful and devious the MC is. The thing is, it doesn't. The reasoning he uses to back up his (horrid) strategies is absolutely dreadful. Not to mention the over the top misandry in his speech. 'Men only think with their lower halves'? Really? Even so, he spews this bullsh*t reasoning like he's some sort of topnotch, highly skilled psychologist. Even though he was literally a (?) CEO in his original world. Oh, and, where the f*ck did those acting skills come from? He's a CEO. A C-E-O. Not an actor. Not a psychologist. Wayyy too many plotholes.

Not to mention, the characters are flat. Boring. Extremely, extremely bland. I saw another review saying that the characters are complex and deep, and that's just false. Other than the MC and ML, these characters serve little to no purpose. They are just there in the background, even if they're supposed to be significant. They just don't have any impact on the plot. Even then, they're still apparently important capture targets that give thousands of points when they barely appear? Most of them are usually just stereotypical 2nd or 3rd leads, with no deepness at all. Boring, boring, and boring. Can I say anymore?

A lot of the stuff is utter bullsh*t too. Getting a fever from ejaculatory fluids? (Possible but rare. Why is it treated as if it's an inevitable occurrence? Where is the author getting this medical knowledge from???) Blood transfusion via drinking it?? It's nonsensical, even if it's supposed to be a plot device.

Couldn't continue reading after arduously going through around 4/5ths of the book. Was on the verge of quitting numerous times, but I find it difficult to just drop something.

There were some good elements to the novel (probably why I could actually go through it and not just drop it at once) but it was far too unmemorable for me to recount. The story is pretty forgettable as you keep going further into it.

Typical QT novel, standard worlds, standard MC, standard writing. 2.5 rounded down to a 2 because of aforementioned horrendously large amount of r*pe smut.

Shown through the polar opposite reviews on this site, you either love this novel or hate it.

Translation was good, pretty standard with little to no typos or mistakes.
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Ciel_Luna rated it
May 19, 2021
Status: Completed
This a very melodramatic, heart aching and wild novel. This novel's arcs made me cry to the point that my eyes became swollen😅.

Like I'm not a fan of self torture so when the MC faced those horrible events (enjoyably) I was bawling. Like it was literally torture. If not physically then mentally also spiritually.

The characteristic I like about MC (Xie He) is that he knows how to "torture" himself in each arc but he has the last laugh in the end. Like his character will suffer a lot of unimaginable... more>> and horrible events but he's enjoying it deliciously. Haha😂 I really love his egoistic personality. That is what "Love Yourself" means and also "Being harsh towards your foes but also yourself".

And I really like how honest he is on expressing his desire for s*x😂 I can already imagine the sufferings our Gong experienced during their time together. Also the MC is not really that OP because for me being OP is someone having everything while they don't deserve it. The MC is just so clever, sinister and well calculating.

If my memory serves me well I can honestly say that the only time the MC bought something from the store that might help him personally to get the Gong's affection just happened in the first arc. Well I guess he also bought the cancer family's baby in order to get stage 3 cancer to get the last 2 points in order to leave and make the Gong suffer. And the rest are just varieties of food across the dimensions. He is a certified glutton😂

If you don't believe me I will tell you that you won't even notice that he's using a product from the store because he's not using one. He can achieve those obstacles without the products from the system but as I said he will never injustice himself. "Why waste time when you have every card in your disposal?"

As you can all see I'm obsessed with Xie He❤️ He's my idol❤️❤️

For the Gong he's very cute☺️ and a stallion😊

For our System, our cutie 444, I ❤️U😂☺️ <<less
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Kirill rated it
June 3, 2020
Status: c107
Repetitive forced relationships & r*pe at this point is insanely boring.

Despite the fact MC is supposedly smart, he always have to use the pattern of getting r*ped, then getting forced into a relationship finally getting some deadly illness every single arc/world.

I just had enough of this
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Lotus200 rated it
April 3, 2020
Status: Completed
The title should be "Strategy to Abuse that Scum Gong". The MC is a capture target, who has never been captured by any host. After making 100 hosts fail their mission, he is given the opportunity to become a host himself. He captures the targets by making them realize his importance to them and then make them lose it by their own hands. The capture targets are scum, but even I feel bad for them after what the MC makes them go through. Each world end tragically, but the novel... more>> has a happy ending! <<less
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June 4, 2022
Status: --
I actually had a great time reading this novel its pretty fun to be honest just mind the tags and trigger warnings it's definitely not for everyone and idk why people are attacking the author when literally the entire point of this novel is trauma p*rn like that's pretty much the point I think tragedy upon tragedy but yeah it was a good read when you want to feel something mind the tags and if you find that you can't stomach it go on your way <3
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Hellios rated it
January 29, 2022
Status: Completed

I’m totally in love with this worlds, with the systems and the main couple. It was always interesting with so much different emotions and plot twists.

Thank you so much for your hard work, author and translators! Translation is really high quality.

This novel is nothing like any other that you can find. You will love from the start or drop it with hate, as I think. This is just sooooooo different and opposite all the times.
I love the pace and how the plot going. I also love the ending. It was really fulfilling.
And I’m really happy that we have only one ML here. I was a little bit concerned about this while reading.

It’s difficult to describe more about the novel and to not spoil to much, so I would rather not. I genuinely recommend you give this novel a try.

I will really reread this again. It’s just too much of masterpiece to read it only ones. This is my most beloved novel ever.
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I can't stress this enough READ THE TAGS! This work has a lot of tragedies, and you will nose dive into the dark stuff.

I'm writing this so I can remember each world, the spoilers contain the MCs endings, everything else is just my reaction to this rollercoaster:

I'm crying and I only just finished the first story, wtf I cried waaaayyy too much I'm gonna be a mess once I finish reading this whole story.

1: The first world was about the two brothers, the MC died in a life boat after hydrating the older brother his blood. Targets ending: he went off in a boat and never came back (implied su*cide)


2nd story: all I can say is that the ending was poetic, I cried again

2: was about the teacher Being blackmailed by the students, MC died of an overdose of sleeping pills. Targets ending: took the teachers mind frame and began to do good for the world


3rd story: it surprised me because I actually felt nothing for the dad, normally I feel something for the pricks. Is this me getting used to the sad endings? Probably not, he was just a dick. I cried for the MC tho

3: About the dad and illegitimate son, died by jumping off a bridge onto train tracks. Warning this one was gory here and there. Targets ending: went a bit crazy then vanished only appearing at the MCs grave every now and again


4th story: meh, for the amount of warnings I got I didn't cry at all, and I didn't like how they portrayed DID so that all made me not wanna cry.

4: Its about the emperor being overthrown, after his rebel target fell in love with him he got him to kill him. Targets ending: got turned into a bronze statue and stands next to the emperors grave


Story 5: Balled my eyes out at the ending there... IT HURTS WHEN THEY CHANGE FOR THE BETTER!

5: this ones about the actor and the rich man he slept with. My boy did the old cancer trick and died on the wedding night. Targets ending: grew old and never loved another, he set up a charity in the MCs name


story 6: was a fun read, the only time I cried was when I read the ending of the fiancée, they were happy tears


6: the space one, the MC was apart of the rebels this time and the target was the crow prince. Ending: This is a rare case in which the two died together, blowing up the capital planet


story 7: I'm here worrying my ti*s off from all this abuse and the MC is just going, "mmm kinky, mmm money" I'm crying out of frustration and sadness

7: cultivation world of a master and disciple. I can't tell you how the MC died because it was everything he went through that lead to his death. Target ending: went crazy and honoured his masters last words to explore the world


story 8: mother know best, and mother knows how to make me cry :')

8: classic enemies to lovers, the MC, a business man with a bit*h of a dead dad, and his target, his secretary and lover who's bent on revenge. Another uno reverse ending my guy got hit by a car. Target ending: continued living so the MCs sacrifice wasn't in vain, an implied su*cide after his mom died


story 9: the translators are mentioning gods... this target is gonna be a god huh? Hard to cry or feel pity when our MC is just complaining about the lack of meat, or loving the cage play


9: the MC was the elf king and the god of darkness was the target. I think the MC died from losing faith, age, and a contaminated body. Target ending: ripped out his god heart to give to the MC (it got sold in the shop). The extra points were from the newly made Pope/light god (I mention this because of his implied su*cide)


Story 10: the first warning you get is troubling...
Side note: the relationship the MC has with the system gives me life! They are such a cute duo and even when things are going to sh*t their banter makes me laugh as I cry.
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StarrEyed rated it
March 25, 2021
Status: --
If you scroll through the reviews you can see the multitude of reasons why people loved and/or hated this book. I'm pretty simple.....I hate when I finish a novel and feel like one side is 100% in love while the other is not. The MC said it perfectly himself.... The ML couldn't live without him and would die for him, but the MC would live just fine without the ML. I felt the ML's love. Was what he did at the beginning good? No, but the man didn't really have... more>> a choice.


The ML chose to fail his mission rather than have the MC see him die. He pretended that he liked the MC's brother and didn't care about the MC at all. Heartbreaking right? I thought so too..... except the MC knew the entire time that the ML loved him and was faking it. This whole thing was the MC releasing his anger on the ML. The people he slept with in the stories all had shards of the ML's soul, because the ML was always ALWAYS going to find a way to give the MC what he wanted the most.... his freedom. Was the ML s*upid sometimes? Hell yeah. Did he lack communication? Too many freaking times. Was he the biggest noble idiot in the word? Yes! Those are things I hate and usually turn me against a character. BUT THE MC KNEW ALL OF THIS THE WHOLE TIME. And instead of opening up the conversation and being honest himself he plays f*cking mind games with him when they go back to the real world. He starts a relationship and sleeps with someone else. He keeps albums of all his past host lovers. Forget that. ML totally deserved better. MC should continue in those stories because it's what he is great at.... being a despicable human being.


If the relationship between the ML and MC had been better in the real world final chapter, if there was some twist that made the MC's love clear, if there had literally been anything making this love believable then this story could have been a good one. But it didn't happen so this story sucks. <<less
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YoriMei rated it
March 1, 2020
Status: c55
The MC is truly one of the best QT protags I've had the pleasure to read in a long time! I love the competence, the skill and cool-headed attitude of the MC! I especially love how cute the system is, their master-pet relationship and the banter that the two have never fails to make me laugh! It's especially refreshing considering the typical "my host is an idiot..." or indifference that we usually see. Honestly, it wouldn't be an understatement that a good portion of my drive to read this story... more>> is for just the MC and system interactions!

That said, the story it's self is a bit refreshing but the same. Rather than trying to fandangle your way through a whole bunch of romance love stories, it's nothing but tragedies (in the arcs). Every arc is mostly A disregards B but then falls deeply in love but due to A's unrepentant carelessness/cruelty, B will never truly love them back. All the gong's are scum however, so beware of a lot of terrible things like r*pe/dubcon/etc. MC plans it so it's fake but the translator gives warnings, please heed them. <<less
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Kyaaaaaaaaa rated it
September 27, 2021
Status: --
Realistically, this deserves three stars. Sentimentally, it was four stars until it got repetitive and dull after the third arc. If you didn't like QWTFOD, then I don't think you would like this much either. The similarities between them include repetitive arcs, a slightly know-it-all (very described and "alluring") OP protagonist, and a hella possessive ML.

However, I don't mind any of those because I was looking for a read just to pass time and involved not much thinking. Personally, if you are the type to like dog blood plots but... more>> also hate it when said plots are actually real (for example, the MC actually dies because of a tr*shy ML) , you might like this. Your desire for both revenge not at the expense of the MC and a tragic story is here! However I do have to admit "Don't Pick Up Boyfriends from the tr*sh Bin" is a way better rendition of this novel, though the tragic story part is scrapped out (at least for the MC) and the revenge is more consolidated.

But I also have to admit that here, revenge is conducted in a twisted way possible. Our scum MC makes the scummiest people fall in love with him (the same people who ironically think they have him in the palm of their hand) and then slowly leads them into destruction and despair, and then ends it with a cherry on top through his death.

Honestly, if I think too much about it, a lot of plot questions and valid concerns will arise in me, so I'm just going to leave it there. But the author has a (good, descriptive) writing style where she will immerse you in the character the MC is playing (satisfying your dog blood needs), but also give you a clear awareness that the plot is just the MC playing everyone along (satisfying revenge needs). Until.. That is, the fourth arc and after. At that point, it's just monotonous. So the only thing I can say about this novel is that it is there to satisfy your dog blood needs, not plot quality needs. It's good when you need something to read when you're busy and so and need something to take your mind off things. It's by far not the best novel to exist, and only works for a few arcs before you take a "break" that you never come back from.

Edit: Honestly, I didn't really want to continue any longer if I felt like I was struggling to finish this novel. If reviewers say that it really picks up pace in later arcs, must I be around for that? Must I have to torture myself for a novel that could not keep me engaged until the last few arcs? The truth is that the substance of this novel relies on dog blood and little easter eggs that foreshadow the ending. But it was just not enough for me to be engaged. Though the ending was nice. So I'll leave it at a tentative 3.5 stars. <<less
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sapphireader.weeb rated it
March 14, 2021
Status: Completed
My overall rating: 4.8/5 (rounded up for translation quality and fondness for the novel itself)

Not gonna lie, I'm massively disappointed by this novel's rating, it deserves a much better score. I've read this novel twice and it's enjoyable both times around. Before the explanation on the novel itself, let's go over some other common issues revolving around this novel. First of all, many of the comments rate the novel one star because of r*pe and non-con and while yes, those are inhumane crimes, but please do not criticize a... more>> work of fiction for something that is explicitly already mentioned about it beforehand. I mean, the tags in this website itself contain r*pe, s*xual ass*ult, and many other ones. Not to mention how the translators also warn readers about this in the summary itself on Chrysanthemum Garden. While I agree that romancized r*pe and non-con is a prominent issue among homos*xual people, especially for guys, this novel directly acknowledges that this novel does not portray a healthy relationship between the MC and ML. It's like giving a one star for a yaoi, adult novel when the genre itself already says smut, mature, and mlm. It's simple, do not pick up this novel if you are not okay with any of these elements in fictional works. If you find yourself okay with it irl, please seek a therapist ASAP, and if you are an adult, turn yourself over to legal authorities as well. Please note that this novel is just that type: it's a dark and tragic one. Do not expect a lot of fluff and romance over twisted, dark elements. The MC is an example of this himself- he's super twisted, but at the same time, he is somewhat fair and tbh, I love his character. I love fluffy, healthy bl and bg stories, but sometimes its nice to read dark, twisted, or angsty ones, it's just a reading preference. Kinda like how some people enjoy KS or other psychological yaoi mangas (although KS itself is not yaoi, but many yaoi horror mangas have been popping up lately too). As long as there are warnings and correct acknowledgement from the author, therefore resulting in awareness among readers as well, everything's cool. Nothing is disguised for something else or anything. That is basically this novel, except the MC, which will be explained more thoroughly. After that rant, let's move onto the novel elements themselves :3


MC: The MC is really umm, unique, among novel characters. First off, he's totally twisted and scummy inside. But he's also very manipulative, extremely high EQ and IQ, and [subtly] emotionally closed off. To be fair, please keep in mind that he is the MC of a dark quick transmigration novel where his capture targets are always sadistic and cold-blooded. If the author had written someone with normal common sense, they simply would not survive the situations that he [MC] is in and the readers would probably get annoyed with how weak and helpless they would be. Because this MC is spectacularly scummy, he is able to manipulate every character in each world extremely well and the progress of doing so is quite fascinating. His thoughts are also very amusing and humorous for those who love dark undertones.

ML: Honestly, he's pretty underdeveloped and lacks solid character foundation. Because each arc ends the same where

the ML basically abuses the MC (for various reasons, some of them are justifiable, some are just, not.), before growing to regret it with all his heart and learns to love the MC, but its too late because he ruined the MC and MC ends up dying tragically (note that all of this was planned by and acted out by the MC),

it's hard to tell where his character development is. If you look at each arc individually, his character development is astronomical, but as a whole, it's lacking and the reader cannot really decipher what his true personality traits are either, except for, to list a few: possessive, controlling, domineering, volatile, emotionally unstable, etc. ML's lack of development did not bother me too much because I just enjoyed the MC's perspective and I was completely biased of the MC while just looking forward to the ML being abused and his regret (sadistic side coming out woot woot).

The system: I honestly liked the system and it was probably my second favorite character, after the MC LOL. The system compliments MC quite well, in the sense where it starts out completely innocent and naïve, but slowly learns to adjust to the MC's scheming plans, but it does not completely blacken either. Throughout the novel, it kinda represents the reader's thoughts and has the common sense and morals that MC 100% lacks. It's the one commenting how dark their [MC's and ML's] relationship (in each arc) and is probably the only one out of the three of them who isn't emotionally unstable/lacking, meaning that it reacts to each scene of each arc, crying at the sad/painful scenes, panicking at the scenes where MC seems as though he is about to die, etc. It's personality is cute and I like how it compliments MC, they interact quite often and are quite compatible :) (not romantically mind you lol).

Relationship (s)

Ngl, it's very hard to see the romance in this novel, because the MC is very guarded throughout the novel, for his own reasons. A part of it is strongly implied in the very beginning of the novel (ch. 1), which is also why he was chosen for this system in the first place. Chapter one spoiler, plus some additional analysis on it

Because the MC was originally a target for hosts go capture, he grew used to people throwing themselves at him in all sorts of different ways before dying tragically. Because of this, he suspected that they were targeting him and just got used to his lover dying. This is why he is able to control his affection for them so easily if I remember correctly, example being how his affection level went from 99 to 0 once the host (Daniel-?) died in the hospital in the first chapter. He went through that process of growing fond and possibly loving them for them to die tragically (and dramatically) in the end due to unnatural means (disease, accidents, etc.) 100 times, so that is a reason why he does not seem to be very emotionally attached to any characters in the worlds he transmigrates into, including the ML himself and second leads.


A small spoiler about a side CP

The two systems, the MC's system and ML's system, they are so cute :) they're only implied and shown in the extras where it is told from ML's system's PoV, but I sense potential and it's a healthy one OwO Kinda wish they developed further on that, but oh well~



I personally enjoyed and loved each arc, the author's plotline of each was very interesting and refreshing in the dark sense. The side characters are clearly written as side characters, where MC obviously just uses them for his objection, but a selective few play prominent roles in the plot of each individual arc- you get quite attached to a few of them :^ The plot as a whole, some readers may get bored since each arc repeats the essential occurrences:

ML mistreats MC, MC suffers for a while, ML slowly gets attached, MC causes some events to make the ML grow more fond of them, ML realizes he loves MC, something happens to either ruin MC mentally or physically, MC becomes scarred or traumatized, ML regrets (this is my favorite part btw <3), MC dies and ML either chooses to die with him or spends the rest of his life in misery

but each execution is different due to different circumstances, so many readers will also enjoy this, like me^^ each arc is tear-jerking :') although I will also mention that my reading preference is fairly lighthearted: I become infuriated at the ML's current role in many of the arcs and launch mental rants inside my head about morals, legality, ethics, principals, etc., which is why each arc's ML's pain brings so much satisfaction to me :)


The translation is top-tier of course, what else to expect from Chrysanthemum Garden :D everything is clear and grammatically correct, no spelling mistakes either. The novel has been completely translated so feel free to binge read it all the way through UwU

Summary: Basically, I highly recommend this novel if it fits your tastes, meaning if you particularly enjoy one of these elements and can at least tolerate the rest: angst, tragedy, dark humor, drama, twisted romance, gore, possessive semes, bad*ss/smart MCs. Although, the age range I'd say would be about 15+ with a clear line between healthy relationships and toxic ones beforehand, not counting individual factors like maturity, mental stability, any potential past traumas or negative experiences with anything this novel might have mentioned, etc.

Additionally, potential trigger warnings, just in case the tags miss any


These are the ones I can currently remember: r*pe, s*xual assault, Stockholm syndrome, in*est (not literally, but arc 2:


ML and MC were initially father and son, but ML learns that MC is not actually his son and then basically coerces MC into a dark sugar daddy relationship


forced use of s*x toys, mentions of torture, gore, s*xual torture, s*aves, s*x s*aves, abuse, blackmail, su*cide, victim blaming and nonconsensual use of drugs (arc 3)

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dee_ism rated it
January 21, 2021
Status: Completed
DOG BLOOD story. You read the first and the last arc would be enough.

I've read the reviews, I'm fully aware what I'm going to read, yet still manage to get disappointed.

There's no depth in this story, only dog blood here and there. When you want to get immersed in the angst, the conversation between MC and the system ruin it, bcoz you know it's fake.

Repetitive as hell: MC know ML, ML hurts MC, MC is forced to comply (forced s*x and r*pe), ML realizes mistakes, ML desperately holding on MC,... more>> MC lost himself, MC dead, rinse and repeat

The only reason I give 2 stars is because at least the ending wrapped quite well, and the description of the world is acceptable. <<less
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Kirksssss rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm giving this a 5 mainly because of the last arc.

I originally wanted to give like 3 or 4 because the plot is repetitive but that last arc really hit my spot.

Aside from the fact that

... more>>

the arcs' plots are almost the same where the MC is going to mess with the ML and then make the ML throw the MC away, hurt him, that sh*t or whatever and then regret whatever the hell they did in the end of the arc and then the MC dies and the ML either goes crazy, follow what the MC wanted him to do then su*cide or just straight out kills himself


Which really ticked me off but all of it was tied up really nicely at the last arc, everything was explained.

There was one arc I almost made myself skip tho


the arc where MC is named Lin Xing or something and the ML is his brother (though not really his brother cause MC was adopted into the ml's family), when I read the warning that there qas drug non-con and sh*t I thought nothing of it, but when I read that part, I could feel my heart breaking for MC even if I know he's just acting


Overall, this story is very well- written for me. I cried a river of tears lol. If you don't wamma experience feeling like your moral values are fading to the point where you almost don't care anymore because of all the angst, abuse, etc. You're reading then don't read this cause it's not for you. But for those who can tolerate that stuff, I really recommend this. <<less
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neuxxx rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: c70

My brain didn't register what was really happening to MC due to all that despair and drama. Turns out the novel is full of abuses: r@pe, torture, and drugs etc. The author keep it well balanced somehow?? I didn't even realize the MC was r@ped?!! Really shocked me to the core that I can't even recognize all those terrible deeds. After reading 5 or 6 arcs, I can assure you the violence will not end, but it will get worse. For the sake of karma and revenge, and for the... more>> end of each sad arc I kept torturing myself to finish reading it. Also, really liked the western fantasy one where he was elf king, it was so light and kinda romantic. Little bit similar to future sci-fi one. The author covers almost all genres, so it's great (excluding abuses but who am I kidding? It's all there in the title and tags) I would change ratings to 3.8 because everyone gets what they deserve at the end of each arc.

Previous review:

I've never encountered a novel that played with all of my feelings like a person suffering in a toxic relationship but still holds hope for the partner to change just to get trampled by the toxic partner again until this one. I only read 3 arcs so far; but every one of them had me crying and I know I don't want to let myself suffer like this, but still can't stop reading this novel. It's a vicious cycle that I surprisingly adapted to already, crying my eyes out and drinking water and again crying with a headache. The only reason why I didn't stop reading this was because I know MC is acting. But that doesn't mean I can't feel a thing. This one hurts so bad. <<less
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1Sami rated it
January 9, 2020
Status: c44
The MC is really smart and doesn't have any morals. That sounds bad but, it makes the stories so much more interesting. All the worlds are unique too. This novel's amazing and if you like it, I recommend the perfect destiny as well. They're really similar.
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Raven Blues
Raven Blues rated it
September 1, 2019
Status: Completed
You want a dog blood drama in every chapter? Then this is the perfect novel for you who wants to squeeze the tear duct dry. :D

I love the characters, I love the systems, and I like the settings and worlds overall although you'll get a lot of cheesy and cliche situations. (but the characters make them fun)

I marathoning this novel via mtl and finished it in a few days, losing my sleep, and I have no regret.

This novel is very well written, but there's a lot of abuse so... more>> don't read it if you're not up to it.

There's a missing chapter on one of the arc and it's not even exist on jjxwz, and I still couldn't find the ending of that one arc, but it's all right.


The ending of the first arc is pretty absurd (you know when you read it), but it's better on the latter arc.

the most heartwreaching arc for me is the father (not) X son (not) and brother (not) X brother (not). Maybe because the character was tortured like that when they literally did nothing.

And on the very last arc, you'll get a freaking lore and dog food that didn't appear at all on all 12 arc. It is a very pleasant surprise and I'm very happy with the ending.


It is sad that I finished reading this, but I'm sure to wait for the translation to finished reading this novel properly (which mean I need to cry a lot again... QvQ)

And I highly recommend this novel. If you have time, read it if you can. I assure you it's very good. :) <<less
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honeypiee_67 rated it
August 21, 2023
Status: c27
At the moment, I'm at the second arc. I'll probably stop reading for the meantime, I'm going to wait for my mood to settle, only then I'll continue this.

Here's my review

Their love feels rather shallow.

... more>> The first world wasn't exactly bad but I can't say it's superficial. I'd rate it so-so.. Though, the introduction of the second arc had the potential.. I was screaming like A HAREM??! But no.. And the actual plot was actually kind of awful..

I was waiting and wondering how he'll turn the capture task favouring value but I'm dissatisfied and DISAPPOINTED.

It feels one dimensional.

They can't get me to relate, so bad that I just skim through the chapter.. I can't bring myself to force any emotions when it's supposed to be a heartbreaking moment. I feel tired reading.

But Ik some novel that start of bad then later improve so I'll see for myself the development of this.. I hope I won't waste my time tho, since there's alot more good novel out there.

The 3 star are not final rating and maybe I'll change it for the better or worst.

So.. Let's see :)

Also if you want to read the same kind of genre, but A LOT BETTER then I highly recommend "reborn as a system"

It's good and you'll understand the real meaning for cold, intelligent, calculating host, a real red to green flag psychopath ml. Love him<3 <<less
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Eccentricstate rated it
June 2, 2022
Status: Completed

Rating: 2.5

Pairing Type: transmigrator MC x capture target ml; shou MC x gong ml; abusive ml; somewhat masochistic mc; shameless mc

... more>> Heat level: low-medium (2.5/5 spicy; all behind closed door but it’s literally in nearly every chapter lol)

Re-readability: won’t reread

Trope: face-slapping; quick transmigration; western fantasy; dogblood drama

Triggers: death; r*pe; abuse; torture; non consensual drug use; kidnapping; EXTREME CAUTION with this novel, it is trigger heavy and extremely dog blooded. R*pe is a near constant in this novel, there is not a single arc without it and it is with the main two characters. The MC is also abused both mentally and physically in most arcs.

I ship the ML with a psych ward and some anti-psychotics. I. Hate. Him. He is the actually worst in every single arc.

I should note, that there is a “gong abuse and regret” arc consistently in every arc, which is the only thing that got me to finish this novel. It was admittedly, in a very sick way, extremely entertaining to watch the ML get wrecked with a BE after being an abusive as*hole and making me ugly cry lol. The author was very good at writing major dogblood and twisting the BE to a satisfying conclusion. If you’re just really in the mood for angst.

The MC is a transmigrator that gets really into his roles and takes on these abused shou personas POVs. He’s actually a lowkey freak which I kind of liked. The juxtaposition of him getting abused and his system getting all upset by the dogblood, and then him just being an absolute freak and enjoying it was admittedly pretty funny. Dude also needs therapy for different reasons but live your best life king.

Not much else to say about it. Every arc is the same pretty much. Beautiful shou character is r*ped and abused by the gong character. Gong character discovers new information/ends up falling in love with the shou and regretting it. Bad ending where the shou dies and gong spends the rest of his days with regret. Dogblood followed by a good face slap.


I should also note that the ML is more of a standard formula gong outside of his character presets in the previous arcs. When we meet the real him, there isn’t any r*pe and he’s fairly respectful of MCs feelings. I would even consider him more of a devoted puppy gong. But his character and personality is only really shown off in the final arc and never before then.


I’m honestly amazed I finished this, because it’s arguably terrible. I can’t, in good faith, give this higher than 2.5 stars. But I was able to get through it since it was kind of entertaining in a train wreck kind of way.

Would I recommend? Probably not, but if you really love dogblood dramas and don’t mind the triggers I mentioned, go for it. <<less
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wired.eye rated it
May 31, 2022
Status: Completed
I consider the novel's title very misleading. The real scum is the shou/MC!

I could give a better grade if I considered each arc as if they were independent of each other. So I would find the MC's revenge very satisfying. But unlike what happens in "Don't pick your boyfriend from a tr*shbin", here the abused gong is always the same. That is, he undergoes high-level mental torture with every arc.

The MC turns out to be the worst character in the book, simply a detestable person, extremely wicked and evil. In... more>> the end I expected him to pay for everything he did to ML, but the author actually uses double standards when dealing with him. What infuriated me were the author's notes justifying his actions. See, I'm not used to judging the morals of characters, I don't expect Hanibbal to be cute and considerate in 'The Silent of the Lambs", what bothers me is the author's attempt to justify a character that is evil in its essence. Just disgusting.


Unlike the MC, the ML couldn't act OCC, even though he knew he was torturing the MC, in the first arcs, who he was blindly in love with. In the following arcs, the system suppressed memories about the MC, only bringing them back after the ML's life ended in that world, a life that could have taken decades of anguish, pain and guilt and having a huge impact. Just an additional torture imposed by the system/author.

In addition, the MC had the system as a cheat, to endure physical pain or switch off playing video games or reading books, while the ML watched him suffering mental torture.
And the worst, the MC knew it was the same ML everytime. The worst, the MC knew the ML all along. The worst, he used terrible methods to get revenge just for being dumped by the ML in his previous life, hurting the ML over the span of several lifetimes, leaving his soul fragile or something like that.


As for the novel itself, when the author/MC uses mental issues in three arcs in a row, it's hard not to be bothered by the lack of imagination. Also, the MC is almost omniscient and his actions always have the expected reactions. The author must really love this character. While writing the ML though, he should have been thinking of someone he hates to the bone.

In the end, I would like it to happen, as in some novels, for the author to transmigrate to his own book as ML, without being able to be OCC too. Maybe if the translator hadn't published the author's notes I wouldn't have been so outraged. <<less
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Ilovetsuntsunrolls rated it
February 26, 2022
Status: --
I'm rating for my beloved Xie He. I admit this story is not for everyone. It's not a store-bought tea bag that is geared to suit the masses. This story has this distinct flavor. You must need to endure all the bitterness before tasting a certain delicate sweetness.

In my opinion, this depicts a realistic romance for complex characters like our MC. Scummy villains won't just fall in love with Mary Sue characters. And more importantly scummy villains are not born that way. As they say, black hearts aren't born black,... more>> they're burnt.

I personally don't think there were too much arc fillers. I think it was a sufficient build-up, considering what our MC has experienced. Plus the stories were interesting. It made me think in a different perspective. Especially that arc with the psych manipulation addition. It made me think how in essence love is really built that way.

I just admire how our beloved MC was able to brave all those indifferently. My heart goes to him. I wanna praise how great our MC is but that might be too superfluous and may discourage other readers from reading it lol.

In a nutshell, this is a great read and my new favorite and probably my only favorite quick transmigration novel, at least for now. It isn't too dragged and too rushed, the length is just right. <<less
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