Sovereign of Judgment


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A fighting genius.

In grade 6, Choi Hyuk killed someone. He then promised his mother that he would never fight again. He spent his school days being bullied and blankly staring out the window.

One day, a ring appeared in the middle of his classroom.

Choi Hyuk, now a high schooler who had spent his whole life atoning for his sins, was now faced with a decision, to kill or to be killed.

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One entry per line
Sovereign of Judgement
심판의 군주
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111 Reviews sorted by

hyahhaa rated it
November 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Although personally I don't like how many characters died while the story progressed, but the story itself has been splendidly written.


Fortunately the Author has prepared solid and happy endings (well, mostly)

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Asphyxia778 rated it
October 20, 2020
Status: Completed
I read this in 2017 and this was my first kn novel. Honestly this novel set me off to read kn novels. So obviously I hold this in high regard.

Story is straightforward and there's quite a bit of character development but each character stays true to themselves. Side characters are not brushed off and are actually important which is great.

I like the MC. And his conviction and determination remain steadfast till the end which is so good.

Honestly a 4 star story. Do give it a try
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fangyuan rated it
September 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Some time ago, I stopped reading this novel (right after the first arc) because it was tedious to read. This time, I soldiered past that part and read it till the last chapter. How do I feel about the novel? Well, it is a rather interesting novel but it falls short compared to other KR novels of similar genre. I would actually rate it 3.6/5.

Some things I like about the novel:

  • The premise of the novel. Let's just say the first two arcs does not really shed much about the universe of the novel but after that, it becomes rather shocking.
  • Antihero MC. Always better than a goody two shoes characters that scream justice but perpetuates the opposite
What I don't like:

  1. Equipment, status, levels.

    Stats become nearly irrelevant after the first few arcs. The author did try to explain why stats became an irrelevant aspect after a certain point but that only resulted in more ambiguous power tiers. I'll just be honest and say that I don't 100% understand the gap between high-ranked, highest-ranked, and transcendent warrior except mastery and/or understanding of 'fate' (again a very vague concept but you get my point). Weapons are also watered down to the extent that by halfway through the novel, most people would be using a karma weapon that can be upgraded (isn't that really convenient?)

  2. Rushed and poor execution of final two arcs.

    Side characters grow super strong like cabbages and die suddenly, final boss died in 1-2 chapters, etc.

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Arkazzy rated it
May 6, 2020
Status: --
It's a thoroughly entertaining read with just the right amount of edge. My only qualm was the mother who seemed like a burden that would only serve to hamper the MC's growth,

So here early demise was a very welcome development.

. No complaints.
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Gymgym rated it
January 20, 2020
Status: Completed
A good novel with revenge theme. MC didn't stop the revenge halfway, he pull it until the very end. The first arc is really good, but the story from it to the fight with aliens, it went to a weird direction. The only thing that I didn't like about this novel is characters that I grow to like die.
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xExekut3x rated it
October 29, 2019
Status: afterword
This was pretty good. The scale of everything escalated like crazy. Reminded me of Gurren Lagann, in a way, but it went even beyond that. It was pretty cool. The ending was nice. Kind of settled things, I suppose, at least for MC and a few supporting roles. So many deaths, though. Very depressing at times.
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Anggarar95 rated it
October 3, 2019
Status: c192
This novel offer Sci fi with game like beginning..

And the theory spouted by the author about space is credible to some degree..

A very engaging novel about revenge and the change of heart of every character...
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KRivet rated it
June 17, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel is not the best novel I've read. But the plot is fairly consistent, as is the mc's motives. Although he is frustratingly blockheaded and violent, it is a purposeful flaw in his character that makes him more natural. The ending is fairly satisfying as well, if not a bit unfulfilling.
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February 9, 2019
Status: Completed
overall this novel is okay, it was a tedious but enjoyable journey, well kind of. there are some directions this novel took which I didn't like, here's some of them :

the innate skill the MC awakens


the MC is portrayed as a genius, a battle machine capable of winning against opponents stronger than himself (he even killed someone when he was young), but he ended with a skill which let him distinguish between friend or foe ?? Curious choice. The justification of such a skill is weak because the MC does not always do what it tells him.

and it does not make any sense to me as after a while he inherits Richard skill which is almost the same thing, so a combat oriented skill would have been more logical given how the MC is pictured.


the flow of the story
it felt imbalanced, either too much tension and battles sequences, that ends so goddamn fast that the build-up does not make any sense (one-shot slash of death lol) and feels anticlimactic, or long and boring crossroads, which threw me off more than once.

OMG !! Imagine songoku vs freeza, songoku is about to turn super saiyajin, than CUT, you are presented with chichi cooking potatoes, it drove me nuts.

and wtf was that last chapter, Choi hyuk what have they done to you man.

there are some minor issues too, but the above were the ones which annoyed me the most.

that's just my personal opinion, so if you want to try this novel go for it and make your own opinion.
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BAAM rated it
August 25, 2017
Status: c30
Love the novel I just have issues with the korean names being similar, I thought they could all be translated into English names easily, its an issue since the first names appear side by side multiple times and its very hard for foreginers who aren't korean speakers to keep track of them. I know its easy for koreans since a name like kim hyejin, would be like Karen Smith, then you can have Karen Foster, it would be super easy for english speakers to know the diffrence in a story,... more>> however if it was Kim Hyejin and Lee Hyejin with a ton of other characters it just makes it hard.... I also have some minor issues with the plot structure,

The plot sometimes introduces characters then they go back into the past like, 4 days earlier, then they won't even mention when we are into the present day again, you just have to assume, also the main character is just slaughtering monsters, he just gave up on his mother being alive, I guess its okay since hes a thirsty monster. However why not use his authority to look for her, it isn't hard for him to find out by maybe getting someone to backtrack to where she was at the time of the incident. I know she told him not to kill people and now he assumes shes dead with little doubt, so hes gonna go on a rampage, however he keeps saying he will take revenge on the people who made this game, either for his dead mother or to protect her. Then makes no effort to confirm if shes dead or alive. I mean he knows himself people are being killed I mean hes told minjin that the food supplies will have a massive shortage every 10 days, so shes slaughtering anyone who doesn't fight, wouldn't that mean if his mom doesn't fight she will die, since minjin wouldn't know her? If his mom survives all of the sh*t thats been going on then she has some thick plot armor, since monsters legit kill the weak easily, the only ones surviving are those who can fight or those (Yoon Girim) that can honey d*ck someone to save them.

Great book just not many moments that make my blood boil or get me excited about a fight/event. The writer is doing a great job building the world but the dialogue and action is killing the mood, I will still give it a 4/5 for now since the world building is well phased regardless of the plotholes. <<less
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