Sovereign of Judgment


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A fighting genius.

In grade 6, Choi Hyuk killed someone. He then promised his mother that he would never fight again. He spent his school days being bullied and blankly staring out the window.

One day, a ring appeared in the middle of his classroom.

Choi Hyuk, now a high schooler who had spent his whole life atoning for his sins, was now faced with a decision, to kill or to be killed.

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Sovereign of Judgement
심판의 군주
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111 Reviews sorted by

September 16, 2018
Status: Completed
It was worth my time.


Story about the most badass terrorist that existed throught universe and how far human can go if he places entirnety of his heart and soul in something. Story about revenge without any beautification. Even tho novel wasn`t ideal, but, is here ideal one at all? Have nice read, friends!

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Chance rated it
March 27, 2017
Status: c82
Worth a read. It doesn't fall pray to the tropes that cause other post apocalyptic stories to get stale. Not everything goes to plan and main characters die. Read this if you like reincarnator, king of the battlefield, beginning of God and the devil world, etc. MC is probably most similar to the protagonist of desolate error minus any special luck event or wondering master.
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Tini-Potato rated it
September 9, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel is simply brilliant.

Firstly, we have a MC that won't veer off his goal of revenge against those who killed his mother. He doesn't fall in love with some random girl along the way, but focuses on his goal. He abandons his sanity for his revenge. And he sacrifices everything for it.

But, the epilogue ruined it. Read the story, not the epilogue. He abandoned everything for the sake of revenge, and there were consequences. But the epilogue undid the consequences.
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facuelfacha12 rated it
December 19, 2018
Status: Completed
Where should I start?

Surely it would be because of the tenacity of the characters, their resolution. If, without a doubt that is the main thing, starting from the beginning the protagonist never loses his final objective... Revenge.

Unlike other stories of revenge this story is loyal to that goal until the end.

... more>> Leaving that aside, I love everything.

The survival games, the development of the protagonist together with the secondary characters, even the development of the world, the interesting races are found in that universe.

Memorable characters that even in the end you keep thinking about them and remembering them.

Finally I recommend this story, may be tragic at times but the end... The ending is memorable, and the story? It is simply brilliant.

Psdt: Sorry about my English. <<less
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mja rated it
April 25, 2018
Status: c180
This is one of my favourite novels so far imagine (attack on titan) x (xianxia novel without any of the tropes of xianxia novels) in my opinion the only thing wrong with this novel is the despair you feel when you see your favourite characters die and when you realize this novel probably won't have a happy ending.
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jndnl rated it
April 22, 2018
Status: --
If you can somehow tune out the misguided morality the MC has then it's quite decent. It's a novel that tries hard to be deep and dark yet just rubs off as edgy. No shit... This guy just wants to fight and get revenge with utter disregard for everyone else even his allies but acts like he's on a pedestal just cause he's strong. If I wanted to read something like this I'd typically read jp manga.

what makes it worse is even when one disregards morality the decision making isnt... more>> one bit rational. he wants to keep throwing people into war with no strategy at all. makes you wonder how, if he gets his way, will he be able to exact his revenge with a measly few thousand people that could survive his method. not to mention his methods are exactly like how the alliance set up things in the first place. just throw people in and see who survives but he wants revenge? lmao. even if he MC keeps being dark I would really enjoy this one if the protagonist was a bit smarter. <<less
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ththth12 rated it
March 7, 2017
Status: prologue
MC in this story does not travel back in time. He does not have cheats nor lucky changes. He survives purely on his own talent. It's very rare in these kind of novels. The story has very intense start with real mu*der game. There is no tutorial, no time to get used to fighting. You either kill your classmate (s), or die. It's worth to read just for the beginning of the story. MC has a clear goal, and he actively works to become stronger. He also cares about humanity... more>> and looks ahead at bigger picture. He also cares and trusts his subordinates in his own way. He does not hold their hands, he leads them by going ahead and trusting them to follow. <<less
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tehrealone rated it
October 12, 2016
Status: c38
Simple put, this novel is action followed by more action with a side serving of gore. Similar to other survival game novels but with more gore, more action, more ruthlessness and less ethics. I think you should have gotten the gist by now.

MC doesn't have any righteous goals such as saving the human race or w/e, he just wants to get revenge on the bastards that are controlling the game. World building is dubious and ambiguous at this stage along with level progression, but will hopefully become more clear as... more>> the novel progresses. Overall a great survival story for those who dont mind the loss of ethics. <<less
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TriOBoi rated it
June 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Wanted to drop a review here.

I've just finished reading this for the 2nd time, and I have to say it's just one of my favorites. It does have a bit of plot Armour, in which I mean that everything always works out fine, however I think it's an okay amount and also acceptable to continue the story.

It is the most brutal novel I've read so far, and some scenes are explicitly explained (there was one scene where it was described how a human was tortured to death by a monster,... more>> and there's tons of killing and mu*dering in the first few chapters already). Also, the MC is merciless, and you could even describe him as a villain, or someone with a mental illness. There was a point where he sacrificed millions or even billions of consumables to wear down monsters to fight them faster and easier, while trying to get stronger in order to kill the leaders of the alliance because they sacrificed them while they were consumable. Yet he doesn't even bat a eye. He's that sort of person.

Next to that, a lot of people die. The author is not afraid to let side characters that are liked die in the next moment.


One that hit especially hard was towards the end, where Alexei died. Or Ryu hyunsung during the blue mane war.

Another good example would be jung mjnji. She died early on but was remembered until the end by MC. Her death wasnt very imoactfuk for the readers (or at least me), as I was more shocked that she died than sad, since she was a somewhat weird character. I think her death had more impact on MC than the reader.


The MC is OP. I can't deny that, but it works out perfectly. While he always wins, the author did a great job to not go overboard. Naturally the MC is stronger than the others, but if not the story wouldn't be interesting.

I would also like to mention that the author doesn't just use made up stuff for the world building. Great attractor, light years and superclusters are mentioned and used frequently. Likewise black holes with theories like the event horizon also appear. If you know a bit of that stuff, it gets a lot more immersive when the author makes use of these things. Another good point regarding this is the author implementing time perception. The faster a object moves, the slower the world around it gets. The Flame Wing Tribe, which was born from the extremely hot big bang was said to only have a few million years of history. That means while the earth in the cold universe is 7 billion years old, the Flame Wing Tribe only is a fraction of that time old. To the power levels; to be honest, you can loose sight of them quickly. At 4* they can run at several hundred km/h. At the high-rank a fight can terraform a planet, and at the highest-rank planets can be destroyed, while at the transcendent level literally anything, including neighboring stars (several light years away) can be destroyed in an instant. After they reach that level it is just unimaginable how strong or fast someone is. At some point they also build a defense line that consists of 13 stars, and the fight is all over the place. That's what I mean; it's hard to imagine a army big enough to actively cover that incredible distance or travel in between them in mere seconds.


The novel is f*cking good. <<less
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Alexom rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Revenge. An extremely diluted and cliched genre in the world of fantasy or any kind of story telling. Well, this story is all about revenge.

In a couple of sentence this story is about a world thrown in chaos all of a sudden and in that chaos our MC rose and gained power in order to find and kill those who are responsible for this chaos. Will our MC be successful in order to find who is responsible for this chaos and is this story worth your time? Find out in... more>> the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

Kidding kidding! As boring as that synopsis was this story was completely opposite of that.

The plot was going at a good pace until chapter 100 but then I felt the writer was rushing it. Lets say in a game where a player starts from level 1 and goes up to level 10, the MC took first 100 chapters to reach level 3 but then he took another 100 chapters to reach level 10 where it is supposed to take longer as it is harder to reach higher levels then lower levels. The different arcs were good and it also added as additional instruments for the main plot, but they at times felt lack luster and bleak and overshadowed by the main plot. Which it should but because of this, diversity of the whole universe felt boring. Thus the world building was also meh and to make up for it the writer threw in a bunch of information which felt unnecessary. Don't expect too much depth in plot, its a story about revenge and how our MC got revenge and all the sacrifices he made. Honestly the plot is one the two weak point of this story for which I gave it a 3. I feel like the author could have done more and bring more depth to the story but he rushed after 100 chapters and that felt a bit disappointing. The way the story was told was the important and enticing factor, it constantly kept you on edge thinking whether the MC will actually be able to enact his revenge or not, because he was a deadman walking on a thin rope and could fail at anytime.

The characters were the primary reason I was so into this story. I finished this story in 72 hours, no I did not skim a lot I just got so in to the story that I sacrificed some sleep and read a lot. Our crazy MC is dead set on his goals, he is unwavering and strong both on the inside (emotionally) and outside (physically). He is willing to sacrifice anything in order to achieve his goal. At times he felt one-dimensional because he solely focused on fighting and getting stronger in order to achieve his dream. But the character was designed that way, he is a berserker who is solely focused on fighting and will only fight to get to his goals. I personally wished the MC did more then just fight but I can't blame him as he was designed that way, a berserker.

I will say this though some people might not like the MC and the side characters as they have "kill, only then you can kill" attitude and less respect for life as they only care about their goal. But they are not psychopaths and sociopaths they just don't want distractions and blockades to their goal and were true to it. They lost everything and didn't see their future, they only saw their end. There were some character developments but not too much, just enough to enhance their revenge.

The side characters were diverse with lots of different personalities and with their own goals but didn't forget their underlying main goal of revenge. A bunch of fighting maniacs for sure but all with their own bells and whistles. I love romance in novels and I feel like they add a bit more depth, dimension and a human touch to the story, but don't expect much from this story. The one or two romance that there is didn't really feel organic or should I rather say they just came together without much of "building up to it". The typical MC is cold towards everyone but all of a sudden a girl comes out of nowhere and MC is only soft towards her and that too happened so few times that it didn't feel like they were attracted to each other.

The ending is kind of satisfying, answering most of the questions but don't know if I will consider it a good or bad ending. But I guess I wanted more and the ending didn't really quench all my thirst. It felt rushed and simple towards the end, I guess I was expecting more. The author gave me a story that I could really get behind on and I loved it, so I had extremely high expectations and it kinda fell short on that. But overall a good story, it is a solid 7 out of 10 for me. The author followed through most of the promises of a crazy fighting MC and his blood thirsty revenge. If you are looking for a bloody action and good characters this is it for you. <<less
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YoriMei rated it
August 24, 2020
Status: afterword
It's a fantastic novel, from beginning to end just the story of one man's roaring rampage of revenge. It's a very fast moving story even with 209 chapters, there's truly not much character development nor down time between events. It's a story filled with constant action and fighting, with a huge amount of tunnel vision placed on simply reaching the end goal.

Honestly, most of the story hinged on whether or not you like MC. He's violent but straightforward, and surprisingly a little charismatic in how honest he is. He is... more>> very upfront when he tells his followers that he can't give them safety or riches or even care about them, but he can give them constant victory. Both the plot and the MC are pretty "graceless", there isn't any elegant political maneuvering or heartwarmingly sweet moments to endear MC to anyone. Everything is solved with violence, power and brute-forcing their way to the end. Side characters are a little lacking honestly, besides a very small core group, a lot of characters suddenly appear at times with little to no intro.

Overall it's a really good story but one that focuses solely on fighting and getting revenge for their situation. MC cares about nothing but killing those who caused them harm and forgoes everything for it. He doesn't care about long-term goals, he doesn't care about gaining love and admiration from the masses, his tunnel vision had been set from the beginning. That said, if you're not in the mood for nothing but action scenes or revenge, the story has little else to offer honestly <<less
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ExtremeRampage rated it
October 3, 2019
Status: afterword
Very captivating Novel, lots of violence, revenge plot, Sci-Fi setting with Universe threatening Monsters, Characters in this are great, lots of Drama and Tragedy but with a (sort of) good ending

A definite recommendation for this one, it's not even that long so no fillers, every chapter keeps your attention.
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vertios rated it
October 30, 2018
Status: c32
So far so good but it lacks flavor. The main character comes off as weirdly plain and not the least interesting despite the fact that he's so capable and strong. It starts off fairly decent but as it goes on it gets boring. It's repetitive with humans vs. Humans or simply the usual humans vs. Monsters. There isn't depth and dialogues are plain as well. Cho Hyuk, the main character, should have more flare but instead he becomes a character I could care less and less about as the story... more>> goes on.

As I haven't read too much of it, my review may come off as inaccurate but from what I've read so far, my expectations for the story and plot progression is very low. Even his supposedly followers lacks some sort of standout characteristics. Maybe I'm too used to flashy characters and with flashy skill sets but this story has some awfully plain characters who doesn't exactly pique my interest. I will have to read more to make a conclusion of the story though. <<less
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Tupperware rated it
July 22, 2018
Status: c173
Currently at chapter 173 and I can't bring myself to read anymore. The novel started pretty well and I liked the apocalyptic world with a system genre but its really going downhill as the story progresses. I started reading after catching up with "the tutorial is too hard" and in comparison the whole "MC has unparalleled fighting talent and no one on the same level can beat him" is completely ret*rded. No matter how talented someone is how can it compare to others who fought for countless years, not to... more>> mention talented fighters with a ton of experience and powerful racial abilities?


Later it gets even more ridiculous and the MC can cut through "everything" by imitating the big bang, and I mean everything. time, space, history, memories, the border to the monster universe and even use it with another item to create a universe. The hell with logic or the fact that he's surrounded by aliens WAY more advanced than humans, some of whom have ACTUALLY experienced the big bang and understand it much better then him who only created it by suppressing his emotions or some bullshit...


One more point that really bothers me besides the morality issues or the obvious rushed feeling this novel gives.

Pretty early on he creates his own army of berserkers. And I get that after the apocalypse hit humanity everyone would be emotional and a little crazy, but as time progresses and humanity stabilizes how could this army still function? I mean he basically says to them: hey fight for me and most likely die for my vengeance, I don't promise you wealth or land or the prosperity of human kind but we will always win even if a ton of you will die.

The author clearly doesn't have the slightest idea how to manage subordinates. <<less
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grandplex rated it
June 17, 2018
Status: Completed
This is basically an action story that focuses heavily on the characters, mostly the MC's, rage over his world's circumstances, and the relationship with other races. The overall story has promise, but the way it plays out made it really boring, and I had trouble picking it back up multiple times. The biggest problem is the MC is one-dimensional, he is basically a wooden board that gets angry often, similar to Seoul station master. I honestly don't like one-dimensional MC's with a huge screw loose the whole time, it really... more>> makes it hard to get into the story and want to keep reading what happens next. On the good side, there a lot of side characters, and some are fairly interesting, there is some intrigue, and the antagonist is not brainless at all. But in the end, the one you have to read about 90% of the time is the MC, so I give this 3 stars. <<less
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Dusk rated it
August 15, 2016
Status: c12
Sovereign of Judgement is an apocalypse-slash-game world novel. It's nothing new, nothing that perks our ears up but this is probably one of the better apocalypse-slash-game world novel and it is still in the early stages, it definitely has the potential to be better.

The MC is a fighting genius that did not dare to fight in the slightest because of a past trauma, as a result he is bullied until the day of apocalypse came..

The apocalypse is slightly bloodier than others, the system encourages you to kill the others more... more>> than any other I have seen before, but the MC holds his own righteousness and is not willing to kill the weak and helpless.

The background story is slightly lacking but could be introduced later in the story, the characters so far are okay but none that touches you emotionally or is interesting enough.

Rated 8.1 for the moment, will look forward to see how it develops. <<less
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Overclock rated it
April 7, 2023
Status: c150
A great novel with a insane and OP MC. He's craziness for revenge and battle is refreshing. Also not out of place in such a insane setting.

One Issue.

... more>>

The mc's mother. While I get why he loves his mom she's absolutely not a good person. While she had a child who loves to fight and good at it, she would reprimand him to never fight back or stand up for himself as its better for them to suffer than others. She's probably mentally ill as well with how far she takes it. I believe she fought back against her own abusive father as a child and took that in the worse way possible.

During her own Tutorial she, with the same fighting talent as her son, stops anyone from killing to survive as she says it better for them to die as humans than to kill to survive. Well she survived, but because she stopped everyone she unlocked a hidden piece that granted her a title and a lot of Karma, but everyone else was killed since they lost or stood by doing nothing. Filled with guilt she leads everyone in her Tutorial and dies holding back the boss monster when she could have lived.

So she cares more about her distorted ideals than herself, the life and happiness of her son who suffered at her words, and other people.

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lozlo rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: prologue
All things considered, it's not a bad story. The premise is interesting, revenge makes for a good plot. But, the main character is a little too... Fixated? Short-sighted? for my taste. He only cares about revenge, to the point where he can't really think past getting angry and killing. In the beginning he at least seemed to have some level of morals, but near the middle, where I finally gave up, he pretty much kills anyone as long as there is a CHANCE that it MIGHT benefit him. Good? Bad?... more>> Innocent? Guilty? Doesn't matter. Kill them and try to get a benefit out of it. If that doesn't annoy you, then you might really like this story. Me personally, I gave up about 2/3's of the way in and skipped to the ending. For those like me who want to know, spoiler alert of sorts I guess, but it isn't a tragic ending. It's a little bumpy, but it's decent. <<less
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Nolkeg rated it
December 3, 2018
Status: Completed
If there are things I hate most about webnovels, they are the endless repetitiveness and inconsistent plot and characters. Almost none were found in this novel. The plot didn't drag out infinitely. Author didn't try to reach word count by adding filler and irrelevant conversation. Characters have their own background and personality. We got to know what made them them (at least for the majority of MC's comrades).

While this novel is not a masterpiece that fully cover all its flaws and cliches. It's on of the most satisfying webnovel I've... more>> ever read. It stay true to its core; no justifying MC action. It's all about revenge and a group of crazy bastards who did anything to achieve it. It was insane, bloody, depressing and surreal, yet somehow the author managed to pull me in so deep. The deciding factors for me to give 5 stars are the ending and epilogue. It's one of the best you can find in webnovel, I'm telling you. Everything was fully concluded. It also left us with a glimpse of new beginning. An incredible ride. 5/5 stars <<less
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pandoravanity rated it
October 23, 2018
Status: Completed
I like this novel. The story itself although started with some cliche plot, surprisingly branch to a new surprising Complex plot. You could never guess what the characters in the novel would do to reach their goal. I especially like the main character and the supporting ones. In this novel, he is not perfect. He is Dead, Broken. All he wish is to die while or after avenging his loved ones. He loves to kill. He is at the Apex of an Anti - Hero. In fact, His decisions is... more>> mostly controversial and straight to the point. REVENGE. Unlike most main male characters in some novel, He does not lost the sight of his goal, He does not waver and He is cruel as he is supposed to be to follow his goal and He love it. The thing is, what makes this interesting is that the supporting character is more of a Protagonist than he is, Choi Hyuk, that Cruel/Uncaring Bastard. What I love the most is that the supporting character also get their own spotlight and ending. And I must say, I love the supporting characters. Some scenes are unexpectedly hilarious amids the fact that these characters are in a serious situation. In fact, I like to say, the reason why this novel is good because of the way the supporting character acts, their personality and how they do the things they did when dealing with the main character (their Frustrating Boss and their Enemy). I am glad they were given ample amount of screentime. I'd say, all of them share the same spotlight..

Satisfying Happy ending as well. For me at least. <<less
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