Return of the Swallow


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“If it’s a barbarian you want, then it’s a barbarian you’ll get!”

Reclaimed by her noble family after being swapped at birth, Qin Yining is bestowed a hellish family instead. Just as she turns her situation around and gains acceptance, her country is plunged into danger instead.

Shades of gray color the world. No side is completely good, and no side is completely evil. Refusing to be a trophy won by men, Qin Yining carves her own path instead. In this absolutely riveting and spellbinding tale, what does our MC do when an entire dynasty is at stake?

Associated Names
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Related Series
The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage (5)
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The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. the real slim shady
  2. CN w/ Excellent Plot (BxG)
  3. Ancient china
  4. Switched at birth and/or secret young lady/master
  5. Cliches, Classics, Goats

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/23/18 volarenovels c240
12/20/18 volarenovels c239
12/19/18 volarenovels c238
12/18/18 volarenovels c237
12/14/18 volarenovels c236
12/13/18 volarenovels c235
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12/06/18 volarenovels c232
12/05/18 volarenovels c231
12/04/18 volarenovels c230
12/02/18 volarenovels c229
11/29/18 volarenovels c228
11/28/18 volarenovels c227
11/27/18 volarenovels c226
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107 Reviews sorted by

Zehuti rated it
May 24, 2018
Status: c80
The story moves at a steady pace as far as I can tell though the way the males are portrayed as mostly pieces of sh*t who think with their lower brain while the MC is more interesting that 90% of the characters introduced later on which doesn't really make for that great of story telling but i'd still recommend it to people who enjoy this type of novel.
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ziriafen rated it
May 24, 2018
Status: c1
What I will say that MC is quite smart and can talk her way out of anything, and it's quite well written it doesnt have enough excitement for me. I love myself a OP female lead who will smack a b%$tch... literally. Nevertheless this novel has a quite dense and complicated plot, and if you love something like Chongfei Manuel, but with a much wiser MC you might enjoy this.
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Bobanon rated it
May 24, 2018
Status: c2
Honestly its not my type of novel, the reflection of Chinese court life, the intrigues between the people at the court.

I have no interest in those and thats of course subjective.

What I do have to criticize is the weak introduction of the main character in chapter 1, the limelight is stolen by the "fake" daughter and the Dowager, I think there should be more attention on the main character and her inner thoughts and it should've been written out of her view and not from an outside perspective describing her.

I... more>> can recommend this for anyone who is interested in Chinese court life and the more realistic stuff outside of cultivation, but its just not my cup of tea. <<less
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JustJ rated it
May 24, 2018
Status: v1c20
I really really like this novel because the MC is so smart without being overly exaggerated and it's fun to watch her interact and make use of her surroundings and plot avenge her kingdom. I hope that stays the main part of the plot and the romance doesn't come in till she's most vested in her plan.
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Mas2060 rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: --
Spoilers and a negative review here. This is just my opinion, so if you've previously enjoyed stories like this one, you shouldn't let this one negative review impact whether or not to read it, these are just my personal thought on the story.

... more>>

To start off, I don't really like this novel, it is not for me.

The Emperor is annoying. Character that could add to the story are fanning drama, instead of progressing or making th story interesting.

Instead of making problems solvable, or making the MC have a fighting chance, they just get forced on her, making for a hard reading.

I personally don't find the story enjoyable to read. This is just my opinion, and therefore should not be the deciding factor in whether or not you choose to read this.


If you've read stories with similar plot and set up, you should give it a read, as you're likely to like this one too, might even become your favourite one. But not for me, this is not for me. I've given it a try, but it is just not for me. <<less
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brandwyn rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: c15
I got 15 chapters in and had to stop. I really dislike having to wait for chapters after catching up to current translations.

I’m not sure how people can do it!

I thought Yining would be way out of her league being thrust into society and the noble life, but she has her own ways of dealing with schemers.

... more>> Which might include actual face smacking. Yining brings the hurt early on, giving us a taste of what being tempered in the wilds can do.

As long as it doesn’t become repetitive in an obvious way with the beatdowns, I think I will enjoy this.

Will binge at 100 chapters. <<less
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badalaboy rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: --
a unique story, maybe it's not a rare type or legendary but definitely it's above uncommon rank.

MC got a brilliant personality.

Pretty interesting and exiting novel.
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