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When Jiang Cheng was told to return to a family that he never knew or had a relationship with, he had never expected to end up meeting a young girl, and eventually, her seemingly roguish brother Gu Fei, as a first encounter in the new city.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chasing the Light (drama)
Run Freely
Sa Ye / Run Wild (Official English Title)
SAYE「Act Wildly」
Set It All Free
Warm Sun (donghua)
Related Series
Qing Kuang (Shared Universe)
Unbridled (Shared Universe)
Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together (Shared Universe)
San Fu (Shared Universe)
A Certain Someone (7)
Through The Strait Gates (4)
Qing Kuang (4)
Give Me A Hug (4)
Seizing Dreams (4)
Fake Slackers (3)
Recommendation Lists
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  3. #Mustread
  4. Reading it
  5. danmei i have finished

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Date Group Release
05/20/20 Sae c29
05/19/20 Sae c28
05/09/20 Sae c27
04/30/20 Sae c26
04/26/20 Sae c25
04/22/20 Sae c24
04/19/20 Sae c23
04/16/20 Sae c22
04/09/20 Sae c21
04/01/20 Sae c20
03/26/20 Sae c19
03/15/20 Sae c18
03/12/20 Sae c17
03/01/20 Sae c16
02/29/20 Sae c15
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73 Reviews

New cylmpj
Jun 01, 2024
Status: Completed
Probably Wu Zhe's best novel and one of the best (if not the best) in the danmei.

I love everything about this novel, I have read a lot of danmei to the point that there is almost no novel that I have not read but this one made me experience new feelings. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me love, and it made me think about things I never thought about.

Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei are as endearing and as real as any protagonist could be. I... more>> loved the progress of their relationship, from being indifferent, from being friends, from being a couple that still doesn't fully trust to becoming a couple that communicates, understands and supports each other.

I think the title does the novel justice and I love how it makes sense at the end when they can run freely without the restraints they had on them. It was very satisfying to see Jiang Cheng's call with his mother, the progress he made at every moment to move forward and never give up, something that I can only admire but not imitate. And it was also very satisfying (probably the most) to see Gu Fei, THE GU FEI, say and do everything he always wanted to do for himself and thinking of himself as a priority, not others. Seeing how he feels happier and how others realize it, seeing how he behaves like a child he could never be moved me and made me feel proud, that's my chicken was my thought lol.

Wu Zhe's writing is always great and I never get tired of seeing his realities because they feel real and common to life, things that can happen without us knowing.

I loved them both as much as they love each other, their personalities so different but so complementary, their idiotic moments, their genius moments, their vulnerable moments and their happy moments. I think they were the best thing that could happen in each other's lives, since I can't imagine another world in which they are not together.

I could say more like the angst killed me but the sweetness then revived me, but I don't know what else to say since I have no words to describe this novel. It was definitely worth the wait since I wanted to read it finished since 2021 and I was only able to read it now, it did not disappoint me.

Without a doubt, this novel left many phrases that I could quote because of how splendid they are, but I think what it left the most was the message. The message of hope, as the saying goes, hope is the last thing that is lost but when it is lost, absolutely everything is lost.I saw the two phases in this novel and without a doubt the radiance of hope made me realize how important it is and how much a person changes by having it.

I leave Wu Zhe's last sentence here since it touched my heartstrings:"

"No one's life will be perfect all the time, but no matter what, you must look forward, if you have hope, you will be invincible." <<less
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New icyspicy
May 24, 2024
Status: Completed
Have you ever been so immersed in a story, so captivated by fictional characters that seem so life-like, that you emerge from reading with an instant feeling of yearning?

I just finished reading Saye, and I miss it already.

Why is this story called "Saye?" Well, there's no easy translation for the term, but the English title "Run Freely" or "Run Wild" is quite fitting. In my opinion, the closest analogy for Saye is akin to a bird breaking free from its cage. The main characters, Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei, both... more>> are forced to mature quickly to overcome the shackles in their lives. They learn how to lean into each other, grow with each other, and elevate each other such that both can run wild. They allow each other the comfort to act like teens, get into trouble, swear at each other, and love freely.

Wu Zhe is amazing at creating a story that is both easy to read while also being very profound. She interweaves funny and witty dialogue with more serious themes. Her characters interact very naturally and realistically with each other. Her inclusion of song lyrics in the dialogue is especially moving, as music is an important yet underrated theme of the story.

I was also delighted by how wonderful the side characters are; they are surprisingly kind and thoughtful. The side characters are brought to life just as much as Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei, and they serve as a reminder to you, the reader, that even though life can be shitty, there are still kind people that will help you and that you're never quite alone.

This story never feels clichéd, and it maintains an optimistic thread despite some darker moments. Anyone can relate to the characters, even if they've lived a relatively fortunate life. I seriously cannot pick out a single criticism for Saye (and believe me, I am very picky). I love this story deeply. I'm thankful to have read it. I wish Saye were more mainstream around the world so that more people could experience and learn from this story. <<less
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Feb 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Hello, I am the new co-translator for this novel that will be helping with the translations starting from Ch. 21 _ (:3 」∠) _ Although I am aware that as a translator, I may be a little biased, however, I wouldn't be translating a series that I don't feel incredibly moved by... and SAYE moved me.

By a lot.

... more>>

The story is about the difficulties our MC, Jiang Cheng, a handsome boy with good grades but a rebellious spirit, and ML, Gu Fei, a calm boy with more burdens than he should handle and a beautiful face (but is just as masculine; there is no gong-shou dynamic here, they are a very equal and reversible couple), overcome as they trudge along the path towards growing up with the unstopping comfort and support of one another.

The introduction to the story may seem boring to some at first glance, but as you choose to go further along with the story, you'll be taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. From the tender moments of warmth between Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei to the sheer desperation felt by the two towards their unfortunate circumstances, each moment feels incredibly raw in its realism.

Their difficulties, too, have a wide range; from the dark pasts that only an unfortunate few have to face to the almost laughable common problems that any 17-year-old teenager would face. Nothing felt overly dramatized nor exaggerated; the author was able to perfectly balance out the heavy impacts of emotions by bringing in a good amount of hilarious moments of teenage antics; ultimately creating a story that was not only deep but well-rounded and memorable.


As a reader with an unfortunately strikingly similar background and past as both protagonists, my level of relation towards the two may be more than most people would feel. Reading this story gave me hope for my own life. However, that by no means means that you have to have a similar and equally dark past to appreciate the story.

If the only reason why one could be moved by the story is by having sheer similarities in circumstances, then this story would not be nearly so popular in China right now. Even if you do not have a similarly tragic past, the author is still able to let the reader understand and fall in love with her characters due to her own powerful ability to portray emotions and the use of the little moments in life that everybody could be able to relate to one or the other.

Although the story is incredibly popular in the Chinese community, I realize that most people in the west aren't particularly interested in realistic stories... thus making this story terribly underexposed at the moment. I highly recommend that everybody give this story a shot. You won't regret it. <<less
139 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 02, 2020
Status: Completed
It's practically impossible to approach anything without prejudice. There's a strongly negative connotation attached to this word, but these expectations can play a large role in preparing us for the future. What's more, we're constantly learning and revising these expectations to better reflect reality. In a way, I'd argue that this is an important process in maturity, especially from childhood to adulthood. And I think SAYE does a great job portraying this idea.

I'll admit that I approached this novel with prejudices of my own, and I was delighted to be... more>> proven wrong again and again. Reading SAYE was a wonderful journey. There's a lot to praise about this novel, but I was particularly taken by the author's writing style.

Firstly, the dialogue is incredible. Writing good dialogue is a very delicate art, but Wu Zhe does it almost perfectly. Whether it's playful bantering or heart-to-heart conversations or small talk, we're given a good amount of insight into the characters and character relationships in a manner that's both natural and interesting.

On that note, the characterization and character development were wonderful as well. There's too much that I could say here, so I'll just quote an unknown source: "You have to be interested in people if you want to be a successful writer of stories." I could really feel that in this story.

The author does a great job with scene descriptions. There's just enough detail that you can picture the scene perfectly, but not too much that it slows the pacing. Also, Wu Zhe does a great job portraying youth in a way that rings true, with its impulsiveness and courage. No matter what the characters go through, there's nearly always a strong thread of optimism that keeps the novel from ever getting too heavy. Not to mention, the author has a wicked sense of humor. I really appreciate that there's no unnecessary drama in the book. If there's anything that I had to complain about, I did have relatively more difficulty getting through the last few chapters of the novel (especially the extras). I think it's safe to say that the author and I have different views on what defines success, which is fine. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

Initially, I was quite surprised to see this novel recommended again and again on Chinese forums, and I started reading with the question: Is it really that good? Having finished reading, I can answer with certainty: Yes, it really is that good.

"我想,在你眼里,撒野奔跑,我想,一个眼神,就到老。" <<less
52 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 22, 2020
Status: Completed
Read the raws. What a phenomenal book. The characters, the writing, the pacing, the story, everything is so beautifully and delicately written but at the same time feral like the title. It's sweet, heartbreaking, and hilarious. After all the novels I've read, finally there's a 10/10.

Very best of luck to the translators for working on this one since half the brilliance of this novel is in the easy bantering and wordplay. Loosen up and try to convey more the feeling than exact word for word. Swear up a storm in... more>> English. Go wild. <<less
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Apr 06, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm ashamed to say that I had never known of this novel (despite its huge popularity in the Chinese circle) before this year. I saw some tweets about it when people were talking about the erha live action and decided to read it and it was not a mistake. First off, I cannot begin to describe my love for this novel in proper words, this is the best I could articulate that wasn't just garbled word smashes and muffled screams

This is one of the most beautiful novels I have read... more>> in a while, the author wrote the characters with so much care and you could really see that as you go on reading the book unraveling their backstories. The author also wrote the relationship between JC and GF very well, most danmei's would write the "top" "bottom" roles in stone which I find very distasteful. The side characters felt like real people with real relationships not just random side character bffs whose only real purpose is to either give encouragement to the relationship or make the ML jealous (over friendship smh).

Overall it was a wonderful read with no ''oppressive jealous of the rocks around love interest'' ML and "super op take 10 dollars to the stock market and become a billionare'' MC

ALSO I really loved how mental illness was written here. It's not something that just cures itself with the power of love, its an actual illness that many struggle with and will struggle with for the rest of their lives even with professional help... and FOR ONCE it wasn't just written as "crazy" or something the MC healed with his presence like many other stories. love that for me :). <<less
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Nov 03, 2020
Status: Completed

    • Developed, fleshed out plot
    • Intricate characters' personality and development
    • Warm and realistic portrayal of relationship (their dependency of each other, ugh, amazing<3)
The choice of words Wu Zhe used is very beautiful, it makes me understand and felt deeply what the characters are feeling and struggling about. The side characters really add to the plot, no random characters with no purpose and meaning (ex : only making the MC looks op, nope). This story brings us through the journey of Jiang Cheng in adolescent until he became an adult, beginning from stepping into a new and completely different environment. It shows us how he cope with his situation and meeting Gu Fei along the way, the person who will run freely until the end of time with him. It's very heartwarming how they both try their best to make their life better while thinking of each other. I think one of the most amazing things is how one person could change other people' lives so much. Unlike in other novels where there are fixed antagonists who keep coming back to bother the MC, Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei go on with their lives after solving their problems, and encounter new people in their pursuit of a better life. Sa Ye also portrays the struggle of mental ilnesses and tries to deliver it as realistically as possible.

I'll say this again, this story is wonderfully beautiful, its setting, its plot, its characters, its words, everything can touch your heart. I cried a LOT, and giggled a lot too while reading this. I personally think this is one of the best, if not the best story that I've ever read. For me, it's the closest story to reach a solid 5/5, and believe me, I've read a LOT. I'll read it again when the translation is complete. The song in the story is a bop. I downloaded it and listened to it so many times. I'm truly not doing justice to the story through my review, I can only strongly urge you to read this masterpiece.
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Jan 24, 2019
Status: --
I made an account because I was so excited this novel is finally getting translated. I've read about 80 chapters of it in Chinese and I enjoyed it so much. It's such a tender story that brings two such different people, yet so well-described and crafted by Wu Zhe, together. And ultimately, it's about youth and letting loose and being true to yourself. Thank you so much for starting to translate it!!
22 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 26, 2019
Status: --
This is my first time writing a review, mostly because I really can't be bothered to do so for any novel I've read. However, this novel is worthy of any praise it gets. I don't know how to explain it, but this novel has this whole healing aura around it. Reading it gives me a sense serenity and makes my heart warm up. Two drastically different people who come from broken families eventually grow closer. Their interactions are simple, yet the author is able to beautifully portray the emotions and... more>> growth of the characters. I really can't go into depth with my poor explanation skills, but if you were to take away one thing from my review is to read this novel right now. I can guarantee you will not regret it. <<less
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Lily Lily
Lily Lily
Jan 09, 2021
Status: Completed

    just go for it..

    if you are looking for a heartwarming and wholesome read..!! It really has a special place in my heart as I can relate to both jiang cheng and gu fei so much..!! I felt like they are just two ordinary people existing somewhere in this world..!!

    their relationship dynamic is one of the best I ever read..!! They understand each other wordlessly and yes THEY COMMUNICATE and are very SUPPORTIVE of each other and know how important it is to give personal space in any relationship.!! THEY ARE JUST VERY BEAUTIFUL, IMPERFECT AND COMFORTING.!!

    saye is really a beautiful story and it will inspire you to move on and do well in life.!!

13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 19, 2020
Status: Completed
Sa Ye is one of the most heartwrenching novels you will read, because the author Wu Zhe is a masterful storyteller at portraying real life for what it is. Throughout this novel, you will be immersed in the ordinary lives of two boys, and their very realistic struggles as they cope with the shackles and repercussions of an unhealthy family environment, which only serves to cripple them rather than help them flourish.

You will root for them as they find success and glimmers of hope in the rusty, dilapidated town they... more>> live in. You will want them to succeed, you will grow with them, cry with them, and desperately just want them to be free, to run wildly, and finally find their own happiness.

I read the raws so I haven't seen the english translations, but it's great to see it being updated regularly. Please give this novel a try, there is a happy ending at the end and the characters, their drives and their hardships will stay with you for a long, long time. <<less
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Nov 10, 2019
Status: Completed

This webnovel is probably the best I've ever read. It has a sweet and genuine coming-of-age vibe that threaded through the entire story, and it really made you feel for the characters when their lives got difficult. The characterisation is very strong and the main characters never really had moments where you can't understand where they're coming from or their motivations. It's about being true to yourself and letting yourself be helped, but also about picking yourself up from a dismal place and looking towards hope. Ultimately, it's... more>> really about two lonely boys who found each other in a complicated situation and moving forward together, finding a family in each other, and never giving up even when it gets rough.

I edited my review just to flail about it more. It's honestly my favourite story, and also one of the most well-known among the c-fan community. The author is really good at writing realistic stories that pull at your heartstrings, and the subdued yet emotional tone at some intense parts really hits you in the gut. (Also it makes you want a relationship like that, when you just get the other person without any unnecessary drama ;_;)


Jiang Cheng is one of the most courageous and motivating characters I've ever read, and Gu Fei and his internal motivations and struggles (which are all perfectly understandable!!) makes you hurt for him, but his inner strength to carry on is obvious. They help each other in an extremely equal relationship that I personally think is a bit hard to find in Chinese danmei.

希望我们都能像对方一样勇敢 are words I WILL STRIVE TO LIVE BY. And it's not even the only notable quote in this book.

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Xie Lian
Xie Lian
Jul 10, 2022
Status: Completed
I think this is one of the most beautiful things and poignant I have ever read, makes me feel like everything else I have read so far is just garbage and fodder. It is also extremely witty and hilarious.

This novel, if it hit the Western mainstream markets, would be heralded as an iconic piece of modern queer asian literature and certainly win many awards.

This story is so raw, it feels so real. The emotions the characters feel, I feel like the author somehow ripped them straight from my own... more>> heart and life. As I read I am overcome with a strong feeling of unexplainable familiarity and connection even though my life is vastly different, as if I am somehow encountering my past life and can feel an innate connection.

Their self journey with romance and sexuality felt like it truly spoke to the depth of my soul. The development of brief encounters to a lasting relationship. The different phases in between: playing, questioning, unspoken words, finally getting together... all of it felt so real. And so artfully written.

Didn't cry at all while reading. But I just felt overwhelmed with feeling the characters and situations were so relatable. Everything felt like it vibrated throughout my entire body and soul.

Their relationship is also my ideal relationship. A couple who makes each other better. A couple who perhaps doesn't know what the future holds but are willing to figure it out step by step as long as they are together. A couple that doesn't filter language with each other nor hold back on jokes. Yet at the end of the day they can safely and securely discuss anything... from daily thoughts to matters of the heart to the deepest worries. A couple who eats many meals together and enjoys trying different foods together. A couple that treats each other different than they treat anyone else. A couple where each person makes each other into a better person and they are stronger together. Making the everyday romantic.

I am kind of overwhelmed while writing this review, this novel was just so good. <<less
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May 13, 2021
Status: c84
I haven't finished finished reading this yet, but I took a sneak peak at the ending.

Well, this novel is realistic.

Very realistic.

... more>> But the thing is, my world is different from them.

The way this novel works is that, it's all about taking risks, and making choices.

In all honesty, if I were Jiang Cheng, between choosing to stay for love or to leave for the sake of my future, I'd choose the latter.

And meeting someone like Gu Fei, while I may think that he's interesting and a person with a story, I won't have the patience to understand him.

Simply because, we're from completely different worlds.

No matter how I try to understand I won't be able to relate.

But this novel is just.... wow.

You can say that they're different, yet at the same time, not.

It's all about the perspective. I love how the ML knows his obligations, but I'm sad because of his circumstances. But that's that, just sad.

But Jiang Cheng was different. He tried to understand him. It was very heartwarming.

The type where you have the urge to just give up all your inhibitions and just fall in love without worries.

Their love story truly happened unexpectedly.

It was an act of fate.

While I haven't completed it yet, I hope that they won't give up on each other. No matter where the future will lead them.

P.S Gu Miao is very cute!

Time will heal, but if there's someone to help you, it's all the more helpful. <<less
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Sep 17, 2020
Status: c52
First thing first, if anyone is thinking of reading this novel, don't even think about the word "hesitation" and just go for it. I can guarantee that no one will get bore. Or gonna think that it's not good. Everyone is gonna like it.

The thing I really like about this novel is the fact that it is not necessary that you are gonna end up in a better place or situation than you were before. Life can be so difficult. And you have to endure everything. Face the reality.

I really... more>> like this novel and waiting patiently for the updates..

I am really liking this novel. And I am really regretting over the fact that I didn't find this novel before and only came across to this beautiful novel now.

But enough with all this.

Just go on and have a good time reading this.

My outmost gratitude for the translators ❤️❤️ <<less
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Feb 22, 2021
Status: Completed
I just realised that I never posted an NU review of this, oops. This is my favourite webnovel, hands down. Plot, characters, dialogue, exposition, everything is spot on. Wu Zhe is amazing at banter generally, and also at depicting complex emotions and situations. This is her most acclaimed novel, so expect no less: there's a lot of clever and also silly humour against quite a bleak (and depressingly believable) setting.

Sometimes I get scared when I read reviews that describe a romance as "realistic", because I worry that it will remind... more>> me of how imperfect love is and leave me with a sour or bitter taste, but in this story the love is all the sweeter for its realism. The main characters' relationship evolves and matures throughout the novel. Their love is very natural, and the drama doesn't come from cute mishaps and misunderstandings, but from their dysfunctional society and messed-up parents. While they're quite a sweet couple throughout the novel, it's always tempered by the darkness of the world around them. They do have to work towards their happy ending, and the ending really is a happy, hopeful one.

TL;DR: One of the best coming-of-age stories around. Heartwarming and wholesome. Love it. <<less
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Arian ganda
Arian ganda
Sep 26, 2020
Status: c73
This novel is so beautiful and heartwarming 🥺🥺 im reading the mtl right now and im still enjoying it even though its kinda confusing sometimes, its just so beautiful I cant stop reading 😭😭 vvv thankful to everyone translating this gem. I highly suggest this to everyone, the main characters are so special ❤️
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Jul 01, 2021
Status: Completed
This is really an amazing coming of age novel by Wu Zhe. I'd read this novel over again.

I wasn't too excited about this novel initially as it was very depressing in the beginning, but the main characters, Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei supported each other, and from friendship to love. The saddest part of this story was Gu Fei's struggles and when he gave up on himself and called it quit with Jiang Cheng. Yet when they met again, they both hurt so much inside.

I find this novel very charming... more>> and heart warming. The characters tug my heart strings and the mundane scenery imagined in my mind when reading this novel became so beautiful (because I saw hearts in the air) that I can't wait to visit China and live like the locals, try the pancakes, pan-grilled bbq meat and breakfast that the male leads enjoyed! When reading this novel, I had in my mind was the cold weather and snow-covered streets in Harbin and coincidentally.... the upcoming drama was also filmed in Harbin! Lol!!!😂 <<less
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Jan 03, 2021
Status: c66
I'm so glad that I choose Saye as my first ever BL novel to immerse myself into. Can't wait for this to be fully translated so I can binge read this masterpiece 💓
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May 13, 2020
Status: --
I liked it a lot. It's really realistic and glittering the precious part of humanity ?? (Idk what I’m talking about)

i absolutely feel I’m enlightened by this novel.i start to be more patient to kids and start to care more for handicaps people.
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Mar 10, 2024
Status: Completed
It is A CRIME that this novel isn't fully translated. F*ck that.

I love this novel man. I've re-read it twice, and look for updates every once in a while - but alas.

Our MC is a school-smart type with little daily life knowledge. This is because he used to be a rich young master, but then he was kicked out by his fam, so he goes to study in a random town somewhere. Despite this major life setback, he's a resilient person and adapts :)

ML is a street smart little... more>> gangster (secretly soft towards his little sister) that's alr given up on life. There's trauma to unpack there, but I won't spoil.

When they get together, sigh, it's so natural. Usually I drop novels once the CP gets together, because both characters become heavily ooc, or the dynamic changes, or the plot is completely forgotten. This wasn't the case this time 🥺. When they got together the story was still good after SOB (traumatized by ooc CPs)

The side characters are good too. Fleshed out. Mc's brother that regrets his actions but ends up scummy anyways, the little gangster friends of ML's (surprisingly not homophobic?), ML's little sister (er-miao is the cutest!). They feel like real people.

All in all, the main focus point is the relationship between MC and ML, which I dare say does not always go smoothly. In fact, lol, nothing always goes smoothly (but not to a "unlucky mc" degree).

Ps. Everything by this author is good. If you don't like this one's sypnosys, why not try another by this author? They're all good. <<less
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Feb 25, 2024
Status: c1
This is one of the best coming-of-age stories ever. This novel is a literature masterpiece and I'm so glad I read this in high school because it actually changed my life and my point of view on things. The love between our protagonists is so wonderful and mutual, respectful and altruistic, and the gifts they gave each other made me cry so much they're so cute and perfect for e/o. I'd never thought I'd like this novel sm I'm so glad I've read it💕
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