Sage Monarch


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Yang Qi was the son of the patriarch of a wealthy family from a small town.

Believing himself to be in love, he stole a pill for his lover, only to have the girl betray him, by taking the pill and leaving him behind.

Caught, his dantian was crippled and left to die under the lightning.

This lightning helped him to recover his lost martial arts and also helped him gain a new, divine-like cultivation technique.

After this second chance, he gains more power as he sought revenge and also to find about his missing mother….

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sage Emperor
Sheng Wang
Thánh Vương
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Yang God (Chinese Novel)
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88 Reviews sorted by

alshb rated it
August 9, 2021
Status: c420
I guess the only reason you could tolerate, or even liking, the story is because you haven't read (arguably) enough good story. I won't force my preferences nor undermining yours, I'm talking about what makes a story decent here, and this story severely lacking amount of that. List a couple of a good read: like most of DB's past works, the lord of mysteries, wmw, a few of IET's works, Profane Prince of Domination. Among them you know they got superb MC, obviously a great author, amazing settings, amazing woman... more>> companion, or just perfect agglomeration of them

it doesn't matter if you like harem, NOT, family MC, demonic, scheming, or even lecherous, they all got few things in common, sh*t that makes them stands out. Among them:

- their edge (Plot Armor)

- wit (most important)

- Dao Heart/will/perseverance

- and one hell of an author that put it together


1. If you expect even a simple logic, then better go find another title, this isn't for you

2. Author is a goldfish

3. He couldn't make any worthy adversary, sometimes he gave the MC enemies of 5, 7, even 12 13 level differences, every enemy is always a loathsome individual, talking sh*t is their middle name, he gonna keep big enemy/rival's life for a couple of hundreds of chapters just because he's too lazy to make another.

MC's first enemy from ch. 1 didn't die until ch. 330+, and after that author resurrected her again

. This is part that absolutely infuriating, cause you'd think how thick one's plot armor must be if even MC couldn't gut them for hundreds of chapters

4. There's so many paragraphs of peanut gallery shitting on MC, others, or just random matter padding the story

5. Powertrip is the name of the game. At first I kept notes of his level, but the higher he went up the ladder, the shorter the time he needed to breakthrough. He could kill across so many levels above him that made the level difference really redundant, better make it like ED's Li Qiye who could crush every single enemy no matter of their level.

6. The MC is just an absolute train wreck. Can't keep his secrets, his logic is nil, and dumbas a rock

7. There will be no satisfying killing, refreshing payback, nor resounding face-slap. As the story goes, you can feel it in your gut that at the last moment author gonna stab you with an aspull. The few enemies that died, die an easy death, or got resurrected, or got stronger grandpas (of course), or never actually died completely

but sometimes the killing is good, and the power leveling is kinda cool swatting so many higher levels <<less
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taimoor2 rated it
June 17, 2021
Status: Completed
The novel is a good read. The main character is extremely ruthless, doesn't forgive, and doesn't forget. However, the storylines are slightly childish at some points, especially near the end. The ending is dragged out but is the only logical conclusion. There are some plotholes and unsatisfying closures but nothing too major that it detracts from the enjoyment of the story. In a nutshell, I like it.

Things I like:

  • Cunning and ruthless MC
  • No romance whatsoever.
  • MC plans things out and doesn't rush headfirst into things. He is also willing to grovel to mislead people.
What I don't like:

  • MC is too ruthless. Veers into evil.
  • Story suffers from all the clichés of traditional Chinese Novels. Overpowered MC, arrogant young masters, random powerups, random cultivation techniques and attacks, extremely lucky MC.
  • Villains are kind of illogical at some places. They seem to have an undying hatred for MC but don't take action till it's too late.

    For example, two strongest entities are aiming to devour the MC but don't appear till the last chapter by which time it is way too late to do anything. They could have attacked at any time before and would have been successful. It's weird.

  • Everything is not tied up properly.

    For example, we never find out who purrling is. We never find out who was supporting crown prince and why. We never find out why Greensura is the universe's incarnation. There are other mysteries too.

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fangyuan rated it
May 24, 2021
Status: c184
A painfully mediocre novel with problematic trends. The translator is exceptionally good and the main reason I'm giving this novel a 2/5. Maybe reading this novel right after finishing LotM is a mistake in itself, but it does not discount the cringe and the rabbit hole the entire universe is in.

Biased plot summary:

Story starts off with MC being betrayed by his love interest and getting omega power up from a lightning strike. The betrayal part is sad and it is understandable that MC is angry about it but what he... more>> did was a crime in the first place and his family would have been in deep trouble regardless of whether he managed to ran away with his love interest or not. This one thing he never acknowledged. Anyway, this experience kicked off a journey to getting stronger in order to kill the former love interest and her backer (and I stopped mid-way in the 'arc').

Things I don't like:

  • Warriors of Fate-like plot. MC probably fights once every 5 chapters and powers up in between, rinse and repeat. If you like it, good for you.
  • Minimal character development for side characters
  • Sworn-brothers cringe. "Hey, it's our first time meeting/ going through something together and we click well. Let's have an oath with heaven as the witness and be sworn brothers"-trope that is repeated a few times. Really?
  • MC's arrogant and childish behaviour. Mentions that he wanted to be low profile but showed off right after and he is sometimes needlessly rude. I personally feel that he is slowly becoming more similar to the very person he wants to kill (just that he has a more visible kind side).
  • The power scaling. This one does not need explanation as it is very visible from the start and it gets worse as the story goes on.
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GUItIoNe rated it
April 4, 2021
Status: Completed
No, this novel is not like ISSTH as It doesn't have snorts every chapter and it isn't a xianxia. No, it isn't cliche as that would mean there is not only precedent, but over-saturation, however this novel was written long before most of the currently translated cultivation novels were even an idea.

The fights are fast. The cultivation is even faster. What this novel lacks is side character development. Which is why it's only 4 stars for me. Sadly this is an aspect most cultivation novels suffer from. The formula being:... more>> the side characters are briefly introduced --> we get general sense of their character --> beyond that, the authors use dangers or humorous moments to remind us they aren't NPC but actual people. <<less
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February 3, 2021
Status: c600
At first I didn't like the story and after a few chapters I felt that the MC was a pushover.

Well, I have read many cultivation novel in which MC mistreated by academy or sect but still doesn't kills the sect ancestor and even resolves the difference. In some novels MC doesn't dare kill women. In some novels MC is also exceedingly polite to a weak but elderly cultivator but not in this.

But thankfully the novel didn't disappoint me. The MC is not a pushover in this novel.
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Astro3207 rated it
January 26, 2020
Status: c341
I like it a lot, like many other people I started reading this because of Deathblade and I don't think it's perfect, but it entertains. I think the story does a pretty good job of subverting my expectations, or it could just be crappy writing, but who cares. There are definitely moments where I can feel the amateurness of the author, but Deathblade does a good job covering it up. Still, 4/5 a lot better than some other stuff that I read.

edit: just read through the some of the negative... more>> comments, but I really don't agree with two of the arguements, too OP M.C. And no struggle. The M.C. Is supposed to be OP, that's why I like it. Tell me you want to read one about someone groveling all the time. The second one is no struggle. There's plenty of struggle, just that he comes out on top. Do you consider not consider him almost dying a struggle? No, maybe a struggle is when he loses and dies and the novel ends. <<less
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ZenKe rated it
January 25, 2020
Status: --
Generally, I don't like novels where MCs mother either left his father or missing...

At the end of the day, eventually MC find his mother.... he may talk with her for paragraphs.... puff... next thing you know his father is having a boner and having a wonderful f*ck festa with his mother...

I really find it disappointing tbh... MC does all the work.... and the end result ends up being MCs father bed's being warmed up everyday...
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3ill4ll rated it
January 1, 2020
Status: c94
I don't usually write a review for novels, but this one was very frustrating to read that I had to write something to vent my frustration. Ofc, I'll be honest in my review and not be so bias, but I will just tell you straight out what reading this novel is going to get you into.

If you've read Martial God Asura or something similar and liked it, then you'll most likely like this novel too, maybe. This is your typical Chinese novel where cultivating is the norm, and the arrogant... more>> young masters are everywhere...

Let's get into why you should or shouldn't read this novel.

-Arrogant people are EVERYWHERE!
Literally, I'm not even joking. There is almost never a time where our protagonist goes out and not find trouble with arrogant people. They either try to rob him or insult him or his friend/family because they got a stronger background than our protagonist or are underestimating him, only to get killed in the end. I'm 90 chapters in and this is becoming a routine.

Characters -
There are almost no characters developments at all aside from the protagonist. They are bland with no substance aside just to be there to be shocked by the awesomeness of our MC.

The plot is not very interesting at all. If you've read Coiling Dragon, Desolated Era, then you'll see some recycle plot going on here.

I've stated previously that arrogant people are everywhere. Yeah, this is how the fight starts. There is no hidden meaning behind the fight nor a prolonged plot (except the betrayal of the girl in the first chapter) that let us reader know how the antagonist plan or think. They just blatantly insult each other, sprouting, "you're not giving me face" or, "I've given you face and you don't take it? Kneel down, kowtow and crawl out of here (literally, CRAWL) ". The action is bland and uninteresting that is explained with a couple of words or sentences nor any planning that goes into it.

Face slapping-
This happens very often and it happens every time someone tries to get in the way of our MC. Most of the time the face slapping happens immediately and hardly does our MC take his time to wait for vengeance.

This is my personal rating of this novel as it is nothing new. This novel is not bad nor is it great. There is nothing new or exciting to read or pulling me to stay up at night to keep reading. I might update this review in the future if I'm still reading, but if I don't then it highly likely I've dropped it. <<less
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